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This was probably the most embarrassing moment of my life. I looked around and saw the disappointed looks on Anthony and Maxwell's faces. The rest were just as shocked as I was and I didn't know what card willis had pulled but on this one, he got me good. Could it have been that he was aware that Mark broke into his office without his permission and setup listening devices?.. Mark: don't panic, I'm coming to you at the station. Just let me know where you are headed and keep your earpiece on. He must have been reading my mind though I couldn't respond but I heard what he said. I walked out with the police officers not resisting the arrest because the truth is I had been with Della on the night she died though I did not pull the trigger on her. Robert walked out of the board room trying to catch up with the police but they were moving quite fast to save me the walk of shame along the corridors and mercy followed him closely behind. They got out and immediately got into Roberts car as mercy had insisted on going with him. We got out and the police helped me get in their Landover and two policemen got in the back with me as the vehicle drove off... Robert drove off to the station.and on their way to the station he called mark and after several rings he picked the call.. Robert: hey Tyson... This is Robert. Mark: ahh, yes... but this not a good time. Robert: I know that. Owen has been arrested by the police and i am following them. You might want to come along. Mark: I'm on my way...let me know what station they take him too. Robert ended the call and increased the speed to catch up with the police vehicle that was really speeding.. Mercy: who is Tyson? Robert: some cleaner from the company.. You might know him as Mark. Mercy: mark is Tyson? Robert turned to look at him. Robert: what do you know about him? Mercy: nothing. Its been a while since I saw him at the company.. There was a bit of a silence.. Mercy: did owen kill her? Robert: no. He did not. Mercy: then why did he get arrested? Robert: isn't that why we are driving to the police station? She rolled her eyes and looked out the window.. The police took an unfamiliar turn and I had started feeling uncomfortable. Where were we really going because the route we took was not leading anywhere safe from the look of things.. Me: where are we going. Officer: shut up. Me: no..this is not the way to the police station. Mark: wait what, where are they taking you.. Me: this road leads to some unfinished road, I've been here and its a dead end. Officer: I said shut up.. He hit my head with a pistol and I passed out. Robert: damn it, these are not police men. He said spinning the car in such a way that got Mercy holding tightly to her seat as he took the turn the alleged policemen took. Mercy: why do you say that? Robert: this road does not lead to any police station. Owen and I had been here before but it leads nowhere. He quickly got his phone and called Mark whom he preferred to call Tyson. Tyson was the known name as mark was his first name but he only used it when introducing himself to Owen and Gerald was the only other person who called him that. That night he called Owen he knew if he used the name Tyson, Robert could hear and would have prevented his plans from pushing through...but wait, how did Robert even get Mark's number and what did he mean the other day when he said he knew everything about Mark. Did Gerald play them because as far as they were concerned they both knew they were Gerald's right hand men but then again, why would Gerald make one of them known and the other undercover?... Mark: which station have they taken him to? Robert: there is no station. I don't even think these guys are cops and if they are they have been bought. I don't think Owen is safe and I'm closing in on them though I need backup. Mike: where are they headed? Robert: this is wimpy road, they took a left turn. Mike: I know that place. Why are they taking him there? Robert: I don't know but if I were you I would hurry. Robert ended the call then kept driving but at a safe distant. He didn't want the fake police to notice he was following them lest they did something stupid. AT THE COMPANY The guys left the boardroom and Willis couldn't hide the smile on his face. Not that he really knew what took place but he couldn't care if Owen never really came back.. Buggy: did you have something to do with that? Willis: no. That was just an awesome coincidence. Patrick: what's the next move now that Owen has been arrested? Willis: there is no move yet. We play cool and wait for the case. Murder cases are not usually taken lightly.. Patrick: what happens to the other two branches that Gerald started without you? Willis: nothing for now. By the time I'm done with Owen, he will be too broke then I will propose to buy the other companies from him. That way I will have finished off Owen completely.. They talked for another few minutes and after a while Serena walked in so Buggy and Patrick left Willi's office. Willis: my princess is here. Serena: dad, stop calling me that already I'm 23 years. Willis: that does not stop you from being my little girl. You will always be my little girl. She smiled as she took a seat opposite Willis. Willis picked the phone from the receiver and called the secretary to order for some tea and snacks. Willis: so what brings you this early.. Serena: I missed my dad in the morning so I thought why not drop by his work place and say hi before I went doing my own stuff. Willis: are you sure that's the only reason? He smiled and watched the tea girl walk in with a tray in her hand. There was a flask, two cups and some snacks. Willis: we can have breakfast as you tell me about anything you want. Serena: anything I want, I want a lot of things. She said getting up and serving her dad then serving herself... Willis: how is it here so far? Serena: I'm coping. Not that I wouldn't go back to Canada given a chance but seeing you everyday makes me want to stay. Willis: was there a lucky man in Canada? Serena: he dumped me. Willis: ouch! and who is that jerk who dumped my daughter? Serena: I already got over him dad. She sat on her seat so that they could have breakfast but minutes later Jabali walked into Willi's office. He never knocked every time he walked into Willi's office and that's the part of having manners that he skipped as he was growing up. He walked in on Willis and Della having s*x on his desk one time and Willis almost put a bullet in his head...he just never grabbed the concept.. Jabali: umh! Sorry, I will come back later.. Willis: no no, it's okay. You can join us for breakfast. He smiled not really sure how he would act around willis with Serena right there after the time they had the previous day. He liked her a lot but he wasn't just sure how Willis would react to the whole him liking her thing should he ever find out. Was it even a good idea to tell him that he liked his daughter? Jabali sat on a chair next to Serena and Willis asked Serena if she could get another cup from the kitchen. She got up and left... Willis: where did you disappear to? Jabali: Della is dead, you heard that... Aren't you bothered at all? Willis: bothered no. We had a good time several times and that was just it. Do you think Owen killed her because he found out about the affair, she was his girl then. Jabali: I don't think Owen killed her... Serena opened the door and Jabali sat back... Serena looked at them but didn't ask anything though she noticed they could have been discussing something they didn't want her to hear. She served Jabali his tea then she picked her bag. Willis: I thought we were having breakfast. Serena: yes, but now I have to go and take care of a few things.. Jabali: is it my presence? Serena: no. Not at all. She smiled then hugged her father and collected a few cookies on her way out... Willis: why would Owen get arrested if he did not kill her? Willis asked after it was safe to talk again. Jabali: the news about her death hit the headlines and the neighbours said, one of them saw two guys argue by the door after a shot had been fired. None of them identified anyone as it was dark. Willis: so you are saying someone else is involved? Jabali: there has to be someone else. Willis: why do you think Owen is innocent? Jabali: I don't. Maybe Della was seeing some other guy and Owen found out and confronted them then one of them killed her.. Willis: that's your version.. What's the police's version? Jabali: I don't know but we should be finding out in a few. I need to go and do some follow up too.. What plans do you have for the afternoon? Willis: I want to go and visit Gerald's other company. I want to see how big it is then I want to organize with a few of fake investors to check it out and give me feedback. Then my mum's burial is a few days away... I need to bury her and get it over and done with... Jabali: any leads on who killed her? Willis: nope. But I can find leads... Jabali: how? Willis: the ring leader of the people who killed Gerald once visited my mother and threatened to kill her if I didn't send him more money besides what we had agreed on.. Jabali: you think he is the one who killed her? Willis: maybe I don't know. My mother was aware of the plot to kill Gerald and maybe he felt threatened that she could run her mouth and expose them. Threatening to kill my mother means he could have actually done it... Sankara was sleeping in a park after failing to execute his mission. He was thinking of a way forward when some guy came and tapped his shoe and he opened one eye to look at him. It was some guy holding a bible in his hand so after realizing he was not going to leave. He sat up. Pastor: hi, my name is pastor Johnson. You can call me John. Sankara: like John the Baptist? Johnson smiled.. Johnson: something like that only that I'm going round spreading the word of God and bringing lost souls to Jesus Christ. Sankara: just like John the Baptist.. Do you feed the hungry too? Johnson: if need be.. Are you hungry? Sankara: yes. I'm very hungry in fact I have not eaten for days. Johnson: then we can go to a joint we eat something as we talk about Jesus. Sankara smiled...he did not want to talk about Jesus but he wanted food so either way he had to play along. He got up and followed the pastor... The pastor had a car and he was just winding up his fishing of men before he headed home... Johnson took Sankara to the restaurant and had him order some food as he drunk some water himself. They talked as Sankara greedily ate his food while stealing glances at the pastor who was scrolling through his phone most of the time they were there. Johnson: are you married? Sankara: no. Not yet..I'm waiting for the right wife from God. Johnson: so where do you go from here, I would like to invite you to my church this coming Sunday... We are having a men's conference. Sankara: to be honest. I don't have a home. I came to the city to look for a job but I have not been lucky... I don't even know where I will spend the night... In the process of talking, pastor Johnson suggested that Sankara could go home with him and work as his gardener and get paid some money as he figured out his way around town and everything... Sankara was happy. Finally, he was going to have a roof over his head but did pastor Johnson know what he was getting himself into, didn't God show him who Sankara really was? Sankara finished eating then followed pastor Johnson to his car and they left for his house... Adana was happy with the fact that Dangote had agreed to help her take care of Leonard. He was now a pain in the ass and the sooner she got rid of him the better. Adana: so when do I get the money? Dangote: soon. Don't worry, the money is there and I Dangote keep my promises. She smiled then got up to walk out of Dangote's office but when she got to the door she stopped then turned to look at him. Adana: why did you choose me for this job? Dangote: I know a go getter when I see one. I've been studying you for a while, I thought of Talia but she's too fragile for such. You however appeared to be quiet but I knew either you or Della could bring Owen down. Della was a fool and her obsession with Owen got her killed. Adana: she didn't even care about him anymore. Wait, did you kill her? She asked walking back to Dangote. Adana knew Della had died but she didn't know who really killed her despite finding her body by the door when she got in to steal Owens glass. Dangote: no. I did not kill her, in fact I'm looking for the person who killed her..Della was not just an ordinary bait. She was my niece. Adana: what,..Della was your niece? How?... Dangote: that's a story for another day.. I will send my guys to find Leonard. I will give you a call. Adana was hesitant to leave but she eventually did when she realized that Dangote was not going to talk.... The police car stopped then two of them who were seated with me at the back jumped out. All that time none of them was talking or maybe if they did I was not aware because I was half dead. I had regained consciousness by the time the car stopped and one of the officers pointed a pistol at me. This was not the ordinary way to handle suspects but I had to play long lest I ended up with a bullet in my head for sure.. With the cuffs still on my hands, I supported myself using some rope that had been tied on some metal rod that was attached to the vehicle and i jumped out almost loosing balance but I got a grip of myself and landed on my feet. One of the officers grabbed me by the collar and pushed me towards some ditch and asked me to get on my knees. I obeyed. By this time I had run out of moves with my hands tied and I had lost hope of getting saved by Mark. Was he even aware of where I was?... I couldn't talk to him over my earpiece because I didn't want the police to know I was in communication with anyone... While still on my knees the officer who had the pistol placed it to my head and I closed my eyes. This was it... This was the moment I was going to die and join my dead parents then Dangote, Willis and everyone else fighting against me would win. Why did I even agree to everything my father wanted? Officer: boss we have him... One of the officers said as he put the personal phone to speaker... Dangote: kill him and leave his body to rot there. No one will find him.. While my eyes were still closed I heard the gun go off and I was sure I'm the one who had been shot though I Still felt alive.. It wasn't just one gunshot but several others followed then I realized someone had come to my rescue. When I opened my eyes, it wasn't just someone.... It was Mark, Robert and Mercy. The police who had a pistol to my head was dead and so were the two more who were on the front seat.. I quickly removed the bunch of keys that were hanging on the cop's waist as Robert pointed his gun at the remaining officer... Robert: are you okay? He asked shifting his eyes off the officer for a second to me then back. Me: yeah... Mark was checking inside the police car to try and find something tangible then walked up to the police who was still alive.. Mark: give me your phone.. He asked the officer whom Robert was pointing a gun at. He handed over his phone since he had no choice anyway... Robert: who are you working for? Me: he is working for the Dangote guy. I heard his voice, I can't forget that voice even in my sleep. Mark: what's the password to this phone? Officer looked at mark then at Robert and laughed.... I didn't see anything funny that could trigger a laughter.. Officer: you think you are safe just because these bunch of losers came to save you, Dangote is not only after you but your loved ones as well..he is out to revenge because your father promised him something he did not deliver ..You are still dead Owen.. Dangote will get what he wants.. He let out a laughter and Robert shot him on the head and he dropped.... I turned to Robert Me: what did you do that for, we could have gotten more information from him. Mark: he would not have told us any more than he already did. I was mad and I was not sure if its because we had lost a chance to find out the truth about Dangote or because I could have died a few minutes back.... Jabali kept getting texts from Maggy and she asked him to go over and see him. She knew Serena would not be back soon and so was Willis. Maggy was mad because she thought Jabali was interested in Serena after she saw them the other day when Jabali dropped Serena home. Jabali texted Serena to ask where she was and if they could do another coffee date that evening or maybe just hang out and she agreed to meet him in the evening. Texting her was not really to ask her out but to make sure she was not headed home anytime soon as he was headed there himself. He needed to talk to Maggy and clear out the air between them... Serena had gone shopping for a few clothes and shoes as she felt like she needed a few decent attires if she was at all going to work at GnW gas and oil limited. She also had plans of going back home and freshening up before meeting up with Jabali. Jabali didn't take his car with him, the last time he did he had to run off and leave it at Willi's parking something that could have landed him in trouble. He paid the cab guy and got out of the cab then walked to Willi's house. Maggy opened the door and did not even wait for him to get in before she grabbed him and started kissing him. He did not stop her but lifted her off the floor and walked towards the couch. He lay her on the couch and kissed her all over but when Maggy started to undress he stopped her.. Maggy: what, Jabali: this is not safe Maggy we need to stop this thing. Maggy: why? Jabali: I don't want Willis or your daughter to walk in on us making out on his couch in his living room. Maggy: is that the only reason? He got up and she got up too clinging to his arm.. Maggy: Jabali please. I need you. He turned and looked at her and there was this desperate look on her face. She cupped his face into her hand and kissed him again teasing his body with her tickles... Maggy: make love to me Jabali.. She whispered in his ears and he kissed her back. He kissed her neck and traced her cleavage with his hands all the way to her waist then to her butt. He cupped the butt cheeks in his hand getting a firm hold and pushing her towards him and kissing her some more... Maggy was slim and flexible and so it was easy for Jabali to lift her off the floor and carry her anywhere she wanted. This time they were headed to the guest room but she locked the main door first as she showed Jabali the direction to the guest house. Serena shopped and when she was done she went to the cashier to make her payment. Serena: (to the cashier) hello Cashier: hello. Serena: can I have these packed then I dont have cash can I use my credit card? Cashier: yes please. She said pricing the clothes and having them packed. Serena checked her bag but her purse was missing.. She checked her phone to see if she could pay via the money app but her balance wasn't enough for half the stuff she bought.. Serena: umh! Can you keep those clothes for me I pick them up later in the evening, I forgot to carry my purse. Cashier: that's okay.. Can't you pay half by cash? Serena: I don't carry cash around but trust me, I will be back for them please... Cashier: okay...I will keep them for you. Serena: thank you. She walked out of the boutique frustrated. She got to her car and checked her purse but it was not there. Serena: how could I forget my purse at home? She asked herself starting her car to head home to get her purse and freshen up before getting to meet Jabali... She always called her mum to let her know she was going back home but this time she did not given the fact that they were not really in good terms.. She turned on some music and drove as she sang along... Serena got home half an hour later and she found the door locked. She knocked but Maggy could not hear her since they were busy in the guest room. While moaning and enjoying herself, she turned her head and in the process saw Serena outside heading to her car and she pushed jabali off her real quick. Maggy: oh my god, we are in trouble! Jabali: what's going on? Maggy was already up and Jabali could not tell what was going on and in all that confusion he started finding his clothes... Serena searched for her keys but it was not there.. She then picked her phone and called her mother.. The phone rang and Maggy was hesitant to pick but Jabali encouraged her to pick as he had already seen Serena... Maggy: hello Serena: mum, I'm at the door and I forgot my keys and purse, where are you I come for your keys?......

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