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I rushed to Della's car to check on her and she still had her head down. The glass had shattered but the bullet did not catch her. She quickly got out of the car and hugged me so tight and I could tell just how scared she was. Me: its okay, the car is gone. Della: who was that? Me: I don't know. She looked at me like she didn't believe what I was saying. The thing is I was confused, why was whoever shooting aiming at Della and not me if I'm the one he or she was after. Della: you have a gun, what are you doing with a gun Owen? She shouted pulling away from me. Me: what do you think, it's for protection. Della: protection against what Owen where did you get the gun from? Me: can you lower your voice, someone must have called the police. Della: yeah, I would like to see them drag your ass to the station. I tried to calm Della down and after convincing her, i got her a cab to her place instead. I could have taken her to my house but I didn't want to go back on my word and i didn't want to give her a loophole either. I was now becoming furious. I called Mark and told him what had taken place. Now i was more serious than ever, i wanted him to show me how to be a proper gun handler. I needed to know how to protect myself and the people around me for it was obvious that my life was in danger and this was now far beyond a concern. Whoever was in that black car wanted me dead and I had to find out who it was and what they really wanted. Mark would be the one to help me with that because he told me he was coming over to my place. I called Robert to ask him if he was coming and he told me he was not around but at the company branch. See the thing is, I'm not good at confronting people but I wanted to know what Robert had to do with the guy in the car. I say guy because no female could drive a car that recklessly and no woman could shoot like that either, It had to be a man. Oscar: we missed Owen again. I'm really working with incompetent fools. Robert: you shot at him? Oscar: I told you I don't care about Owen Robert. I only care about his father's office and getting what I want. He left Robert pending for a minute and he picked the phone from the receiver and made a call. Robert stood there with his hands akimbo listening in on the conversation. Oscar: you remember the woman I told you about? There was a bit of a silence as he listened to the person on the other end. Oscar: find her and bring her to me alive. He ended the call and put it back on the receiver. Robert: what woman are you talking about? Oscar: you will see her when she gets here. I think she will be easy to convince as far as getting rid of Owen is concerned. Robert took a deep breath then took a sit right opposite him. Robert: why do you want the company and why do you want to kill Owen, what do you have against him? Oscar: you don't get to ask questions Robert you are working for me and I pay you well for a job you have not even delivered. I asked you to get me the documents but you haven't succeeded in anything. He picked up a cigar from the table, lit it, took a puff and blew out the smoke in Roberts face. Robert: the guys you are using are not any better than I am. They failed you too. They couldn't get into Gerald's office even though they got the fingers. Oscar: at least they made an attempt but you, what have you done so far that I can be proud of? Robert didn't respond to that but let a loud sigh and buried his face in his hands. Robert: I want out! Oscar looked up at him and their eyes met then he laughed. Oscar: you are one very interesting character. You are living under my mercy Robert and when I say blink you do without asking questions. Robert: so this is what it has become now, I was to feed you information and run errands for you but now you are getting all bossy on me. Oscar: I pay you Robert for the useless information you give me. Let me remind you one thing. You back out of this deal I will not kill you but I will kill that red haired chick you walk around with, I will kill your crippled mother and watch you take in the pain, I will kill Owen, I will get you thrown out of the company and then after you have suffered enough, I will kill you so if I were you Robert, I would pull up my socks and save the lives of the people I love. Make a choice Robert... Quincy got the parcel and immediately he got home, he opened it to explore but the phone had a password he could not get around so he decided to flash the phone and get rid of all the information before he could get the phone sold to his friend... He was eager to sell the phone and get the money and the faster he got rid of it the better even for him because he knew Agrippina must have stollen that expensive phone. She surely couldn't afford it.. Mark came to my place. He knew my place though I never told him. He must have come with my father one of their working days. He took a sit and dropped his bag down. Mark: that was crazy the woman alive? I nodded as I found something to offer him. The kitchen had some mango juice and that's pretty much what was there. I needed to shop for food items abd drinks but i hadn't found time. I asked mark if he was okay with the mango juice and he nodded taking out some stuff from his bag. I put the glass of juice before him and sat opposite him.. Me: what are those? Mark: the devices I was telling you about. Me: oh wow. This is going to be good. We will finally know the truth. Mark: not if you don't keep this to yourself. Owen what we are doing here is top secret. it has to stay between us for this to work. Me: I understand. He set a laptop on the table then got out some tiny wires that had something like a very tiny globe on one end. Mark: you see this, this is how we get a signal and there's a way I have connected this to my laptop. If someone is here, we will be able to get everything. I will put one here, and one in the guest room. I assume that's where you host visitors? Me: yes. Mark : good. I will leave your bedroom because there are stuff I really don't want to hear. I laughed. I knew what mark meant with that but i never had anyone in my bedroom since Della and i broke up... He got up and fixed the device behind one of the picture frames. Then came back and sat. He showed me the comp picking the signal and mark was right, this was going to work. I showed him to the guest room and he did then same then adjusted the settings to his laptop and we were done. Me: thanks for all the trouble Mark. Mark: don't mention it. As we were still talking I got a call from one of the policemen whom I had reported the case on my fathers phone to. He told me that the phone could be found. They were still tracing it within Nairobi city. Me: that's good to hear. It has taken you long enough. Officer: the process is slow but sure. Me: okay. Thanks for calling. Please keep me updated on the progress. Mark: you understand that by the time you find that phone it will have nothing in it right, it will not have any helpful information. That never crossed my mind. What mark was saying was that at the end, the phone was as good as useless.. That Sunday afternoon Della was sleeping in her room when she heard a knock on the door. She lazily dragged herself there and when she opened, Adana was there with a smile on her face. Della ushered her in and Adana got on the bed. She usually sat on the bed cross legged as they talked. Della had been asleep the entire time and that was so unlike her. Adana: you are not okay. What's bothering you? Della took some painkillers and got a glass of water from the kitchen and swallowed the pills. Adana: are you sick? Della: more stressed than sick. Adana: what's going on with you? Della: you remember the rich guy I told you about? Adana: yes, what about him? Della: my lose mouth is the reason I will never see him again. Then Jabali doesn't want anything to do with me and so is Owen. I'm screwed. Adana: I'm sorry... Listen, how about we do something fun...or something not fun like going window shopping, we could find something you like.. Della: I'm really not in the mood for all that. I just want one of my guys to talk to me then something happened today. She sat up in her bed looking at Adana who had all her attention diverted to her. Adana: what happened? Della: somebody shot at me and brought down all the windows to my car. Adana: what, how? Della told her how she had gone to talk to Owen then everything happened all over sudden. Della: I don't think the bullets were meant for me Adana, whoever shot at me was trying to kill Owen and I just happened to be in his way. Adana: how do you know its a him? Della: him, her, it I don't know. I'm more scared than I was before. Owen's mother got killed in the house and now the shooter is after Owen. Adana: I think you should stay away from that place Della if somebody wants Owen dead they will kill you too should they find you together, but then again what were you doing there when you already broke up with him? She didn't answer that instead she bit her nail like she was thinking about something. Della:do you remember the day I told you someone got me involved in something? Adana: yes. Della: I think that person is the one who wants to kill Owen. Adana: Willis? Della: willis needed me to get certain information from Owen by drugging him and asking him specific questions. He wanted me to search Gerald's home since no one would suspect me for I was a regular there. Adana I'm very scared of him. Adana: then tell Owen. He should know how to handle Willis. Della: I can't. She got up and stood in front of Adana holding her waist and running her fingers through her hair. Adana: why not? Della: I'm already too deep in this shit.. Adana: so what are you saying? She didn't answer that.. That afternoon willis headed back to the hospital after going home in the morning to freshen up. They both spent the night at the hospital but agreed they would watch Serena in turns. Serena kept arguing that she was not a kid but they wouldn't let her be alone in that room not with Willis' enemies hoovering all over the place but who was the enemy really. He was. Willis was afraid that Robert and Rhoda could have talked by then and maybe Owen was now after him. Jabali: I couldn't sleep at night, I've been thinking. Who was that girl with Robert? Willis: she is some babe that used to live with the Gerald's. Wait... You like her? Jabali: no you idiot... Why were they even in the building, do you think they heard everything we talked about? Willis: I don't know man, all I know is that my daughter is lying on a hospital bed and its all my fault. I should have thought twice. Jabali: Serena will be fine. I talked her into believing we got attacked first so relax, we need to get rid of that Robert guy before he becomes a pain in our asses. Robert is a board member and he is Owens friend. Willis: yes he is but I don't think he had proof of anything we were talking about. We go after him, Rhoda will talk so that means we have to kill both of them. We let it slide. They will not know what we are thinking. Owen is smart and we need to think ahead of him. I think by now he has heard of our plans and if he has not attacked or confronted it means he is playing a game. What we need to do is figure out what that game is and beat him at it. I took down Gerald. Owen is just a fly but let's not make the first move. Jabali remained silent more like he was thinking deeply of what willis had said, maybe he had a point or maybe it was just one of his shitty plans that got them in trouble at the end of the day. Willis: my wife should be coming down, can you like drop her home before you go about your businesses? Jabali: seriously man, I'm now your wifes driver? Willis: no. But please, drop her home I don't want her getting a cab. Jabali agreed to drop her home so he waited for Maggy to come down as Willis headed inside to see Serena. A few minutes later, Maggy came down and without a word she opened the backdoor to the car and got in. Jabali looked at her briefly before starting the car. He said hi and she responded then buckled up her seat belt. He drove for a while then adjusted his rear view mirror and focused on her. Jabali: you want to talk about it? Maggy looked at him through the mirror then looked away. Jabali: okay, you want to listen to some music, it helps get me in a good mood. Maggy: I'm not you jabali. Please stop talking and drive me home. Jabali: wow! Maggy: what do you men really want? Jabali looked at her again and this time she had her eyes fixed on him. Jabali: I can talk for myself but I don't know about other men. Maggy: we give you everything you want damn it. We love you unconditional and we give our hearts to you like fools but its just never enough. Jabali didn't speak another word. He drove in silence and when he pulled over at Willi's parking, he opened the door to Maggy's side then took her hand and led her towards the door. She fished for the keys from her hand bag and opened the door then got in and Jabali got in after her. He held her waist and pulled her to him. He kissed her and lifted her dress above her waist then lifted her with her legs curving around him and they kissed as he walked carrying her to the couch and lay her down then took off his shirt as she unbuckled his belt an unzipped his trouser. She pulled her to him. There was no talking at all. They both explored each others bodies as Jabali took off Maggy's dress and let it fly over the couch before caressing her thighs and going down on her. Quincy sold the phone to his friend and he got the exact amount he had anticipated. He was happy as he had already sorted Agrippina. Sankara was the happiest he gave Agrippina some money but there was a problems when Agrippina expected more than the two thousand shilling she had been given. Agrippina: Sankara this was not the deal. We agreed that you would give me half the money. She shouted as she threw the money back to him. Sankara: are you sick in the head, what money, you should even be grateful that I gave you that money. Agrippina: Sankara!... Sankara don't try my patience. If you don't give me my share of the money it will end bad for you... I will personally drag you to the police station and have you arrested for all the crimes you have committed including killing Gerald. I will tell the whole world. Sankara being a man he felt insulted so he slapped her real hard that she dropped on the glass table and it broke into pieces. Agrippina started hurling insults at him getting up from the floor and grabbing his trouser and she pulled him out. she screamed and told him all sort of stuff. She wanted more money or she would tell everyone in the village his secrets and the more she spoke, the more Sankara got pissed off. He kicked her several times then crossed his arms on her neck to kill her but she bit him so hard that he let go of her but just as she was about to run, he quickly pulled out his gun and shot her twice in the head. On realizing that people would start gathering after the gunshots, he quickly opened the door and ran out leaving Agrippina's dead body in her living room floor. He then got on his bike and went to makaveli's place. He knocked as if he was being chased by the police and after makaveli opened the door, he stormed in breathing heavily. Makaveli: is someone chasing you or something? Sankara: no but we should get out of here. Makaveli: why, what's going on? Sankara: I killed her. Makaveli: killed her, who is her? Sankara: I have killed Agrippina... Makaveli: you have killed Agri what, wait! You have killed Agrippina?.. He was shocked. Shocked beyond words.. Sankara: yes. We need to get the Hell out of here before her son gets the news. We should prepare for war.. Makaveli: you are in this alone man, I'm not leaving not because you killed your woman. That's your mess man I'm not getting involved. Sankara turned and looked at him. Makaveli: we have been following you blindly for a while man, I want out. I need to fix my life and settle down. Sankara: all this for a girl? Makaveli: you don't understand. Sankara: oh yes I do. He pulled out his gun and pointed it at him. Sankara: I don't entertain men who double cross me. What next, you will go yapping about the things we have been doing? Makaveli: calm down man, I would never do that to you. You are my guy I just want a different life. Sankara c****d the gun and got it even closer to his face but he surrendered. Sankara: then you better make a choice. Me or her. You choose her and I will go to her place right now and put a bullet in her head. Then i will kill you too. Its your choice buddy.. is it going to be me, your friend of many years or the b***h you met just the other day?.…..
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