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Makaveli stepped back and from the look of things, Sankara was not going to let him off the hook. Sankara was not drunk, just that he had a f****d up mind that always did stupid things thinking he was making the right decisions for everyone around him. If Makaveli knew him well, he also knew that Sankara is not the type of person to be dared. He killed anyone and everyone for fame, money and he was simply untouchable. People feared him, makaveli feared him too.. Makaveli: fine. You have proven your point Sankara put the gun down. Sankara stared hard at him still holding the gun in his hand like he wasn't really sure if he wanted to trust him. Makaveli was loyal to him and he had never given Sankara a reason to doubt him. Makaveli: come on man, you know I would never pick a woman over you...drop the damn thing before you do something stupid. Sankara did and tucked the gun behind on his waist line. He walked into makavelis kitchen and found some food in the pan and without asking he served himself. Makaveli: 'hey makaveli, can I help myself with your food,' yes man go right ahead. Makaveli said sarcastically following him into the kitchen. The thing is, makaveli was hoping that after agreeing to pick his side, Sankara would leave his house for he had other plans.. Sankara: you are complaining that I'm eating your food, you don't even love this s**t. He said showing him the plate of Rice and beans. Makaveli: its food and I love food in general. Tell me something, why did you kill her? He asked opening the cupboard to try and find something he could eat. Sankara sat on a stool eating his food as he watched him desperately trying to find something. Sankara: it was a mistake man, I didn't mean to kill her. Makaveli: but you did. How did it happen? Sankara: I shot her in the head. Makaveli: very typical of you. So what's the plan, you know the son will come after you Sankara and all of us will pay. Sankara: Willis will have me to deal with. If he sets foot in this village he will never leave it alive. He stood there with his arms crossed to the chest after failing to get something he could eat.... I waited for Robert but he didn't come home the previous night and he didn't show up during the day and its like this nigga knew what was going to happen if he did. Now I was even beginning to think that Robert had something to do with my mother's murder, he might have not been there but he could have organized for it but wait, Robert loved my mum and my mum loved him back like a son but now, I was confused by my own thoughts. The day was quite boring and there is that part of me that wanted to text Rhoda but what if she had gotten all busy with the guy I left her with the other day. I was stupid to think Rhoda was interested in me, the lady had moved on and I pushed her away..maybe not literally but I know I did. Why was I even thinking about Rhoda and not Della? If we have to compare, Della just got missed by several bullets and all I did was get her to a cab and sent her home. Looking at the time frame, we had just broken up a few days ago but Rhoda, we had not seen each other for months yet she was the one who was all over my mind. Was I falling in love? How could I even think of love when my parents were six feet under with their company being threatened by goons left right and centre? I needed to get my priorities right. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea that Rhoda hadn't talked to me the entire day.. Adana couldn't convince Della to go out so she stayed with her for a few hours then left because kizito had texted her to meet up. He wanted to take her to a show room and help pick the car she thought Della would love, that was easy.... Whenever Della and Adana would be driving around, Della would admire cars, she knew every make and had a taste for these big rides. She was like a boy. Her love for cars was something else. Adana: now that you won't go out with me, I've got to go. Della: well, I will just be indoors for the rest of the day. I don't feel like doing anything..just coffee and alot of sleep... Adana: by the way, you have any plans for your birthday? Della: I don't want to celebrate my birthday this year. There's nothing to celebrate really. Adana: don't be like that girl. You have been exited about your birthday since the month started. Della: not anymore Adana. Adana got up and asked again if she wanted to go with her but she refused. Adana hugged her then quickly left when kizito started blowing her phone off with texts.. Adana met up with kizito half an hour later and she got into kizito's car after he opened the front door for her. Kizito: I thought you were coming with her. Adana: I couldn't convince her. Della is not the type that is easily convinced especially when she is upset about something. Kizito shifted his gaze from the road and looked at her briefly before focusing again. Kizito: you do think I'm the reason she is like that. Adana: I didn't say that. Kizito: yes, but your eyes says otherwise. She looked away. Adana: look if you are going to have my friend in your life then you better treat her right. I don't know what plans you have about your wife but I hope you are not leading Della on. He looked at her again this time shocked. Adana: yeah, she told me about your wife. Kizito: I see, and did she also tell you the styles we used when making out. Adana: why would you ask me that? Kizito: because you are obviously too quick to judge. Adana: no she did not. I'm just looking out for my friend. She is my best friend. Kizito: I love her. Adana shrugged her shoulder and ran her fingers through her hair as the soft wind blew in from her side of the window.. They got to the show room and they met a guy who introduced himself then after kizito telling him why they were there, he took them round showing them one car after the other hoping they find something Della would be interested in... I spent the entire day googling stuff like how to use a gun, how to put bullets in a gun, the shoot range and how to aim at targets. This was really crazy but the truth is, I wanted to be like Mark. I needed his confidence and I needed to learn how to be composed like he was. Mark was a liar. He would lie to your face and smile as he put a bullet to your head. Yeah I saw that with the guard at the company. The google was helping but I needed to practice the shooting so I called Mark and he told me to meet up so that we could practice and I agreed. If I was going to take over my dad's company I had to be prepared for goons like willis my own way. I picked up the gun mark had given me and looked at it again. Guns are for thugs or maybe policemen, I was not a policeman and i never thought of becoming one what was I even thinking? I was supposed to be a doctor, if only I had been there when people were killing my dad, maybe just maybe I would have saved his life. What was the point of being a doctor if I couldn't even save the two people that meant the world to me?.. I was meeting up with mark in an hour so I got up, tucked the gun behind my jeans, wore a jacket then picked my car keys and left the house. "Dad can I ask you something?" Serena asked as she tried to sit up and Willis helped her by adjusting her pillow to her back. Willis: yes, go a head. Serena: you know I'm not a kid anymore right? Willis: yes, but you will always remain my baby girl. She smiled briefly then got serious again. Serena: why isn't she happy Dad, did you do something to her? Willis moved his chair close to the bed and held her hand in his. Willis: I don't know why your mum is like that dear. I've not done anything stupid since you guys got back. I even stopped drinking so that I could be sobber for both of you. Serena: then why is she so moody and its like she doesn't want anything to do with you? Willis: I will talk to her Serena. Your mother thinks I'm seeing someone else and... Serena: are you? Willis: no I'm not...... Like I was saying, the day I spent the night away from home I was working in a different branch of the company.... I love your mum Serena and I love you too.. Serena squeezed his hands then smiled briefly before a nurse walked in with her little tray. Nurse: its time for your injection Serena. She smiled looking at Willis as if she was already asking him to excuse them for a moment. Serena: do i really have to take that injection? Willis: yes Serena you do. He said walking out as he had a call coming through his phone... Nurse: it will ease the pain. Willis: I will be outside.... Yes hello.. He said receiving the call and he walked out.. Caller: is this Willis? Willis: what type of a question is that, who did you expect on the line? Caller: your mother is dead!.. Whoever was calling announced then hanged up immediately. Willis: what the hell? He shouted then noticed everyone's eyes on him. He walked towards the end of the corridor and called his mother's phone and it was answered by some stranger. Her: hello Willis: where is my mother? Her: I'm sorry but she is dead. Willis; what do you mean by she is dead, put my mother on the damn phone. Her: do you speak to dead bodies? He hanged up. He just couldn't believe it because a few seconds later her called again and the same lady answered. Willis: what happened to my mother? Her: she was shot dead in her house. We don't know when but she is dead and the blood on her head has dried. I cannot tell when the incident happened. Willis could not believe that his mother was really dead,,....who even killed her and why? He took a deep breath with his hands akimbo as if he was thinking of something then breathed out and quickly rushed downstairs. He got out of the hospital and took a cab. He told the cab guy to take him home as he needed to travel that very night. He wanted to go and see his mum hoping it was not some kind of a joke. Agrippina once pranked Willis and it turned out that she only wanted some money from him on April fools day and that's why Willis found it hard to believe it. He had to see for himself. "Can I make you something?" Maggy asked kissing Jabali on the chest then on the lips. Jabali: I'm hungry, what do you want to make? Maggy: chicken noodles, spaghetti anything you want. Jabali: men don't eat chicken Noddles and spaghetti. Maggy: clearly. I can attest to that. You are a true African man... I will prepare something else.. She smiled and he smiled back.. Jabali: I can't believe this happened. Maggy: you should because you will be ten thousands richer by the end of the day. Jabali: why can't you just talk to Willis and tell him how you feel? Maggy: there's nothing I have not told Willis. By the time he realizes how done with him I am, I will have moved on... She picked her dress and wore it.. Makaveli visited rosemary that afternoon and he did not find her at home, she had gone to some Mary go round but he waited until she got back. Rosemary had known makaveli had a thing for her but she still didn't want anything to do with men, not after she was raped and not after her husband was brutally murdered the same day. No one knew anything about Mpasis' death and the people who knew could not say anything. It remained something no one talked about. It was eating Makaveli up knowing he had been involved but he could not say a word... Rosemary: you again... Makaveli: hello to you too. She didn't say a word but watched him seat on the verandah next to her. Makaveli: you don't look too excited about seeing me. Rosemary: should I be excited to see you? Makaveli did not respond to that. He couldn't tell what was on her mind. Makaveli: you know I like you right? She looked at him but didn't respond yet again. Makaveli: I want you to leave this place Rosemary its not safe for you. She laughed and got up. Rosemary: what are you talking about? Makaveli: I can't explain it right now but you need to believe me. The people who killed Mpasi are after you too and they will come for you. Rosemary: how do you know that, do you know who killed Mpasi? Makaveli got up and started to walk away but she ran after him and grabbed his arm. Rosemary: do you know who killed my husband? Rosemary: no. But I know he had something that belonged to someone. I've got sources and they are quite reliable. My work is to tell you about it and I hope you make the right decision. He started to walk away again but she stopped him for the second time standing infront of him and blocking his way. Rosemary: okay, come with me. He turned and looked at her. Rosemary: you like me right, you cared enough to come and tell me...come with me. Makaveli: to where? Rosemary: anywhere you want to take me.. He walked up to her and took both of her hands in his. Makaveli: fine. Pack your stuff. I will be here by 12:00 midnight. We will leave then. Rosemary nodded and watched him leave. I got to marks place and this time I didn't go inside. Lilly opened the door and told me mark was in the back yard and I opted to see him from there instead so lilly took me. Me: you have a very nice compound. Lilly: thanks. All this is Mark.... He takes a lot of his time trimming the grass and making the place look neat. Me: very nice.. It didn't take time before we got to mark and he stopped whatever he was doing and came to meet us. Mark: hey man, Me: this is crazy man, when do you get time to do this? Mark: your father was paying me to lazy around so I had so much time in my hands. Me: indeed. Mark: babe can you get us some refreshments? Lilly: sure. She left us catching up. Mark: this is where I practice my shooting from. I'm even thinking of putting up a gym here. Me: not a bad idea... So how do you shoot here with all the noise the gun makes.. Mark: somebody invented something that traps the sound so that outsiders cant hear whatever is going on. Come try it out. We walked to something that looked like a booth with a paper resembling human frame hanged on the other side. Mark: here, you will need the headphones so as to prevent the noise from damaging your ears.. Me: I don't see people with headphones when they shoot. Mark: well its advisable to use headphones when doing this... I nodded and put on the headphones. Mark: aim your gun like this and focus on the place you want to shoot. We will start with the chest. Aim your eyes where you want the bullet. He said straightening my hand and pointing it towards the chest of the target. Mark: this is called a trigger. When you pull it, the gun goes off so do not pull it unless you are really sure you want to kill someone. I could hear his voice over the headphones... Mark and I worked on the shoot range until I was able to aim right and shoot at my target. Okay, its not like i became so perfect at it, but I made a few holes on that paper.. Mark: not bad at all. This is good progress.. I smiled at my little progress as I got the headphones off my head and turned to him with a smile.. Me: this was fun.. Mark: there is no fun in killing someone.. Willis got home and spotted Jabali's car and looked at it for a while quite surprised because when Jabali left the hospital, he said he was going to do some stuff and how comes his car was parked at his home?.. Willis hurriedly walked towards his house. He held the door handle and pushed it open then walked in.... Willis: Maggy?....
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