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Maggy heard Willis from the kitchen so she came out to see him wiping her hand with a kitchen towel. She had a rather shocked look on her face because she did not expect to see him that early. Willis never came home early in fact Maggy left him several times for that reason and more, that's why she packed her stuff and left for Canada. Why didn't he tell her he was coming home, what if he had found Jabali there making out with her? Willis: I've noticed Jabalis car upfront is he still here? Maggy: no he left. Willis: why is his car here? Maggy: what do you think, is that how you are going to come home and great me, with a tone of questions? Willis: I'm not really in the mood to argue. Maggy: then don't argue became I am not in that mood either... Jabali's car is parked out there because after he dropped me off he realized he had run out of gas and he couldn't push the car to the petrol station either. As Maggy was talking to Willis, Jabali was actually upstairs cleaning up as Maggy was fixing something for both of them. He was about to come down stairs when he heard Willis so he got stuck up there since there was no way to get out, there was no back door and the windows were high he couldn't jump.. Willis: I'm travelling right now, just booked a flight on my way here. Maggy: travelling to where. Willis: I need to go mother is dead! Maggy: what,..Agrippina is dead? Her eyes widened in shock. Agrippina and Maggy never got along but she was still shocked anyway just not too shocked to shed a tear.. Willis tried to make his way upstairs but she stopped him, not in a way way that could make him suspicious but she wanted to play the caring wife card on him so that she could find a way of hiding Jabali until willis was gone. Maggy: come sit down, I prepared something and you can have it as I pack a few clothes for you. She grabbed his hand and led him to the dining. She got to the kitchen and served him food then brought it to him. All these time she was hoping that jabali wouldn't come down because someone would end up dead. She knew her husband too well, he had a temper.. Maggy: what killed Agrippina, was she sick? Willis: no, she got shot. Someone shot her and disappeared into thin air, No one knows who the killer is. She sat there for a short while watching him eat then she excused herself to go help him pack. Maggy: how many days will you be away? He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Maggy: I want to know the number of clothes to pack. Willis: two shirts and one trouser is enough.. Maggy got up and left for the bedroom. She she got upstairs, she quickly rushed to her bedroom and called Jabali in a low tone and he emerged from behind he long curtains. Maggy: (whispering) willis is here. Jabali: I know, I heard him when I was about to come down and I had to hide. What happens now? Maggy: you can wait in Serena's room. He will not go there. I told him your car ran out of gas and you left it behind. Jabali nodded as Maggy took his hand and led him out towards Serena's room and they both got in. Jabali: (whispering) I told you this is risky. Maggy: relax, he won't know you are here. Jabali sat on the bed and buried his face in his hand. Maggy told him she was going to get his clothes ready then jabali could leave as Willis got dressed. He agreed and kept his cool though he was thoroughly tensed. Maggy left him and went to attend to willis before he could get suspicious.. After Adana and kizito chose a car for Della, kizito promised to pay for it before the end of Tuesday because the following Wednesday was going to be Della's big day. Kizito: will she like the car? Adana: are you kidding me, she will love the car. Kizito drove Della back home and escorted her to the house where Adana offered to prepare some coffee for both of them. Kizito had paid Adana's rent so she had nothing to worry about anymore, at least not for that month. Kizito: so you live here with someone? Adana: no I live alone, i used to live here with Della but she moved out. Kizito: that explains why the landlord was harassing you. You need a man in your life. Adana: there was one but he left me after I lost my pregnancy. I had a miscarriage and he thought I did it on purpose. Kizito: why would he think that? Adana: it's along story but I'm taking a big break from men. I need to focus on building my life first. Kizito: what does building your life entail? Adana: finding a job and getting back on my feet. I had a job but got fired after I took a few days off to nurse my miscarriage issues. She went back to the kitchen to check on the coffee and a few minutes later came back with two mugs and handed one to kizito. Kizito: thanks. Adana: you welcome. Kizito took a sip of his coffee then looked at her. Kizito: I can get you something to do to earn you a few coins to take care of your bills. Adana looked at him over her cup. Adana: I don't think that's a good idea. I don't want Della reading into things because she is pretty much capable of that. You helped enough by paying my rent. Kizito: I'm not asking for anything in return. I took you out to pick a car for your friend and you picked the best. That tells a lot about you. I know you and Della are friends and I just want to help. Adana: thanks but I will find another way. Kizito: okay, but in case you change your mind, I will be just a call away. Adana: thanks. Willis got to his room and after taking a shower he got dressed as Maggy sat at the edge of the bed watching him. Willis: you are different today. Maggy: what do you mean? Willis: you don't seem mad at me like you have been the past few days. Maggy: that doesn't mean I've gotten over you treating me like a second option. I told you Willis, I came back from Canada to build my home. I don't want to fight with you anymore. You feel like cheating on me, go ahead and do it, you feel like drinking and sleeping in a ditch, I will not ask you anything, you sleep out for a month, will not ask. Willis: baby I told you I changed. I don't do those things any more. She gave him a stern look but did not say anything else. Willis got his bag and put it down, he then took both of Maggy's hands into his.. Willis: I want you to trust me baby, there is no other woman before you. I no longer live that life. I lost you once, I don't want to loose you again. She afforded a brief smile before Willis planted a soft kiss on her mouth. Willis: help me get my bag down, I need to get my charger in Serena's room. I don't know why she keeps taking it when she has her own. Maggy: no its not in Serena's room. I took it to the kitchen to charge from there as I cooked. You know yours is a fast charger and Serena and I do take turns. Willis: okay then, please get it for me. He said getting up and walking to the bedroom. He put the paste in his toothbrush and started brushing his teeth when Maggy quickly left the room for Serena's to get the charger then asked jabali to hide just in case Willis decided to drop by Serena's room for something else. Maggy got the charger and waited for him down there.. Willis rushed down the stairs picked the charger from Maggy and stuffed it in his bag. Maggy: I'm sorry about your mum. He kissed her again then left the house and Maggy dropped on the chair taking a deep breath. That was close... Kizito left Adana's house a bit late in the night and as she saw him down, some of her neighbours stared at her awkwardly. Kizito looked a bit older and they thought he was her sponsor or something because that's what everyone tend to think when a slightly older man comes out of a young woman's house. It was obvious that they had been gossiping about them. Adana: thanks for everything kizito. Kizito: no worries. Please try to get Della to talk to me, I'm worried. Adana: she will come around. He smiled then got in the car and drove off. Adana got back to the house and she had not even shut the door closed when someone pushed the door open and stepped in. Adana: Leonard? Leonard: surprised? Adana: what are you doing here? Leonard: technically I still live here, why do you have men coming into my house at night. Adana: what house, aren't you the one who ghosted on me leaving me with hospital bills and two months arrears, what house when you told me you never wanted to see me again after aborting your baby? Leonard: was he even mine? She couldn't help but slap him a cross the face and that's something that got him so mad. He grabbed her by the neck and pushed her to the bed squeezing air out of her throat. Adana: Leo stop, you are hurting me. She said with words barely coming out of her mouth. Leo: you think you will date another man, not when I'm still alive. He left go of her and stepped back watching her. She coughed holding on to her neck. Leo: who is he? Adana was silent because she knew anything she said could get her killed. Leonard didn't care a thing about her. He sat on the couch, switched on the TV and sat down with his legs crossed on the table. He also ordered for coffee and Adana had no choice but to get it.... he was that controlling. That night makaveli planned himself and packed a bag so that he could meet up with Rosemary as they had planned. Sankara was still at his place so he did not want to show him anything was going down. He cooked as sankara watched news and they ate as they did a bit of catching up. Makaveli: has anyone said anything on Agrippinas death? Sankara: no. But I hear the police wants to question me. Makaveli: its only normal because everyone knew you were in a relationship. You need to get rid of the gun you used to shoot her. Sankara: its the only gun I have. Makaveli: you will not need it in prison. He narrowed his eyes at him. Sankara: you know the way you talk makes me think should the police come knocking on your door you will sell me out. Makaveli: we are a team Sankara, this is a brotherhood of for better or worse kind of a situation. I'm your guy and I will never sell you out. Sankara: I hope so man. You are the only one who knows that I killed her not even the other guys. Makaveli: your secret is safe with me man, just make sure the gun is not found. Sankara: okay. I've got to go. Makaveli: okay. I need to get some rest too. Its been a crazy day. Sankara got up and makaveli walked him to the door and after he realised Sankara had really gone he waited for close to an hour before he left his house for Rosemary's house. Makaveli was early, he had been chatting with Rosemary and he had even booked a bus to Nairobi so that both of them could start a fresh life. Rosemary had been waiting and when she saw him, she threw her arms around him and hugged him. Rosemary: I thought you would never make it. Makaveli: I made you a promise and I had to fulfil it. Rosemary: I thought he would try to kill you. Makaveli: who? Rosemary: the Sankara man, he is your friend right? Makaveli: Sankara was here? He said half shocked half surprised. Rosemary: yes. He told me he killed Mpasi. Makaveli: what, he told you that? Rosemary: yes, and he said if I told anyone about it, he would kill me and kill you as well. A tear escaped her eyes and he pulled her into his arms and hugged her. Rosemary: why would he do that, why did he kill Mpasi? Makaveli: shhhh! Its okay, I'm here and he can't hurt you anymore because we are leaving for Nairobi. He will not find you there. He picked her bag and took her hand. Makaveli: you better say goodbye to this place because you are not coming back. She nodded and walked out after him. When makaveli opened the door, someone fired a shot at him but it missed and hit the glass above the door and it went shuttering down. He quickly dropped the bag and asked Rosemary to get back inside as he got out his gun and checked around to see who was shooting. Rosemary had forgotten her purse so she was not exactly behind makaveli meaning she did not hear him order her to get back to the house. When she heard the glass shutter she quickly ran out to see what was going on and the moment she stepped out, she got shot twice in the chest and the sound she made before dropping made makaveli realise she was shot. She ran after he shooter firing shots but he saw no one. After rosemary was shot, the shooter disappeared and from the look of things, Sankara had kept his promised. How did he know that makaveli was running away with Rosemary? Makaveli got down to see if Rosemary was still alive and she looked at him and took her last breath in his arms as he watched.. He left her right there and put a few more bullets in his gun before running off into the dark. He took his clothes with him and deleted all of Rosemary's texts and calls to him before dumping her phone into the pit latrine. Makaveli was smart, he didn't want to leave any evidence behind that would link him up with Rosemary's death. It was safer that way. The following morning I got a call from a police station telling me to go to the station as my father's phone had been found. I woke up as lazy as i was, got of my pajamas, hopped into the shower then got dressed up for the day. I was eager to know who my father's killer was and why, not that I didn't suspect Willis anymore but I wanted to make sure if I put a bullet in his head it would not be for no good reason... I texted Rhoda good morning but she was playing hard to get or maybe she was just busy with her guy. I hated the thought that she could have been giggling and kissing him and all those weird things couple do in the morning... I didn't call or text Robert for obvious reasons. He was acting shady for the past few days and he didn't come back home like twice and not even a call to let me know he was good. The thing is we were both adults and had the right to do whatever we felt like. I know Robert maybe it was a woman keeping him busy but he was also dodging me. I don't know what I wanted more, to find out he was involved in my patents murder or to break his neck once I found out he did. I was going to find out who the guy in the black jeep was but I had to make a plan. First things first. I got to the police station and was ushered into some room where they carried out some sort of questioning on the suspects or maybe not. I don't know the last time I was at the police station I was thrown in a cell without interrogation after pocketing money for school fees. Officer: Owen right? Me: yes. Officer: meet the suspect who has been using your fathers phone for the past two days. The officer raised the suspect's head and we came face to face... Me: what the hell..... You? The officer looked at him then at me.. Officer: you two know each other?.....
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