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I booked my flight online and it was in three hours. My destination would be around 45 minutes and the idea was to go and come back so that I could link up with Robert to see the way forward. Robert was right...the only thing I was left to do was to fight for my father's properties and if that meant going up against Willis. So be it. My father was a tycoon but I was raised up right. My mum always told me women respect men who work hard for everything they have and she told me it took my dad a lot to get where he was. I wasn't going to sit back and watch Willis take everything from my dad even in his absence. I didn't pack everything since I wasn't going to stay there an hour longer, I got another phone that I had actually picked from my fathers drawer and had my line back on track. The fact that my phone was gone bothered me but I guess the w***e who stole from me needed it more. I'm a generous guy, before my parents became this rich we were wallowing in poverty so believe me I know what it means to go on empty stomach for days with no one to ask for food. Maybe she has kids to feed and she survives through stealing from men in a club but you see the thing is, if she could have asked me for money, I would have given it to her instead of running off with my wallet and phone then disgracing me in public. Women! Now I really do fear women. They can be so loving and very caring but they can also take a huge bite off your ass then put ice on it so that you don't feel a thing. I sat in a plane with my headphones on probably not wanting disturbances from anyone but even the loud music in my head could not keep me from thinking about Della. I was missing her and I can't believe I was thinking of calling her as soon as I landed to beg her back into my life. The past few days had been lonely without her though its not like she called or checked on me but calling her every morning felt like a responsibility and I loved that woman with everything that made me a man. Della was a good cook and she was good in bed I mean what else could a man want in a woman, I kind of felt like I let her down on my part of taking care of her and that's why she ran into another man's arm but why Willis of all the people?... In exactly 45minutes the plane landed and I found my way from the airport to my place via a cab. I didn't really want to get home so I called the guy with the phone and asked him to meet up with me but his phone was not going through. "Damn it" was this a scam, did I come all this way for no good reason? I tried the line again but it didn't go through then again the cab driver stopped his car abruptly so I stopped making the call and looked at him. Me: why are you stopping? Driver: I can't go past here. Me: why not, I'm paying you. Driver: I know but the guys around this place are not a joke. Just a few days ago they killed a renowned business man. No I'm not going past here. The guy was talking about my dad only that he didn't know...What was really happening in this place and why was the county government so reluctant in finding the goons? Me: I understand, turn the car around. He started the car and did like I had asked. I wasn't going to go back empty handed so I decided to go to the hotel I had asked the guy to meet me hoping his phone would get back on before I left for Nairobi in an hour or two. The guy Willis and Owen was after regarding Gerald's phone was known as Sam Mpasi. He had been hiding after he stole the phone but he wanted to be free because the phone gave him sleepless nights and that's the reason why he called Owen. Mpasi had been set up by his wife after the guy sent by Willis threatened to kill her and leave her children without a mother or a father because if he found Mpasi, he was going to kill him too so he asked her to make a choice between her husband and kids. The guy Willis was working with (Buggy)was not known to the people of the area. He was only there to kill Mpasi and retrieve the phone and maybe kill Sankara too since that was his new assignment. Sankara was the gang leader who organized Gerald's killing.... Buggy didn't want to kill her at home with her kids watching so he was on standby and watched her for a while washing clothes and spreading them on the fence when he pretended to be lost and signalled her to go and help him out. Buggy: excuse me, hi.. Her: hi.. Buggy: I'm a bit lost so I don't know if you can be of help? She moved closer to his car and leaned in to listen to him. Her: where are you headed? Buggy: I need to get to the main road but I don't understand what this place is.. She started illustrating how he would get to the main road but he slowly chucked his gun from beneath the seat and pointed it at her. she took a step back and was about to run when Buggy shot in the air and she froze in her tracks. Buggy: get in the car.. He got out, grabbed her arm and pushed her in the car because it was only a matter of time before the villagers came running to check what that sound was. Buggy taped her mouth and hand then drove off. He drove for a while then drove to some bush and stopped his car where nobody could spot it from the road and got out then quickly opened the back door and got out the woman and pushed her to the ground with his gun ready in hand. He was really going to shoot her if she didn't cooperate so it was up to her to save herself after all he was just doing his job. He needed the money and Willis was paying well for all jobs well done... He squatted in front of her and warned her not to scream when he removed the tape off her mouth or he would definitely kill her. She nodded trying to remain as calm as she could. Buggy: where is your husband.. Her: he told me he was going to meet someone and return a phone but he never told me where or who.. He narrowed his eyes at her then got up and paced a bit in front of her scratching his head. Buggy: Get up! She quickly did with the tape still on her hands. He led her to the inner part of the bush and by then she had tears running down her face as she kept stealing glances at him. Buggy: you really don't want to live right? She tuned and looked at him shaking her head. She acted really brave asking all the questions and doing everything buggy asked because if it were some women, they would have already screamed the whole village down.. Buggy: whatever information you have given me is not of help but I will let you go on one condition.. He said moving closer to her and touching the cleavage of her top and she stepped back and shrank a bit given the fact that she couldn't use her hand to defend herself. He grabbed her top and tore it then held her waist and pulled her towards him. Her: please.... Don't do this to me.. I'm begging you.. She pleaded but he wouldn't listen he threw her on the ground and had his gun to her face as he lifted her skirt above her waist. He told her if she screamed he would have his way with her and kill her all the same so he urged her to cooperate and enjoy herself. Buggy was heartless and not even the tears made him think twice about his action. He tore her pant and pulled down his trouser forcing himself in her. He placed his palm on her mouth with the other holding both her hands above her head and she lay there helplessly waiting for him to finish up with her and let her go. .. I sat in that hotel close to an hour but every time I tried to call the guy the phone went straight to voicemail and when I called my fathers phone, it rang but went unanswered. What could have happened yet we spoke and agreed. Could it be that he didn't know this place or had he just changed his mind?.. I had a lot of thoughts going on through my mind and maybe following up with this phone issue was a waste of time and maybe there was nothing that I would find in that phone. I very much hated cutting off my fathers finger but if that's the only way we could unlock the mystery behind his death, so be it. How was I even supposed to go through this finger cutting business?.. Sankara had already gotten information that Sam Mpasi had the phone so he had been spying on him and watching his every move. Sankara was powerful and everyone feared him except Agrippina whom he was having an affair with. He had Mpasi followed and before he could meet up with Owen, he came with his bike and had his crew block Mpasi and his bike guy's path... Sankara: well well well....look who we have here. Mpasi got off the bike and stepped down not sure if he wanted to run or stay and face his wrath. Sankara: where are you going.... And be careful how you answer because I've got all the information. Mpasi: I was taking this phone to the owner. Sankara: where is he? Mpasi gave all the details and after that, Sankara grabbed the phone from him and toasted it to one of his guys. He then got off the bike and chucked his double edged knife from his boot. Sankara: I will pass the message to the owner of the phone but for betraying me you don't get to walk free. Mpasi: please, I was not betraying you. This phone has been causing me sleepless nights. Sankara: and did you bother bringing the phone to me? Mpasi: no. Sankara: were you not a part of the team that killed the man who owned that phone? Mpasi: I was. Sankara: why did you steal the phone? Mpasi: I needed the money to go pay bride price for my wife. Her people have been on my case for a while now and of i knew this phone would land me in trouble, i would not have. Sankara held his chin then smiled and turned to his guys.. Sankara: he wants to pay bride price with stolen money.. They laughed. Sankara: what happens when you steal from Sankara? Them: you die! They answered in a chorus and just like that Sankara turned and drove the knife in his stomach then pulled it and drove it in again then letting him drop holding his stomach and when the bike guy he was with saw what had happened. He tried to take off but Sankara's guys landed on him with kicks and hacked him to death with their machetes then flee off the scene like they weren't there.... The wait did not bear any fruits so I decided to go back to Nairobi and figure it all out from there. yes I had learned about Della and Willis and was even missing her but I was not going to interfere with whatever was going on between them. If they both participated in killing my parents I was going to be their worst nightmare, with or without Roberts help though it was good enough that he was on my side and he had my back. 1600hrs I was back in Nairobi and first things first. I was going to check into my fathers company and have a word with the workers the strike was still on and they were threatening to burn down the company if no one listened to them. All this time I was wondering why Willis never stepped up but how could he when he was busy banging my girl. I was pissed off but I acted like it didn't really bother me... The cab pulled over at the GnW offices and when I stepped out of the car the paparazzi and journalists came flocking towards me and attempts to lose them didn't work as they had blocked my way while they threw questions from left right and centre. So I had to stop and have a word with them. Journalist: my name is Fiona from CBC news and I'd like to know what you intend to do as the son and heir of Gerald now that he is dead and the workers are on strike... Me: the fact that my father is dead does not change how the company runs. I will sit down with the other board embers and discuss the future of GnW but right now I would like to ask for time to mourn and burry my parents. Any human being would be able to understand that. The issue of the strike will be address soon so I urge all the workers to go back to work. Fiona: is it true that the workers have not been paid in months... How is GnW really run yet its one of the biggest companies generating millions of shillings? Me: for them to strike there sure is a problem which I said we will look into but for now, things have to get in order first. I won't be taking anymore questions.. I made my way past the crowd and got inside the building. The guards were there but no one really seemed to recognize that I was there and one even asked me where I was going like he had not seen me before. Robert: that's Owen. He is Gerald's son. He said to the guy he had visited. The guy was Oscar Osaka and no one not even Robert really knew why he was interested in finding out information about Owen. Robert: I need a few days with him to see the much he knows and I will keep you posted. He said carrying his bag and waking out of he house. He put the bag on the back seat and drove off. "Can't you and Willis handle anything without getting me involved?" Della walked in some room and found jabali seated on a chair with his legs on top of the desk. He looked at her balance her sexy body on her heels and when she got to him he put his legs down and got up. Jabali: you smell nice. She threw her arms around him and they kissed. He grabbed her butt and pulled her up placing her on the table and he unbuttoned the first two buttons on her blouse and kissed her on the neck all the way down to her cleavage. Della: wait! Jabali stopped and looked at her briefly then kissed her lips. Della: we can't do this here, Willis might walk in on us. Jabali: he won't be here soon. He is hanging out with his daughter. Della: Willis has a daughter? Jabali: yes he does and we still have time. He kissed her again but he pushed him back. Della: I need to ask you something. Jabali pulled away from her and sat right opposite her. Jabali: ask... Della: did you kill him? Jabali: who are you talking about? Della: Owen's father. Jabali: if you are here to investigate me or get information from me it will not work. Della: that's not what I'm doing. Jabali: then what are you doing, Owen is your boyfriend right and I know the police are sniffing all over trying to get hints. I had nothing to do with his father's death and I thought you knew me a lot better than that. You really have a way of spoiling a good mood. Let's get to work. Jabali got up and started walking away but Della held his hand and when he turned she pressed herself against him and started to unbutton his shirt as she kissed him. Della: I'm sorry, she said in between the kisses. She unbuckled his belt as he unzipped her skirt and she helped push it down her feet then helped him push off the stuff that were on the table as he hoisted her and made her lay on top of it. He kissed her thighs as he caressed her body and what could be heard were soft moans as she let him take full control of her body. I visited the finance department in the company but nothing was going on there and no one spoke to me either. It was like I was so irrelevant to these guys that no one at all seemed to recognize who I was. This must have been Willi's doing. He turned everyone against me and how was I even going to get the people to listen to me leave alone running the company.... Willis received a call from Buggy telling him that the phone thing was a dead end as he had not been able to get the guy who had it. Willis was upset since Buggy couldn't get the phone or kill Sankara so he asked him to go back to the city for there was much to do there though he was not done plotting on how to kill Sankara. Mpasis wife whose identity was revealed as Rosemary gathered enough courage to go back to her house and walked far away from the road so that no one could meet her with her clothes torn and when she got near her house, she looked around first and when she was certain that there was no one around she ran into her house took a towel and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. She took her time to wash off Buggy's sweat off her body as tears ran down her face and when she was done, she went back to the house to get dressed but while at it, she heard noises coming from outside with a lot of bike people hooting and shouting and she rushed out to see what was happening and was in shock when she saw the shirt her husband had won soaked in blood and when the guys got to where she was...They put the body right in front of her and Rosemary broke down in tears throwing herself to the ground holding her husband and crying in pain. She didn't care about the blood, she lay on his chest and shook him asking him to get up. Who was he leaving her with, what about their kids, what was she going to tell them when they came back from school, what had happened to their father?... She got up and held her head. She paced around him crying then she got down again and talked to him. He was not responding he was dead!... One of the guys held her and took her to the house after crying until she couldn't cry anymore. She had no strength to even get up and even though she didn't want to let him go they had to take him to the mortuary as the kids could not come back and see their father like that.... Much later that evening I decided I was going to see my father and cut off his thumb then see if I could get access to the information he was keeping about the company. I needed to know where to start so I needed to learn everything that was there to be learned. I got to the mortuary at around 600hrs and I had a hard time begging the attendants to let me see my father so I had to part with a few thousands to have me sneaked in.. that's how things worked. People were corrupt and if you needed to get things done and fast, you had no choice but to part with money or follow the right channels which would not work for me at that moment... The attendant pulled my fathers drawer I don't know what those things are called but this time he was a bit gentle I think its because of the money I had given him. Attendant: you have ten minutes tops. I don't want to get in trouble. Me: thanks. I stood there watching my dad and this time I wasn't even emotional. I spoke to him but he wouldn't answer and it wasn't awkward at all. He was dead and could he have opened his mouth and answered me, I would have ran the hell out of there so the silence was expected i guess. I told my dead father my plans to take over the company and I know he would have wanted that for me but I wanted to be different from every millionaires son. I wanted to be my own person and I didn't want my father to influence that. Ten minutes were close to over so asked my father for permission to cut off his finger so I got a pocket knife I had purposely bought for that and reached for his right hand to cut off the thumb but to my shock, the thumb was already missing... I shook my head to make sure i was not dreaming and had a second look and the finger was really missing. I quickly took the other hand and the situation was the same. Both fingers were missing as someone already gotten ahead of me and there was only one person who suggested that I should cut off my fathers thumb. Robert! He must have gone behind my back and did it anyway... I asked the attendant if someone had visited my father earlier and he denied letting anyone in so as mad as I was, I called a cab and if Robert didn't give me a satisfying explanation, the knife was going to slit his throat and I was going to make sure he never saw the light of the day ever....
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