A Greek God

1208 Words
"RHEANNA!" The sound was all too sudden, and unexpected, that every single person in the cafeteria jumped and had to look in the direction where it resonated from. It came from behind the main doors. With a resounding bam, the doors opened, hit the walls on the either side and closed right on, due to the force exerted upon it. The doors opened once more, and in entered a Greek God lookalike guy, more like a, man. He was tall, more than 6 feet but the height didn't look awkward on him, as his muscular features enveloped him. His molten grey eyes glittered in the light, dangerously, yet his grinning set the edge off. His abrupt entrance and beauty made sure that he was at the center of attention. "RHEANNA!" He shouted excitedly, waving his hand at the person in concern. Ryan, Laura, Grace and Matt looked at the guy first, then at their friend, and then the guy, then their friend until... "f**k OFF KRAMER!" Rhea shouted at him, with her middle finger up in the air. The entire cafeteria gasped at once. Rhea Thomas knew this Greek God! Before any of them could blink, he zoomed over to the table Rhea and her friends were occupying. Pulling an empty chair from a nearby table, where the occupants were still stunned by his rather lavish entrance, and sat down next to the platinum blonde haired girl, who was, at the moment was plotting his demise. Just when things couldn't get any better, he hauled Rhea from her place to sit on his lap sideways with a flourish. "Finally!" He sighed loudly, as he buried his nose in her neck. The cafeteria's occupants gasped once more seeing the scene unfolding, but many turned to mind their own businesses, after coming to the conclusion that it was her boyfriend. Even then, a few were still seen peeking at the Ice Queen and her boyfriend, just to satisfy their noncey- curious minds. But it was her friends that couldn't believe their eyes. While Ryan smirked to himself, since he told Matt that a chick like Rhea would never be single, only to be shut up. But it was the truth, and he couldn't wait to brag about it; Laura sighed watching the hot-ass boyfriend of Rhea, even though she wouldn't try something whorish like trying to steal him from her, like the other bitches of the school, she wouldn't surely stay away from eye-f*****g him; Grace, on the other hand was happy that Rhea was off her man, but even she couldn't help but admit that Matt had nothing on the Greek God who looked like a right sin. It was Matt, who looked completely off. He was staring at the new guy with anger, resentment and jealousy, watching him have Rhea in his lap. He had been trying to woo Rhea ever since she stepped foot into the school, but had failed so terribly, adding to the pressure, he's even been getting dreams and daydreams of losing his virginity to her. He can only think of making it become a reality. "Kramer, you call me by that horrendous name, you die." Rhea threatened, narrowing her eyes at him. "Aw! How cute! Look at you, trying to intimidate me! I'm proud of you, love. I'm proud." He sniffed, wiping fake tears away from his eyes. Rhea merely glared at him. But he, on the other hand, ignored her icy stare and leaned closer to her ear to whisper. "So, who's this motherfucker our Alphas are gonna hunt today?" Instinctively, the blonde haired beauty groaned. "f**k, I knew it. I was hoping for it to not come to this. God, how angry were they?" "Can't you feel them through the bond?" He whispered. "They blocked me out. I can't feel anything. It's like I'm flinging an elastic band only for it to hit me back in the face." She answered, fiddling with the buttons on his jacket. "That's a pretty good way to describe it." He shot her an impressed glance. Then, changed the subject. "Remember the time Reece got drunk off his t**s in a match of beer pong and screamed like a little girl about being kidnapped when we tried to get him home? That kind of furious." His face scrunched up as he explained the serious nature of the subject-matter. "Ew. That kind? f**k. Is it easy to hide a corpse or incinerate it?" "Incineration, it is. Even if the Council finds out, we can say it's a kink of ours." Ivan replied without a second's thought as if though that kind of activity was usual amongst them. "Our kink? We all share the same kink?" "Don't we? Power play is one for sure. And-" "-n*********a isn't my type. Or the twins', I can say that." "But the others-" Ivan started. "Dani is too shy for that type of extreme. She won't f**k a corpse even if it was Axel's. Plus, Axel values his life too much to die, even if it means that his dead body would get some action. Maya is too sweet to hurt someone let alone kill them and f**k their remains. Noah would gladly incinerate himself before he'd force Maya into doing something which she obviously dislikes. And, Ingrid is too much of an OCD freak to let it happen, she'd rather kill Reece than do it. That actually leaves you, Leon and Jett. Leon is a cute little puppy and he would jump off a cliff before even thinking of doing it. I can see you f*****g a corpse, if the girls and I say we'll make you those double chocolate chip cookies with extra sprinkles, and Nutella as a side, but Jett.. You know what?" "You can actually see him f*****g a corpse? And I will do it, if you promise to make them once more! You don't know what those cookies do to my taste buds, female! They make me go crazy! They-" "-Why can I imagine him shagging a rotting corpse with his stern face on!?" "-set me on fire! I can barely even imagine him shagging!" "Me too! But wait- how did this conversation come to this?" "It's your fault that we ended up talking about n*********a!" "Are not! I was talking about corpses and you linked it to n*********a!" "Are too! You were the one explaining how n*********a will suit us!" In their deep involvement in the conversation, they forgot the fact that were supposed to whisper and turned it into a who-can-scream-like-a-banshee-to-prove-their-point match. And the occupants had once again turned to look at them, enjoying their little show a little too much. "Are not!" "Are too!" "Are not!" "Are too! And wait till I tell Damien and Nik about your little kink-and!" "-You can try that, and you yourself know that they won't believe you!" "-I-dang, it's true... Anyways, I'll convey your lil opinion to Jett, he'd surely love to give you a lecture about how-" "-don't you dare, Kramer, you'll be on trash picking duty for a week, if you do that." "-much-wait what!? Why should I pick trash?" Before Rhea could retort, the doors opened once more, and four more guys like Kramer, entered.
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