
2009 Words

Ash’s P.O.V. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! My heart sank in my chest, as my father brought out his last words. And I closed my eyes, preparing for the impact that my father’s words would have on my mate, and sure enough, her feelings crushed into me in thick waves. She was crushed She was destroyed. She was devastated. She was betrayed by her own mate, by me. I was so close to getting her out without her knowing about this. I had hoped I would have gotten some time to think about this, some time to come up with a solution. A way to tell her this without crushing her. But once again, my father had pulled the rug right from underneath my feet, and I had crushed to the ground, because feeling crushed, didn’t even come close to my feelings, when I saw the hurt on Addie’s perfect face. I just

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