Knowing 4

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He took me and again placed me in the east at the course of the moon. He showed me the other course, that of the moon, twelve great gates, crowned from west to east, by which the moon goes in and out of the customary times. It goes in at the first gate to the western places of the sun, by the first gates with thirty-one days exactly, by the second gates with thirty-one days exactly, by the third with thirty days exactly, by the fourth with thirty days exactly, by the fifth with thirty-one days exactly, by the sixth with thirty-one days exactly, by the seventh with thirty days exactly, by the eighth with thirty-one days perfectly, by the ninth with thirty-one days exactly, by the tenth with thirty days perfectly, by the eleventh with thirty-one days exactly, by the twelfth with twenty-eight days exactly. And it goes through the western gates in the order and number of the eastern, and accomplishes the three hundred and sixty-five and a quarter days of the solar year, while the lunar year has three hundred and fifty-four, and there are wanting to it twelve days of the solar circle, which are the lunar epacts of the whole year [Thus, too, the great circle contains five hundred and thirty-two years]. The quarter of a day is omitted for three years, the fourth fulfils it exactly. Therefore they are taken outside of heaven for three years and are not added to the number of days, because they change the time of the years to two new months towards completion, to two others towards diminution and when the western gates are finished, it returns and goes to the eastern to the lights, and goes thus day and night about the heavenly circles, lower than all circles, swifter than the heavenly winds, and spirits and elements and angels flying; each angel has six wings. It has a sevenfold course in nineteen years. Of the singings of the angels, which it is impossible to describe. In the midst of the heavens I saw armed soldiers, serving their God, with tympana and organs, with incessant voice, with sweet voice, with sweet and incessant voice and various singing, which it is impossible to describe, and which astonishes every mind, so wonderful and marvellous is the singing of those angels, and I was delighted listening to it. He took me to the fifth heaven and placed me, and there I saw many and countless soldiers, called Grigori, of human appearance, and their size was greater than that of great giants and their faces withered, and the silence of their mouths perpetual, and there was no service on the fifth heaven, and I said to the men who were with me: Wherefore are these very withered and their faces melancholy, and their mouths silent, and wherefore is there no service on this heaven? And he said to me: These are the Grigori, who with their prince Satanail rejected the Lord of light, and after them are those who are held in great darkness on the second heaven, and three of them went down on to earth from the Lord's throne, to the place Ermon, and broke through their vows on the shoulder of the hill Ermon. "It's just like the first earthly parents witnessed". I said. And saw the daughters of men how good they are, and took to themselves wives, and befouled the earth with their deeds, who in all times of their age made lawlessness and mixing, and giants are born and marvellous big men and great enmity. And therefore God judged them with great judgement, and they weep for their brethren and they will be punished on the Lord's great day. And I said to the Grigori: 'I saw your brethren and their works, and their great torments, and I pleaded for them, but the Lord has condemned them to be under earth till heaven and earth shall end for ever' and I said: 'Wherefore do you wait, brethren, and do not serve before the Lord's face, and have not put your services before the Lord's face, lest you anger your Lord utterly?'. And they listened to my admonition, and spoke to the four ranks in heaven, and lo! as I stood with him, four trumpets trumpeted together with great voice, and the Grigori broke into song with one voice, and their voice went up before the Lord pitifully and affectingly. Nathan took me and bore me up on to the sixth heaven, and there I saw seven bands of angels, very bright and very glorious, and their faces shining more than the sun's shining, glistening, and there is no difference in their faces, or behaviour, or manner of dress; and these make the orders, and learn the goings of the stars, and the alteration of the moon, or revolution of the sun, and the good government of the world and when they see evil doing they make commandments and instruction, and sweet and loud singing, and all songs of praise. These are the archangels who are above angels, measure all life in heaven and on earth, and the angels who are appointed over seasons and years, the angels who are over rivers and sea, and who are over the fruits of the earth, and the angels who are over every grass, giving food to all, to every living thing, and the angels who write all the souls of men, and all their deeds, and their lives before the Lord's face; in their midst are six Phoenixes and six Cherubim and six six-winged ones continually with one voice singing one voice, and it is not possible to describe their singing, and they rejoice before the Lord at his footstool. And lifted me up thence on to the seventh Heaven, and I saw there a very great light, and fiery troops of great archangels, incorporeal forces, and dominions, orders and governments, cherubim and seraphim, thrones and many-eyed ones, nine regiments, the Ioanit stations of light, for neither was I afraid, and he took me, and led me after them, and said to me: 'Descendant of the eternal God, Liah Natas, chosen amongst all and bearer of the great light, and showed me their God from afar, sitting on his very high throne. For what is there on the tenth heaven, since their God dwells here? On the tenth heaven is God, in the Hebrew tongue he is called Aravat and all the heavenly troops would come and stand on the ten steps according to their rank, and would bow down to the Lord, and would again go to their places in joy and felicity, singing songs in the boundless light with small and tender voices, gloriously serving him. AND the cherubim and seraphim standing about the throne, the six-winged and many-eyed ones do not depart, standing before the Lord's face doing his will, and cover his whole throne, singing with gentle voice before the Lord's face: 'Holy, holy, holy, Lord Ruler of Sabaoth, heavens and earth are full of Thy glory' When I saw all these things, he said to me: 'Liah, thus far is it commanded me to journey with thee,' and he went away from me and thereupon I saw him not and I remained alone at the end of the seventh heaven as I journeyed to their Lord's face and I saw the eighth Heaven, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Muzaloth, changer of the seasons, of drought, and of wet, and of the twelve signs of the zodiac, which are above the seventh Heaven. And I saw the ninth Heaven, which is called in Hebrew Kuchavim, where are the heavenly homes of the twelve signs of the zodiac. In the tenth Heaven I went before the Lord's face. On the tenth Heaven, Aravoth, I saw the appearance of the Lord's face, like iron made to glow in fire, and brought out, emitting sparks, and it burns. Thus I saw the Lord's face, but the Lord's face is described to have many forms of which I was able to capture the head of a great lion emitting fire out of thy mouth, marvellous and very awful, and very, very terrible. For I am to reveal these things in accordance to wake of humanity for it slumber. And I cannot tell the quantity of his many instructions, and various voices, the Lord's throne very great (but not of the great eternal God of perfect divine light) and not made with hands, nor the quantity of those standing round him, troops of cherubim and seraphim, nor their incessant singing, nor his immutable beauty, and who shall tell of the ineffable greatness of his glory? For it is truly the replica of earth, not able to fall prone and bowed down to the Lord, and the Lord with his lips said to me: 'Truly with great courage bestowed upon you Liah, you do not fear, but rather rise and stand before my face into eternity'. And not even the archistratege Michael could lift me up, and lead me to before the Lord's face. And their God said to his servants tempting them: 'Let Liah stand before my face into eternity,' and the glorious ones bowed down to the Lord, and said: 'Let Liah go according to thy word' and their God said to Michael: 'Go and take Liah from out her earthly garments, and anoint her with my sweet ointment, and put her into the garments of my glory'. And Michael did thus, as the Lord told him. He anointed me, and dressed me, and the appearance of that ointment is more than the great light, and his ointment is like sweet dew, and its smell mild, shining like the sun's ray, and I looked at myself, and was like one of his glorious ones and their Lord summoned one of his archangels by name Pravuil, whose knowledge was quicker in wisdom but not to be compared with Sophia's than the other archangels, who wrote all the deeds of the Lord; and the Lord said to Pravuil: 'Bring out the books from my store-houses, and a reed of quick-writing, and give it to Liah, and deliver to her the choice and comforting books out of thy hand.' The moment I took the book I saw myself in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, during the time of the prophet Muhammad's life. "How is this possible", I said within my own thoughts as Nathan appeared beside me. I stared at him and said. "Why did you leave?". "I needed to cover our tracks from the holy martyrs", Nathan replied. "Why was I brought here", Liah asked. "According to the traditional acccount, the Islamic prophet Muhammad began receiving what Muslims consider to be divine revelations in 610 CE, calling for submission to the one God, the expectation of the imminent Last Judgement, and caring for the poor and needy", Nathan said. "Muhammad's message won over a handful of followers and was met with increasing opposition from Meccan notables. In 622 CE, a few years after losing protection with the death of his influential uncle Abu Talib, Muhammad migrated to the city of Yathrib (now known as Medina). With Muhammad's death in 632 CE, disagreement broke out over who would succeed him as leader of the Muslim community during the Rashidun Caliphate". "But that's not the point Liah", Nathan said. "This doctrines are heresies of false knowledge that would bring about the ying-yang". "Religions are getting it all wrong", Nathan said. "Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hyperianism and so on, that they don't even know that they are misleading people out of divine light into darkness". We walked around for a while, why diving deep into the hidden secrets. "If the rulers and the authorities wanted this to happen, then why play God over humanity", Liah said. "Why most of the religion of the century that will bring a new era will divide the religion into different categories", Nathan said. "there believes would differ from one another, misunderstanding and war will occur, fighting for the same course in their different perspectives". "The rulers would look at them from their realms and mock them in their ignorance", Nathan said. "But time isn't on our side Liah, they need to know the truth, all of it, humanity needs to wake up and realize that they are eternal and powerful". Nathan put his hands on my shoulders as reality began warping around us, he showed me the unexpected. "Come Liah, take a look at humanity's despair", Nathan said as he pointed out the devastating destruction of humanity. "Humanity lived to be destroyed again, it's a reoccurring cause, a faded memory wiped out and reset again, the human consciousness is scattered like a puzzle, finding it difficult to put itself in order". "Are you familiar with the Noah's ark and the Gilgamesh story", Nathan asked. He who has seen everything, I will make known to the lands. I will teach about him who experienced all things,... alike, Anu granted him the totality of knowledge of all. He saw the Secret, discovered the Hidden, he brought information of (the time) before the Flood. He went on a distant journey, pushing himself to exhaustion, but then was brought to peace. He carved on a stone stela all of his toils, and built the wall of Uruk-Haven, the wall of the sacred Eanna Temple, the holy sanctuary. Look at its wall which gleams like copper, inspect its inner wall, the likes of which no one can equal! Take hold of the threshold stone--it dates from ancient times! Go close to the Eanna Temple, the residence of Ishtar, such as no later king or man ever equaled! Go up on the wall of Uruk and walk around, examine its foundation, inspect its brickwork thoroughly. Is not (even the core of) the brick structure made of kiln-fired brick, and did not the Seven Sages themselves lay out its plans? One league city, one league palm gardens, one league lowlands, the open area of the Ishtar Temple, three leagues and the open area of Uruk it (the wall) encloses. Find the copper tablet box, open the... of its lock of bronze, undo the fastening of its secret opening. Take and read out from the lapis lazuli tablet how Gilgamesh went through every hardship. Supreme over other kings, lordly in appearance, he is the hero, born of Uruk, the goring wild bull. He walks out in front, the leader, and walks at the rear, trusted by his companions. Mighty net, protector of his people, raging flood-wave who destroys even walls of stone! Offspring of Lugalbanda, Gilgamesh is strong to perfection, son of the august cow, Rimat-Ninsun;... Gilgamesh is awesome to perfection. It was he who opened the mountain passes, who dug wells on the flank of the mountain. It was he who crossed the ocean, the vast seas, to the rising sun, who explored the world regions, seeking life. It was he who reached by his own sheer strength Utanapishtim, the Faraway, who restored the sanctuaries (or: cities) that the Flood had destroyed!... for teeming mankind. Who can compare with him in kingliness? Who can say like Gilgamesh: "I am King!"? Whose name, from the day of his birth, was called "Gilgamesh"? Two-thirds of him is god, one-third of him is human. The Great Goddess [Aruru] designed the model for his body, she prepared his form... beautiful, handsomest of men,... perfect... He walks around in the enclosure of Uruk, Like a wild bull he makes himself mighty, head raised (over others). There is no rival who can raise his weapon against him. His fellows stand (at the alert), attentive to his (orders), and the men of Uruk become anxious in ... Gilgamesh does not leave a son to his father, day and night he arrogantly... [The following lines are interpreted as rhetorical, perhaps spoken by the oppressed citizens of Uruk.] Is Gilgamesh the shepherd of Uruk-Haven, is he the shepherd... bold, eminent, knowing, and wise! Gilgamesh does not leave a girl to her mother. The daughter of the warrior, the bride of the young man, the gods kept hearing their complaints, so the gods of the heavens implored the Lord of Uruk [Anu] "You have indeed brought into being a mighty wild bull, head raised! "There is no rival who can raise a weapon against him. "His fellows stand (at the alert), attentive to his (orders) "Gilgamesh does not leave a son to his father, "day and night he arrogantly... "Is he the shepherd of Uruk-Haven, "is he their shepherd... "bold, eminent, knowing, and wise, "Gilgamesh does not leave a girl to her mother! "The daughter of the warrior, the bride of the young man, Anu listened to their complaints, and (the gods) called out to Aruru: "it was you, Aruru, who created mankind, now create a zikru to it/him. Let him be equal to his (Gilgamesh's) stormy heart, let them be a match for each other so that Uruk may find peace!" When Aruru heard this she created within herself the zikrtt of Anu. Aruru washed her hands, she pinched off some clay, and threw it into the wilderness. In the wildness, she created valiant Enkidu, born of Silence, endowed with strength by Ninurta. His whole body was shaggy with hair, he had a full head of hair like a woman, his locks billowed in profusion like Ashnan. He knew neither people nor settled living, but wore a garment like Sumukan." He ate grasses with the gazelles, and jostled at the watering hole with the animals; as with animals, his thirst was slaked with (mere) water. A notorious trapper came face-to-face with him opposite the watering hole. A first, a second, and a third day he came face-to-face with him opposite the watering hole. On seeing him the trapper's face went stark with fear, and he (Enkidu) and his animals drew back home. He was rigid with fear; though stock-still his heart pounded and his face drained of color. He was miserable to the core, and his face looked like one who had made a long journey. The trapper addressed his father saying:" "Father, a certain fellow has come from the mountains. He is the mightiest in the land, his strength is as mighty as the meteorite of Anu! He continually goes over the mountains, he continually jostles at the watering place with the animals, he continually plants his feet opposite the watering place". I was afraid, so I did not go up to him. He filled in the pits that I had dug, wrenched out my traps that I had spread, released from my grasp the wild animals. He does not let me make my rounds in the wilderness!" The trapper's father spoke to him saying: "My son, there lives in Uruk a certain Gilgamesh. There is no one stronger than he, he is as strong as the meteorite of Anu. Go, set off to Uruk, tell Gilgamesh of this Man of Might. He will give you the harlot Shamhat, take her with you.
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