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I pulled a chair and sat. The officer looked at both of us and leaned forward on the table staring me in my face and then to the lady who was seated right opposite me. she did not look like she was guilty for anything and something kept telling me she had been in police custody before for her shady life style. Officer: do you know this woman? the officer asked shifting his gaze to me and i shook my head.. Me: not personally but I know that her name is isabel she is a thief. She rolled her eyes at me. I think this is the last place she expected we would meet. i still couldn't understand how a beautiful girl like her could be a thief... Officer: what do you mean by that? Me: this woman is a con artist who works in a club. She has stolen from me before then dumped me in a flower bed and took off with everything i had.. Isabel: I don't know him officer he is lying. Officer: about working in a club or you being a thief? She didn't answer that. How could she even lie when she was caught with my father's phone. Officer: how did you get this phone? Isabel: I got it from a guy who came to the club. Officer: was it a gift, did you steal it? She did not answer that until the officer hit the table so hard and she almost jumped out of her seat, she was shaken. Officer: you think I have the whole day here, this phone is a part of a murder case and if you don't talk i will have you thrown behind bars. Isabel: I will talk... I was in the club as usual drinking and looking for someone who wanted to spend his money then his guy walks in. He looked cashed but he didn't look happy. Those are most of the people we try to spot.. I went up to him, we talked and agreed. He had that phone with him. We went to a room and after doing our business he refused to pay me and wanted to send me away without anything. I don't normally put up a show so I waited until he went to the bathroom with his wallet in his hand so that I don't take off with the money but he forgot to take his phone with him I did take off with the phone. I didn't know it was stolen and I had no idea it was involved in a murder case. Officer: can you show us the guy whom you stole this phone from? Isabel: if I see him I will be able to identity him. Officer: we will keep you here for further investigation then go to the club with you. We are sure he will be back to find you. All you need to do is identity him. Isabel: will I walk free after that? Officer: it is an offense to steal from people but for your case, we will let him decide. The officer was referring to me then. She looked at me with this puppy eyes more like she was begging me to let her walk free. I was not going to. Not unless she returned my phone too.. The interrogation was over and the officer walked out for a few minutes leaving me with the lady who had previously told me her name was Isabel. She looked worried but did not say a word to me though I had quite a number of stuff to say to her... Me: why do you steal from people? She rolled her eyes and looked away. I got up and leaned in towards her. Me: my father was killed by the person whom you stole that phone from. You find us the guy I will let you walk free but you have to return my phone too Isabel. Isabel: I don't have your phone. Me: then its going to be a problem for you because I will get you locked up. Maybe that will keep your hands from picking things that are not yours. I sat back then waited for the officer to get back.. Isabel: you can't do that to me please, do you think I enjoy doing that? Me: hehehe yeah, I have heard a lot of "do you think I can do that to you" then the people end up screwing me so bad. Isabel: I'm not those people. Me: I really don't care. My phone for your freedom. Isabel narrowed her eyes at me then looked at me from the side of the table from the top all the way down. Me: what are you looking at? Isabel: that's a Rolex watch on your hand. Your shoes are expensive the clothes too. What is a damn phone to you? Me: that damn phone had a lot of my documents and information in it. You should have just asked for money instead of stealing from me. Isabel: would I have asked for money would you have given it to me? Me: yes, depending on the amount. Isabel: please, you can't have me locked up. I have a son who is depending on me at home. I got pregnant and the man ghosted on me. I have struggled trough childbirth and stuff without a stable job and somehow I had to look for a way to provide for him. Please.. The officer walked in before I could say a word and told me I could go. He assured me that they would take charge and find the man who had the phone as they carried out more investigation. While walking out of the office I got a call from Serena, I thought it was really weird but I picked it anyway hoping to get some tangible information from her. Somehow it was crazy but come to think of it, she was my best bet on getting back at her father. He wanted Serena to play me but now I was more interested in using Serena against him and to achieve that, I was going to use Serena as well. Me: hey? Serena: hey stranger, did I do something wrong? Me: no. Why do you say that? Serena: I don't know, since the incident at the club you've just been cold towards me.. Me: you started a fight and embarrassed me what did you expect. Serena: I'm sorry, can we start over, I'd like to see you and apologise in person. Me: well, maybe it can be a fresh start of something good, where are you at? Serena: I'm in hospital, I got admitted here after the incident at the company. Me: there was an incident? Serena: you never heard, where were you that day though, I thought I saw you with the lady from the club. Me: yes, I was there but I left for some other errands. I will come see you at the hospital if you send me an address. Serena: okay. I will be waiting. I hanged up and a few minutes later she sent me an address to the hospital she was in and the plan was to go see her later that evening.. Makaveli was angry after what Sankara did. He knew for sure that was him because he had warned him before that if Makaveli turned on him he would kill Rosemary and kill Makaveli too. Makaveli did not go to Sankaras home the previous night after killing Rosemary because he knew Sankara would be waiting for him so that he could kill him too so he waited to catch him completely off guard. He went to Sankara's home that day but when he got there the door was locked. He looked around and called but no one was around. His bike was not around either meaning he was not there Makaveli cursed then left anyway. He didn't leave for Nairobi himself because he wanted to make it up to Rosemary, he loved her. The area chief had been called after the villagers found out that she had been killed. The police were called as well but there was no evidence that anyone was even there. Makaveli got rid of anything that could attach him to that killing. He went there later just to confirm that Rosemary was really dead and he saw her being taken by the police car. Such a tragedy... At Rosemary's place, Makaveli saw one of their gang members and he walked up to him to try and find out if he knew where Sankara was but he was shocked to know that Sankara had left for Nairobi. Words had it that he travelled overnight. The guy asked makaveli to go with him so that they could pick a new leader. Makaveli: I don't want to be part of the gang anymore. Him: why, Sankara is gone and we all know you are a better leader than he ever was. Listen, you can take over and I know people will vote you in. You don't have to be as bad as Sankara was but we need someone who is smatter and wiser to run the group. Makaveli: you don't get it. I don't want to be part of Any group. Him: please we need you. Just come and give us the way forward, you wouldn't just leave us in the cold just like Sankara did. Makaveli thought about it for a while then decided to go with him, maybe to bid the team goodbye before he left for Nairobi as well as he had one thing in mind, to kill Sankara.. Back at the office Patrick walked into Mercy's office and found her on lunch break, she usually carried her own lunch and only went out when she had someone taking her out. She saw Patrick and was quite surprised as he had never been to her office since he was stopped from accessing the accounts department. He only did financial Allocation but under strict watch of Gerald and the rest of the board members. Patrick: is it a bad time? Mercy: No, come in. He did and sat with one hip on the table and the other leg stepping down. Mercy: to what do I owe this visit Patrick? Patrick: you don't owe me anything. I just thought I should drop by and have a chat. Mercy: I don't have time for chats. I'm busy. Patrick: I know that, listen....I know we have not been in good terms with each other because of our bosses but I would like us to bury our differences. Mercy: I don't have a problem with you or your boss Patrick, I'm just doing my job. Patrick: I know that, if you truly don't have anything against me then have lunch with me. Mercy: I'm already having lunch. Patrick: coffee? Mercy: I don't do coffee. Patrick: tomorrow lunch then, or the day after. Mercy: are you sure this has nothing to do with Anthony asking you to provide documents on how you went about finances and stuff? Patrick: why would you think that? Mercy: its strange that after two years of not talking all over sudden you want to have lunch. His bubble had definitely been busted but he needed to lie his way out of it. Patrick: well, it very reasonable to think that and I don't even blame you for feeling that way. The truth is, this came at a bad time when there is so much going on but I want to prove myself to you mercy. I like you, I always have. She stared at him for a while then covered her lunch box and kept it away then she got up and took some papers from the photocopy machine and started fixing them in a file. Mercy: I will think about it. He smiled.. Patrick: okay, I will call you tomorrow, if we won't be having lunch then maybe dinner. Mercy did not respond, she just thought he was being weird but again it was hard to tell if he was genuine or he just had other agendas. Patrick watched her for a while but she didn't give him the attention he needed so he walked out and the moment he did she looked up and watched him walk away through the glass window. Willis got to the country side and found guys camped at his mothers place. There were mourners and drunkards and all sort of people and when he saw the crowd, it really hit him that it could be true that his mother was really dead. He got in, checked his mothers room but she was not there, all he saw was the blood stains that had been left behind after his mother died. He got down to that very spot and broke down in front of everyone. Willis was an only child and was raised by his mother single handedly. When Agrippina gave birth to willis, she had been dating a man who lied to her that he was not married. They dated for a year and finally Agrippina was convinced that he was the one. She got off her family planning method and months later she conceived. Agrippina broke the news of her pregnancy four months later and that's the last time she heard of or saw Willi's father. He blocked her from accessing his phone, he asked people at his workplace not to allow her anywhere near his office, he paid off the police after Agrippina tried to get him arrested and he stopped paying her rent and the landlord kicked her out when she was seven moths pregnant. She was the only family Willis knew and now that she was gone, he didn't even know where to start from. Willis cried and mourned his mum that everyone who was around him joined him. They said men don't cry but he did and it was quite painful how he mentioned the stuff his mother did for him. He sat his ass down and spread his legs down like a little kid then held his head with both hands as he cried. No one could hold him and no one could comfort him was an absurd scene.. Later on I got to the hospital and was directed towards Serena's room, she was all alone reading some novel and when she saw me walk in with a bunch of flowers she put it away and sat up. Me: hey beautiful? She smiled and took the flowers that I was handing to her. Serena: you really don't have to pretend that you are nice. Me: this is me being a gentleman and for the records, you are beautiful. Serena: thanks, she said as she put the flowers besides the bed. I pulled a chair and sat by the side of her bed. Me: what really happened? Serena: I got shot. Me: where? Serena: are you sure you want to see? I nodded and she lifted a small portion of her top and I saw her belly. Me: I'm sorry. Serena: I will be fine. Me: did you see the guy who shot you? She remembered Jabali's words warning her that should she say anything, her father would end up in prison so she shook her head. Serena: it happened so fast. I knew she was lying. She was definitely trying to protect her dad because Rhoda wouldn't lie to me, not on such serous matters and besides that, Rhoda had no idea that willis and I were having problems until I mentioned the thing with him and my father. I smiled briefly then told her it was going to be okay. I also promised her to get down to the bottom of what happened at the company and the look on her face told me she was afraid of something... We talked for a while before I eventually got to leave. Makaveli got to the hideout where they normally did their meetings and they found a few guys already there. No one really looked excited to see him and their faces were not welcoming at all, its nothing like what the guy had told him. He tried to talk to the members of the group but people went about their businesses. Makaveli thought he was wasting his time there and decide to walk away but when he turned he heard the c*****g of the gun behind him. He looked back and there are two guys pointing guns at him. Makaveli: what is this? They did not respond but they made way for Sankara who came walking towards him like the boss that he was. Sankara: I warned you makaveli, you don't double cross me. He said chucking the toothpick he had in his mouth and throwing it away. Makaveli turned to look at the guy who had lied to him and led him there and there he was holding a gun too. Sankara: I knew how badly you wanted to kill me and I didn't want to cause disturbance by starting a fight at your dead girlfriend's home. Makaveli was folding a fist out of anger but he couldn't throw a punch. It was just him versus the guns in his face and looking at the odds, he didn't stand a chance. Sankara: what happened to brotherhood that we swore to Makaveli? He did not respond. He was sweating and all shaken up. The thing is. There was no way he was going to leave there alive. Sankara: you thought you could run and set the group up with the police, I told you I'm Sankara and I'm always two steps ahead of you. You think you are smart because you are learned? There was still no response from him. Sankara: I like one thing about you, you know you are a dead man and you know what, dead men don't speak.... Kill him.. On that orders two guys shot at Makaveli four times and he dropped down at Sankara feet with blood oozing out of his body. Sankara rolled him over with his boot and watched him struggle in pain. Sankara: he is as good as dead, you try to double cross me, you will end up like him and it doesn't matter how close to me you think you are. Let's get out of here.... He stepped on makavelis chest and pressed the bullet wound then they got on their bikes and left him there to die. They all did... Three days later, willis had already gotten into terms with the death of his mother so they started working on the funeral arrangements. Willis had a successful meeting with the elders but he couldn't sleep in his mother's compound and opted to go for a guest house, he wanted the luxury of breakfast in bed and hot shower kind of thing and so he had to drive some distance. On his way he got to the same spot where Gerald had been murdered and all over sudden his car stopped just like that. He did not hit the brakes he had enough gas but his car just stopped. Willis: what is this? He asked getting out and taking a good look at the car but nothing seemed to be the problem. It was dark and the headlights were fully lit. He got out to check if the car had a puncture but every tire was intact. He stood there for a while wondering what could be the problem and without seeing anyone, he received a hot slap across his face, a slap that shocked him and left him in dark with tiny stars dancing before his eyes. Then the headlights went off. His heart literally sank as he remained grounded on the same spot. The headlights were turned on again and he gathered enough courage to check if there was someone in the car. His window was lowered so he checked in and got another slap that made him run off in the dark as he shouted in fear... He couldn't see where he was running to and ended up in one of the homesteads where some young boys lived with their mother. They came out with weapons after hearing the shouting and when they opened the door, Willis dived in scaring off everyone... Willis: its me, don't kill me. They pulled back from hitting him after noticing who he was. Woman: what was that shouting about? Son 1: why are you running in the dark like that, don't you know this is the village whereby you can be mistaken as a night runner? Willis: I'm sorry, b...b...but...there is someone out there slapping people. They looked at him quite surprised and when the eldest son put a light on him, his khaki trouser was soaked in urine. He had literally peed on himself and it was dripping on the floor. They couldn't help but laugh. The question is who was out there slapping people and why hadn't anyone been slapped there before?....
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