Chapter 9

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Chapter 9   Alice POV  “Aesine? Where are you?”  “Here at home, preparing. Why?”  “I’d like to offer you a ride. Maybe we can drop by to pick you up.” “Really? How can I not accept when the princess offers me?” She said joyfully.  “Okay then. Bye!” I hung out my phone. I was going outside of the open door when Jack grabbed my clothes to wear. We quickly went out of the entire mansion and headed to the parking space. My sight immediately shifted to Clinton who was seating on the headlight of his white car.   “I’ll drive you to the Hotel.” He said without expressing any emotions. He then opened the front door. I went inside, reluctantly at first, but managed to throw all the shame, thinking the gentleman opened a door for me and will be sitting next to him. Jack sat behind us. Clinton started the engine and turned on the aircon, causing her natural scents to spread inside. I secretly am sniffing it until it all gone. We planned to get prepared in the hotel than at the Mansion but as for Clinton, he doesn’t have to fix himself. Even the wear an old rag, he will still look sophisticated. He’s a Prince in the making! “Uh, can we drop by to Aesine’s place first to pick her up?” I pleaded to Clinton. He finally drove the car. He kept silent, not even saying a single word. Silence means yes but for him, his silence means either ‘no choice’ or definitely ‘no’. “I will order Kieth to pick her up instead.” He said with eyes focused on the road. I nodded nonchalantly. It’ fine I guess, she was wishing to get attached to Kieth. I only hope both for them that they won’t give a fight to each other like Tom and Jerry.     “Are you planning to call a cupid for them to fall in love with each other?” I said bluntly. I forced a smile and wave my hand cue to disregard what I’ve said. You can’t spit a joke to that person, Alice… I thought. “Forget it.” “You can’t force Kieth to love someone. He follows his own heart. Apparently, Ms. Aesine isn’t his type. You can’t blame him when she cries over Kieth who’s not responsible for paying attention to her, she’s the one who put herself into trouble.” Being a friend of Aesine, I pity her but Clinton was right. However, I have sensed that Aesine provoking Kieth without understanding his side of what he will going to feel towards her action. I also keep in mind that I shouldn’t mingle of whatever the score between them. My greatest concern is my current situation. I heaved a sigh… I shouldn’t think about it too but it’s inevitable. * As we finally arrived at the venue, I hurriedly went inside one of the rooms and they started to fix me up. On the other side, Jack was watching the artist who was in charge of doing my makeup. He told the artist beforehand to put a light makeup instead of night makeup that will make me possibly to look like one of the entries to a beauty pageant. As for him, looking naturally is more delicate and appropriate for the high profile family of great influence. “Bravo! The Wilson princess indeed.” He clapped his hand slowly as her eyes glued on mine. Wearing a midnight blue-colored ball gown with diamonds attached to it, my light makeup associates to my hairdo that is all curled, and some hair strands had a pin with a silver sparkling hair clip. I turned to the mirror on my side, staring at my reflection, I twirled side by side. There had an urge to shed tears but I managed to hold back. You can’t excuse yourself just to explode your emotion, Alice. Remember that this is not for you. You can’t ruin your makeup. Urgh…  “Is that me?” I asked Jack when he put the necklace around my neck because even myself, I can’t think that I could look like a Princess. It was far from my dream at first. I stand taller than Jack because I’m wearing 6 inches stilettos. He did tiptoe to be able to lock it properly.  “Of course, my Princess. Do I have to tell you that?” He said smiling a bit. Eventually, the door opened following a loud voice of Kieth’s entering. “Sophia! Your friend who claimed to be my girlfriend is already downstairs.” He said the last word with a low voice and slowly when his sight drifted on me.  * My mind still can’t process the whole thing wherein I was standing in the midst of the red carpet with a modern vintage theme, a brilliant huge chandelier above me, women wore their best evening gowns and elegant cocktails dress and men were dressed in a black coat and with their preferred colored ties. My eyes wandered the whole place and to guests who were clapping their hands when the emcee announced my Sophia’s name. Most of the invited guests were came anywhere in the world. There were Japanese, Indian, Russian, and also Mr. Rudolf introduced to me his friend who happened to be a British Count! Later, one of the family friends invited me to play piano that made me want the earth to eat me alive because they remembered Sophia as a young girl who played the piano every musical festival in their school. I can’t keep my anxiety out of my head, I can’t any longer walk like Catriona Gray with my stilettos because I’m trembling in fear.  I exhale deeply as I came closer to where was the piano. The pianist stood up and led me gently to his position. My eyes wandered to the table which is not far from where I am. There was no sign of Krypton, and my eyes shifted to Aesine who has a big smile plastered on her face and nodding at me as a gesture of giving me courage. I turned my sight to Clinton’s direction, he is looking at me intently.     “Testing…” I uttered which made them laugh. I glimpsed at the audiences once again and looked down on the Piano keys. No matter what will be the result of this, I promised to accept all the criticisms and doubts. I knew how to play the xylophone, only differ in a number of keys. I wish my expertise in playing xylophone implies in Piano.  I pressed one key, and continuously pressed the remaining keys composing my own tune of music. Everyone seemed quiet, I can hear the cricket singing along with my play. I remembered my father, his love in music, my Mother-Auntie dancing, and me, playing marbles in the sand. I missed them so much. When I am about seconds to end, a sudden blur memory of my mother walking away with bags in her hands appeared.   I stopped there, I opened my eyes to see the audiences clapping their hands. There was obvious awe to some of them. I’m glad they like it, although, I can’t any longer remember the title which I made by myself.  “Princess Sophia! Your excellence in Piano doesn’t fade. Until now, you still like to play your own composition!” Someone laughed. When I went out of the stage, someone met me on the ground. I fake a smile on her when I heard sarcasm on her compliment.  “Thank you,” I responded. It sounded insulting but I don’t mind it at all. I’m not in the right place to get upset because it is true, I and Sophia opted to play our own composition because that was the only thing we can do.  “Who was your dermatologist? Have you undergone plastic surgery? I can’t find similarities between you and the young you.” The other one laughed after analyzing my entire face. Boys have a strong instinct so better to play safe, Alice. Always watch your own action if you don’t want to get caught.  “I never had undergone plastic surgery. Change on Physique is constant especially during Adolescence stage.” I spat out an excuse. One girl cleared her throat and stopped smiling like an i***t. How can I get rid of them, their group met me after playing the piano and never had a chance to walk to our table.  “Sophia, you know you’re treating us like we are strangers. Hello?! We were your childhood friends!” The other girl said. Childhood friends? I smiled a bit, okay... At least I can do in order not to humiliate Sophia in front of them.  “Oh, sorry. I can’t remember you anymore.” I told them with pouting lips.  “Like duh, Of course! You can’t remember us anymore, you have amnesia!” One girl rolled her eyes. They laughed simultaneously.    “Sophia!” My sight shifted to stage where Kieth was standing with a microphone in his hand. “Oh…” I was about to wave my hand to Kieth when someone smacked a kiss on my lips. My eyes widen in surprise! Who the hell was that?! Who the hell stole my first ever kiss that I reserved for my future boyfriend?! I remembered during my high school days, my teacher told me that kissing in the other countries is normal. It symbolized respect, friendship, or affection. But I don’t tolerate that kind of intimacy, especially I was born being conservative. I held my lips and frowned, a sudden burst in anger filled me entirely. I saw Kieth being stunned as he dropped down the microphone unintentionally. He looked like a male protagonist who caught the love of his life kissing someone else. I turned to the direction of the guy who was laughing like an i***t. A conceited smile plastered on his face like he was proud that he was the first kiss of Sophia. I felt the urged to hurt physically, to beat someone with my bare hands. On the spur of the moment, I sent him to the floor with a straight punch that made them gasp.   “Oh my God!” The other girl covered her mouth and said theatrically as she saw blood dripping from his mouth.  “Help me!” The guy cried and gets hysterical when he saw a bloodstain on his finger when he touched his mouth to check. “Woah! Never in my entire life told me that you are an sss rather than a princess.” His black American friend said, clapping his hand. “You got me there!” the other Chinese guy said, I glared at him that made his hand surrender. “Uhm, I’m sorry.” He smiled awkwardly.   Some guests bother by the commotion and some came closer to check. I heard them gasping when I kicked his member. That was for you, i***t!  “Let go of me!” I yelled to the person who was holding my arm to stop me. I pulled my hands from him drastically. I wish I could do this to Krypton as well, but I know I can’t. That bastard is very powerful, one summons to his allies then they will sue after me, and it also possible that he can make the rest of my life miserable. I turned around and was about to leave when someone blocked my sight with his narrow shoulder. I lifted up my head to see who it was. "Mr. Morgan..." I muttered. His eyes darkened as he was looking at me seriously. He was like a predator who reader to eat his prey. "Go inside and explain." He declared. Krypton's POV  “If your presence won’t appear till midnight, it’s not my fault when I have to freeze your bank account. I don’t allow a disobedient child to be part of my family.”    “Pa! I’m not done with---“ Before I could tell him my reason, he hung up immediately. I cursed and threw my phone away. I heard it shattered when it hit on the hard wall. I don’t care at all, I can buy a new one but at the back of my head, the devil shut me up when he mentioned that ‘bank account to frozen’. f**k! We will be having a gig and our band will collaborate with the highest paid band in the music industry. I don’t understand why they throw an intro party for that stupid pretender! She’s a liar! She doesn’t deserve everything all good deeds to her! “Bro? Where are you going? We will be going to start in just fewer minutes.” Clint said when he saw me wearing my coat and putting my shoulder bag on. I ignored him and walked quickly out of the bar. I have to save my bank account which my life linked to. I texted them instead when I’m already inside of my car that I have something more important things to do. Clint replied that they will be going to reach out to our former bass guitar as my temporary substitute for tonight’s gig. My jaw clenched, I was filled with regret and annoyance at the same time. “Ma, Pa…I’m here!” I told them and kissed their cheeks. “Satisfied?” I smiled at them, but I want to puke, kissing as a gesture of greetings isn’t my thing. “Not yet, go upstairs and wear proper suits.” That Ally girl said after she stared at me from head to foot. What was with my look? Isn’t this already a proper suit? I wore my expensive black leather jacket and denim jeans. My father fixed his tie and glared at me. I immediately realized that this is a coat and tie party. Oh, I hope they won’t regret wasting their half-million for this party when they find out that girl is not Sophia. If that would happen, I will cry out of laughter. “Hi! Krypton.” I bumped into pretty girls when I headed upstairs to change. Did they know me? I hope they’re still available to talk to after I’m done wearing my clothes. I winked to a one-woman who I find prettier among her friends. Are you available tonight, pretty…I thought, wishing she would hear it. Urgh! I need to be quick so I won’t miss out any chances.     “Why did you beat him up?! The kiss means greetings for him!” “Mr. Morgan, I’m conservative! I can’t accept that.” Curiosity kills the cat. I forget where the room I supposed to enter, I was looking for it when I heard a conversation in a particular room not far from where I was standing. I slowly walked towards the direction where the noise is coming. “Learn to get used to this World you entered.” It is Elijah’s voice, I am pretty sure of that. “For your information, you’re the one who made me enter this world.”  “I know, be careful, Alice.” I opened the door a little to see who are with Elijah. To my surprise, it is the girl who is living with us. I smirked. I do believe my instinct, and yes! I’m not mistaken. She’s not Sophia. I learned her real name finally! Alice, huh. The truth is in my hand. And Elijah, my father has been proud and gave him his full trust because of his efficiency and being responsible at our company. And this is how he pays my father?! He made him fool! He was talking advantage because all of them are blinded of false truth about Sophia! “I’m having a hard time pretending as Sophia, especially recently…” Said the pretender whose name is Alice.  “Keep the secret, Alice.” Elijah said and patted her head. I noticed that their conversation is finally over, and headed to the door where I was. I leaned on the wall beside the door and put my hand on my pocket. I can’t wait to see their reactions when they see me. As they went out of the room, Elijah’s eyes immediately met mine. There’s no reaction on his face but on Alice, a surprise obviously written all over his face. Her eyes widen, feet glued on the ground. She’s not even suitable for the elegant princess-like gown she is wearing. She was like a neglected frozen omelet for a long time in a refrigerator. I smirked at her. “Hello, Ms. Alice,” I emphasized her real name and smiled at her sweetly. She gasped and lifted her sight on Elijah.  “How did you know.” She stammered.  “You can fool my family but not me. Elijah, Alice. You bumped into the wrong person.”  “So what will you do next? You will tell them about this? Go ahead, Krypton. Let’s see if they going to believe you.” He said nonchalantly. He walked straight passed me. Leaving me alone with Alice. He is very intellectual. He knew how my father thinks almost to the point that he can manipulate things revolving around him. They trusted this man so much than their own son. I have nothing against Elijah, he knows that. At the back of my mind, opted to hold back my plan on telling them about what I’ve heard and make Alice’s life miserable instead so she will be the one to state the truth—her real identity, and Elijah’s plan of making her pretend as my sister. His corruption will backfire on him soon using his own instrument… using Alice. I turned to Alice, I pointed her with my index finger. Fear obviously was written all over her face.  “You,” I uttered. I saw her swallowed hard.  “I told you before. If I caught you, you’ll get doomed.” She bit her lower lip. Her face turned pale. Although she was wearing makeup, obviously she is. “Krypton, I’m begging you! Don’t tell everyone, please!” She cried. She begged by herself on behalf of Elijah. Did he offer this girl a good future? Promised her that she’ll live like Sophia? Seems like blinded by that, poor little Liar.  “I never mentioned that I tell everyone about it.” A sudden hope lit up her face.  “Really? Thank you!” She was about to embrace me but I managed to stop her by holding his forehead with my palm.  “Of course, it isn’t for free,” I told her, smirking. He winked two times as if waiting for my words to follow. “What do you mean?” “In one condition,” I said seriously. He swallowed hard and exhaled heavily. “Whatever it takes, still have no chance but to accept it.” She said with finality in her voice. An evil smile formed in my lips. “Okay then, be my personal slave.”  
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