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I didn't know how genuine Makaveli was but I was somehow interested in knowing the whole truth as he put it. First of all it was even weird that he started talking while just a few hours ago no one could really explain his condition. Was this some type of a joke? Had he been faking all along? I didn't have the answer to all these questions but there was only one way which was to do as he had asked. He said he killed my father and I wanted to know why. Me: fine, I will organize for your discharge then I will take you in. I didn't want to give him conditions for taking him in because I wanted him to be real with me. I was going to listen to his side of the story and if it didn't make sense, I was going to kill him my damn self.. Makaveli seamed relieved. I didn't have any other reason for doing the scan and because the guy was okay, I went to Dr. Richards office and had a word with him concerning Makaveli's case. He couldn't believe that Makaveli could actually talk so we went back to his ward and Richard talked to him though he did not tell him the stuff he told me. Richard was certain that Makaveli was okay and after seeing the incident with the guy we thought was mad earlier. He was also convinced that Makaveli wouldn't be safe at the hospital and if he was better, he was going to be discharged and recover fully from home. Dr. Richard: who is clearing his bills? Me: some lady called Diana. She called earlier. Dr. Richard: she is Fadhili's woman. I know she will pay.. I will have the nurse organize for his discharge but meanwhile, Rhoda is also good to go. She is waiting. Richard left us then I gave Makaveli my number. I told him once he was done he could get a taxi out there then give me a call for direction. Rhoda was very radical in how she dealt with issues and didn't just want her involved. She would definitely call the cops on him and get him arrested for killing my father if she knew.. Makaveli took the piece of paper I had written my contact on and I left to get Rhoda home... "Watch your step babe" I said whisking Rhoda off the ground and carrying her inside my house. She looked a bit weak but I wanted her home with me where I could personally take good care of her. Rhoda: so you can be romantic after all? Me: I can be a lot of things. Welcome to your new home babe. Rhoda: thanks.. I lay her on the sofa then had her rest her head on a pillow. Me: comfortable enough? She nodded and I sat next to her holding her hands in mine and kissed it then kissed her on the forehead again.. "You don't look like the type of a man who would keep one woman" Serena said taking a bite of her cake and Jabali laughed. Jabali: wow, such a harsh judgement right there. Serena: not in a bad way but you are too cute and cute means a lot of women coming after you and that could result to heartache, ulcers, blood pressure and all those dangerous diseases. Jabali smiled putting down his fork. Jabali: its natural to feel threatened but despite being a player, there is that one woman who tames a man and makes him what she wants. That woman he can do anything for, that woman who drives him insane. So being cute doesn't necessarily mean we are players. Serena: mmh! And you have your way with words too. He smiled. Jabali: do you like me? She raised her head and looked at him then sipped her tea and looked at him over the cup and he was there waiting for a response. Serena: I've always liked you since the day I saw you when you found us at the restaurant with my dad. Jabali: okay, I was smitten too and I think you are beautiful and sexy. I like you and I would like to go out sometime. Serena: would you? Jabali: maybe what you need is not in Canada but right here. We can start off as friends then see what it leads to. Serena: do you have a girlfriend? Jabali: no. She nodded. Serena: okay. I will be your friend. Jabali raised his cup and asked Serena to do the same. Jabali: a toast to friendship. Serena: to friendship... After Della died, Adana and kizito got into the habit of texting each other more often than they usually did, the news about Della's death spread and the women in her hood started spreading word that she killed him so that she could have kizito for herself. Adana is the type of people who when hurt, makes rush decisions. She decided to show them that she could actually have kizito for herself so she started gaining interest in him. A few nights after Della died, Leonard visited and he realised that there was something different about Adana. She had food in her house and had stuff like microwave that she didn't have before. She had also no interest in Leonard whatsoever unlike the days when she would get shaken up and end up doing everything he wanted.. Leonard: I hear rumours that you are sleeping around with some rich guy. Who is he? Adana: why don't you go ask the person who told you that? That response landed her a slap that sent her crashing on the sofa. Leonard's slaps always landed on her making her face turn red as if she had been slapped by a hot iron box. Adana: what did you slap me for Leonard, why would you go listening to rumours yet I'm here and i can always tell you what you wish to know.. what do you want from me?.. Leonard: you are mine Adana and no man can have you for any reason especially for money. i will not let them and i will kill anyone that makes an attempt. She was mad. She got up from the couch and picked up her car keys but Leonard grabbed her neck and squeezed it a bit as if he was trying to chock her.. Adana: Leonard stop! She said in between her breath but he did not stop. Leonard: Am I clear when I say you are my property? Adana nodded though it barely felt like a node because of how his hands went round her neck. He let go of her neck and she fell trying grasp for her breath.. Leonard: warn that guy to stay away from you or I will kill him and if you know me goo well, you should know that I'm not joking.. He picked his coat and walked out on her. Adana crawled to where her phone had fallen after the slap she received and she dialed a number. Adana: I need to see you. I want you to do something for me urgently.. She listened in from the person she had called then a few seconds later, she hanged up. She got up, walked to her dresser and looked at her face in the mirror..her face had turned red from the slaps and there were marks of being choked on her neck and having had a soft and sensitive skin, it was all over.. Adana: you will pay for this you son of a b***h. This will be the last time you put your hands on me... before you kill anyone, you will die first. She washed her face, did some make up to cover the marks left by his hand then she picked her keys from there they had fallen and left the house... Jabali dropped Serena back home and knowing so well Maggy was watching since she pulled the curtain when she heard the car park, he opened his arms and moved towards serena and hugged her real tight then looked at her for a micro second and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. Jabali: thanks for the evening. i really did have a good time and I hope a kiss on the cheek is not bad for a start. Serena: not bad at all. Thanks for taking me out. It felt so good to be in a different environment and with different company. you sure do know how to treat a woman right.. she said brushing her hand on his chest and caressing it gently.. Maggy was furious. She let go of the curtains then sat on the couch with her face buried in her hands. she could not believe that Jabali was doing all that with her daughter right in her face. he knew she was watching and he wanted to pass a message to her.. Maggy: so this is what kept him busy all evening? She asked herself peeping again and watching Serena making her way to the house. How could he? She thought of calling him for an explanation but she couldn't. Serena was going to hear everything and the last thing she needed was for her to know that there was actually something going on between them. Serena pushed the door open after hugging Jabali goodbye and as soon as she got in she came face to face with her mother who didn't look so excited to see her. Serena: hello mother.. Maggy: hi. She responded trying so much to hide her feelings. Maggy: how was your day? Serena: it was good. Yours? Maggy: it was okay. There was an awkward silence between them then Serena started making her way to her room but Maggy called her. Maggy: can we talk? Serena: not now mum, I'm tired and I need some rest. we can do that tomorrow. Right now I just want to shower and have a good sleep. Maggy: aren't you going to eat at least? Serena: I'm not hungry. I had coffee with Jabali. She left for her room and Maggy couldn't hide her anger. She felt something get stuck in her throat. That thing was called jealousy.. "Babe I need to step out and help some case at the hospital. I won't be long okay?" I said taking the plates we had used off the table and taking them to kitchen. I had actually cooked for Rhoda, made sure she was well fed and now I was about to go attend to Makaveli. I just couldn't tell her that. Rhoda: I will be asleep when you get here. Me: maybe not. Please wait up. I will be here as soon as I can. Rhoda nodded then I kissed her before picking my car keys and leaving the house. Makaveli's taxi had dropped him at Roberts grand parents place. I didn't have anywhere else to take him as I knew Robert wouldn't mind and if anything, he would help me vet this Makaveli guy despite him walking out on me and Mark earlier.. Makaveli: what happened here? He asked finding his way inside. I didn't answer that but followed him. I had my gun with me but I couldn't show how dangerous I could be just then. Me: this is my friend's house, you will be here until you get better. He checked around then jumped over the cushion and the glasses that had been shattered when we were fighting dangote and his crew fell to the floor. Makaveli: is this place even safe? I gave him a look that forced him to shut up. He had no right demanding for safety when he actually killed my father. I pulled the table and sat opposite him. Me: I didn't have much time to waste. I saved your life even though you did not deserve it but now I need you to keep your end of the bargain. I want the truth. Makaveli: you will get the truth, I'm hungry. Is there something to eat here? This man was insane or he was just playing stupid. I got up and before I could walk to the kitchen the door opened and in walked Robert looking as confused as he was. Robert: who the hell is this and what are you doing in my house man? Me: what happened to "I'm your brother and you can count me in on any thing" Robert: who is he? Me: Makaveli. The guy who killed my father. Robert: the guy who killed your father? You know how ridiculous that sounds right? Me: listen man, I need to keep him here for a few more days. Robert grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. Robert: you want to leave a killer in my house, dude, you have a house, why didn't you keep him there? Me: I can't. Someone is after him and the next place they will come looking is my house and besides I have Rhoda there with me. Robert: aah, you are protecting Rhoda and I can as well get shot huh? Me: don't be mellow dramatic dude, you've got a gun with you and besides, you have an apartment.. It took a While trying to convince Robert but he finally gave in. He was going to house Makaveli for a few days.. I got home and Rhoda had fallen asleep in the couch so i carried her to my room, lay her on the bed and she slept like a baby in my arms the whole night. I loved her... I sure did.. The following day was the meeting day, I got sharply dressed and as usual I was banking on mark to be my ears and guide on things I didn't know so well or understand. I took every word and every advice he gave seriously. I banked on him because he knew better. Dangote and Willis thought they were a head in their games but with Mark I was sorted. Mark: are you ready for Willis and his team? Me: ready as rain. You said we play along right? Mark: yeah but you are allowed to make decisions. What I say is not final. I want you to learn to be authoritative and independent too. remember at the end of the day you are still the boss. you should know that.. Me: yes Sir. Anything on Elisha Oscar Dangote? Mark: not yet. Working on it...I need you to be careful. Willis and his team are not happy that you are challenging willis to a position that could have been automatically his. You remember the taxi trick you pulled the other day? Me: yeah. Mark: don't use your car in fact from today, you don't have a specific car. Accidents do happen even to C.E.Os. Me: got it... Hey mark? Mark: yes, Me: thanks for everything man, I owe you. Mark: you don't owe me anything but yeah, you welcome. I briefed Rhoda on how my day was going to be like and after serving her breakfast in bed. Rhoda: remind me why you wanted wanted to work at the company again? Me: it wasn't my thing. I think being a journalist would have fit better. I don't even enjoy being a doctor unless its you I'm treating.. I winked and she blushed off a bit.. Rhoda: I love you in a suit and I definitely love you in a white coat. I love you Owen. Me: and I love you more my baby girl...have enough rest okay, tonight I might have to....ummh! You know... She smiled and I left the house for the meeting at the company after a hug and a few kisses from her. Rhoda wasn't anything close to Della in terms of class but she sure made me complete. I loved her in fact I loved her when she was still working for us but I was just a coward to admit and let destiny do what it does best. Now I had her and no one was going to take her away from me. The taxi pulled over by the parking lot and I paid the guy before I got out and walked to my office. I said hi to a few employees as I made my way in. Before I got to my office, the office I used once in a while, the one dad had set aside for me just in case I decided to join him I met some guy, a former employee or rather one of the few I had sacked after they went on a strike for no good reason. He seemed desperate to talk to me so I let him come into my office and tell me whatever he wanted to. My secretary told me she tried sending him away but he refused to leave. His name was Andrew. I got in, took a seat and asked him to seat as well. Me: what do I do for you Andrew? I asked leaning back on my seat and rolling a pen in my hand. Andrew: please sir. I need my job back please. I was a fool to fall into Willis' trap. He said he would pay us good money and I got greedy because I had a sick kid in the hospital. I needed the money. Please take me back. Me: I can't do that. The moment you are caught going against the company policy you are laid off. I can not make the mistake of having you back because first of all i do not trust you.. how long did you know my father, he dies and immediately you go rogue and start pulling stunts?.. He got up from the chair and knelt down begging and pleading with me. This was rather unconformable so I asked him to get up before I had the security come for him and he did. Andrew: I'm sorry sir but please. My kids sleep hungry everyday. Please... I will tell you everything willis was planning against you. I will work for you tirelessly but please give me my job back. Me: I will think about your case then have the secretary call and let you know my decision. Andrew: thank you very much sir, I promise I will not be stupid again and I will not let you down. I showed him to the door and he walked out. I felt bad the Andrew and his kids. I had no kids but I believed something that made a man cry was way serious but he betrayed the company, what was I to do really? The time for the meeting came and we made our way to the board room. Anthony and Maxwell were there and so was Willis and his crew and also a few of the other members.. Anthony: ladies and he gentlemen I hope we know why we are all here, first we were to get updated about the accounts by Mercy and Patrick so can we go straight to that? Mercy handed in the papers and it was spread across the board room. I had actually ordered Mercy to do the reconciliation in such a way that it favored willis and then leave the rest to me. Mark was aware of the plan but the rest of the guys did not know. Not even Willis. It took him by surprise and I watched the relief on his face. Patrick didnt even have to prove anything.. Anthony: I though the last time we spoke, you guys had a different opinion? Me: I sat down with Willis and mercy and we went through the statements together, willis explained how the money was used and he will be updating us in the next meeting then the board will decide. He was still confused but I knew the game I was playing. Willis wanted me dead but he would go down first.. Willis nodded in agreement then there was a smile on his face. Maxwell: that I believe was the main issue holding us back and like Owen said, we will need details of how the finances worked. Now we will get to the part where we vote for our new leader. The votes to be casted were between me and Willis so we were not allowed to vote. A small piece of paper was passed to everyone so that they could write the name of the person they wanted to be their next C.E.O. the person that would take GnW to the next level.. Every one did as they had been asked and put the papers in a bowl. Anthony did the honours of reading the names out and one name after the other was Owen.... Owen.... Owen ..... Owen with a smiley face... That must have been mercy.. Then another Owen and by the time he was finishing up. Is was all Owen. Anthony: this is very strange but ladies and gentlemen, our next leader, the person you have chosen to lead us and bring back this company to its feet is none other than Owen! Guys cheered and clapped and since i knew what was going on, I was not really exited but yeah I had a little voice in my head asking me to cheer up. Mark: its only step one of the plan. You won this one Owen, brace yourself for a rough ride. Stay awake for Willi's plan. There is a reason he came up with the plan. I smiled and tried to show I was exited in my new appointment though I was not. I badly wanted to figure out willis and I wanted to know why he was after me if he didn't kill my dad. Makaveli said he didn't but who did when all the evidence was pointing at him?.. Me: thank you so much for voting me your C.E.O. I will take this with utmost seriousness and I will make sure I get this company where my Father wanted to see it and of cause while working hand in hand with such an awesome team. I will not fail you and I will prove to you that you made the right decision.. Earlier that day...... Adana got to her destination then got out of the car and walked into the mansion. The people there knew her so well so they gave her access to the one man that people did not easily see. She went to his office and Dangote was seated on a chair with his legs on a table taking a puff of his cigar. Dangote: come in Adana. She made herself comfortable as Dangote's sat up. Dangote: what do you have there? Adana: evidence that Owen was in Della's house the night she died. He smiled as he took the polythene bag and looked inside. Adana: are you sure that this is Owen's glass? Adana: I could not make a mistake. I badly need the money. Dangote nodded then laughed. Dangote: good. You have done the one thing everyone kept failing at. You deserve the money my girl, what else do I do for you? She scrolled through her phone and showed him a photo. Adana: this guy, he is an ex that doesn't want to let go. He beats me up and threatens me all the time. I want him dead and I want to kill him myself. Dangote: what's stopping you? Adana: I want him captured and put in a place where he can't hurt me. I want to show him who he has been messing with. Dangote: you gave me results and I can't argue with that. Your wish is my command. Consider it done... After the meeting was done and everyone was congratulating me. I got up and was about to walk out of the board room when the door was knocked and even though the secretary was in the front, she was accompanied by two police officers who made their way into the board room. Everyone was surprised to see them. Officer: we are sorry to interrupt this meeting but Mr. Owen, you are under arrest for the murder of one miss Della... I will advise you to remain quiet as anything you say shall and will be used against you in the court of law. You are advised to get a lawyer and if you do not have one the government will provide one for you. Everyone was shocked and so was I. What had just happened?.... The police took me way and it was shameful walking along the corridor in cuffs after being voted the C.E.O of the company. I had been arrested for Della's murder.....
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