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I looked over at Sophie and she looked just as shocked as me when she saw Blaze walking over. “What the hell?” I mouthed to her. “I don’t know.” She mouthed back. “Alright. You all might have recognised the last name. Blaze is Sophie’s older brother. He’s just returned to the pack and he’s training to be a warrior. But being a warrior also means training the younger pack members to fight as well. So, everyone pair off. Male to female. Same as always.” Dallas directed. I was about to go to Cooper, because we were usually paired up together when Blaze grabbed him by the shoulder. “Why don’t you find someone else for today?” Blaze asked. “Gen and I are always together.” Cooper said. “Not today.” Blaze snapped at Cooper and I whipped my head around to look at him. How dare he talk to Cooper like that? Cooper looked at me and with a sorry look on his face he had to go and find another partner. “Aren’t you meant to be learning how to train us? Not train with us?” I asked. “I can do two things at once.” He said. “Since when?” I muttered, but when I looked back up I realized that he had heard me by the look on his face. So I quickly straightened up. “Blaze. Maybe you should start with someone else.” Dallas said. “No. I’m good here.” Blaze said, not taking his eyes off of me. “Alright. Don’t say that I didn’t warn you.” Dallas said. “What the hell does that mean?” Blaze asked. And Dallas blew the whistle but before Blaze could react I grabbed him by the arm, swung my body around and threw him over my shoulder until he was on his back on the ground. “I think he meant because I am the best warrior in this class.” I said, softly. And he let out a really low moan as he was adjusting to the pain of being thrown on solid ground. Sophie walked over to me and leaned over her brother with a huge wicked smile on her face. “Gen isn’t the pushover that she used to be, is she?” Sophie asked. But Blaze just moaned again as he slowly made his way to his feet. “Sorry.” I said, sheepishly. “Don’t apologize Genesis. We warned him and he was being cocky. He deserved it.” Dallas said. And I nodded my head at him. So Dallas blew the whistle again and Blaze lunged at me but I managed to duck under his arm and I turned around to face him as soon as I got behind him and I kicked him in the back of the leg and when he fell to his knees, I kicked him in the back so he would fall the rest of the way to the ground on his stomach. He rolled over and stared up at the sky before slowly getting up again. “Want a new partner yet?” Dallas asked. But Blaze shook his head no. He wasn’t going anywhere. He wanted to train with me but I couldn’t understand why. Was it just because he didn’t want me training with Cooper? Was it because he liked to be beaten up by a girl? Was it because he was trying to stake his claim over some misguided notion that he thinks I’m his mate? None of that made any sense. So I just let it go and got on with training. As soon as training was over Dallas and Blaze had to go off and do their own thing and I was sitting on the ground packing my stuff into my bag when Sophie walked over to me. “You have no idea how good it was to see you drop Blaze all morning.” She said laughing. “I didn’t tell him to partner up with me.” I said. “I guess he still thinks of you as that shy little girl that wouldn’t really talk in a group of people.” She said. “Why did he want to be your partner? I got stuck with that thing over there.” Cooper said, pointing to his partner. A girl that looked like she was attending a fashion show, even while training. “I don’t know. I guess because I’m familiar.” I said. “He could have trained with his sister. Then he would have had an excuse to beat her ass.” Cooper said. We stood up and we all headed to a diner to get something to eat before Cooper had to go home and Sophie and I headed back to my place. As soon as we got out of the car we could hear screaming coming from inside my house. It wasn’t a big house, but it wasn’t exactly a small house either. It was two stories but it looked pretty old and was really run down. “They’re at it again.” Sophie said. “I don’t think they ever really stop.” I said. So we walked up the stairs and in the front door that was open and I could tell that my parents were in the kitchen screaming at each other. “What about Genesis? Did you ever stop to think about what this would do to her?” Dad yelled at my mother. “Of course I have. Why the hell do you think I have stayed here so long? I would have been gone ages ago if it wasn’t for her.” Mom yelled back. “Well, if I’m holding you back then just go. Leave and don’t come back. But don’t think for one second you are taking Gen with you.” Dad yelled. “You can’t keep me from my daughter.” Mom yelled. “Wanna bet. She’s 17. She doesn’t have to go with you. She has friends here. Her school is here. Her life is here. You are not uprooting her because you want to be selfish.” Dad yelled. I’d heard a lot of fighting between my mom and dad over the years, but I had never ever heard one of them threatening to leave. Or them fighting over me. Something else was going on here. Something I had no idea about. ‘What are they talking about?’ Sophie mind linked me. ‘I have no idea. This is new to me.’ I answered. “She is my daughter. You can’t just keep her from me.” Mom yelled. “She was born into this pack. If you leave this pack, then you have no claim on her. Talk to the Alpha if you don’t believe me.” Dad reminded her. Wow. Dad was threatening to bring the Alpha in to this. It must be pretty serious if he was doing that. Dad never mentioned the Alpha, especially not in fights. Because pack members only go to the Alpha for important issues and not ones that would waste his time. This had to be very serious. “You are one hell of a son of a b***h, do you know that?” Mom screamed, storming out of the room. But once she did that, she saw Sophie and myself standing just outside the room listening to them and she stopped and stared at us. Her eyes went wide, knowing that I had heard too much. “What’s going on?” I asked. “I thought you were at training.” Mom said. And dad raced out of the room. “Hi sweetheart.” He said. “What have you done wrong?” I asked mom, looking really confused. And they looked at each other with real worried looks on their faces.
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