
915 Words
DOVER'S VIEW "Ms. Thomas!" A harpy-like, pretentiously, sickening sweet voice screeched, making every single - snoozing, mind you - occupant of the room to jerk up and look around the space - like a deer caught in the headlights - trying to make themselves NOT look like they were brought into the land of consciousness just then. The said Ms. Thomas - who also happens to be the most popular girl of the Dover's High - merely looked up from her not-so-hidden phone screen and gazed at the owner of the repugnant voice, with a c****d brow. The Harpy smiled, like a constipated goat, in return, not even trying to hide the fact that her blood was rushing to her face from irritation and that prominent vein on her neck had popped due to the excess pressure she's been putting on by grinding her teeth. "What are you are doing there, Ms. Thomas? I'm sure the class will be very excited to listen to what you're about to reveal. Do you mind?" The students turned to one of their own, with not-so-hidden excitement. They were teenagers and teenagers like them love nothing but to waste productive time, especially in school. They'd do anything to accomplish that feat. "Absolutely not, Ms. b***h!-" A gossamer thread width silence later, the entire class - like thunder rumbling - laughed. "-Ms. Britch!" The not-so pleasant voice screamed. "-that's what I said, Ms. b***h. I was just texting my boyfriends about how much I'm excited for our date tonight." "Whoa! Enjoy!" One of her AP classmates, Diana said, wiggling her eyebrows, amongst the ensuing laughter. "-oh, I will. Thanks. If you'd like, Ms. b***h, I'd project the proof in tomorrow's class. You like?" Ms. Britch closed her eyes in frustration, much to the amusement of the students, who looked on at her and continued laughing with renewed energy. "Ms. Thomas leave the classroom immediately." Unable to control herself, a bedazzling smile broke out on her face, and within a second, Ms. Thomas was out of the door, with her bag hanging over her shoulder and her phone in her hands. A flourish and a mocking kiss aimed at the teacher, she left. The Cafeteria was buzzing as always when she entered. Her eyes focussed on her usual table and she smiled as her friends waved their hands, beckoning her over. She waved back, but instead of going towards them, walked to the custom order screen and ordered a double cheeseburger, with vanilla milkshake and fries at the side. "Hey!" Matt was the first person to greet her as she closed in on them, and offered her an empty chair next to him. "Hey." She smiled, dropping her bag by the side of her legs and placed her tray on the table, relieved to be away from the monstrosity that is under the disguise of a teacher. "So, what's up? Why is the Ice Queen here at the Café instead of her holy abode?" Grace dramatised, as she discreetly pushed her chair closer to Matt. "b***h threw me out. What else was I supposed to do? Go f*****g sight seeing? Nah!" Rhea snorted, un-lady like, as her mother would say. "Gosh, what is even that w***e's problem!?" Laura asked, an irritated look on her face. "Dunno. It's scientifically possible that she hasn't gotten laid in a year." Ryan wrinkled his nose in disgust. "I bet she's never even f****d before." Matt smirked, high-fiving Ryan in the process. "As much as I hate to break this insult fest, how about we stop discussing about my AP teacher and start discussing about something more interesting and less disgustable?" Rhea snapped, unable to take it anymore. "Why are you so bitchy today? Been long since you got laid?" Grace asked, snarkily. It was very well obvious to anyone that Grace had a huge crush on Matt, well, everyone except Matt himself, of course. And, Rhea is of the thought that Matt is ignoring Grace only because... "Hey! That's very rude. Apologise to her immediately." Matt yelled. Yep, Matt has hots for Rhea, of all people, and just puts her on top in everything. Much to the annoyance of Grace, who's been having a crush on him for like years. It is also obvious that she would go to the limit of degrading Rhea to get her intended attention, cause she's that desperate now. "Oh, don't worry, Matt. I'm not offended. Yeah, it's been long, Grace. Like really long. Two days, is it. And it was f*****g awesome, damn, man my-" Grace's face turned an ugly shade of red. "-okay, I don't have to hear that." Laura interjected, shaking her head. "-fine, killjoy. It was awesome." Rhea finished, with a dreamy look on her face, as she remembered how hot her d**k appointment was. A silence enveloped them, neither of them knowing how to react. "Um, anyways, I was wondering, do you wanna go to the movies? Probably tonight?" Matt took one for the team, by breaking the awkward silence. She certainly knew of his 'liking' towards her, and with all of the things on her plate, she didn't want to deal with him as well. So, she's been ignoring his pitiful attempts at wooing her as much as she could, without making it obvious. But, Rhea's sure that it has become obvious by now to everyone. God knows what will happen if her Mates and the Pack gets to know of this little altercation.
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