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I hurried to the parking lot, got in my car and drove off. As I drove out of the estate I couldn't help but think who the caller was and why he wanted to meet me at night. I was trying to act brave but I was afraid. I clinched tightly to the steering wheel as I second guessed driving to the police station and having backup but again I thought if I did that, the guy would take off and I would never get to hear what he had to say especially if it was something important... I gathered courage and told myself whatever happens let it happen so i drove to him anyway and as I almost got to the address the guy gave me, I gave him a call telling him I was around the place and he asked me to wait for him and he said he was coming out in a few.. While in the car I thought about Robert and how he insisted he had nothing to do with the missing fingers. What if he was lying to me, and what if he was really telling the truth? Who did I have to trust now that everyone I knew and trusted had a not so good agenda towards me and why did their true colours only come out now that I needed a shoulder to lean on?... what was really going on in my life and who was i to trust sith everything that was going on?.. The betrayal that hurt me the most was Della, I still couldn't get over her and I didn't know what would happen if I saw her again. I treated her well, gave her everything within my capacity but why, how did I miss the fact that she was a gold digger? My thoughts were cut short by a call and when I received, the guy asked what car I was in and after I told him, he hanged up and it didn't take a minute before my passenger door opened and in sat a man. He was slightly tall and well built. He had a black T-shirt that fitted just right with a ski mask that was worn half way to avoid covering the rest of his face. When I saw the guy I recognized him from the company his name was Mark. Mark was a cleaner but severally I met him checking out of my father's office with a mop in his hand and if I remember well, he only said hello and walked out but sometimes he totally avoided me. I thought he was a snob so I paid less attention to him because after all, he was just an employee and I was the boss's son who had no business getting friendly with his workers and not that I had a bad attitude but I'm the type that knows my lanes. I interact with people who think I'm worth their time but if you show me no interest, I don't other. Mark: my name is... Me: Mark, i know you.. I finished the sentence for him. Mark: good, we will skip the introduction and get straight to the point. Me: why didn't you just tell me your name over the phone when you called. It would have made my heart race a bit slower. Mark: I didn't want you asking a lot questions for the mere mention of my name could make a lot of things go wrong. Whatever I want to share with you is top secret... highly confidential So i hope you are not wearing any wires.. me: wires..what wires?.. mark: forget i said that.. we don't have much time I couldn't hide the surprise in my face when he mention the 'word top secret'. It sounded like there was a lot of danger attached to it and at this rate that things were falling apart, i could not think otherwise... Me: okay, does this top secret agenda have something to do with my father's death? Mark: yes. We need to go somewhere. Me: where? Mark: to the company. Me; right now? Mark: yes. We need to get into your fathers office and fetch a few things. Me: you know that is going to be a little difficult now that my father is dead and his fingers were cut off right? Mark: they cut of his fingers? He was surprised but I couldn't blame him. Who really would do such a thing, I know I told Robert I believed him but he was still my main suspect but then again, what if it was Willis, he had all the reasons to want to access my fathers office. I kept believing he did.. Mark: that was to the extreme but we don't need the fingers. Come on, drive. I started the car but I was still really nervous... I wasn't sure of why i had to trust mark and I didn't know what he knew that I didn't. what did he mean by we didn't need the fingers? Della got to her rented apartment and when she drove into the parking lot she noticed Jabali's car parked in the extra parking lot and she made a sigh. First she had to deal with Willis who bossed her around and now it was Jabali who probably wanted to have s*x the entire night yet she didn't have any strength left in her after meeting up with the kizito guy... She rolled up her window and got out and locked the car before she lazily walked up the stairs. She stayed on the second floor and when she got up, he was there standing by the door with both hands in the pocket... Della: what are you doing here? Jabali: I had to check on you after I left you with Willis... are you okay? Della: I'm fine. She said opening the door and letting herself in leaving it open for Jabali who followered her in and shut the door behind him. Jabali: i can tell that you are not. you know i know you better than you think.. He grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face him. Jabali: what happened with Willis? Della: he was angry with me for coming to the meeting late. Jabali: that's not the only reason he was grumpy, the guy we kidnapped... Della: the cleaner? Jabali: yes, the cleaner. He attacked Willis and did a number on him. Della almost burst into laughter. Not that it was funny but she didn't know anyone that could beat up Willis real good abd hearing that a mare cleaner did was almost good news to her.. Jabali: at least that gets you to smile. Where were you anyway? Della: I was with a client. She said moving away from him and sitting on the couch taking off her heels. Della: look jabali, I know we were to continue our little.... Jabali: don't worry about it. I'm not in the mood either. I have a bit of work to do and i need to hand in my findings tomorrow. You can rest as we can always find time and I'll see you tomorrow.. He walked up to her, leaned in and planted a kiss on her mouth before he started to walk away but she called his name and he turned to look at her... Della: what was Willis taking about earlier, that thing he kept ignoring to answer when I asked? Jabali: its a project he is working on. Its not really a big deal so get some rest and I will fill you in tomorrow. Della: fill me in now.. Jabali: you do trust me right? She nodded. Jabali: great. I will tell you tomorrow. its been a very long day.. Jabali left and Della headed for her room to hit a shower before she slept... IN THE VILLAGE... Do you think she has an idea that we killed mpasi? One of Sankara's guys asked as he gave Sankara a glass of the locally brewed beer. His name was Makaveli. He was more of Sankara's right hand man and everything Sankara did, he knew and approved. Sankara: she could have freaked out when I shook her hand. Makaveli: so what's the plan? Sankara: I will find someone I can sell this phone to, make money out of it and bury Sam Mpasi. He was a traitor and he deserved to die. We can't have people who are not loyal running things. Us killing Mpasi stays quiet. Makaveli: what about Agrippina, what intentions do you have with her since I know you have never been a one woman kind of a person? Sankara: she is different. She was from the city and taught me a lot of things I never knew. She even polished the English I'm speaking, so that I could be of her class and be accepted by her son but now its different. I'm one of the hitmen her son hired to kill Gerald and I have a feeling things will get complicated in the near future. Makaveli: definitely, so what do you want to do? Sankara: I don't know maybe kill that Willis boy. He is really going to be a pain in my ass. Makaveli: you think you can trust Agrippina as far as his son is concerned? Sankara got up and walked to the window and looked outside with one hand in his pocket and the other holding the glass. Sankara: no. That's the problem. I love her but I will kill her son. That is something she can never find out. He turned and looked at Makaveli. Who was still seated on the couch but had turned halfway to keep up with the conversation. Sankara: she helps get money from her son and after we are done using her, we will provoke the son to come here then kill him. Makaveli: you know Agrippina will never forgive you for that. You dont know women and their sons. She would pick Willis over you any day so you kill Willis, she will make sure you are locked up. Sankara: it will not get to that. I will handle it. What about you, aren't you ever going to get married? Makaveli: not really. Women are too complicated but now that you've mentioned it I had been eyeing this one woman for sometime but there was no chance of ever getting her. Sankara: but now there is. Just wait until she buries her husband. She will be vulnerable and seek for attention. Makaveli: wait, how do you know its her? Sankara smiled then took a mouthful of whatever he was drinking and shook his head and closed his eyes like it was so bitter.. Sankara: I'm Sankara. Nothing happens around here without my knowledge. I have seen the way you look at her, I've seen how you talk to her, you have even given her lift on your bike severally...wait have you banged her? Makaveli: say what, no I have not. She was someone's wife. Sankara: its not a bad thing. These things we carry around knows no boundaries, when its thirsty you quench your thirst with whoever is available. Makaveli was not surprised at all. Sankara spoke whatever he felt like speaking as long as he got his message across. He never bothered about his choice of words either and his crew was used to him by now... IN THE CITY... That night we drove all the way to the company premises and pulled over a few metres from the company gate. Mark asked me to park right there as he needed to tell me why we were there... I lowered my window a bit to feel the breeze as it was so hot inside the car. Mark: I need you to listen very carefully. I turned to look at him assuring him that he had my attention. Mark: I'm not a cleaner in your fathers company. i did that as my cover but i never was. Well that came as a surprise but I kind of knew there was something different about him from the word go. He was not an ordinary cleaner. I nodded and kept my eyes fixed on him. Mark: I was your fathers eyes and ears at the company. I was undercover and we agreed that I work as a cleaner so that no one really suspects why I was there. Me: my father never told me anything about you and he has a right hand man. Robert you should know him. Mark: I do. Like I said, your father didn't want anyone to know I existed and he didn't want me to get too familiar with you so that when this happened, no one would link us up. He made Robert think he was his right hand man but Robert has no idea of half the things I know about your fathers company. Me: what do you know about my father's company that Robert does not know? Mark: a lot, but that's not important. What's important for now is to get into that office. There are some documents I want you to have. I know Willis might be scheming on how to get them. Me: did my father know he was going to die, why did he leave you in charge and not Willis. Willis was his business partner. He pulled out a gun from the back of his jeans and handed it over to me. Mark: I don't have time to answer all your questions right now but I will tell you everything you need to know in time but first of all, stay away from Robert. Me: Robert is my best friend. He gave me this serious look and I had to readjust this best friend thing. What dud he know about Robert and what was Robert not telling me? Mark: I'm not saying you stop taking to him, all I'm saying is that you keep your mouth shut and don't give him any important information. Whatever we discus remains between us. Do you understand? I nodded. I couldn't believe I was taking orders from the stranger and back to the gun, why did he even give me that? Mark: you will need that, I assume you don't know how to operate it but should you see something fishy just press the trigger and the gun will go off. That will alert me that something is wrong. Me: wait, are you leaving me here? Mark: no we are going inside. He opened his side of the door and got out and I did the same then followed him looking around as we walked towards the company... By the gate were two guards who worked night shift. Mark knew them so he managed to convince them that he had forgotten his phone in the cleaners room and I just managed to accompany him. The guards who worked night shift didn't really know who I was so it wasn't hard convincing them. Mark promised to give them some money for some coffee and they allowed us in. Money is a necessary evil they said. It unlocks the doors that some keys can't open.. After we had found our way inside, Mark said we needed to hurry so that the guards would not suspect us. We took the elevator and when it stopped we raced towards my fathers office. Mark stood there and bent over a little bit and looked at the some scanner like device that was put just above the finger scanner and the door opened. Now I get it. My dad was smart... He had both the eye scanner and the finger scanner so that he could get people confused. I hurriedly walked in after mark who headed straight to the table, pulled a drawer and started digging inside it to find the documents he had been looking for as I kept checking around hoping the guards wouldn't come our way... Me: haven't you seen anything? He didn't respond but kept going through the drawer and seconds later I heard the elevator coming up. Me: damn it, someone is coming up He looked at me briefly then continued to go through the files and i was beginning to freak out.. Mark: got it! He said quickly making his way out with a bunch of papers in his hands. He pulled the door closed and suddenly the elevator door opened then out stepped one of the officers.. Him: this is not the way to the cleaners office. He said trying to reach for his phone but before he did mark pulled out another gun and shot him in the head and he dropped right on my watch. I had never seen so much blood so I felt a rush of blood go trough my veins. How could he just shoot him like that, he didn't even think twice about it. Mark grabbed my arm and led me to the elevator. We got in and I was still literally shaking from what I had seen. We got down, checked out and walked to the gate where the other guard was. The guard smiled and asked mark for money and instead of giving him the money he raised his gun and shot him too. This guy had zero chills for life and now I was beginning to be very afraid... We got to the car but I couldn't drive. I was shaken up so Mark took the car keys and drove off in speed and all I could hear in my head was the two gunshots as I remember the way the head to the last guard split when he took the shot. Mark: you are awfully quiet. I didn't respond to that. I was still trying to come to terms with everything that was going on when a call came through my phone. I checked the caller ID and it was Robert. My food must have gotten cold already. Me: Robert! Robert: you said you were meeting up with Della right? Me: yes, i did why? Robert: well, Della showed up at your door thirty minutes ago and she said she is not leaving until she talks to you. Which Della were you seeing again? The cat caught my tongue. "f**k you Della" I cursed in my mind as I thought of a better lie to tell Robert but my mind was blank. why did I really have to lie about going go see Della and then this Della woman was also becoming a real pain in the ass. she kept showing up in places that she was not really needed and what did she really want?.. Me: ummh! Let me get home, we will talk about that.. I didn't give him a chance to ask another question so I hanged up and looked at mark who did not say a word but kept his eyes on the road in an awkward way like he didn't hear what i had been saying.. What had Della come to look for at my place yet we had broken up? Mark: I should be getting off at the next junction. You can take it from there right? Me: yes, thanks. Mark: we need to meet and discuss these documents. He pulled over by the side of the road and gave me the papers but I pushed his hand back. Me: the documents are safe with you for now. I'm going on a hot seat and I don't want anyone to see these. I will call you tomorrow so that we can go through them together. Mark: fine. The documents are not safe with me either as Willis is looking for me too. I'd like to die knowing the documents are in safe hands and that you will know what to do after we've gone through them. I nodded and afforded a nervous smile. Yeah that smile you give when you are not so sure about how you are feeling. Mark got off with the documents and I drove to my place to catch Della. For some reason, I badly wanted to see her and find out what brought her but another part pf me was not ready go see her as i didn't know what i was going to talk to her about. I drove fast and within ten minutes I was parking at my parking lot then got out of the car. I tossed the key in my hand and walked towards the house and when I got to the door, I took a deep breath before i pulled it open and what hit me was a rude stare from both of them like they had planned on it and were just waiting for me to get in... Robert: now that Owen is here, I will excuse myself. He said having given me a stern look leaving Della and I in the room. how did the two even say in the same livingroom without killing each other?.. There was an awkward stare between the two of us and no one spoke a word to the other. Della: are you just going to stand there? she said getting up from the couch and walking up to me in a seductive manner. Me: why are you here Della? Della: we need to talk......
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