Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 Alice POV It's still hard to believe until now that Krypton had already learned about my real identity behind his sister Sophia and worst, he made me his slave in exchange for a favor that he won’t tell anyone about it. The bell rang just a few minutes ago, the class is finally over but I have to wait for my master. The more I see Krypton that more it’s getting to hard to becoming Sophia every single day but I couldn’t escape, and I don’t want to be sent to jail.    My driver went home already. I told him that I have an errand to be done before going home when in fact, I have no longer anything to do. Krypton called earlier and he said that I shouldn’t leave yet because he has something to do with me. Terrifically to get to tell everyone by him about my identity, I obeyed him. Although I’m still confused about why it is that Mr. Morgan isn’t worrying? I don’t want to think that he’s confident enough that no one even Krypton considering that he is the son of Rudolf Wilson already knew the truth can shatter his idea, but I can’t help it. Moreover, we should be more extra careful but he remained unaffected. I don’t even know if he knew that Krypton made me his slave. Time check its already 2:30 PM. What took him so long? Where could he be? “Did I make you wait?” Suddenly I heard the monster's voice behind me. I stood up and turned to face him.  “Not really, I did only wait for almost 30 minutes,” I said sarcastically. That’s the shortest time I did wait in my whole life.  “Get used to it from now on. Thirty minutes is the shortest time in history.” He said. “Seriously?!” “Got a problem with that?”  “No. It’s super easy you know,” It’s just a matter of waiting, not hard. Really “Yeah, no sweat.” I smiled awkwardly. I immediately came up with a reason. His condition involves rules, and one of them is when I complain three times he will sue me. My patience for him is slowly running out but no, I shouldn’t. Take it easy, Alice.  “Catch!” He threw his bag on me and I immediately catch it. “What are we going to do?' I asked him. He smirked then he reached out my ear to whisper. “I haven’t stroll for a while.” He said with a smirk on his face, not leaving him. We went to the station where usually the bus stop, some students from Mouseton who don’t have car possession on their own, taking rides here to their homes. “You owned a car, right? Why are we taking a ride by bus?” The arrogant Krypton Wilson is taking a bus? That’s unbelievable! Anyone’s willing to slap me to be awake from this dream?    “I don’t have my car with me, confiscated by Dad.” He said without looking at me. I nodded. Probably, He did something isn’t right which caused Mr. Rudolf to get upset. I still have a further question but I opted not to spit out for him not to be irritated. He’s short-tempered, I’m scared that he will push me out of the bus.   “Why not taking commuter cars instead?” I turned to see him. There were grains of sweat which threatening to pour on a short while on his forehead while he is holding the hook to support himself. He looked uncomfortable. We ran out of the vacant seat, therefore, we bear to stand along with few people inside than waiting for another thirty minutes for the next bus.  “No. I don’t want you to feel lucky just by letting you ride in an air-con vehicle.” He said, wiping his sweat.  “Do you think this is the way to torment me? I get used to this kind of situation before coming into your life. Don’t you pity yourself instead? Do you risk yourself for this? You’re funny, Krypton.” I told him. I came to realized what I’ve said, I then lifted my sight to see his reaction. I gulped when he glared at me with flaming eyes. “J..Just forget what I’ve said, M-Master.” I stammered and force a smile. Meanwhile, the bus suddenly braked due to a kid crossing the lane that caused my head to bump against his hard chest. I smell his perfume, he had a manly scent like Clinton! “How does my armpit smell?” He grinned as he asks. I quickly stand properly and avoided his gaze.  “I smelled nothing,” I told him, eyes focused outside the window.  “Come on. Don’t be such a coy.” I refused to give him my response. This jerk isn’t doing anything good with his life so I let him uttering something, pretending to be deaf. "Hai Babe!" “Hey, baby, what’s up?” The girl suddenly appeared who probably is a bit older than me. Krypton smiled at her sweetly and took a peck on the lips. Wait? Is this a date? Why do I need to be with them?  “She’s your sister, right?” she asked and glanced at me. Krypton nodded and raised his eyebrow when he turned at me. “What’s her name again?” "Sophia Wilson," He said empasizing the word. He raised his eyebrow when he took a glance on me. “I’m glad that we finally met. By the way, I’m Summer. Krypton’s Fiancee.” She said and offered her hands to me. We did brief shake hands thereupon. She’s Krypton’s fiancée? I’ve sensed an urge to tell her that he must break up with Krypton very soon without, of course, Krypton knowing it because obviously, Krypton is far from a good girl’s ideal man. Summer, you’re the flavor of the day! He’s a potential heartbreaker! I’ve seen him dating various girls, new faces each day. There was an image of a girl in my head crying with a stain of eyeliner in her face while shouting his name and ready to jump off of a bridge and it was you, Summer! I bit my tongue, refraining myself from doing that. “Let’s eat?” She said gladly and we—no, I followed them inside the restaurant. My eyes immediately wandered to the whole place. The said restaurant filled with the smell of roses, the vintage-styled tables, and chairs summed up to the brightness of the place, one of the renaissance paintings of Leonardo da Vinci displayed on the wall beside us, I took a picture of it as my background.  “I already ordered our food, just take a seat while waiting. I need to go to CR first.” She said and went straight to the cr. There was a sudden burst of laughter from the group of men not away from us that caused Krypton to look at them. He sat in front of me. The girl named Summer will be seated next to him.  “Really?! Your fiancée?!” I showed him my wide eyes opened in surprise as a gesture of not believing their relationship when he turned to me.  “Naïve,” He frowned.  “I can’t believe that you pursued a girl, that’s hard to believe.” I shared my thoughts, laughing a bit. “…and it’s harder to believe that, you are marrying soon.” Sarcastically, I clapped my hands slowly and shook my head.  “It was because of the business, i***t. Dad has chosen me to marry summer because he sees potential within me in handling two merging companies.” He said proudly and took a sip of wine. “Since it will be a good idea for me to grow, I see no reason to refuse.” He shrugged. He sounds like Clinton. I knew him for being a moron and childish and hearing Krypton talking seriously about business and having a good motive is unusual. Although I don’t see marriage for business is a good motive. After all, they are bound to tie a knot for the rest of their lives. Therefore, they have to love and accept each other.    “By the way, why did you choose to intrude in the messy world of Wilson? You know what, not because you have seen a Princess on a T.V as living happily with her life, doesn’t mean you can live the same. You had put yourself into trouble especially when they tend to bring you in business.” He said with a raised eyebrow.     “I won’t stay longer. I assure you that.”  “Ha! Do you think it is easy to get free from here like ‘hey! I’m not Sophia, Babye!’. Dream on, Alice.” He looked side by side, reassuring that no one heard him. He moved his head a little bit closer to mutter. “You can’t live peacefully if you want to become Sophia for a lifetime and you can’t escape just by running out of our lives. No could ever guarantee you that even Elijah, no one but me.” His voice seemed like a horror to me.   I maybe can blame Elijah but I, myself who accepted his offer. Thus, the blame bloomed within my decision despite the fact that I did make it because it is linked in my heart’s desire too without thinking is it wrong, bad, or worse.   “By the way, I hope you won’t get upset by asking you but do you love your fiancée?” he almost chocked in my question.  “What kind of question is that?!” He hissed.  “I’m just asking, but if you are not comfortable with it you can just ignore it. Besides, I’m not expecting you would answer it too.” I shrugged.  “What are you both discussing?” A voice of Summer appeared all of a sudden behind me. “Uh, She was asking why we are eating here, I think she finds this expensive,” Krypton said, smirking. I twitched my lips. She then sat beside Krypton and started pouring the sauce in her steak.   “Nothing to worry about, Sophia. I already paid the bill.” She said smiling. Krypton glanced at me, smirking. “You have a sister that thinks economically.” She said and laughed.   I smiled a bit awkwardly. She’s very beautiful, her tied bun hair looks suitable for her prominent jaw. She has a Solenn Heusaff vibe that her tan skin so much resembled the model. Insecurity filled me all of a sudden.  “Na-ah, not really,” I said. I got the fork to slice my steak. My eyes lifted to the couple in front of me who are having a good meal and seemed to enjoy their half-cooked beef steak. I looked again at my steak, it’s still bloody! I felt an urge to puke when I lifted to see the slice of it. The red-colored juice was dropping on my plate. Seriously?! Am I eating this? * The two couple enjoying their stroll. They were talking about various things, maybe knowing each other very well, going to a boutique to buy clothes, shoes, makeups, gowns, etc. And here I am, following behind them with uncountable paper bags carried by my two small arms.   “She likes to carry kinds of stuff of others, it’s her hobby.” He said when Summer turned to my direction with concern eyes. This big-armed jerk isn’t helping me! The conclusion came unto my head that he took me to join them so he has an assistant who could bring their purchased stuff. After a while, we went to watch a movie. I’ve learned that Summer is a movie buff. She’s fond of watching especially romance. According to her, she can finish ten movies in a day. I sniffed when the male protagonist nearly dies because of the accident. My chair was full of used tissue. I was sitting beside Krypton, on his other side, it is Summer.  “You are just fooled by the director.” I heard Krypton muttered near my ear. I rolled my eyes and turned on the movie again. He looked bored, he was yawning every minute and closed her eyes to take a short nap.  “I’m hungry.” Summer suddenly spoke up. What? We have just taken our meal earlier.  “I’ll just buy chips outside.” She was about to stand when Krypton held her hand to stop.  “Stay here, Sophia already volunteered.” He said. My sight immediately went to Krypton. The movie is in the c****x already, are he ups to destroy my mood watching the movie? He glared at me a cue to remind me about our agreement that three complains and he will tell the truth.  “Oh well, Thanks, Sophia.” Summer sat down when I stood up to do their orders.  “Wait, baby girl. Take my order too.” Krypton said and gave me a wink. Baby girl?! Ew. An image of hobgoblin winking suddenly appeared on my head.  “What do you want?” I said, losing my patience.  “Two potato chips, and coke in a can.” He said, smiling sweetly. “Bring your money with you, I haven’t withdrawn to my ATM yet. And please, buy in the grocery store, not outside the cinema. Okay?” He said smirking. I nodded and walked towards the exit stamping my feet. Since I’m not familiar with the place, I excused myself to staff to ask the direction of the grocery store. My jaw dropped to the ground literary when she said that my destination is about 50 meters away from the cinema. I have to pass through two escalators, and fall in line in the counter considering the movie is about the end!    “Here,” I was catching my breath pretty hard when I finally get there after the long walk. I immediate sat down in my place and turned my vision into the large screen but to my dismay, closing credits was appearing on the screen cue that the movie is already ended.  “Sophia, come, take a drink.” Summer offered me her coke in a can. I accepted it drank the whole content, making sure nothing to be left. Instead of pouring unto Krypton’s head which would possibly be sent him to a fit of sudden anger why not utilize the main purpose of the drink. Another way to calm me down as well. Both of them turned to my direction with dropping jaws when I burped out, following its echo filled the whole movie theater. I realized that not just them who noticed it but I think, also the whole viewers. I leaned down to my chair and covered my face. That was embarrassing! *  “Did you enjoy the show, Sophia?” Summer asked me as we went out of the theater, with my heavy heart. She was sharing her opinion about the movie to Krypton who was not paying attention when she noticed me behind them. I will look for a pirate copy online perhaps.  “Yes! I enjoyed very much!” I lied for her not to get offended. She laughed and turned her attention on me and was sharing her opinion likewise she did to Krypton. I was nodding and agreeing to her although I don’t totally understand what she was talking about. Only one thing entered my mind, He was spoiling the whole movie especially the end. I aborted my mission to look for a pirate copy. Okay, no need to waste any effort, I’m good.  “Let’s go home.” Summer said and snaked around Krypton’s arm. When we reached the parking area, I’ve noticed that his car is already parked nearby. Maybe he called one of their drivers to bring the car here or he just lied that it’s confiscated by Mr. Rudolf.  “Oh wait, I forgot my stuff inside. Can we uh, go back to pick it up?” She was referring to her uncountable paper bags that are missing out in my hand.  “Aren’t you buying something inside, can you pick up her stuff too?” Krypton suddenly uttered. Again. I kept my distance away from them so Krypton won’t bother me but still wasting my patience.  “Are you sure?” She asked me. Her voice tone sounds concern. I nodded when Krypton signaled to obey his order.  “Okay!” I walked fast as I could. I quickly claimed her paper bags in the baggage counter and ran towards the car. I positioned myself on the backseat while catching my breath.  “What did you buy, Sophia?” Summer asked. What should be my response to her question when the truth is, I didn’t buy something?  “Uh, just a…pad of a panty liner.” I came to a lame reason. I heard him suppressing his laughter as he glanced in my reflection to the rear-view mirror. I rolled my eyes. I even don’t find it funny, not at all. Later, we noticed that the paper bags occupied almost space inside. Krypton asked me pretending to be polite to put some of them into the trunk. I stomped my feet as I went out of the car and followed his command. My feet hurt because of his continuous order. I stretched it out to ease the pain when I finished organizing all of it. As I closed the trunk, the car quickly left, leaving me alone in the parking area. Krypton speeds up the car so that I won’t able to catch up. As if I can! “Hey! I’m still here!” I waved my hand and ran out the distance between us without knowing that the more I ran the more they were going further.  “f**k you, Krypton!” I lifted my middle finger to the air. I bend down, breathing deeply. I wiped out my sweat on my forehead when I felt it dropping on my nose bridge. I expended all my cash on hand earlier when I bought snacks for them. I can’t call a commuter car to bring me to the mansion. I don’t have a load to call Kieth as well. I didn’t notice that I’ve run this far. What should I do now? The cold air chilled me to the bone and the place is very dark where only the light post and passing cars are the foundation of a little brightness. You only knew the truth, Krypton. Pull yourself together when I make a move for you to get bent out of shape. I'd love hearing you scream in pain.     
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