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Later that evening, Willis went to check up on the progress with the cleaner and he found jabali and Della having worked on him thoroughly. He walked up to him and squatted infront of him and looked at him.. Willis: this is not how I thought they would ask for information but I guess you get the concept. He said lifting his head up and looking him in the face. Willis: what's your name? Cleaner: Mark He said almost chocking out of his own words. Willis: you cleaned Gerald's office right, I know that because you cleaned mine too and you always had access. Mark: yes I did clean your office but I only cleaned Gerald's office when he was around. Willis held his jaw and squeezed it. Mark had been trying to untape his hand which he was close to doing but he didn't want to make it so obvious. Willis was alone with him in the room so mark surveyed the room for anything that could be a weapon but he noted that Willis had a gun on his waist. Willis: you see I have zero tolerance for people who lie to me. There's a day Gerald and I walked together to his office and you were just coming out of his office meaning you had a way of getting in. You make a decision if you want to walk out of here alive or dead. Mark managed to cut the tape off his hand, gave Willis a header that sent him flying on the floor before he pounced on him and gave him several blows then took his gun and ran off. He was not sure if he wanted to use the gun because it would alert everyone else of what was going on so he ran off leaving Willis rolling on the floor after he had punched his balls. Jabali had gone out and was walking back with a bottle of water In his hand when he saw mark running so he quickly reached for his gun but mark shot at him though it missed. He hid behind a wall then peeped and fired shots at Jabali as he made his way towards where Jabali was. Mark looked like he had done that before and he didn't seem to be scared of the bullets coming at him... He scared Jabali off and got inside one of the cars. He pulled some wires beneath the dashboard cut them and ignited them as Jabali fired shots at him moving in but the car started before he could do anything and mark drove off. Jabali: f**k! He said running into the room to check on Willis who was struggling to get up. Jabali rushed to him and tried to help but Willis pushed him away asking him to keep off him as he slowly walked towards a chair. His head was bleeding from the header and Jabali had to rush and find some towel and water to help clean the mess.. Willis: where were you? He asked reaching for the water in a basin. The water that Jabali was holding nor sure if he was to clean the wounf for him or let him do it. Willis: s**t, the guy is gone! Jabali; does he know something? Willis looked at Jabali but did not respond.... He was just mad that Jabali had not been on the look out... Della had left Jabali to meet up with some guy she had met a couple of weeks back as she was driving heading to some office to meet up with a client. The guy saw her walk into the premises and asked the receptionist to ask Della to go to his office before she left. The guys name was kizito and he was the director of the company though he was not the one Della had gone to see. He was rich, filthy rich and was probably looking for some side chick to spend his money on and Della happened. Della was beautiful, nice shaped ass, thin waist with a beautiful smile that got a lot of guys hooked. Maybe that's what attracted Owen to her too but no one really knows. Della had a date with kizito and she lied to Jabali that she had a few things she needed to take care of so he let her go though they had planned to finish whatever they had started at Jabali's place. Della parked her car a the visitors parking lot and got her lipstick from her purse, adjusted the rear mirror and applied some before putting the lipstick back and getting out of the car. She walked confidently towards the receptionist and asked to see kizito who had already left his office and was already on his way down. Receptionist: sorry, the boss is not answering his phone. I don't think he is in his office. The receptionist said as she adjusted her seat and pretended to be busy doing stuff on her computer. "b***h!" She thought of shouting but she didn't. She took her phone from her purse and called kizito who answered almost immediately and asked Della to meet him at the parking lot. Della got up and walked up to the receptionist and tapped her desk but she assumed she hadn't heard because she had earphones on. Della pulled the earphones from her ear and put it down. The receptionist looked at Della angrily then got up. Della: b***h, what's your problem? Receptionist: my problem is that you are parading yourself as a w***e f*****g a married man whose wife is on a life support machine and kids dumped with their grandmother. Don't you have shame at all? Della smiled and put her purse under her armpit and walked out on her balancing her fine ass on her heels with a slit that shows her very light soft and shiny skin from behind. Della was a cold hearted b***h who cared about nothing but money. She didn't even care about what the receptionist had said and her smile said it all. It was the "I will milk him dry then leave him for you" kind of a smile... I got home and when I got inside I realized Robert had already come back. Robert had always had a spare key to my home and what I felt when I saw him was rage so I walked up to him grabbed him by the collar and gave him a blow that sent him flying over the table and I went round to get him from the other side.. Robert: what's your problem man? He asked trying to get up but I hoisted him from the ground and gave him another blow and this time he punched back and grabbed my collar then pushed me to the wall. Me: you went behind my back and cut my fathers fingers? Robert: what? He looked surprised that I asked that then came back to me with a blow that I missed but we ended up in a wrestle because I pushed him and he pulled me down with him and grabbed my neck in his arm. Robert: what do you take me for? he asked holding on to my neck firmly. Robert: what you think I'd double cross you? I hit him with my elbow in the stomach and he let go but we both remained on the floor. Me: somebody did and as far as I'm concerned, you are the only person who talked to me about it. Robert: the fact that I talked to you about it doesn't mean that I'm the only one that knew or thought about it. I'm on your side motherfucker, when will you get that in your dumb head? Do you think I would do the despicable then come back and sit my ass here like nothing happened? Did you ask Della if Willis cut off your fathers fingers or did you even ask Willis? Me: what reason would I have to ask them? Robert: and what reason would you have to accuse me? Me: because you work for my father and you have a reason just like any of those other guys to want to get into that office and f**k everything up. Robert: oh yeah? He got up then walked to my room and picked his bag then walked straight to the door. Me: wait! He stopped then turned and looked at me. Me: I'm sorry. Don't leave. Robert: what was that? Me: I said I'm sorry. I've been a total jerk. Robert: yeah and Owen I don't know what's going on with you but it sucks that I'm here for you and I'm the one you are pointing fingers at. Me: I didn't get the phone. The guy stood me up and when I came back I realized that somebody has chopped off my Fathers fingers... Robert came back put his bag down and asked me to sit and I did. After Willis had gotten over the little encounter he had with mark he called for a meeting with his guys and both Buggy and Jabali showed up. He was seated in his office with his legs crossed on the table as he rolled a pen in his hand. Willis: where is Della? Jabali: I gave her a call. She will be here. He took off his legs from the table then sat up. Willis: as you all know the Mark guy attacked me earlier today and ran off then engaged in a shootout with Jabali but we lost him anyway. Buggy, what happened with your target? Buggy: I looked for him everywhere but he was not in sight. I threatened the wife and put a gun in her mouth but she innocently didn't know where the husband is. Willis: and you left her alive? Buggy: yes. With a threat of cause. The woman was pretty shaken up and she wouldn't dare speak a word. I've got that covered. Willis: we are running behind schedule. The mark guy is not an ordinary cleaner and now I'm beginning to think the cleaning job was only a cover. He can access Gerald's office meaning we need him dead or alive. Drop any other thing and focus on funding him. We get him we get the access into Gerald's office... Jabali: I think looking for whoever can access Gerald's office is a waste of time. I say we burst in there guns blazing kick in that door and get whatever we need. Buggy: I second that. Owen knows you will be working round the clock to get his father's company into your hands, I think waiting and going round who can open the office is a waste of time. Let's go there, break into that office and get what you need. Willis listened in to Jabali and Buggy speak and he nodded his head then put the pen on the table. Willis: you both have a brilliant idea but you should know that the place is well guarded with an alarm that goes off should there be an attempt of robbery. We might break in but chances are we will not leave out of there alive. The response system is so swift so unless you are willing to kill every security guard in the company, that plan is out of question. Jabali: its not. They both looked at him. Jabali: not if we plan it well. We need to know how many guards guard the company at night and what their stations are. We kill our way in slowly. We need to time ourselves such that we know how long it takes for guys to respond when the alarm system goes off. Before anyone could respond, they heard high heeled shoes racing along the corridors then the door flew open and Della ran in and found herself a seat next to Jabali. They all looked at her. Della: I'm sorry, I got caught up. Willis gave her an unfriendly stare and she avoided his gaze as Jabali picked from where he had left before he was interrupted... Willis: where were you? Della: was meeting up with a client. Willis: you don't think this is important do you? Della: I'm here. She shrugged her shoulder and Jabali came in with something else to shift his attention off her. Jabali: we need the lay out of the company. Della: what company? Willis: I will get the lay out. We find out what we need to find out and strike tomorrow. Della: strike what? Willis: make sure your guns are intact with enough bullets to take care the situation. He said ignoring her questions then he dismissed the meeting and asked everyone to leave but her. After Jabali and Buggy had walked out he left his seat and walked up to her. He grabbed her by the hair and looked her in the face. Willis: I don't care about what businesses you are running but when I call you answer with immediate effect. Do you understand what I'm saying? Della: yes. He let go of her hair and he walked out leaving her seated there.. Rosemary had a hard time explaining to her children what had happened to their father. She cried thinking of what had happened to her and the sad part is that she had no one to talk to and even if she did, she wouldn't tell lest Buggy came back for her head. That night, Sankara and his team showed up at Rosemary's home to comfort her on loosing her husband. When they walked in they were nicely dressed and no one was carrying a weapon in fact no one could even tel that they were killers leave alone the fact that they are the ones who killed him. Sankara: I'm sorry for your loss Rosemary, mpasi was a good man. He said holding on to her hand and she nodded. Rosemary: thank you. She whispered wiping the tears with the back of her hand. Sankara: if you need anything. Anything at all, don't hesitate to tell me. She afforded a brief smile as she watched him walk away while the rest of the guys shook her hand. If only she knew Sankara is the one who killed her husband.... Robert offered to prepare ugali and some fish that had been lying in the fridge for days. I sat lazily on the couch watching news when a call came through my phone. The caller was not Identified but I received the call anyway.. Voice: is this Owen? Me: yes, who are you? Voice: listen to me very carefully. I need you to meet up with me right now. Don't tell anyone where you are going. No one. Me: who are you? Voice: you will know once you get here. Owen, tell no one where you are going that's the only way you will get to see and hear from me. Me: people have been tying to kill me, how do I know that you are not one of them? Voice: you don't but you have to trust me anyway. I have the answers to all your questions. Come to the address I'm sending you. Alone. Me: I've heard you. He hanged up immediately and Robert walked to the living room holding tomatoes in his hands when he saw me get up abruptly and pick my keys... Robert: going somewhere? Me: yeah. That was Della. She needs to talk and I think I should listen. She owes me an explanation. Robert: you don't have to go. Me: yes I don't but it means a lot to me that I know why she did what she did..I will be back in a short while. Save my food and prepare some coffee. Robert: okay. Be careful out there. I nodded and walked out in a hurry. Lying to Robert is the only way I knew I'd make sure he doesn't follow me. Who was that caller and what did he want with me?....
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