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Mom and dad were both looking at Sophie and I as I refused to move and I could tell that they were trying to come up with something to say. They didn’t want to tell me the truth, but I could tell that they didn’t want to lie to me either. “Sophie. Do you think we can have some time with Genesis?” Dad asked. “Sure thing Mr. Davis. Gen, I’ll be at home if you need to talk.” Sophie said. “Thanks.” I said. So she hugged me and she left the house. “Come on in here.” Mom said. So we went into the kitchen and almost immediately I felt something scratching at the inside of my head. I tried to shake it off but it didn’t stop. It never stopped. She never stopped. She had a whole personality of her own and it wasn’t good. “Don’t pretend like I’m not here.” My wolf Rose said. “Stop it. I want to hear this.” I said. “I know. So do I. I can tell if they’re lying.” She said. “So can I.” I said. “What’s your wolf saying?” Dad asked, as he noticed my eyes changing color. “She also wants to know what you’re hiding.” I said. “Maybe you should lock her up.” Mom said. “Why? Are you scared of my wolf?” I asked. “Everyone is scared of your wolf, Genesis.” She said. “Only the people that know her. And that would be you two.” I said. “You know that we love you, very much.” Mom said. “We both do.” Dad said, also sitting at the table. They were both examining me very closely and were obviously trying to be as delicate as they could with me. Like I was a precious doll that was going to break or something. But all that did was piss Rose off. And you never piss off Rose. “Don’t talk to me like I’m a f*****g child. Just tell me what’s going on.” I demanded in a deep voice as Rose came to the surface for a moment. They both pulled back in their seats and glanced at each other for a moment. I could still feel Rose trying to fight me for control, but I pushed her back time and time again. I couldn’t have her losing control. Not here. Not in the middle of the kitchen and not with my parents. No matter what they’ve done to each other, they’ve never done anything to me. They’ve been great parents to me. “Alright. Can you please tell Rose to calm down?” Dad asked. “I’m trying to.” I said, slamming my fist on the table and then reaching up and grabbing my head. Rose was strong. I first got my wolf when I was 13. That’s young for a she-wolf, but after I met her, I wasn’t surprised. She’s stubborn. She’s tough. And I still have trouble controlling her. I try not to control her. I try to just get along with her in case she ends up hurting someone. And right now she’s on the verge of doing something that she will regret and I will have to pay for. I grabbed onto the edge of the table and I closed my eyes, trying to regain control of Rose. It was the first time I’d had to fight so hard and she was making it really difficult. But when she finally relented and just let me talk to my parents, the pain in my head went away. I opened my eyes and I noticed the long claw marks I had left on the wooden kitchen table. But I took a couple of deep breaths and I calmed myself down. “Please just hurry up and tell me what’s going on.” I demanded. Before Rose decided to make another appearance. “You know that your mother and I started dating right out of high school. We only ever left to go to college and we went to college together. We’ve been together ever since then.” Dad started explaining. “Speed it up. I can’t control her for much longer.” I warned him. “We’re not fated mates.” Mom blurted out. “What?” I asked. “We weren’t fated by the moon Goddess to be together. But we loved each other and we stayed together and when I got pregnant with you, we got married.” Mom explained. “If you’re not fated mates, then that means…” I trailed off. “Your mother found her fated mate last year.” Dad said. And then it all started to fall into place. That’s when the fighting between them started getting a lot worse. And dad was always angry at mom, but never at me. He started sleeping in the guest room and everything. They weren’t even sharing a room together anymore, but it had been over a year and I was sort of used to that now. “And now you want to leave us?” I glared at my mother. “I don’t want to. But I can’t ignore the fact that my mate is out there. He’s waiting for me. He told me that he’s waiting for me. He wants me.” Mom said. “I know that this is a lot to take in. But mom wants to move to his pack which is a few hours away…” Dad started. “I’m staying here.” I answered before he could finish. Mom looked really hurt by this and I could see the tears well up in her eyes. “Honey. I don’t want to leave you.” Mom said, reaching out to grab my hand but I snatched it back. I was staring down at the table, but when my head looked back up at them my eyes were black. And they pulled back in their seats. Rose was starting to come to the surface. My eyes were changing from black and back to their piercing blue color. I shook my head again and I managed to get my wolf under control and I pushed her backwards towards the back of my mind so she wouldn’t come out and attack my parents. No matter how pissed I was right now, I wasn’t going to let that happen. “Gen. Please, just calm down.” Dad said. “Gen is long gone.” Rose growled, getting up and kicking the chair out from under me. The second I got to my feet my parents both got up from the table and they backed up towards the back of the room near the window. My breathing started getting heavier and heavier like I was heaving, and then Rose pushed herself the whole way forward and my skin started sprouting white fur all over it and my bones started breaking and rearranging. I reared up on my back legs and when I landed on my front legs, I was completely transformed into my wolf that was so big I was face to face with my 6 foot 4 father. Rose stalked towards them and growled in their faces. She huffed while looking at them and I felt trapped inside the body now while Rose took control. “Don’t kill them.” I pleaded. But then she pushed me back and all I could do was watch. Rose turned back to look at my parents who were now cowering in the corner. I was fighting to gain control, and I felt like it was starting to work. Instead of attacking my parents, Rose jumped through the closed window and ran down the road, past our neighbors houses and straight into the woods.
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