Chapter 16: Shattered Illusions

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As Ella readied herself for her visit to Victor's place, every detail of her preparation was a testament to her commitment to making things right in their relationship. She took great care in choosing her outfit, selecting a deep-blue dress that was both elegant and comfortable. It was a colour that symbolized her hope for a fresh start, and she paired it with a delicate necklace that Victor had once admired. As she left her home, Ella stopped by Victor's favorite Chinese restaurant to collect his go-to takeaway order – a savory mix of stir-fried noodles and dumplings. She knew that sharing a meal together often fostered connection, and she hoped this would be a comforting gesture. Ella also picked up a bottle of his favorite wine, a deep red that they had shared on memorable evenings in the past. It was a subtle invitation to reminisce and reconnect. With her carefully chosen offerings in hand, Ella set off to Victor's place. Her heart was filled with a mix of nervousness and determination, but she was prepared to do whatever it took to bridge the gap that had formed between them and find a way to mend their relationship. With the food and wine in hand, Ella arrived at Victor's place just as the sun began to set. She took a deep breath, her heart pounding with anticipation, and knocked on the door. Ella stood at Victor's door, holding the food and wine, her heart pounding with anticipation. When the door swung open, her smile froze as she was met not by Victor's familiar face but by a strikingly beautiful and sophisticated woman greeting her. She was tall and gracefully poised, with flowing chestnut hair that cascaded down her back in loose waves. Her eyes were a mesmerizing shade of deep green, and her presence exuded an air of confidence and elegance. The woman was dressed in a chic and stylish outfit, perfectly tailored to accentuate her figure. She carried herself with an air of self-assuredness that immediately caught Ella's attention. The woman regarded Ella with a calm and knowing expression, her demeanor suggesting that she was well aware of the situation. The woman, elegantly dressed, regarded Ella with a hint of surprise before speaking with a poised demeanor. "Can I help you?" Confusion and dread coursed through Ella as she stammered, "I, uh, I was looking for Victor. Is he home?" "You must be Ella. I'm Angela, Victor's fiancée." As Ella stood there, stunned by Angela's revelation that she was Victor's fiancée, she couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief and shock washing over her. The weight of Angela's words hung heavily in the air, leaving Ella at a loss for what to say or do next. Ella's world seemed to tilt on its axis as she processed the words. "Fiancée? I... I didn't know." Ella's mind raced as she tried to process this unexpected turn of events. She felt a mix of emotions, including shock, confusion, betrayal,and a profound sense of hurt. She had been completely unaware of Victor's engagement, and the revelation had blindsided her. As Angela remained composed and collected, she didn't extend an invitation for Ella to enter the house. Instead, the unspoken boundaries between them were palpable, and it was clear that Ella's presence was not welcome at this particular moment. Angela nodded, her gaze steady. "We've been together for a while now, and we're planning to get married soon. Actually, our wedding is planned for 2 months from now." Ella felt her voice quiver as she tried to maintain composure. "I had no idea. We've been... seeing each other." Victoria's expression remained composed as she replied "I see. Well, Victor always wanted to experience someone like you." "Someone like me?" Ella's shock deepened as she tried to make sense of Angela's cold demeanor in the face of such a revelation. The fact that Angela knew about Victor's involvement with Ella, and yet seemed strangely detached, left her feeling utterly bewildered. Ella (Confused) "I can't believe you're so calm about this. How could you...? I had no idea about your engagement." Angela, however, responded with an unsettling laugh, one that sent a chill down Ella's spine. Angela (Mocking) "Oh, Ella, you don't understand. This whole experience was my wedding gift to him." Ella stood in the doorway, her emotions swirling like a turbulent storm as Angela's words hung heavily in the air. Her voice trembled as she asked, "Gift? Is that... Is that why Victor was seeing me?" Angela's gaze remained steady, her tone unwavering as she replied, "Yes, Ella. Victor wanted to experience being with a virgin before our wedding, and I was willing to offer that to him." The revelation hit Ella like a crushing wave, leaving her feeling exposed and betrayed. She couldn't believe that the connection she had felt with Victor had been nothing more than a means to fulfill his desires and fantasies. Now his reply to the pregnancy scare made sense. Tears welled up in Ella's eyes as she struggled to find her voice. "I... I can't believe he would do that. I thought we had something real. I don’t believe you!!! You’re lying to me. I want to speak with him. " Hearing this Victoria's tone turned harsh, her words laced with condescension. "You need to grow up, Ella. Stop playing the role of a needy, lost puppy." Ella, already reeling from the emotional shock, felt her cheeks burn with humiliation at Angela's cutting words. She turned back to face her, her voice trembling but determined. "I may be hurt right now, but that doesn't give you the right to belittle me, Angela." Angela's gaze remained unwavering; her tone icy. "You should have known better, Ella. This was never going to be anything serious. Victor and I have a future together, and you were just a passing distraction. Do you really believe that someone like Victor can become serious with someone like you? " Ella took a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill. "I may have been naive, but I believed in love and honesty. I won't make the same mistake again." With that, Ella turned and walked away, leaving behind a situation that had left her wounded and shaken. The numbers of her heart had led her into a painful and heartbreaking journey, but she was determined to emerge from it stronger and wiser, no longer willing to settle for anything less than genuine love and respect. Ella found herself in a quiet corner of a nearby park, tears streaming down her face as the weight of Victor's betrayal settled upon her. She felt a deep, agonizing pain in her chest, as if her heart had been shattered into a million pieces. Sobs wracked her body as she tried to make sense of the emotional turmoil she was experiencing. How could Victor have led her on, pretending that their connection was real, only to use her for his own desires? It felt like a cruel and heartless betrayal of the love and trust she had placed in him. Ella buried her face in her hands, the agony of the situation overwhelming her. She had believed in their love story, in the numbers of her heart, and now it all seemed like a painful illusion. Ella returned to her empty apartment, her heart heavy with the weight of betrayal and heartbreak. She had been deceived by Victor, and the pain was too much to bear. As she lay in bed, she found herself unable to sleep, tormented by thoughts of their relationship and the cruel turn it had taken. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw Victor's face, the memories of their time together now tainted by his deception. The numbers of her heart, once her guiding light, felt like a cruel trick that had led her into a world of pain. Tears continued to stream down her face as she tossed and turned in bed, the darkness of the room a stark reflection of the turmoil within her. Ella felt lost and broken, her heartache too profound to put into words.
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