Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Alice POV  “Good Morning” I greeted the maids along with Jack when they passed through my room.  “Good morning princess, we have already eaten our breakfast. How about you?” He asked.  “Not yet,” I responded, yawning.  “Take your breakfast now. By the way, I’m going. I have something to do.” He glimpsed at his wristwatch. I nodded then he headed to the open door. I headed towards the dining room when I heard a conversation in the lounge. I think the Mr. and Mrs. Morgan were here. I came closer a bit to eavesdrop.  “I think, we need to introduce Sophia publicly. Plenty of people already knew about her anyway.” I heard Mrs. Aly.  “How about the Media? What if they won’t stop Sophia?” A concerned Mrs. Morgan said.  “I have settled down an agreement between Wilson International and the broadcasting networks around the globe about the hidden Identity of Princess Sophia. Therefore, they won’t dare to put a hand on Sophia if we’ll going to reveal her publicly.” Mr. Morgan said.  “Okay then. When are you planning to do it Ally? This coming Saturday? Do everyone’s invited?” Mrs. Morgan, ask Mrs. Ally. What are they up to?... I thought.  “Of course.” I glimpsed at them and saw Mrs. Ally formed a smile. In my understanding, they will introduce me publicly. I will be no longer a secret! Mr. Morgan mentioned that my identity will be a secret for the rest of my pretending as Sophia, but I can’t blame him when most of Mouston Students already knew about it. If there’s anyone to blame, it’s no other than Krypton. That jerk messed up my serene life, because of that, I’m expecting to have a hard time to pretend as Sophia.  “Okay. We’re all set. Sophia’s safety and revelation activated.” Mr. Rudolf spoke up, mimicking a female cyborg when there’s a rocket to be launched. I continued to work in my supposed destination. I came to be in a time when I saw the awesome brothers except to the other one who’s currently reading her favorite magazine with a nude model as a front cover, taking their meal. Clinton was on the other side with a cup of coffee in his hand and reading a newspaper, and Kieth was eating and refused to have an eye-to-eye contact with me. He was been like that since yesterday.  “Good Morning, fugly,” Krypton said. He glanced at me, grinning. I rolled my eyes and seated in the opposite direction, fronting him.  “Hey, you shouldn’t eat that!” he suppressed me when I ate the piece of banana.  “What? But, why?” I asked him, confused.  “You could be looked like Orangutan.” He scoffed up then laughed at his joke. I frowned and swallowed the banana. In my peripheral vision, I noticed Kieth almost choked, and Clinton shook his head. Seriously? I was the one who supposed to tell him that, even he was not eating a banana, he could misconceive by the monkeys as their father king-kong.  “It doesn’t make a sense, bro. Rest in peace.” Clinton said a matter of fact without even glancing that caused him to stop laughing. “Apply cold water to the burned area,” Kieth responded, smirking. Now, it’s my turn to laugh. His lips twitched upward and glared the hell out of me when I started to laugh. He stared blankly getting out of his mood as he threw his magazine somewhere. I coughed a little and sat formally when the Wilson couple eventually appeared. Mrs. Ally who was sitting next to me, smiled as he touched my hand when one of the maids served her meal. Her delicate hand warmed my heart and filled the missing piece which I hadn’t experience for a long time that only a mother could do. Wilson brothers are very lucky to have her as a mother as well as Sophia. “I have a piece of good news, dearests.” She started a conversation. Everyone including me turned our direction on her.  “This coming Saturday, there will be a celebration in line with the revelation publicly of our Princess, Sophia.” Nobody reacted. However, Mr. Wilson, nodded as he glances at his sons one by one.  “That’s a good idea rather than keeping her and let her live the life with enchainment. Having no freedom at all sucks.” Clinton  “Congratulations Princess and welcome back to our family, officially.” Kieth gladly said. I smiled back at him. “Psh, a celebration is meant only for the real one,” Krypton said and gave a nonchalant shrug.  “Shut up, you shouldn’t make the mood go bad,” Kieth whispered to Krypton, nudging him and preventing the jerk to spit out an unnecessary word.  “Whatever.” Krypton rolled his eyes. “As we would like you to introduce to everyone, I have a gift for you. If you have time, please check your bank account.” Mr. Rudolf announced. Did they create a bank account for me? I wasn’t informed. But yeah, from now on, I should learn how people reside in the city live their lives. Including this scenario, I should take down notes all the etiquette, lifestyle, and manners for becoming a Wilson.    “Wait, what?! You deposited on her bank account but didn’t you deposit on mine? That’s unfair!” Krypton snapped. “I’m not responsible for your account, i***t. I gave you money to deposit but what you did you do? Waste it on girls and beers? Learn to save your money from now on.” Mr. Rudolf said.   “Psh, I don’t see any difference between my situation before and giving money to the stranger. It was a pure waste of wealth.” He said then he stood up and went out of the dining room. Mr. Rudolf was about to go after Krypton but Mrs. Ally held her back giving him a cue to let Krypton. I never meant to offend him nor let him feel being underserved to his own family. I also promised myself that I won’t spend it on behalf of my respect to Sophia. * “Hey!” I startled when Aesine suddenly poked me from behind. “Where have you been yesterday?” “I had a good time with Kieth,” I said. She rolled her eyes. “You’re so lucky. I’m quite jealous, I wish he could do that with me too.” He said sadly. I pat her shoulder to comfort her. Whatever the score between them isn’t my concern anymore unless Aesine will tell me about it. Her smile formed and put her hand around my shoulder as we headed towards the corridor. Suddenly, we noticed a group of students gathered in front of the bulletin board, so we came closer to check it out too. “Wilson's family is very strict in terms of Princess Sophia’s safety. Imagine the two school reporters Ben and ten got suspended?” “I’ve seen some students got suspension letters too!” “Oh my God, I don’t wanna engage to that kind of trouble.” We heard three female students talked about what happened in the cafeteria yesterday. How about Krypton? Does he need to receive a letter from the suspension office also? He’s the reason behind the bullying. I’m sure it didn’t just happen to me but some of the students too who never had a chance to voice out because of cowardice. “Excuse me? Are you talking behind our back?” Aesine asked them, with a raised eyebrow. They turned their direction on us. Their eyes widen in surprise when they see me and they smiled awkwardly immediately. “As far as I remembered, we only mentioned Princess. Come on.” One girl pulled her friend to get out of us. We managed to go closer to see the post on the bulletin board. ‘Everyone’s invited for the long lost Wilson Princess revelation. To be held at Wilbro Hotel on Saturday, don’t miss a chance to meet and see her!’   “Woah! Seriously? Did they hold a party for you? You got a crazy rich family!” Aesine said with excitement. Most of them showed interest in joining and I am here, getting anxious. I swallowed hard. There’s no turning back, Alice, you accept this circumstance and there’s no other way to escape. At the back of my head, I kept on telling that this is just a test for me. A test of how long would I pretend to be their Princess.   Krypton's POV I can't help myself from being drunk. I took a sip of Vodka as I watched the sexy girls dancing. “One glass of tequila, please!” I turned to the direction where the voice is coming. She sat next to me and smiled seductively. I stared at her from her stilettos up to her cleavage. I twitched my upper lip the grinned, isn’t my type. Thank you, next. He moved closer when her tequila arrived. She moved a little closer as I felt her finger wandered on my neck. “Would you mind dance with me?”  She said flirting. I get annoyed, can I have another girl with boobs and booty? Unlike this, she made me remember someone, I hate skinnies. I giggled "I will only dance with you when you can show to me that you're the sexiest among them all." I challenged her. Let’s see, b***h. If you can do it… I thought. She glanced on the dance floor and formed an evil smile. “Alright then, count on me.” She winked before headed to the dance floor. My head wickedly thought of an unfed fish getting along with sharks. She bumped into a girl when she tried to sway her hips, causing a collision to the dancefloor. I smirked when one girl gets annoyed.   “Chill!” She exclaimed. “Clint! Come here.” I signaled my co-member of the band to come closer. “Whose chic will you going to introduce to me again?”  He looked to the direction my lips were pointing. I saw him bite his lower lip, I knew it… I thought as I grinned. “This is it.” He said, getting stunned to the girl who was flirting on me earlier. He has no specific ideal, as long as a b***h is all prepared to suck a d**k, then that’s fine for him. I removed my coat and gave him for him to get recognized by the girl as me. Later that moment, I walked out of the bar. It was the bar where I used to go whenever there’s a gig. Place where I used to elapse my grudge towards my family. Their hope for my sister’s return kept provoking the hell out of me. She isn’t coming back unless they would call all gods to bring her back to life. I knew my little sister, I knew all the details because I’m with her during the accident years ago. We were going back to the mansion when an unfortunate event happened. A trucked collided against the car that caused a road crash with some cars near us. The strong impact caused our car to get flown unto huge canals. Everything went black after that. I came back to my consciousness when somebody grabs me, trying to get me off from the car. I saw Sophia, covered by her blood. They successfully exited me and ran away before the car exploded… where Sophia was unconsciously lying down. How many times I told them about it but they refused to believe. She’s dead! They were searching for her body but they didn’t find it. For sure her remains were already blown by the wind.  It was just folded mystery only God can tell where it is. Only one thing, for now, is certain, the girl who’s currently living with us isn’t Sophia. She will never be Sophia. There’s an award who can bring back the real Sophia, and I know they go after money like my father’s second wife. Gold digger at her finest…    
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