The White Girl 13

287 Words
#TheWhiteGirl #Series #Episode13 Achika and Mira escaped to the North with the fastest horses. The King of the East lost the battle with his son's army and retreated in fear back to the East and sent a message to his friend, The Emperor from the West, Freya's Father who was also Lioness's grandfather. The Western Emperor was heartbroken but he accepted to help the Eastern King to reclaim the South from Podrick. In the North, Princess Mira approached the palace of the Northern ruler and the guards opened the gates for her on recognition. Mira entered with Achika. They bowed before the ruler and Mira explained everything that had happened. The ruler stood up from his throne and said. Your father has always been my friend. But for his son to betray him, that breaks my heart. I will help you Princess" Mira was happy. And she introduced Achika as her lover and her husband to be. "Do you trust the black boy?" The Northern ruler asked the Princess. "I trust him with my life. He saved me from the cell where my own brother locked me up because of the witch that calls herself lioness" Mira said with detest. The Ruler accepted to help her and made Achika his advisor. Achika visited the shrine of the Worshiper who saved him and lioness years back in the southern forest. "You are doing well. Now is the time for you to act. Kill the Northern ruler and take charge of the North and ride fast with his army to help Lioness because the Western Emperor and the Eastern King are allying together to start a war against the South" Achika nodded and left the shrine. To be continued...
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