
1105 Words
10 Years Later. Savina  I turn the shower off, gently grabbing my towel. Last night's beating was worse than normal. Not only did father hit me but Troy did as well. Troy, my ‘boyfriend’ who had been so sweet to me in the start, now uses me as a punching bag when he gets frustrated. Last night he lost the winning touchdown for our school's football team. I knew he would be upset, but I had hoped he would keep himself under control. I got home late, so my father was angry. He was drunk, he’s always drunk...  He blames me for his debt. Blames me for basically everything that’s gone wrong since mom died. It’s my fault that he can’t hold a job, my fault he is addicted to drugs and gambling. It’s my fault that he is always drunk. He says I look so much like my mother being drunk is the only way he can look at me.  Sometimes I wonder where it all went wrong, then I remember the accident that killed my mother when I was four. It’s just been me and father since then.  I slowly pull on my panties, trying to avoid the bruises on my legs and hips.  Once I am dressed I make my way downstairs, carefully avoiding the broken steps. I went right through one of them a few years back and broke my leg. I go into the kitchen, hoping there will be some food. I am disappointed, nothing but a few packs of hot sauce are in the fridge. I grab one, grabbing my book bag and heading outside. The bus should be here soon, but I feel like walking. I enjoy the fresh air, the morning air is crisp and the ground is dewy. I slowly start my walk to school, taking each step carefully, my hip feels like it is out of place. The pain is all I have to let me know I’m alive.  One day I will get out of here, start a new life. Be happy. I know today is not that day.  I walk to the drug store before going to school. I grab some pain killers, tossing them onto the counter and paying the man. I rip open the packaging, taking four pills, I swallow them dry. As I am leaving the drugstore I bump into someone. I am knocked back, trying to stifle a cry as my hip hits a display case.  A young man, maybe 18 is in front of me, he has the most beautiful green eyes, shaggy dark hair, he is tall. He has a strong build, and could easily beat up Troy… His olive skin seems to glow. He grabs me by the forearms before I can fall backwards.  “I’m sorry, are you alright?” He asks as he steady's me.  I simply nod, afraid if I speak I’ll let out my painful cry I’ve been holding in. I straighten myself up and try to give him a ‘I’m fine’ smile. He narrows his eyes at me before letting me go. I take a deep breath before stepping past him. As soon as I’m outside and around the corner I push my face into the inside of my elbow and let out my scream, biting my arm as I do. It feels good to let it out. My hip is burning, like it’s been painted with acid.  “You sure you're okay?” The same voice from a few minutes ago is behind me now.  “Yes… I’m.. fine.” I start to walk again limping badly, but he pulls my hand stopping me.  “At least let me give you a ride.. Are you going to school?” He gestures to a car across the road. A red 1976 Corvette Stingray. My dream car. I feel my mouth hanging open, I close it quickly. I glance at him from the corner of my eye. He is smiling at me, he seems harmless. A ride to school wouldn’t hurt.  “Alright… Thanks..” I say as we cross the road. He opens the passenger side door for me before getting in on his side. He starts the engine and I feel the excitement in my chest, my heart beats a thousand times per second. Feeling the engine purring under my seat makes me want to throw caution to the wind and just let loose.  “What’s your name?” I ask  As much as I love his car, he is still a stranger. It would be good to know his name at least, if something happens to me I know who to send the cops after..  “Hayden Fox” He replies, “And yours?”  “Savina Woolscroft” I say, his name sounds so familiar but I can’t place it. He looks familiar to me now that I think about it. I look at him from the corner of my eye, he is a good driver. I never did learn how to drive but I feel like I’d be good at it.  Having the independence of driving must be nice. Not having to rely on anybody to get you from point A to point B. Not being forced to rely on a bus schedule, or an abusive boyfriend. “Do you have a boyfriend?” He asks, out of the blue. Can he read my mind or something??  “Um.. It’s complicated” I state. It’s not a lie. I want to break things off with Troy, but I’m terrified he will beat me so badly I won’t be able to walk.  “Mhmm..” He hums  He rounds the corner pulling up to my school. How did he know which school I go to?  “Thanks for the ride..” I say as I go to grab my book bag from the floor. He gets out and comes around to my door, opening it holding his hand out for me. I take it and he easily pulls me from the car, as I wince from moving my hip.  “Anytime” He says as he kisses my hand. I feel light headed suddenly. I reach out grabbing the door frame, to catch myself. He reaches out to steady me once more, his hand placed on my hip. The pain shoots through me then starts to die down.  “Are you alright?” He asks  “Yep.. I skipped breakfast.. Low blood sugar. I’m fine” I say. I don’t need to be telling a stranger all my dirty laundry.  “Alright, well.. you have a good day Savina. I hope to see you again soon” He says as he winks, walking back to his car. The engine revs as he swerves down the road, out of sight. My heart is pounding once more. I feel like my body is slowly being pulled out of a trance. My hip no longer hurts, it’s so strange. Like he had a magic touch.
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