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Robert had driven Rhoda to her place after they left the company very terrified especially Rhoda who had not been in such a situation before. Robert was afraid that Willis and his guys would follow them but they didn't so he pulled right in front of the gate to Rhoda's apartment and looked at her. Robert: are you okay? Rhoda: how can you even ask me that, i'm not okay. They want Owen dead? Robert: yes but you cannot tell Owen that. Rhoda looked at him a bit surprised. Rhoda: are you kidding me? She unbuckled her seatbelt ready to get out of the car but Robert grabbed her arm and pulled her back Robert: its for his own good. You tell Owen everything you heard and he will freak out and leave everything he is set to do maybe even flee the country. Rhoda: what if they go after him and kill him? Robert: it won't get to that. I will find a way of taking to him about it but you can't just tell him like that. Rhoda took a deep breath then opened the door and got out without giving him her word that she won't tell Owen anything she heard. Willis and his crew got to the hospital and Jabali parked the car while Buggy carried her inside as Willis shouted calling out a doctor. They had panicked as no one could tell if Serena was dead or alive.. The nurses came and got Serena from Buggy's arm and rushed her to the ER and immediately got a doctor on the case. Willis tried to walk into the room but he was not allowed. A nurse restrained him and asked them to wait at the waiting area for the doctor to come and speak with them. Willis was impatient. He paced up and down making everyone else nervous. At the same place, there were other patients who had been involved in different types of accidents and the scenes from the people coming out of the emergency room was awful. Willis: I really hope my daughter is alive. I don't know what I would tell Maggy. Jabali: relax man. Willis got his phone to make a call and when he raised his face, he met Jabali's Willis: I need to call her and let her know what happened. Jabali: no you can't. At least let's hear from the doctor first. He said pushing down the hand that held the phone and Willis stopped but he still looked so nervous that he forgot he was also feeling pain... I left Mark's place at around 9:00pm with the gun he had given me. He promised to show me how to shoot them and maybe I would be able to take care of myself. I was afraid, first because I thought if the police found me with it I would get arrested. Then secondly, if Robert saw me with the gun, he would start asking questions that I wouldn't want to give answers to. On my way home I got a call from Maggy, yeah Maggy.. She was asking me if I was with Serena because her phone was not going through and the father was not picking. She wanted to know if i was around any of them. Me: I'm sure they should be on their way home. I'm not with them. Maggy: you escaped unhurt, is my daughter okay. Do you know if she could be fine? Me: what are you saying, escaped from what? Maggy: I thought you were at the company? Me: I was but I left. What happened? Maggy: there was a shootout at the company and a few people died with a few injuries reported. Its on news right now. I didn't even say another word but hanged up immediately and called Rhoda. What shootout was Maggy talking about? Rhoda's phone went unanswered and now I was getting worried. I called Robert and after a few rings, some woman answered and told me Robert was in the shower. That must have been the girlfriend I've never met Cecelia. I thought the lady who was talking to me was some random chick but looks like they were a bit serious than I thought. Don't get me wrong, Robert barely had a girlfriend, all he did was one night stands and booty call but this one looked like the one. I didn't leave a message but hanged up anyway. I had no other choice but to drive to Rhoda's place and see if she was really okay... Kizito after the fight he had with Della he could not focus on anything else. He badly wanted to hear from her and she was not picking his calls so he decide to trace her to a place he once dropped her and he asked around but no one really knew her until he showed some lady a photo of her and the lady directed him to where he could find Della. He drove to the estate gate and parked his car. He looked around before a guard came to where he had parked. They talked for a while and he showed Della's photo from his phone and after parting with a thousand shillings, the guard let him in having told him the door number. Kizito drove in and parked outside then got out and walked towards the flats and went to the door he had been showed. He knocked on Adana's door. She opened and they both had this surprising look on their faces. Kizito: hi.. Adana: hi. Kizito: I think I was directed to the wrong house. Adana: who are you looking for? Kizito: a woman that goes by the name Della. You know her? Adana: yes, she is my friend. Please come in. Kizito wasn't sure if he wanted to go in but after Adana insisted he did. Adana was wearing some shorts, a T-shirt and was moving around bare feet. That was very typical of her especially when she was just indoors. Adana: Della is not here but she was to come in later in the day. Kizito: thank you. I didn't catch your name. Adana: I'm Adana. Kizito: beautiful name. She smiled and said thanks before asking what she could offer him but he said he was okay. Kizito was the real definition of a fine man at old age, he was in his late 60's but he looked 40. He worked out and wore perfectly fitting clothes. He had a not so light complexion but he was nice to look at and any woman could get attracted to him nowonder Della fell for him that fast.. Adana: so why did you come here. Did Della tell you she stays here? Kizito: no. Just that I dropped her here one time and I had to ask around using her picture. I badly need to see her but she is not picking my calls. Adana: what did you do to her. The only time she does that is when she is upset with someone. Kizito: then you know her too well. We had an argument and I need you to help me out. Adana: help you out.. Kizito: yeah, I want to ask for forgiveness. She said her birthday is soon. She wanted me to get her car but I didn't think I was in a position to. I love her. Adana: if you love her you will get her the car. She loves those big cars and her favorite colour is white.. Kizito smiled. Kizito: you are a good friend. Would you like organize a surprise party for her? Adana nodded and kizito asked for her contacts so that he could send her some money to facilitate all that. As they were still talking Adana's landlord came with a big padlock and asked Adana to come out with a few things she would need as he was about to lock her door. Adana got out and pulled the door behind her so that Kizito could not hear her pleed with the landlord but the landlord would not give her a chance to explain. Landlord: no no no just get out and if you find my rent you can come back. Adana: I have a visitor in my house, can you at least let me finish with him then you can come back and lock the door? Landlord: so that you can find time to pack your stuff in the night and leave without me knowing, Tell your visitor to get out I'm locking the door. He said banging on the door and calling kizito out. A few neighbors had gotten out of their houses to see what was happening and when kizito saw how embarrassed Adana was, he asked her to go inside as he was going to handle the situation and she did as he had asked.. Kizito: Boss, how much does she owe you? Landlord: she owes me two months rent of ksh fifteen thousand. Kizito: I will pay you for three months.Take my number and give me a call earlier tomorrow. Landlord: are you sure of what you are saying? Kizito: if the rent is not in your account by tomorrow morning, come and kick her out. The landlord agreed to let her stay after taking kizito's contact info. Kizito went back inside after settling the issues and talked Adana out of her embarrassment before he begged to leave. The doctor came out of the emergency room after a long wait and when willis saw him approach them, he got up feeling more nervous than he was earlier. Doctor: serena is fine. The bullet damaged a part of her colon but we have rectified that. Willis: she is not dead? Doctor: no. She just passed out due to the shock that came with her being shot but she will be fine. She has however asked to see her mother. Willis: her mother is not here at the moment doc, can I at least see her? Doctor: no. She does not want to see or speak to you. Willis was not sure if he really wanted to accept that. He needed to go in there and stop Serena from telling her mother the truth about him, the shoot out or anything else that had happened that evening. Jabali: come on doc, we have been waiting for hours to see the girl. Doctor: I understand that but she doesn't want to see any of you and if you push, I will have to call security... Jabali: fine, we will not push. We will get the mother. Jabali had willis stand down then they saw the doctor call a nurse and issue instruction before he wrapped up for the night. A few minutes later Maggy called on jabalis phone and he looked at willis before he excused himself and picked the call away from them. Jabali: you cannot just call me like that, you want to get me in trouble? He said in a low tone. Maggy: at least you are picking your calls. Where is Willis and where is my daughter? Jabali: I'm not with them as we speak. Maggy: don't lie to me Jabali. You never leave my husbands side and I know about the shooting. Where is my daughter? He remained silent not knowing what to say because if he told her about Serena's situation it would be chaos and she didn't want Willis to know they were calling each other. Jabali: let me find out where they are, I will call you back. He hanged up and walked back to Willis and Buggy. Jabali: are we going to stay here all night? Willis: I have to see my daughter even if I have to kill everyone working in this damn hospital. Buggy: calm down. You are not killing anybody. We will find a way of going in... Buggy said helping him take a seat by the reception.. I got to Rhoda's place and after she opened the door, she walked to the sofa and curled herself up having pulled the sweater to her hands. She didn't seem to be in a good mood and I didn't want to be insensitive by playing around. Me: are you okay? She shook her head. Me: wait, are you pregnant? Rhoda: what, no. I'm not pregnant. I breathed out. Not that I ever slept with her but she couldn't be pregnant for any other man. Me: why are you like this. Is it the shooting? Rhoda: I was there Owen. The bullets were literally flying over my head. If it wasn't for Robert, I'd be dead. She had a tear fall and only then did I get how Serious the issue was. I pulled her in my arms and hugged her then she sobbed over my shoulder. Rhoda: I would have been dead Owen. Me: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you behind.. I hugged her for a while then she pulled off from my embrace and looked me in the face. She looked worried about something and I could tell because I knew her too damn well. Me: what is going on in your mind? Rhoda: nothing. Me: we are lying to each other now? I asked wiping off the tears from her eyes and she hugged me again. Rhoda: can you not go anywhere tonight? Me: uuumh! You want to get me laid? Rhoda: no. I just want you to stay with me Owen, I'm so scared. What Rhoda was going through was understandable. Anyone would be that scared after witnessing the live bullets go over their heads and miss them by Chance. I agreed to stay. After the doctor left, Jabali walked up to the Nurse the doctor was talking to and sweet talked her into allowing them to see Serena. They needed to see her condition before they gave Maggy a call. Nurse: I had specific instructions from the doctor, I could loose my job. Jabali: I will pay you three thousand shillings to let him see his daughter. Nurse: its not me who is the problem, its the.... Jabali: four thousand shillings.. She remained silent. Jabali: five thousand shillings. Nurse: okay fine! ... But it has to be real quick. Jabali: deal. He said signalling willis to go where they were then the nurse led them to Serena's room. Willis: hi baby.. Serena: get out, I don't want to see him I told you I don't want to see him..get out! She took a vase that had some flowers and water in it right next to her and threw it on the ground. Serena: get out dad! Willis didn't want to but the nurse asked him to leave before she raised an alarm. Nurse: he's leaving... Calm down.. Jabali: can I talk to you instead? She was silent meaning it was not a yes or a no. After the nurse had locked Willis and Buggy out, Jabali took Serena's hand and she looked up at him. She had tears rolling down her face. Jabali: I'm sorry you got shot.. Serena: by my own dad. Jabali: it was an accident. Serena: I could have died, what was he doing with a gun in the first place? Jabali pulled a seat and sat next to her still holding her hand. Jabali: listen Serena, your father could have died too. Earlier today we were attacked by some guys inside the company as we were having a meeting. They had guns. Her face lit up. Jabali: your father was brave enough to save all of us. He hit one of the guys, got his gun and shot the rest. That's why everyone heard gunshots from outside. Serena: when I rushed in, my father was not the only person with a gun. Jabali: you are right. We did have guns that we took from the guys after they were shot dead. When you came rushing in we thought you were one of the bad guys just that your father took the shot to protect us all. It could have been me or Buggy who shot you but the thing was an accident. He wiped her tears as he watched her calm down and easily take in the lie. Someone had to come up with something and someone had to save the day. Jabali: your father has been so restless and when you passed out, he thought you died. You need to let him see you. She afforded a brief smile on her face then wiped her eyes again and Jabali smiled at her. Jabali: I need to tell you something Serena. Serena: okay. Jabali: no one else can know what happened back there. Not the fact that your father shot you or anybody else. If you tell anyone that, they will lock him up for murder and you will never see him again. He saved all of us Serena and we owe him for that. Serena nodded. Serena: I understand. I will protect my father but what do I say when people ask who shot me? Jabali: tell them you didn't see the face of the person who shot you. You can't tell the truth Serena not even to your mum. She nodded then Jabali got up and squeezed her hand. Jabali: can they let your father in now, he is so worried. She nodded then whispered a thanks and watched him walk out... I didn't go back to my place, I stayed with Rhoda and hugged her. She was upset but I couldn't place my hand on whatever was bothering her. Me: if you were in some sort of trouble you would tell me right? She nodded. Me: I know something is bothering you besides the shootout but I will wait until you are ready to talk about it. She sat up and looked at me. Rhoda: your friend Robert, do you trust him? Me: not entirely but he's Still my friend why, did he do something to you? Rhoda: no. But there's something I need to tell you... Me: what is it? Rhoda: earlier today before the shoot out I was going to the washrooms inside the company when I heard some guys taking. Me: talking about what? Rhoda: you. They are planning to kill you and Robert was there listening too. Me: okay.. Rhoda: the strange thing is after the shootout, Robert asked me not to tell you anything and I thought its strange. Does he want you dead too? Me: I don't know Rhoda. my life is a little bit more complicated.. Rhoda: the Serena woman, how well do you know her? Me: not so well. I know you don't like her. Rhoda: its not that. She is the one they want to use to lure you into a place and kill you. Me: what? Rhoda: stay away from her Owen. Me: sounds more like a jealous girlfriend.. Rhoda: I'm not kidding, I don't like her but i wouldn't ask you this if it wasn't alarming.. stay away from her...
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