Chapter 17: A Day of Reckoning

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The morning sun crept through Ella's window, casting a somber light on her tear-stained face. She knew she couldn't continue to suffer in silence, and she summoned the courage to call Victor, determined to seek an explanation for the betrayal that had shattered her heart. When Victor answered the phone, his voice was curt and devoid of any warmth. "Ella, what do you want?" Ella's voice trembled as she tried to find the right words. "Victor, I deserve an explanation for what happened. I trusted you, and you..." Victor interrupted her, his tone turning venomous. "Enough of this, Ella. I know you talked to Angela. There's no more need to continue this charade. Put on your big girl pants, get over it and stop calling me." Ella felt as though her heart had been ripped open once again by his callous words. The pain of his rejection, combined with his cruel dismissal, was almost too much to bear. Tears welled up in her eyes as she whispered "Victor, I need to understand. Was everything between us just a lie for you?" Victor's voice, on the other hand, held a hint of resignation. Victor: (Calmly) "Ella, let's be honest. In the end, we both used each other." Ella felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as his words registered. Ella: (Disbelief) "Used each other? What do you mean?" Victor: (Sighs) "You gained experience, and I fulfilled a fantasy. You got to be with someone like me, and I got what I wanted." Ella was left stunned, unable to comprehend the depth of deception in Victor's response. The realization that their relationship had been built on such a shallow foundation left her feeling disgusted and betrayed. Ella: (Emotionally wounded) "I can't believe this, Victor. I thought I knew you." The line went silent, the weight of their words hanging heavily in the air. Ella couldn't help but feel that the person she thought she had shared a connection with was nothing more than a stranger. But Victor had already hung up, leaving Ella with nothing but the harsh reality of his true colors. She sat there, the phone in her hand, feeling utterly broken and defeated. Ella, still reeling from Victor's hurtful dismissal, couldn't bear to let his cruel words go unchallenged. She dialed his number once more, her voice trembling but determined. When Victor answered, his tone was laced with arrogance and disdain. "Ella, I thought I told you to stop calling. What more could you possibly want?" Ella gathered every ounce of strength she had left and spoke, her voice shaking with a mix of hurt and anger. "Victor, I deserve an explanation for what you've done. We had something, or so I thought." Victor's response was cold and merciless. "Ella, let me make something clear. You should be grateful that I even looked in your direction. You were fun…for a night, but you're nothing special, just a boring plain Jane with unrealistic expectations. Forget this number and stop calling me. Consider that I did you a favour." Ella felt a searing pain in her chest as Victor's words cut deep into her self-esteem. The man she had developed feelings for and trusted had reduced her to nothing more than a disposable object, and it was a wound that would take time to heal. After her heart-wrenching conversation with Victor, Ella dragged herself to the office, her eyes heavy from a night of tears and torment. She was determined to push through the pain and focus on her work, but her mind was in turmoil, making concentration an impossible task. As she sat at her desk, her thoughts wandered back to Victor's hurtful words and the betrayal that had shattered her heart. The weight of her emotions was a heavy burden, and it made it nearly impossible to concentrate on her tasks. In her distracted state, Ella made a grave error in a crucial report, a mistake that was noticed by her vigilant boss, Mr. Anderson. He stormed over to her desk, his face darkening with anger as he examined the report. "Ella," he barked, his tone stern and unforgiving, "this report is riddled with errors. It's unacceptable." Ella's heart sank as she realized the magnitude of her mistake. She tried to stammer an apology, "I'm so sorry, Mr. Anderson. I've been going through a tough time lately, and I promise I'll make it right." But Mr. Anderson's response was cold and unyielding. "I can't tolerate such a costly mistake, Ella. These figures were for one of our biggest clients. You're terminated, effective immediately." Ella's eyes filled with tears as she pleaded, "Please, Mr. Anderson, I'll do anything to make amends. Just give me another chance." Mr. Anderson shook his head, his decision final. "I'm sorry, Ella, but this is the consequence of your actions. You'll need to leave the office immediately." Ella gathered her belongings, her heart heavy with the weight of her mistakes and her recent heartbreak. The numbers of her heart had once guided her toward a promising future, but now they seemed to be leading her down a path of despair and uncertainty, leaving her to confront the harsh consequences of her actions and decisions. Ella's termination sent ripples through the office, and reactions varied among her colleagues. The atmosphere was a mix of tension, gossip, and sympathy. The "bad girls" of the office, known for their snide comments and cliquish behavior, couldn't hide their delight at Ella's misfortune. They exchanged sly glances and whispered among themselves, clearly revelling in her downfall. Their laughter echoed through the office, adding to Ella's humiliation. On the other hand, Sarah, who had been Ella's closest friend at work, was visibly saddened by the turn of events. She approached Ella as she gathered her belongings, her eyes filled with genuine empathy. "Ella, I'm so sorry this happened to you. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know." Ella, tears welling up in her eyes, managed a weak smile and whispered her gratitude, "Thank you, Sarah. Your support means the world to me." "Ella, I know this is tough, but at least you have Victor to rely on," Sarah said. Ella's eyes welled up with tears, and her voice quivered as she replied, "Sarah, I wish I could say it is. But everything with Victor... it's a mess." Sarah's brows furrowed in worry. "What happened, Ella? Did something go wrong between you two?" Ella couldn't hold back the flood of emotions any longer. She burst into tears, her voice choked with sadness and heartache. "He... he used me, Sarah. He was never serious about us. He used me for his own selfish desires, and now he's gone. He even has a fiancée!" Sarah put a comforting arm around Ella, allowing her to cry and vent her pain. "What!!!! That scumbag! I will cut his balls!!!! I'm so sorry, Ella. You didn't deserve any of this. You're strong, though, and you'll get through this." Through her tears, Ella managed to speak. "I hope so, Sarah. I just don't know where to go from here." As Ella clung to Sarah, her world felt like it was collapsing around her. After Ella had poured out her heart to Sarah about the painful betrayal by Victor and the loss of her job, Sarah gently wiped away Ella's tears. She looked at her friend with empathy and concern. "Ella," Sarah began softly, "you've been through so much lately, and I think it's time for you to take a break from everything. You need to disconnect and focus on healing." Ella sniffled, considering Sarah's words. "A break? But I don't know where to go or what to do." Sarah smiled warmly. "It doesn't have to be far or extravagant. Maybe just a weekend away, somewhere peaceful where you can clear your mind. Take some time to rediscover yourself, away from all the pain and stress." Ella hesitated, a sense of guilt gnawing at her as she considered Sarah's suggestion of taking a vacation. "Sarah, I appreciate your support, but I don't have the luxury of taking time off right now. I need to find another job as soon as possible." Sarah leaned in closer to Ella, her expression earnest. "Ella, you've just been through so much, and you're carrying a heavy burden of pain and confusion. Taking a break isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. Besides, you don't have a job right now, which means you have an opportunity to truly find yourself again. Plus, one or two weeks off will not bankrupt you, you don’t need to book a 5* VIP vacation." Ella's brow furrowed as she thought about Sarah's words. "But I need to start looking for a new job immediately. Bills are piling up, and I can't afford to be unemployed for long." Sarah nodded, understanding Ella's concerns. "I get it, Ella, but if you don't take this time to heal and reflect, you might end up making rushed decisions about your career that you'll regret later. A clear mind and a refreshed perspective could lead you to a better job opportunity in the long run. Plus, I don’t think that at the moment you are in the right state of mind to attend an interview." Ella sighed, feeling torn between the urgency of her financial situation and the need to heal. "I just don't know, Sarah. It's a lot to think about." Sarah placed a comforting hand on Ella's shoulder. "Take it one step at a time. You can start by considering a short break, just to breathe and regain some perspective. Once you've had a chance to heal, you can make more informed decisions about your future." Ella knew that Sarah had her best interests at heart, and the idea of taking some time for herself was becoming more appealing. She finally nodded and said, "Okay, Sarah. I'll think about it and see if I can find a way to make it work."
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