The White Girl 14

244 Words
#TheWhiteGirl #Series #Episode14 The Northern ruler gave Mira the authority to take his army to war against Lioness in the South. "Take my army and join forces with your father, the Eastern King, my very good friend and together with him and the Emperor of the West, set the South ablaze, capture that Lioness and make her feel pain before death" the Northern ruler said to Mira. Mira was happy as she received the symbol of authority from the Northern ruler. Mira was already in love with Achika. She made him promise her he would not leave her. Achika promised to always stay by her side and Mira gave the symbol of authority to him. "Please don't betray me Achika. Don't break my soul" "I will not, precious princess. I will lead the Northern army with you by my side and together Lioness will be doomed" Achika said and kissed her. Princess Mira was too eager to have him that night. Achika needed to convince her and so he didn't resist. He made love to her and Mira's joyful screams that night disturbed everybody's sleep in the royal house. Early in the morning. Achika stepped out of the room alone. Mira was still sleeping. Achika went straight to the Northern ruler's room and stabbed him to death, came outside to meet the Northern army with the symbol of authority Mira gave him in his hand. The large army bowed in respect. To be continued...
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