Backdrop - II

467 Words
But the line was drawn in one matter alone. Living together. John absolutely refused to let his eighteen year old daughter move in with her Werewolfy boyfriends. Much to the annoyance of the three. Convincing a father on allowing his daughter to stay at her boyfriends' place was a hella work, but they somehow managed to compromise. Graduation, was it. After Graduation, Rhea would move in with her Mates and their Pack. Until then, only sleepovers are allowed. That too, only once a week. Casually, picking up her phone from her denim shorts' pocket, she unlocked the device and smiled as she read the notifications.                                                                              5 texts from Mine                                                                       28 texts from Mia's Army Damien: Just leave it to us. Don't worry your pretty, little head over matters like this, yeah? Nik: All you have to worry about is how you're going to be so tired AND sore tomorrow to even think of leaving our bed... A shiver went up her spine at the mere thought of spending a night with them and waking up sore in the morning. Truth be told, they weren't even exaggerating. The last time they had s*x at the twins' place - which was a week ago - Rhea was sore and tired to get out of the bed in the morning, and the Pack had teased her righteously, much to the delectation of her twin Mates. Damien: Good memories, good memories. But, why aren't you replying? You okay? Nik: Angel? You good? Nik: Did your teacher get you? "Yo! Rhea! Are you even listening?" Ryan exclaimed, waving a hand in front of her face to break her trance. "You zoned out on us. Are you feeling well?" Matt asked concerned, and placed his palm on her forehead, just to make sure she's well. But for Rhea, it had the completely opposite effect. His touch made her feel sick. It's one of the side effects of being mated to Shifters. Touch initiated by ones that are lusting after the Mate would make him/her uncomfortable. And, the worst part of it? The Shifters can feel it. Right now, this 'touch' would've been projected to her hot-ass Mates, and like the over-protective, possessive Alpha Males they are, they would be fuming this second. Right now, she almost felt sorry for Matt. "I'm just hungry, it's alright." She pushed his hand off, and pulled her lunch tray towards her. She had just then taken a bite of the big bundle of deliciousness, when Matt interrupted her. "Hey, um, listen, do you wanna go out to the movies tonight?" Staring wide eyed at him, she swallowed. "No one is bailing out?" "N-No actually-" Matt started, with an obvious frown on his face, but before he could even complete his sentence, a loud booming voice screamed. "RHEANNA!"
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