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Asking that question was the beginning of a fight that I never intended. Della's reaction surprised me because for some reason I expected her to deny having been involved with Willis but she didn't. Della: I get it. So those are the lies Robert has been feeding you when I'm not with you. Is discussing me with you what brings him here? Me: Robert told me nothing, I saw you with Willis one time when I came to the company and you were all cosy with him. Is there something you want to tell me about him? Della: yes, now that you asked, Willis is a man and you are just a mummy's boy. He does all the things you wouldn't do to me. He drives me around in a big car, take me to expensive places, buys me expensive gifts and you... What have you ever done for me. Listen, I thought I would be sensitive to the situation you are in but I see no reason to keep acting like I care while I honestly don't. I'm fed up with you and I think its about time I moved on with my life. Oh, I'm in love with Willis I never was with you. Being a rich kid I thought I could get a lot from you but you are just a lazy broke ass boy depending on his fathers change. I think from today onwards we will have no business. I will take the DNA test to assure you that I had nothing to do with your mother's death and after that, I don't ever want to see your face again. You can screw that big mouthed Robert for all I care... She opened the door and walked out leaving me shuttered with everything she said. She never really loved me and she was only after the money because she thought being a businessman's son I would have a lot of money. I didn't even stop Della from walking out. I loved her a lot and every word she uttered pierced my heart and cut it through leading to a pain I never imagined I would feel. I sat on the couch and buried my face in my hands. I felt tears drop then all over sudden I got so emotional and the pain of loosing my dad and mum came through on top of what Della had said and I cried profusely. I was more than hurt and I had no one at all. Robert was mad at me for defending Della in his face but all along he was right about her.... I got up wore my shirt and took my keys then drove out. I wasn't sure of where I was going but I needed to get out of that house since all I could hear were the echo's of Della's words. I had never cried before not for love. Della was my second girlfriend, the first, her name was Christy. She left me for a rich guy too back in campus. She wanted to be popular so she bleached her skin, wore expensive clothes and was seen in the company of celebrities and men with range rovers and such. She told me I never fit her class. I was handsome and stuff but being handsome wouldn't pay her bills or maintain her class so she asked me to let her go and even though I tried to fight for her, she dumped me anyway. Nothing hurts likes the pain of rejection. It always leaves you asking yourself a lot of questions like are you not good enough for them, what do the other men do that you are not doing, when money and all the luxurious life ends and you can't maintain her anymore would she stay? It took long before I got into another relationship and Della, I never approached her but she did and that explains it all. She never was with me because she loved me. For the one year I had been with her, there is nothing I can really say she did for me not even wish me a happy birthday, it was all baby, where are we going this Friday or baby I saw some shoes I love would you get them for me, baby the girls and I are going out can you sort my bills. Baby you should see the car my friends boyfriend got her for her as a birthday gift...aren't some girls just lucky?..I had to deal with that through out the year but I tried as a man who was jobless to try and sort some of those issues but at he end of it all, I was still the bad guy.. Della sat outside in her car for a while biting her nail then she picked her phone and called Willis who had just gotten to his house. Willis: not a good time Della Della: I broke up with him. Willis: why, that was not the plan.... That will screw up everything. Della: I need to see you. Willis: not today. My wife just came back and my daughter is around too. Della: wife? Willis: yeah, i will see you tomorrow. Willis hanged up and switched off his phone then put it under the pillow and walked down to the living room where his wife Maggy and daughter Serena were. Willis had been married for the longest time but his wife had gone abroad for studies. She was on and off most of the times and those who didn't know him well thought he was just an eligible bachelor with good looks and a lot of money to spend. Willis despite his age wasn't old. He had a daughter who was 23 years but he still looked like he was in his Thirty's. He joined his wife in the kitchen hugged her from the back and kissed her neck then as she served their meals... She giggled and turned to look at him. Willis: you have no idea how good it feels to have you at home.... Maggy: Serena and I missed you too hun. I'm sorry about Gerald. His death must be a big blow to you. Willis: yes, he has left a big gap in the company. Serena walked in on them and they turned and looked at her. Serena: is the food coming or should I just go to bed? Maggy did not respond but carried both Willi's food and Serena's to the table as Willis carried the remaining one and they all sat at the table. Willis: so sweetheart, how does it feel to be back home? Serena: I honestly don't know. I love Canada better besides I don't have any friends back here. Maggy: you can also make friends here, now that you graduated it shouldn't be so hard to find a job and make new friends. I don't think we will be going back to Canada unless you really want to. Serena: I still don't know, I'm not sure but we'll see how this place treats me.. Willis: I can find you a spot in the company. You can work there as you look for the job you want. Serena: I wouldn't mind earning some coins. Willis: now that's my girl... She smiled and continued with her food.. That night I tried to call Robert but he wasn't picking my calls so as upset as I was, I checked into the club and sat at the bar. I wasn't a drunk but the pain I was feeling inside drove me straight into alcohol. I sat by the counter and signalled a bartender who came almost immediately.. Bartender: yes, what will you have? Me: are you part of the package? Bartender: no but I can organize someone for you. This one didn't even know how to take a joke. Me: no. I'm not interested. I need something that will really pressurize and hurt my veins even more. I need something that will knock me out and send me into a deep sleep when i get home.. She smiled then got me glass and put it in front of me and poured some dry Gin in the glass and I took it and placed the empty glass before of her. Me: another one. She added another round and it all went into my mouth and I placed the glass at the same spot pointing to it. See, whatever I was feeling inside didn't even allow me to feel how crappy the gin tasted. All I did was want to get wasted so I took some more and only realised how late it had gotten when I was among the few people left inside. Before I got up, some lady walked up to me and tapped my shoulder and when I looked at her she smiled. Her: hey Me: hey.. Her: you look like you need some company. I knew this is how men get in trouble for unwanted pregnancies and I was not just about to fall in that trap. I took my wallet, chucked some money and paid the bartender. I was drunk but enough to find my way home before I ended up in some hotel room with this hot looking mamacita. I wasn't a womanizer and if I was I think I would have died of AIDS by now because in my campus there were fine babes who had very fine assets but the shocking truth is they were roaming around a lot with prominent people and who knows what they did in their free time... Me: that's for my drink then give this Lady whatever she wants. I said, chucking some money from my wallet and giving it to the bartender.. She took the money and when I was about to get up the lady who had approached me grabbed my arm and got up too. Her: don't be like that, come on.. You can't let me drink alone. Me: then drink with her.. I said pointing to the bartender and rushed her out of my way and walked away leaving her staring at me. I staggered towards the exit and I couldn't see clearly. This was not good.. The lady was right behind me and when I was about to fall she grabbed me from the back and hanged my arm on her shoulder then led me to a chair and had me sit. I was feeling things I could not explain and I'm not sure what happened after that but I remember waking up lying on a flower bed outside the club almost naked. People were looking at me weirdly and whispering stuff something that made me check myself then I realized I had my sweatpants and vest on but my expensive shoes, phone, watch and wallet were missing. Damn it! I said getting up real fast and heading towards the club but it was locked then again I still had some hangover over the drinks I took the previous night. I had my car keys, its the only thing they left me with and my guess is that they knew that with the car, I would hunt them down. I got in my car avoided the gaze from people and drove off... Two days later Robert came to my place to check on me because the b***h who stole my phone sent everyone in my contact list a message telling them I had been arrested by the cops for drunk driving and I needed some money to bail me out of the police custody.. Robert: dude, what happened to you, you look like crap and you smell like s**t. Robert said as he turned me over and tried to get me to sit up in my bed. I was too drunk to even know where I was in fact, that's what I had been doing since Della broke up with me and Robert, him and i were more like brothers and even with the fights, we still came through for each other.. Robert: why are you doing this to yourself? I was too weak to tell him anything so he went to the kitchen and prepared some food as he left me having forced me into the shower... Jabali walked along the corridor following the guy he had been asked to kidnap by Willis. He had just finished cleaning the offices so he was headed to the basement of the building and jabali wasnt sure why he was going down there but he decided to follow him anyway.. The cleaner got into the lift and jabali rushed and got into the same lift as him and they were both headed to the basement. Cleaner: sorry sir, I didn't notice you were going down too. Jabali: yeah, I've forgotten some important documents in my car and I need to get them. There was a bit of a silence and a few seconds later the lift stopped. Jabali thought of striking as the guy headed out but there were some guys coming into the same lift going upstairs so they both got out and after Jabali having a word with those guys, he headed to his car. He stood there for a while watching the cleaner empty his trash in the trash bingo and when he was about to go back he called him. Jabali: you mind giving me a hand with something in here, it's a bit heavy and I need to put it in the back. Cleaner: sure. He hurriedly walked towards Jabali who gave him way to get whatever he wanted out of the car and once the guy was halfway in, he plunged a syringe with some substance in it in his neck and pushed him in the car then locked the door. He looked around and after being certain that no one saw him he got in and drove off. Della went to Adana's place to check on her as usual and when she mentioned about her breakup with Owen, Adana was not surprise at all. Its like she had seen it coming and even though Della hid it from her for so long, she knew there was a problem. Adana: you wanna talk about it? Della: there's nothing to talk about. He came at me and I had to retaliate. Adana: what did you tell him? Della: nothing that wasn't the truth. Listen, I don't love Owen I never did. If I was in a relationship with him it had to be for the money and now his father is dead and he has no money either. Adana: you found someone with more money? Della: not really but I want to tell you a secret... You have to swear it will never get to anyone's ears. Adana: you know I'm your only secret keeper so spill it... Adana didn't seem so excited about the secret but she was eager to hear what the secret was about.. Jabali got to where Willis was waiting and in getting there he found Willis with Serena. They were in a hotel having a father daughter moment so jabali joined them at the table then said hi to Serena and asked to speak to Willis in private. Willis excused himself from Serena and walked out with Jabali who led him to the car where he was holding the guy hostage.. Willis: are you crazy or what, you can't drive around with this guy what if you are stopped by the police. Jabali: no one saw me take him. We need to act fast before people realised he is missing. Willis: take him somewhere no one can find him then text me the address. I'll be there once I'm done with my daughter... Jabali: thats your daughter? Willis: yes, but don't even think about it.. Jabali surrendered with a smile then got in his car and drove off. Della: I told you about Willis right? Adana: Owens dad's partner? Della: yes. Adana: i knew it. He your new catch? Della: no. Owen broke up with me because he thinks I'm sleeping with him. Adana: are you? Della: no but he got me into something and I'm very scared. Adana: what did he get you into? Della: you remember the day i..... She didn't finish that sentence as her phone rang loud enough that she couldn't ignore. Della: no one talks about him. Its like he is spying on me or something Adana: what, its Owen? Della: no its Willis. She received the call and walked away from Adana. Della: hello Willis: meet up with jabali. He might need your help getting information from someone. Della: I broke up with Owen remember, I'm not taking him into anything. Willis: no one is asking you too. Meet up with jabali and I will be there in a few... We've got work to do oh and breaking up with Owen was a smart move. It would have really caused him a lot of pain knowing the things you have done to him. She hanged up then called him "ass hole" before she went back to Adana who looked at her demanding explanations.. Della: I have to go. Adana: you were telling me something Della: that will wait, its an emergency She took her bag and ran off. I narrated to Robert what had happens and that was after he had prepared something and had me eat. I was wasted and all this was for what... a woman? Me: you were right about her man. She is seeing Willis and I think she got involved in my fathers death. Robert: I'm sorry I had to be the one to break that news to you. I need you to get your head back in the game. Your Fathers killers are roaming out there and they will soon come for you if you don't act and fast. I need you to trust me and we will get Willis but I need you to man up first.. Me: no more alcohol. I will be flying to the countryside to find the guy with my fathers phone. Robert: why do you consider this phone so important you think there is something that might help uncover the truth in it? Me: I don't know bro but I need to find that phone. Later that afternoon Robert left and assured Owen he would be back to stay there with him until everything was done. He claimed to have gone to pick his stuff but he ended up somewhere else. He met up with some guy, a boss like person who was more interested in finding out information about Owen and he could have been using Robert to get it from Owen. His name was Oscar.. Robert: he wants me to stay at his place. It will be easier there. Oscar: did he tell you anything about the phone? Robert: no. But it should be important. He badly wants to get it. He will be jetting into the country side to meet up with the guy who has it. Oscar: you have a name?. Robert: no. I couldn't be too forward asking for information. We need to get him to trust me first. Oscar: we don't have much time with Willis on the ground. Robert: I know, I'm working on it... Give me a few days. Oscar: we don't have a few days. Robert: the kid will freak out and we won't have anything if we rush this.. Oscar: okay. Make it a few days. We have to get ahead of Willis... Robert: sure. You can count on me. I will convince him to have that finger cut then we will get access to that office...
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