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Before long the king of Aba had finished discussing with one of his men in the presence of Shuru (the soldier that refused to sit alongside Adere when the beast was tormenting them, Adere and the rest in the compound of Adere's father's maternal home). The king of Aba had given the instruction that Adere and his mother be killed immediately he and his men leave the palace in search of the beast with the seed of power. Shuru overheard this discussion and so he already knew that Adere and his mother were going to be killed by the king. He pitied Adere but knew there was nothing he himself could do to stop it from happening. The king and his men rode out of the palace in search of the ancient beast and the soldiers assigned to eliminate Adere and his mother began to head toward the cell room to have them killed. Inside the cell, Adere and his mother were being led out by Shante, the maid that helped Adere's mother with food. She had gone into the cell with key to the chains used on Adere's mother immediately the king left the cell and the guards had finished beating Adere to stupor. She led them through the corridor at the left side of the entrance of the cell while the soldiers assigned to eliminate Adere and his mother were coming from the right side of the corridor leading to the cell. They saw Adere and the rest about to escape and started running towards them with their sharpened swords. Adere, Shante and Adere's mother began to run, heading towards the horses in the compound of the palace. When some of the soldiers saw what was happening they tried to stop Adere and his people but they had already mounted three horses and were riding towards the exit gate of the palace. The bell was struck to alert the palace soldiers that the prisoners were escaping. The bell ringer continued to sound the bell and Adere and his people continue to gallop out of the palace. The guards at the palace gate were alerted of Adere's approach to the gate in an attempt to escape and they positioned readily with their swords. Adere first saw this and he alerted his mother and Shante not to stop their horses but keep riding. Before they could reach the gate Adere saw Shuru emanate from their left with his own horse and headed straight to the gate with his sword raised. The soldiers at the gates were confused and Shuru took advantage of their confusion and began to cut them to the ground while still seated on top of his horse, clearing the road for Adere, Shante and Adere's mother to pass freely. Adere saw this and his heart jumped with joy. He and his people continued riding towards the gate until they were out of it in a struggle. Shuru led them out and they continued riding. The palace soldiers and the generals then knew that Shuru had betrayed their king and was now on Adere's side. They also realised that he was not alone in the betrayal but Shante, the palace maid was with him. Some of the soldiers in the palace had mounted their own horses and had started pursuing Adere and his people. Adere looked back and on seeing this asked his people to continue riding. Adere's mother was weak and Adere knew that she could be caught and so he stopped his own horse, drew his sword and asked the rest to continue riding. His mother screamed his name but the horse carrying her continued running. Adere stood his ground until the soldiers swept in on him and the fight ensued. *************
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