
1053 Words
Hayden I know I shouldn’t be using my magic on humans but she was in pain. I can tell she is proud and strong so she doesn’t let people in easily. I have waited ten long years for this. Now I need to gain her trust, I won’t just take her away against her will. She willingly gave herself to me once, I’m sure she will do it again. Once I make her fall in love with me I will take her away, we can start a new life. A better life. All she has to do is fall.  I watch her go into her school, she seems like a smart girl, from what I gathered from my small encounter. Running into her at the gas station was not by chance. I tracked her for days before finding her, her scent was masked by something else.  I feel a summoning call in my head. The other realm is requesting my presence, I quickly make sure nobody is around before making a portal to Hell. I walk down a corridor, to my father's throne room. “What is it this time Father?” I ask impatiently. Looking around I do not see him, instead I am greeted by my elder brothers.  My Father Lucifer, the fallen Angel made it his mission to reproduce with each of the different species from our Realm. So there are a total of ‘7 Princes of Hell’ as we are called. I am the byproduct of an Angel. My mother was stolen from Heaven and locked away after Lucifer raped her, she gave birth to me and was killed.  “Well, Look who showed up” My brother Adrian says from beside my father’s throne.  “What do you want, Adrian? Where is Father?” I say rolling my eyes.  “He actually showed?” Azazel speaks from behind a pillar, coming out of the shadows.  “Leave our baby brother alone” Asmoddeus says with authority, he is the only one who has never treated me poorly, though I doubt he actually likes me.   “What do you all want?” I say with rage  “We heard you went to Earth.. what were you doing there?..” Morfran says  “We just want you to be careful.. You know how humans can be.. Sneaky filthy things” Abaddon laughs  “You know nothing of what you speak” I turn to leave, but Zagan lashes out his whip, striking me on the neck, pulling me backwards to them. I fall in the center of the room, in front of the throne.  Adrian sits in my father’s chair, he is next in line, but he is not King yet.  “7th Son of Hell.. you have a lot to learn about respect. You do not dare walk away from us”  They always call me that, never by my chosen name.   “My name is Hayden. Respect is earned, not taken” I spit at him.  I rip off the whip, throwing it to the side.  I unravel my wings and soar out of the room, leaving them all behind. I fly out into the garden of Eden. My father’s personal escape, he comes here when he wants to be alone. I see him sitting under the apple tree, that Eden herself ate from.  “Father” I say as I touch down on the ground beside him. “Ah, my boy. What brings you here? I heard you went back to Earth?” He is a tall man, jet black hair and an even tan, his eyes are a striking red. He has aged but still looks young for a million year old ruler of Hell. My brothers have a very long time to wait before they will ascend to the throne. “Did you not summon me Father?” I already know the answer. “I did not” He is straight to the point I nod and turn to walk away, he grabs my arm, spinning me back towards him. “What are you doing on Earth? You do not belong there.”  “I made a deal many years ago. I am there to collect” I shrug, not wanting to get into details on it. I know he would not approve of it.  “You better be careful. Humans are dangerous.” He warns me. I don’t see how Savina could be dangerous, she is just a small human girl.  “Why do you even care? You have never shown any interest in me before… I’m not like you and my brothers… we all know it”  “Ah, that’s where you are wrong.. You are actually the most important of all my sons… Pure angel blood tainted with Demon blood.. It’s a very rare thing… The only other known in existence is me. Do not underestimate your powers. They are wary of you because they don’t know what you're capable of.. They are testing boundaries.” He says, letting go of my arm. “Don’t give them a reason to make things harder on you” He adds I nod and walk away, making a portal back to Earth. I come out by my car, quickly get in and drive away. It is nearly lunchtime now, I go to a small cafe and think over what my father said.  I look through the newspaper, looking for an apartment, I find a few suitable ones for my needs, calling the numbers and seeing if they are still free. One is, so I go to look at it. It is large and spacious. I sign the year lease contract on it and conjure furniture after I get the keys.  Using magic on Earth tires me, if I don’t use it often enough. If I were to use magic frequently I would be used to it, I need to amp it up.  I sit in my newly furnished apartment, looking out the window. It has a nice view of the ocean. I can see people on the sidewalk, they look like ants.  I think about the first time I met Savina, how small she was, trusting. I had hoped she had a good childhood, but something tells me after seeing her today she has had it rough. When I healed her hip, I felt the pain flow through my own body. I wonder how she got it, maybe she fell or plays a sport and was injured somehow. I try to not think of the most negative explanations my mind automatically goes to. I truly hope that she is not being abused.  I just need to stick to my well thought out plan. I’ve made contact with her, the first step is done.
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