
1016 Words
Rheanna Madeline Thomas - human female - is mated to Damien Arioch Philips and Alaric Nikol Philips - the twin werewolf Alpha Males. Long story short, Rhea came to live with her father - John Thomas - in the small town of Dover's View, after leaving her whorish mother back in the City. She met her Mates at the Auto Repair Shop, when she went there to change oil for her Matte Black 2017 Ford Mustang GT. The three hit it off pretty quickly. Her father was okay with their friendship, since he's the best friend of Trojan (the twins' father). Frequent visits led to becoming confidantes, crushes and confessions about wanting to be in a relationship, then came the surprise element. Unlike how it's done in the books and the movies, Damien and Nik had (logically) revealed the truth to Rhea and her father directly. They told everything. About Werewolves, Vampires, Alphas, Mates, etc. The twins apparently belonged to a particular tribe that has dormant Werewolf genes. All because of an ancestor who meddled with a Witch, and begot the wrong end of the stick: he acquired the ability to shapeshift into a wolf. For the next few generations, the shapeshifting ability was inherited by the Males, and it was the most difficult period the tribe ever experienced. If the Males shifted into normal sized wolves, it would've been easy to make alibis. But no. They shifted into 6 feet tall wolves, with blood red eyes and hyper senses. But after a few generations, the shifter genes didn't get expressed with the offsprings. So, it was concluded that the genes were becoming dormant. They were declared 'dead' after not being expressed in about (roughly) hundred years. You imagine the surprise, when a heavily sick sixteen year old Male shifted into a wolf, all of a sudden, out of nowhere. Followed by that one transformation, came the shifting of seven other Males, who all became wolves. On the basis of bloodline, the Pack's positions were decided. Damien and Nik became the twin Alphas, due to the fact that their ancestors were Alpha wolvles. Jett Hales was accepted to be the Beta Prime, because of his Beta bloodline. Axel Orson, Leon Colsby, Ivan Kramer, Noah Reed and Reece Middleton all assumed the position of Gamma Males. With this the entire Pack was set. But the rest of the tribe was f*****g scared of them. They didn't know what to do with the eight, since the scriptures for the Shifters was lost in time. To be frank, Werewolves were a distant memory to them, almost like a myth, like how it is to the rest of the world. So they did the one thing they know. They isolated the Males from the tribe, in the disguise of offering them their own land. Even though the guys knew of the real intention behind the council's decision, they didn't say anything and left, to embrace their altered lives. Hearing this, the father and daughter duo freaked out. Like, two guys come into your household and spin tales of mythical beasts, who will believe them? John almost threw the twins out, deciding that they were under the influence of coke, but they refused to leave until they told the Thomas' everything. And they did. "As cliché as this may sound, the only one ray of sunshine in our cursed life is our Mate. They mean the entire world to us; basically they are the other half of our soul. Soul mates.  Finding a Mate is like a dream come true to wolves like us. Losing them would be the worst physical AND emotional pain ever to experience." "Your daughter is our Mate. And she will be ours, only if she wishes for it. We won't coerce her into doing something that she doesn't like, but we promise you, sir, that whether she accepts us or not, she'll stay safe forever." Rhea was confused and scared until that point, but the last line they said, changed everything. She'd swear, that her heart skipped a beat. Unlike the books or the movies, they'd given her a choice. Here, she won't have anything to lose, but them? Everything. She knew what Mates meant for the Werewolves, thanks to their little lecture. And she was sure surprised when they were ready to throw all that way, just for her happiness. They were doing all of this, putting so much strain on them and their Wolves, just to keep her happy. At that minute, she knew... that they're the ones. The acceptance wasn't based on the sympathy she had for them. It was based on all the good times she had with them and the Pack. Not just the twins, but the rest of the six guys were absolutely awesome. No doubt, she could surely say that the best part of the day was the time she spent with them. But then, falling for them didn't come with solutions to all problems. She had doubts: whether the liking she had towards them was fueled by her own attraction or the Mate Pull was at it's play. One thing she hated more than celery, beans and broccoli is forcing someone into doing something. She logically decided to meet them and discuss everything. So, they did. Hours and hours were spent on discussing the concerned matters, and by the time the couple (or, throuple?) parted, they were all very confident in their feelings. She didn't contact them for about a week, after their little meeting. Surely. She had just admitted to herself that a life with Damien and Nik won't be that bad, and she needed time to come into terms with it. After seven days, she called them and asked them permission to bring her father over to theirs', so that the two old men could work it out. Details were brought forth, memories were exchanged, truths and legends were told, and finally, it was done. Rhea accepted to be Damien and Nik's mate. Thus, agreeing to become the Alpha Female of their little Pack of eight.
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