deeper into the woods

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Addie’s P.O.V. I was leaning against the kitchen counter, biting on my fingernails. I had already chewed off almost my entire right hand, before I had switched and started on my left. To say I was feeling nervous was quite an understatement. I felt like I was about to throw up, and it felt as if someone was tugging at my heart, pulling it towards the northern borders, pulling it towards my Ash, my sweet mate Ash. Ever since my Alpha had shut the door, my mind had been spinning non-stop. I knew what I was about to do here, I was about to leave my beloved pack behind, to step over to the pack of my mate. And I knew I needed to do this, I knew that I needed to do this, if I wanted to stay with Ash. But on the other hand, I had always loved living inside the Hyle pack! It had been my life for as far as I could remember. Guards of the Hyle pack had found me as a baby one day in the forest. It wasn’t unusual for rogue she-wolves, to leave their newborn pups behind, in the hopes that someone living inside a pack would find them and give them a chance at a normal life. We all knew what would happen to a pup being a rogue, that was just a dead man walking, waiting to die, or in my case, a little girl. But my life inside the Hyle pack had been amazing from day one, even without having a family here. I had a job here, my friends, not that I had plenty. My best friend went missing from me weeks ago. Ever since that day, I had been feeling lost inside my own home. Every inch of our apartment screamed Ivy’s name, but I had already come to terms with the fact that she would never come back here, that the fun times that we had shared inside these four walls would never return. Maybe I had already slowly started to part from my pack, the day that my best friend Ivy had left? Maybe this was all the Moon Goddess’s plan? And I sighed, thinking back of my best friend Ivy, who had left everything behind to start a life with her mate outside of this pack. All in the name of love. And I nodded, as I took a deep breath. If Ivy could do it, so could I. She had sounded so happy over the phone a while back. So, it was possible, maybe I would be able to call her in a couple of days, to tell her about my own adventure. That was if I could get these guards off of her back, and make this pack stop their search for her. I owed my friend that much. I needed to make sure that they would leave her alone already. Yes, I could do that. I would do that! I looked around my condo one last time. I had taken a backpack and had filled it up with as much of my stuff as I could. Clothes, toothbrush, an extra pair of sneakers. How much as I had loved all of my heels that were still standing inside my closet, I was no fool. I knew running away from my pack here would not go well in high heels. Maybe I would be able to get myself some new shoes inside Ash’s pack? Maybe they even have a mall or something? And I grinned wide, thinking about all the possibilities that could be inside this Spike Pack where my Ash was living. It will be great! It will be absolutely perfect! So, I nodded to myself. Giving myself just that extra bit of courage, as I took my hooded vest and pulled it on fast, taking my backpack and switching off the lights, as I stepped outside and closed the door behind me, knowing I would never step foot inside of that place, ever again. It broke my heart, thinking back of all the amazing memories that I had made inside that place, but I forced myself to think of the future, and the new amazing memories I would make with Ash inside the Spike Pack. And by the time that I left my building, I was already grinning wide, just thinking about the future. My feet brought me to the pack's training grounds. It was located north of our pack lands, the woods started behind it and I knew that somewhere in those woods, Ash would be waiting for me. Thank God, I didn’t see anyone on my walk, let alone someone I would know. I placed my hood on, knowing that my hair would grab attention, and attention was the last thing that I needed right now, I needed to blend in into the dark night. And with another deep breath, my feet stepped over the borders of the Hyle pack, away from my pack, away from my home and away from my protection as a pack member here. Once I knew that I was deep inside the woods, I took my hood off, looking around and trying to find Ash. I was one hundred percent sure that I was in the right place. Where the hell was he? I started to walk deeper into the woods, my feet stepping faster, as my breathing hitched. Am I being stood up here? Is he not coming for me? And as despair started to fill me up completely, out of nowhere, I was being grabbed by strong hands and pushed against a giant tree, a hand placed over my mouth to stop me from screaming. Which I still did. The noise was just muffled. And I was sure that not one guard would be able to hear me from this far away from the borders. But sure enough, I was greeted by brown eyes and short black hair. ASH! My Ash! He did come back for me! He didn’t stood me up! “Shhhh” He shushed me, trying to keep me quiet. And once he pulled his hand down, I couldn’t help myself but lean in and hug him. I knew the stories were true now. I knew now first hand, how badly you craved for your mate, when being pulled apart, even when it was just for a few hours. The man standing in front of me was still a stranger to me. But yet, I trusted him with my life, and I would die protecting him, of this I was sure. Feeling how his body was flexed once I grabbed ahold of him, I now felt how he relaxed into my hug, pulling me even closer to him as he grabbed ahold of the back of my head, making sure I wouldn’t back away from him. As if I would ever do that!? He is so sweet! I smiled, as I finally leaned back to look at him, seeing how happy he was to see me again. My mate was happy to see me, my mate was happy that I had made the choice and that I had chosen him. My wolf Aisha huffed, as if it was ever up for debate to begin with? But aside from Ash’s joy at seeing me, he also looked worried. I just didn’t understand why? “ OK, we need to talk about our plan.” Ash spoke, as he nodded his head at me, taking me by surprise. Plan? What plan? I frowned at him, and he sighed as he saw my expression. “Our Alpha is usually not so keen on bringing in new pack members, so we need to work on our story, so he will take you in nonetheless.” My frown turned even deeper, as I kept looking at him. “Isn’t the fact that I am your mate enough?” I asked him. I didn’t know too much about this subject, but normally, Alphas never made a problem to make someone a peck member, when he or she was mated to a wolf that was already inside your pack. The pack member would vouch for his mate, but there would never be an issue. And my insides clenched together, as I saw the worry in Ash’s eyes. Meaning that my answer wasn’t entirely correct in our situation. Our situation, or his pack. “Please, just let me do the talking, OK? And don’t tell them where Ivy is. It’s for everyone’s safety.” I nodded, still not understanding what the hell was happening here right now. I had questions, a lot of questions, but Ash took my hand and pulled me along with him, giving my brain not the chance to catch up, as he pulled me deeper and deeper into the woods with him. I felt myself relax just a little, feeling his hand in mine, although I also sensed a form of stress with Ash himself. Why was he nervous about introducing me to his Alpha? I mean, I wasn’t that ugly or stupid? I knew I always got a lot of male attention. So, it couldn’t be that. What the hell is up with him? But Ash didn’t speak, as he pulled me along with him. In fact, he didn’t even dare to look at me. It was as if he was in a constant battle with himself. I wanted to help him, talk to him. But he didn’t show me anything, or give me any chance to do so. In fact, his gaze changed, and more than anything, he started to look dark, mad, evil. Making me feel uneasy and afraid to start a conversation with him in the first place. What the actual f**k? I started to spot some lights shining in between the trees. It seemed to be coming from a bonfire, and slowly, the sounds of voices started to reach my ears, and right before me and Ash stepped out of the trees, he let go of my hand, to hold on to my arm as he kept pulling me along with him. And not long after that, we stepped out of the trees, into a meadow that was filled with guards and warriors. Men who all gave me chills, as they slowly turned around and started to take in my presence. What the f**k? Have they never seen a she-wolf before? These men didn’t look anything like the men in the Hyle pack. They all looked as if they wanted to kill, right now. As if they wanted to kill me. My mouth dropped and my gaze was pulled to the right of me where Ash was standing, hearing a growl come out of his throat. “Eyes off of the girl!” He growled, a deep voice, telling me that this was his wolf himself that was speaking right now, making me swallow hard. It took me by surprise, to feel what an immense power was radiating out of Ash’s body right now. And sure enough, all the males turned back around, and while some of them still eyed me for a second at a time, most men didn’t dare to turn back. Are they afraid of Ash? Why are they afraid of him? I looked back at Ash, seeing that his jaw was clenched. In fact, his whole body looked flexed, as if he was ready to jump up and fight at any second. As he gave my arm a soft pull, he urged me to follow him, leading me away from the guards who were now hovering over the fire once again, to get warm. Ash took me to a tent, the only tent that was standing there actually. Making me wonder what would be inside of it, and my heart jumped, as it clicked inside of me. Ash was bringing me to his Alpha. Fuck! He opened the tent and pulled me inside with him, showing me that inside was a bed, a table with two chairs, two men were standing up, and one man was sitting on one of the chairs. Giving the men a fast look, I would guess that the two men standing would have been the Beta and Gamma, and the one sitting down, looking at me as if he was about to rip my throat out, would definitely be the Alpha. Great Just great... “What the f**k is this, Ash?” He growled. His eyes were going from Ash to me and back, looking at me as if I was some dirt on the street. “She was a member of the Hyle pack, she wants to become a member of the Spike pack.” The three men who were already inside the tent, all looked at each other for a few seconds, before they all started to laugh out loud. As if they had just heard the funniest thing ever. Making me frown and look back up at Ash. What the hell is going on here? What's so funny? The Alpha rubbed some tears away that had sprung in his eyes from laughter, before he looked back at Ash. “Well, that sure as hell makes her a dumb ass she-wolf!” My mouth dropped open. Me being me, I wanted to give that nasty ass Alpha a piece of my mind. He didn’t know anything about me. What was he calling me dumb for? But Ash gave me a piercing look that practically screamed at me to stay quiet. So I just swallowed back my words and looked at the ground. “She gave me some good intel about the princess. She deserves a spot in our pack.” Now it looked as if the Alpha was interested in me, since he stopped laughing at once and looked at me, as shivers ran down my spine. “And what would that ‘good intel’ be, Ash?” He growled. His eyes never wandered away from him. “The princess called her a few days ago. I have seen where she lived, she hadn’t been anywhere near this pack in weeks. So she is talking the truth.” The Alpha stood up from his chair, his eyes now fully focused on me. “And who might you be, She-wolf?” I swallowed again, still not looking up, since this man in front of me was an Alpha and with me being a normal wolf, I was forced to be submissive, something I hated to the core right now. “My name is Addison, I used to live with Ivy.” I spoke, not giving any more information. “Well then, Addison, where is she?” I looked up for a brief second, gasping for air as I now saw that the Alpha was standing right in front of me, too close for my liking. “She told me that Ivy has a mate. She has probably run away with him to God knows where.” The Alpha’s eyes opened even wider in shock, as he heard Ash speak again. “Really now? And who is this mate of hers?” I swallowed again. Ash told me not to speak, so that was what I would do. I guess? “She doesn’t know. Ivy never gave her a name, just that he is an Alpha.” I felt the Alpha’s eyes turn away from me, and he even stepped away from me, to go and stand right in front of Ash. “So you mean to tell me that the princess ran away from her own engagement party, because she already had a mate?” In the corner of my eye, I saw Ash nod his head at his Alpha. “Yes, sir.” The Alpha sighed in frustration, as he turned around and rubbed over his black beard. And I jumped, as he slammed his fist on top of the table, and a growl left his throat. “What was your relationship with the princess besides being roommates?” He barked at me, taking me by surprise. My previous Alphas, Aiden or his father before him, had never spoken to me like this. Right now, I wanted to crawl into a corner and hide myself, feeling how my wolf Aisha was starting to whine deep inside of me. “She was my best friend.” I almost whispered, feeling how tears started to prick in my eyes. “fine.” The Alpha concluded, making me look up in wonder. Fine? What is fine? Nothing about all of this is fine! “She can stay in the pack, we can always use some she-wolves.” He nodded, looking back at Ash. “But you can be damn sure that I am not looking out for her. It’s every wolf for himself.” Ash nodded, looking at his Alpha as if he wanted to kill him with his bare hands. “No worries Alpha, I’ll look after her.” Ash nodded, as he opened the tent and wanted to pull me back outside, as a laugh filled up the air, making him turn back around to face Ash. “Now, Ashford, you better not make plans to lie with this she-wolf. After all, it is your bride that we are searching for here!” And my heart stopped, dropped and broke into a million pieces, as I looked at Ash who was standing next to me. WHAT DID HE JUST SAY???
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