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There was a kick at the door and the only option was to open it and go out. Had it been wooden, we would have shot through the door but now, we were just stuck and I was certain they would rain bullets on us if we dared open the door.. Me: you know we are not getting out of here alive right? Robert: yes, Me: damn it. We need backup. I was communicating to mark not knowing what miracle he would pull for us.... This, this was definitely going to be the end of us.. I checked my gun for bullets and I had like ten rounds. Mark was far and that meant even if he was to back us up, he wouldn't get there on time.. Robert was out of moves and he didn't want to think, he stood there waiting for the worst to happen.. I asked Robert to cover me as I opened the door because the truth is, we definitely had to open that door whether we liked it or not. There was no other way out.. How did those guys even get access to where we were because the main door had still been locked down stairs? Me: (in a low tone) how did they even get in here, I saw you lock the door? Robert: I don't know, maybe they broke a window or something. I tried peeping in the key hole but I saw no one. Robert ( in low tone) do you see anyone? I shook my head standing back and c*****g my gun. Me: open the door. Robert nodded then he slowly turned the key on the door and I kicked it open and it hit the guy who was standing by it ready to spray bullets at us. The impact of the door made him roll down the stairs then as the other guy attempted to come in ready to shoot, I held his hand which had a gun, hit it against the door frame then pulled him in and left him to deal with Robert who kicked him in the stomach and shot him on the head then hurried behind me. We got downstairs and true to Robert's word, they had Broken a window. I peeped through that window and came face to face with some one who was peeping too, I grabbed his head pulled him in and as he crashed on the floor Robert shot him in the back. I signalled him and we pushed a table to block the window so that whoever was out could not get access. I picked the guy's gun and then we rushed to the main door but we couldn't risk going outside as we didn't have the exact number of the people who were waiting outside. So far we had killed three guys but I was sure there were more guys outside. Dangote couldn't let all the guys go in and leave him unprotected. We stood there silent waiting to hear what was going on outside. What if Dangote didn't really show up but only sent his guys? It wasn't long before my question got answered. Dangote: I will take it from here boys. He said making his way towards the door. From inside we could hear the so called Dangote and the thing is, I badly wanted to meet this man but we couldn't risk just storming out. He had a very commanding voice and one would think he was very dangerous, was he or was it his money working for him? Dangote: come on Robert, just get out already, you have already been cornered You can't get out of this place. Not alive. There was silence. Dangote: aren't you the one who asked me to meet you, no I thought I should surprise you instead. Robert: I'm not surprised Dangote. Dangote: then come out and fight me like a man. Me: how about I give you something better? Dangote: just the person I want to see. What do you propose Owen? Me: how about I surrender myself to you instead. You wanted me right? He didn't respond and we had no idea what was happening on the outside. I was ready to empty my gun on Dangote's head and all he needed to do was walk in. I signalled Robert and we both stood on each side of the door. I peeped through the window to see what was going on and all I could see were two vans parked outside. Dangote: bring down this door. I don't care if you have to grenade it, I want those guys dead or alive... Dangote was daring but if the guys threw a grenade inside we would be done. Now we had to open the door and face Dangote or wait for the grenade and get barbecued. Robert: what do we do now? He looked worried more like he was afraid to die but who wasn't. Mark was right, Robert's idea of daring Dangote was foolish but do I blame him. Dangote was steps ahead of him and he just never thought that Rose would betray him. He did all that to get in my good books and now, we had to put aside our differences. Who was this Dangote anyway and why did he have a habit of using people who were so close to people to wreck their lives. By the way Robert defended Rose, I could tell she was something more to him. Robert was not the type to talk about his relationships but I knew he loved pretty women and they loved him back because he was a heavy spender and he knew how to treat women. Dangote's guys started kicking the door and from the look of things, we knew they would soon make their way in. When you are about to die, a lot of things crosses your mind. I even started blaming the person who built the house wondering why he never created an exit at the back. We could have used that, or why he grilled all the windows except the one we had blocked. That one we could have used but it was so unsafe as Dangote's men would catch us upon landing. We were out of moves but It wasn't long before I heard something like a motorbike then I heard shots outside. I rushed to the window and saw mark. He shot down the guys that were with Dangote and drove his bike into one and sandwiched him with the door before making a stop. When dangote saw what was happening he started to run back to his car but mark shot him in the leg. Mark: I'm here.. He's down.. Me: I can clearly see that. I quickly got out and just as I was approaching Mark, Dangote's driver got out of the car and fired two shot at Mark. The bullets got him in the chest and he landed on the ground in a crash. The driver shot at Robert and I but we ran to find cover, Dangote dragged himself to the car and after he got in, the driver got in too and drove off. I rushed to where Mark was as Robert ran after the van and shot after it as it got away. He managed to bring down the window at the back but they escaped anyway.. Me: hey Mark! I said removing his jacket just to see how badly he was hurt and trying to see if could help him before it was too late. He opened his eyes and looked at me... Serena got to the company and just as she was getting out of her car, she met up with Patrick who was on his way out. Patrick: hey ma, She ignored him and continued making her way towards the entrance of the company. He followed her. He probably didn't know she was the daughter of their boss. Patrick: come on, saying hi won't get you pregnant. Serena stopped and looked at him. He didn't back off instead he went even closer to her. Patrick: what's your name beautiful?. Even before she could answer that, Jabali came rushing out and when Serena saw him she ran up to him. Serena: babe! She said hugging him and giving him a real quick kiss. It surprised him too but he played along knowing Patrick was watching.. Jabali: baby what are you doing here? He asked looking at Serena then at Patrick who immediately started walking away. Serena: wait, She stopped him and Patrick turned to look at him. Serena: babe, who is this guy? Jabali: one of your father's employees. His name is Patrick. Serena: does Patrick know who I am? Jabali: did he do something to you?... Patrick: I just wanted to know her man, I didn't know you guys are... Jabali: stay away from her. He threw his hands up as a sign of surrender then walked away and Serena stepped away from him. Jabali: what was that about? Serena: I don't know but I felt a bit harassed that's why I had to put up that act. I'm sorry.. Jabali: don't be. You are out of bed, how are you feeling today?... Serena: I'm okay. Jabali: you don't sound okay. Serena smiled and tried walking past him but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back.. Jabali: hey, He raised her chin and looked in her face Jabali: talk to me, what's bothering you? Serena: its nothing you can handle. Jabali: try me. She was quiet. Serena: I miss Canada. I had a life there, friends and everything. Here I'm just empty. Its just me.. Jabali: what do you want? Serena: everything I left back there but I can't have. It gets so lonely here and I have no one to talk to besides mum and dad. Jabali: I'm here. Serena: not in the way I would love you to be. Jabali: In what way would you want me to be? She tried to look down but he raised her face to his. Jabali: you are beautiful Serena. He brushed his finger on her face then leaned in towards her. She leaned in too and he kissed her then she smiled briefly and looked away.. Jabali: have coffee with me. Serena: not today. I've got to see dad, is he in? Jabali: yes, but in a meeting with some staff members You won't be able to see him.. Serena: okay then, we can have that coffee... Can we use my car instead, I don't think I will be coming back. Jabali: okay. They walked to her car with his hand resting on her waist. He opened the door to the passenger seat and she let her drive his car. As he was going to the drivers seat, his phone beeped and when he checked, it was Maggy. Maggy Hey, can we meet now, Serena is out. Jabali not now, I'm busy. He put his phone back in the pocket and got in the car then drove off.. Mark was being funny he looked at me and smiled and when I realized that he was not really shot, I punched him in the chest. Mark: really now? Me: are you kidding me, s**t man you wanna joke with a life or death situation? Mark: dude, can't you take jokes? Robert stood at a distance looking at us like he could actually punch him in the face for pulling that damn move on us. He gave me his hand and I pulled him up. Mark was wearing a bullet proof vest inside meaning the bullet did not go through... Robert walked up to us and he was quite surprised. He knew Mark but what was he doing there, how did he even know where to find us. Me: Mark this is Robert, Robert meet mark. Robert: I know him. Me: of cause, who wouldn't know Mark. The anti social cleaner. Robert: no. I know him, I know everything about him. Our faces lit up as that caught us off guard. Mark: what are you talking about? Robert: how did you get here? He looked at me and we both looked at Robert. Mark: okay, I've got to go guys. Me: wait! Robert what are you talking about? Robert: you are going to fool me too like you don't know what's going on? He walked out on us, got in his car and drove off. I had no idea where he was headed or what got him worked up.. Mark: your guy doesn't seem to like me. Me: do you think he knows who you truly are? Mark: it doesn't matter what he knows. We will work it out. Dangote escaped. But there's something you should know about him. He said as I helped him get his bike in the boot of my car. Me: what? Mark: Dangote, that's not his name. His real name is Elisha. I remember that face. Me: who is Elisha and what do you know about him? We both got to the car and drove off. Mark: in the files your father gave me, there was a profile for everyone that he associated with. He did that and made it available just in case you would need to follow up on any of them. Dangote is not in those files meaning your father and him had some unfinished businesses that were kept away from the limelight. That's why i couldn't place him when you talked about him.. Me: that explains why he is after me. What, you think he has shares in the company or something? Mark: no. It looks personal. We had a chance to get hold of him and hold him hostage but we missed. Damn! Me: we might have lost him but he is not done with us. He will come striking again. He wants something and until he gets it... He won't rest and we won't rest either. We got to a place we needed to separate and I stopped the car. I needed to go back to the hospital and do the scan on Makaveli then get my girlfriend home. Yes girlfriend.... Mark: listen, I think Della and Dangote knew each other long before she became your girlfriend. We need to find out what Della knew and why she hooked up with you. Me: how, Della is dead you know that right? Mark: yeah, but you know her friends don't you, girls have that one friend they tell everything. Find out who she is. Me: I know someone, lets hope you are right...I will pay her a visit.. Mark: good. I will dig everything I can find on Elisha.. I helped him get out the bike then I closed the boot and walked to the other side where he was. Me: you mentioned something about willis. What do I need to know before tomorrow's meeting? Mark: they tried luring mercy into their gang but she was difficult. They wanted to get her to turn against you. I overheard their conversation in a meeting they had. Me: get to the point mark. Mark: they plan to back you up and vote you the C.E.O. Me: is that a good thing? Mark: for now, they are afraid that you will expose willis and he might end up in prison for fraud. That's not how we want to play this game so I suggest that you play along. Go with the papers but play cool, let them vote and accept the task. We will then figure out their next move. They want to finish you off probably make your death look like an accident then willis will automatically replace you. He doesn't want to be aggressive because he knows everyone will back you up. Me: so I should sit and wait for my death? Mark: it will not get to that.. Don't be afraid, I will be with you through out that meeting...we will beat willis in his own game. I finished up with mark then headed to the hospital. I asked if Makaveli had been assigned a guard and the nurse told me Fadhili had granted my request so I asked her to prepare for the CT scan and she told me it would be ready in the next twenty minutes. I used the twenty minutes to see Rhoda who was up and reading some book and when she saw me she put the book down and spread her arms to give me a hug.. Me: hey you? Rhoda: I was worried about you, are you okay? Me: yes, why? Rhoda: I had a feeling something bad had happened to you. I hugged her again then kissed her on the fore head. Me: I'm okay. I held her hand and she looked deep into my eyes. Rhoda: something is bothering you. What is it? Me: nothing really, I'm just tired. Rhoda: I know when you are tired Owen, this is different. Me: they found my fathers phone. Rhoda: wow, isn't that good? Me: no. You know who sold the phone to the guy Isabel stole from? Rhoda: who is Isabel? Me: the girl at the club. Rhoda: the one I fought with? Me: no. That was Serena. Isabel is some girl who steals from guys in the club. She had her eyes fixed on me.. Rhoda: who sold the phone? Me: Agrippina. She is Willi's mother. Rhoda: Willi's.... The same Willis I know? I nodded. Rhoda: how did she find your father's phone? Me: that's what the police are trying to find out. But I think I'm certain that she had something to do with my father's death. Rhoda: I'm sorry... So what's the way forward? Me: I don't know baby, I'm so confused.. The nurse knocked and I asked her to come in. Nurse: Dr. Owen, the patient is ready for the CT scan. Me: thank you. Rhoda: Dr. Owen huh?... Me: don't call me that. I'm babe to you. I said smiling as I got up from her bed. Rhoda: okay babe, go save a life... I kissed her then walked out. When I walked to Makaveli's room, he was still lying helpless and just as I was about to start the test he called me by name. Me: you know me? Makaveli: yes. You are Gerald's son. Me: you can talk? Makaveli: and get up too. He said getting up from the bed though he was not strong enough so I helped him up. This was weird though it explained why he was looking at me the way he did. How did he even know me when I never really associated with my father's friends. I never even saw him before. Me: who are you? Makaveli: Makaveli. I know your father... Me: you are one of his employees? Makaveli: no. But its an interesting story you would like to hear. Me: you have been pretending not to be able to move all these time? Makaveli: I was not pretending, I honestly couldn't move then but I was sedated and when I woke up I could all over sudden move. You need to get me out of here, its for your own good. Me: what do you mean by that? Makaveli: someone wants me dead but you don't. I'm that one person you want to keep alive... Me: why? Makaveli: I killed your father!! Me: you what? Makaveli: don't even think about doing something to me. I'm the key to everything you need to find out but you have to get me out of this damn hospital. Me: are you listening to yourself, you just confessed to killing my father and now you want me to help you, what makes you think I won't call the police and have you behind bars? Makaveli: you think am here to beg you to keep me alive. Your father visited me in a dream and I woke up fine, I don't know what that has to do with anything but that guy who was running mad in here hours earlier, he is not mad. He was being haunted by your father's ghost. He killed your father too and you know who paid us to do that job? Me: willis? Makaveli: no. Not Willis. So you want to know the whole truth? You will have to get me out of here alive! and no one can know where i am. No one Owen. So what is it going to be? Call the police and go round in circles trying to figure out the murder puzzle you would never get Right or save my life and get the whole truth?....
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