What are we going to do?

1972 Words
Addie's P.O.V. Oh my f*****g lord! What the hell just happened? Not only did my own mate magically appear inside my bedroom a few minutes ago like a f*****g genie in a bottle, he was absolutely gorgeous! Not to mention the best kisser I had ever had in my life! He kissed me so passionately, I wanted to strip right in front of him, I wanted him completely, I wanted him to mark me and claim me as his, even though I only knew his name. He was a pack member of the Spike pack? A pack that was searching for Ivy? They were searching for my best friend, because they believed that she needed to marry their next Alpha? Ivy had called me a few days ago, she had told me everything. She had told me that her father had forced her into marrying someone else as part of a business deal, but she had run away to be with the love of her life. It all sounded like a freaking movie at the time. But as soon as my mate had even asked me one question, the truth had spilled out of me, while I had promised Ivy I would protect her secret with my life. SHIT That is insane! I needed to figure something out to keep Ivy safe. I needed to make sure that this pack wouldn’t be able to find her. I just didn’t know how. Right now, the only thing I could do, was beg for my mate to keep this secret with me, but in exchange, all he did was launch himself onto me, making me forget what we were even talking about just a minute ago. When I first saw him, of course I freaked out, but as he had run over towards me and I had seen the worry in his eyes, his scent of chocolate would have knocked me off of my feet, if I hadn’t already been lying down on the floor from falling over my stupid purse. Learn to clean your room already, Addie! And right at that moment, my wolf Aisha had started to howl deep inside of me. And that’s when I knew for sure, this man standing in my apartment was my mate. I had finally found him! Well… technically, he had found me, stepping inside my apartment, Looking for someone else… We were both pulled out of our passionate kiss, as someone started to bang on my front door, and the voice of my very own Alpha filled up my room, as he did not sound happy at all. And for some reason, I believed that his anger was pointed towards my mate, the man standing in front of me. The man that had just kissed all the air out of me, making me feel lightheaded and weak in the knees. “get the f**k outside, now!” My Alpha Aiden growled at the door, making my eyes grow big, as I looked back to my mate, who seemed to be panicking as well. “What do we do?” I asked him. I didn’t want him to leave me, but I wasn’t a fool. I knew he would have to go back to his own pack. Normally, the couple would make a choice about which pack they would live in, but for some odd reason, I felt as if, by the anger sounding from my own Alpha’s voice behind the door, that that wasn’t an option for us. I could feel that, for some weird reason, my Alpha hated my mate. Why does my Alpha hate my mate? I mean…look at him! He is cute, he is gentle, he is sweet! What am I missing here? “I have to go back, I am so sorry.” My mate Ash spoke to me, as pain filled his eyes. Go back? Go back, as in, leave me behind? Fuck no! I am not letting my mate go, not when I had just found him! So all I did, was shake my head at him. As fear filled up my entire body. But my wolf Aisha put her ears in the air, and the next second, I heard the door open, meaning that my own Alpha was stepping inside my apartment right now. I needed to do something, anything. I just didn’t know what. So I just stepped past Ash, into my living room, where I saw a surprised Alpha looking at me with big eyes. “Addie? What are you doing here? I called out to you but you didn’t answer.” I shrugged, as I smiled at my Alpha, trying to sound casual, and not as if I had just been kissing the stranger that had come into my room. “I was wearing earbuds and listening to music, sorry Alpha.” I looked over my shoulder, as I could feel that my mate slowly came stepping out of my room, making me hear a growling sound, a sound that was coming from my very own Alpha, and that growl was aimed directly at my mate. Why? He did nothing wrong? “Why were you in her room?” The Alpha growled at Ash, making me turn back to face him. I didn’t know what Ash his answer would be, but I knew my Alpha, and how to make his anger go away with it. “He was just asking me questions about Ivy, Alpha. I didn't hear him, so he stepped inside my room to tap me on my shoulder, scared the s**t out of me though, but I'm ok now.” I nodded, looking back over my shoulder, looking at my mate, who had his eyes glued on me, sending me delicious shivers down my spine by just the way he was looking at me right now. “I was just telling him that I have not seen Ivy in weeks, not since she left after Milo’s mating ceremony.” The Alpha nodded, playing along in our game. He knew just as well as me where Ivy was. At least, I think he did? He never spoke to me about it, but I seemed to be like a silent rule around here. We never talked about it, so we wouldn’t put Ivy in danger. Well, that was until I had just blurted out against my own mate. FUCK! I'm such a shitty friend! “Good,” My Alpha nodded at me, looking pleased by my answer, until his gaze shifted to one of anger again as he looked back at Ash. “Did you see everything so we can go?” Ash opened his mouth, ready to speak, but I beat him to it. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to him yet, I needed to be alone with him again, even just for a few minutes, seconds even. “Alpha, I was just about to show Ivy’s room to him. He already saw the bathroom, living area, kitchen and my room. I will escort him out within a minute.” I nodded at my Alpha, who crossed his arms in front of my chest. “I’ll wait here, thank you Addie.” The Alpha growled at me, making my heart drop inside of my chest. Well s**t, so far for some privacy… FUCK! I nodded, smiling at my Alpha, as I turned to look at Ash, waving at him to follow me as I stepped inside Ivy’s bedroom, which was still just the way Ivy had left it behind, completely empty. Ivy didn’t have any personal items, except for some clothes. Stepping inside her room made me miss her even more. I really missed my best friend, I just hoped she was OK, wherever she was right now. I swallowed, as I turned towards the corner of the room, knowing that it was out of my Alpha’s sight, looking at Ash in fear. I needed to do something, quick. I needed to make a decision. FUCK! How can I decide on such an important matter in the span of a few minutes? This was my life we were talking about here, not the choice of what we were having for dinner. I opened the door to Ivy’s closet. “These were the clothes she had, nothing is missing, so look around.” I spoke, knowing that my Alpha would hear me. But my body got covered in goosebumps again, feeling that Ash was standing right behind me, his nose running over my neck as his lips came to stand next to my ear. Whispering, so only I could hear. “What are we going to do, little mate? You and I both know that there is no place for me here. Your Alpha hates me. Do you want me to reject you? So you can move on with your life away from me?” My eyes opened big as I heard his words. Reject my mate? Hell to the f*****g NO! I didn’t want him to be with any other f*****g she-wolf! He is f*****g mine! I didn’t want to lose him, not when I had just found him! And apart from that, I needed to make sure that he and his pack would leave Ivy alone. I owed her that much. She was my best friend, and if tables were turned, she would do the exact same thing to save me. So, I took a radical decision, as I shook my head and whispered back. “No” I felt Ash’s body tense behind me, as he heard my decision. And it seemed as if, for a few seconds, he was deliberating on something, as if he was doubting himself, if he wanted this to go any further. As if he was doubting that he wanted to take me with him. Didn’t he want me? Didn’t he want us to be together? It sure as hell didn't look that way, when we were in my bedroom a few minutes ago… It was only until I felt his hand on my waist, and the lust and power that sat behind his grip, that I knew that he was happy. That he wanted me too, desperately. “Come to the northern borders tonight. When the guards switch, you have an opening of about three minutes to get out. I will be waiting for you there.” And too fast, I felt him place a fast and soft kiss on my shoulder, after which he stepped back and left the room, leaving me behind. “Everything is fine, thank you Alpha Aiden, for giving me the chance to see it with my own eyes.” I heard my mate Ash speak. Making me almost break down, knowing that he was about to leave me behind. How on earth am I going to make it until tonight? What am I going to do? I basically had just decided to leave my pack for some guy I had known for five f*****g minutes! I am f*****g insane! The only thing that made me relax, was feeling what my wolf Aisha was feeling as well. She was happy, excited about the future. Excited to be reunited with our mate tonight. It just gave me enough power to close Ivy’s closet door and step out of our room, where I got one final glimpse of my mate, as he stepped outside. Giving me a look as if his heart was about to break. Please, don’t leave me! “Thank you Addie, have a nice day, and sorry to bother you.” My Alpha smiled at me, friendly as ever. “No problem, Alpha.” I nodded, seeing that he stepped outside as well, closing the door behind him, leaving me, and taking my sweet Ash away with him.
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