The White Girl 15

299 Words
#TheWhiteGirl #Series #Epidode15 Mira woke up and didn't find Achika beside her on the bed. She was startled. She unrolled the bedsheets and ran outside but found no one. All the soldiers were gone, only a few palace guards remained at the door of the throne room. Mira ran to one of them and grabbed him on the chest. "What has happened, where are all the soldiers, where is the black man I came with?!!! " The black man has gone to war with the army and he commanded us to keep you restricted" the royal guard answered. Mira was shocked. She stepped back and nearly fainted. She ran into the Ruler's chamber and found him dead, with a dagger buried in his chest. She fell on her kneels, with her hands covering her mouth. The royal guards ran inside and saw the Ruler's corpse and immediately arrested Mira and put her in the royal cell. Back in the South, Achika and Lioness were happy to see each other again. "The Northern army awaits your command outside the gate" Achika said. "You did great my love" Lioness said to him. "All for you, now and always" Achika said and they hugged tight. The Prince saw them from the palace tower and went mad. He came down and tried to fight Achika but his own soldiers arrested him at once. "I'm your Master!!! How dare you lay your hand on me!!!" The prince was shouting as the soldiers dragged him into the cell. Lioness looked at Achika and said "the Western Emperor is advancing towards the South with his army and so is the King of the East with his own army. Are you ready for war? "Very ready" Achika replied and they set off with their armies. To be continued...
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