Forgotten story of Gilgamesh

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The woman will overcome the fellow as if she were strong. When the animals are drinking at the watering place have her take off her robe and expose her s*x. When he sees her he will draw near to her, and his animals, who grew up in his wilderness, will be alien to him." He heeded his father's advice. The trapper went off to Uruk, he made the journey, stood inside of Uruk, and declared to. Gilgamesh: "There is a certain fellow who has come from the mountains, he is the mightiest in the land, his strength is as mighty as the meteorite of Anu! He continually goes over the mountains, he continually jostles at the watering place with the animals, he continually plants his feet opposite the watering place. I was afraid, so I did not go up to him. He filled in the pits that I had dug, wrenched out my traps that I had spread, released from my grasp the wild animals. He does not let me make my rounds in the wilderness!" Gilgamesh said to the trapper: "Go, trapper, bring the harlot, Shamhat, with you. When the animals are drinking at the watering place have her take off her robe and expose her s*x. When he sees her he will draw near to her, and his animals, who grew up in his wilderness, will be alien to him." The trapper went, bringing the harlot, Shamhat, with him. They set off on the journey, making direct way. On the third day they arrived at the appointed place, and the trapper and the harlot sat down at their posts. A first day and a second they sat opposite the watering hole. The animals arrived and drank at the watering hole, the wild beasts arrived and slaked their thirst with water. Then he, Enkidu, offspring of the mountains, who eats grasses with the gazelles, came to drink at the watering hole with the animals, with the wild beasts he slaked his thirst with water. Then Shamhat saw him--a primitive, a savage fellow from the depths of the wilderness! "That is he, Shamhat! Release your clenched arms, expose your s*x so he can take in your voluptuousness. Do not be restrained, take his energy! When he sees you he will draw near to you. Spread out your robe so he can lie upon you, and perform for this primitive the task of womankind! His animals, who grew up in his wilderness, will become alien to him, and his lust will groan over you." Shamhat unclutched her bosom, exposed her s*x, and he took in her voluptuousness. She was not restrained, but took his energy. She spread out her robe and he lay upon her, she performed for the primitive the task of womankind. His lust groaned over her; for six days and seven nights Enkidu stayed aroused, and had intercourse with the harlot until he was sated with her charms. But when he turned his attention to his animals, the gazelles saw Enkidu and darted off, the wild animals distanced themselves from his body. Enkidu. His utterly depleted body, his knees that wanted to go off with his animals went rigid; Enkidu was diminished, his running was not as before. But then he drew himself up, for his understanding had broadened. Turning around, he sat down at the harlot's feet, gazing into her face, his ears attentive as the harlot spoke. The harlot said to Enkidu: "You are beautiful," Enkidu, you are become like a god. Why do you gallop around the wilderness with the wild beasts? Come, let me bring you into Uruk-Haven, to the Holy Temple, the residence of Anu and Ishtar, the place of Gilgamesh, who is wise to perfection, but who struts his power over the people like a wild bull." What she kept saying found favor with him. Becoming aware of himself, he sought a friend. Enkidu spoke to the harlot: "Come, Shamhat, take me away with you to the sacred Holy Temple, the residence of Anu and Ishtar, the place of Gilgamesh, who is wise to perfection, but who struts his power over the people like a wild bull. I will challenge him. Let me shout out in Uruk: I am the mighty one!' Lead me in and I will change the order of things; he whose strength is mightiest is the one born in the wilderness!" [Shamhat to Enkidu:] "Come, let us go, so he may see your face. I will lead you to Gilgamesh--I know where he will be. Look about, Enkidu, inside Uruk-Haven, where the people show off in skirted finery, where every day is a day for some festival, where the lyre and drum play continually, where harlots stand about prettily, exuding voluptuousness, full of laughter and on the couch of night the sheets are spread. "Enkidu, you who do not know, how to live, I will show you Gilgamesh, a man of extreme feelings. Look at him, gaze at his face he is a handsome youth, with freshness, his entire body exudes voluptuousness. He has mightier strength than you, without sleeping day or night! Enkidu, it is your wrong thoughts you must change! It is Gilgamesh whom Shamhat loves, and Anu, Enlil, and La have enlarged his mind." Even before you came from the mountain. Gilgamesh in Uruk had dreams about you."" Gilgamesh got up and revealed the dream, saying to his mother: "Mother, I had a dream last night. Stars of the sky appeared, and some kind of meteorite of Anu fell next to me. I tried to lift it but it was too mighty for me, I tried to turn it over but I could not budge it. The Land of Uruk was standing around it, the whole land had assembled about it, the populace was thronging around it, the Men clustered about it, and kissed its feet as if it were a little baby. I loved it and embraced it as a wife. I laid it down at your feet, and you made it compete with me." The mother of Gilgamesh, the wise, all-knowing, said to her Lord; Rimat-Ninsun, the wise, all-knowing, said to Gilgamesh: "As for the stars of the sky that appeared and the meteorite of Anu which fell next to you, you tried to lift but it was too mighty for you, you tried to turn it over but were unable to budge it, you laid it down at my feet, and I made it compete with you, and you loved and embraced it as a wife." "There will come to you a mighty man, a comrade who saves his friend, he is the mightiest in the land, he is strongest, his strength is mighty as the meteorite of Anu! You loved him and embraced him as a wife; and it is he who will repeatedly save you. Your dream is good and propitious!" A second time Gilgamesh said to his mother: "Mother, I have had another dream: "At the gate of my marital chamber there lay an axe, "and people had collected about it". "The Land of Uruk was standing around it, "the whole land had assembled about it, "the populace was thronging around it. "I laid it down at your feet, "I loved it and embraced it as a wife, "and you made it compete with me." The mother of Gilgamesh, the wise, all-knowing, said to her son; Rimat-Ninsun, the wise, all-knowing, said to Gilgamesh: "The axe that you saw (is) a man. "... (that) you love him and embrace as a wife, "but (that) I have compete with you." "There will come to you a mighty man, "a comrade who saves his friend, "he is the mightiest in the land, he is strongest, "he is as mighty as the meteorite of Anu!" Gilgamesh spoke to his mother saying: "By the command of Enlil, the Great Counselor, so may it to pass! "May I have a friend and adviser, a friend and adviser may I have! "You have interpreted for me the dreams about him!" After the harlot recounted the dreams of Gilgamesh to Enkidu the two of them made love. Enkidu sits in front of her. [The next 30 lines are missing; some of the fragmentary lines from 35 on are restored from parallels in the Old Babylonian.] "Why..." His own counsel... At his instruction... Who knows his heart... Shamhat pulled off her clothing, and clothed him with one piece while she clothed herself with a second. She took hold of him as the gods do' and brought him to the hut of the shepherds. The shepherds gathered all around about him, they marveled to themselves: "How the youth resembles Gilgamesh tall in stature, towering up to the battlements over the wall! Surely he was born in the mountains; his strength is as mighty as the meteorite of Anu!" They placed food in front of him, they placed beer in front of him; Enkidu knew nothing about eating bread for food, and of drinking beer he had not been taught. The harlot spoke to Enkidu, saying: "Eat the food, Enkidu, it is the way one lives. Drink the beer, as is the custom of the land. " Enkidu ate the food until he was sated, he drank the beer-seven jugs! and became expansive and sang with joy! He was elated and his face glowed. He splashed his shaggy body with water, and rubbed himself with oil, and turned into a human. He put on some clothing and became like a warrior. He took up his weapon and chased lions so that the shepherds could eat He routed the wolves, and chased the lions. With Enkidu as their guard, the herders could lie down. A wakeful man, a singular youth, he was twice as tall (as normal men). Then he raised his eyes and saw a man. He said to the harlot: "Shamhat, have that man go away! Why has he come'? I will call out his name! "The harlot called out to the man and went over to him and spoke with him. "Young man, where are you hurrying! Why this arduous pace!" The young man spoke, saying to Enkidu: "They have invited me to a wedding, as is the custom of the people... the selection of brides.. I have heaped up tasty delights for the wedding on the ceremonial platter. For the King of Broad-Marted Uruk, open is the veil of the people for choosing (a girl). For Gilgamesh, the King of Broad-Marted Uruk, open is the veil of the people for choosing. He will have intercourse with the 'destined wife,' he first, the husband afterward. This is ordered by the counsel of Anu, from the severing of his umbilical cord it has been destined for him." At the young man's speech his (Enkidu's) face flushed (with anger). [Several lines are missing.] Enkidu walked in front, and Shamhat after him. [The Standard Version resumes.] He (Enkidu) walked down the street of Uruk-Haven,... mighty... He blocked the way through Uruk the Sheepfold. The land of Uruk stood around him, the whole land assembled about him, the populace was thronging around him, the men were clustered about him, and kissed his feet as if he were a little baby. Suddenly a handsome young man... For Ishara the bed of night/marriage is ready, for Gilgamesh as for a god a counterpart is set up. Enkidu blocked the entry to the marital chamber, and would not allow Gilgamreh to be brought in. They grappled with each other at the entry to the marital chamber, in the street they attacked each other, the public square of the land. The doorposts trembled and the wall shook, Gilgamesh bent his knees, with his other foot on the ground, his anger abated and he turned his chest away. After he turned his chest Enkidu said to Gilgamesh: "Your mother bore you ever unique, the Wild Cow of the Enclosure, Ninsun, your head is elevated over (other) men, Enlil has destined for you the kingship over the people." [19 lines are missing here.] They kissed each other and became friends. [The Old Babylonian becomes fragmentary. The Standard Version resumes] "His strength is the mightiest in the land! His strength is as mighty as the meteorite of Anu, The mother of Gilgamesh spoke to Gilgamesh, saying; Rimat-Ninsun said to her son: "Rimar-Ninsun... My son... Plaintively .. She went up into his (Shamash's) gateway, plaintively she implored... "Enkidu has no father or mother, his shaggy hair no one cuts. He was born in the wilderness, no one raised him." Enkidu was standing there, and heard the speech. He ... and sat down and wept, his eyes filled with tears, his arms felt limp, his strength weakened. They took each other by the hand, and.., their hands like... Enkidu made a declaration to (Gilgamesh'). [32 lines are missing here.] "in order to protect the Cedar Forest Enlil assigned (Humbaba) as a terror to human beings, Humbaba's roar is a Flood, his mouth is Fire, and his breath is Death! He can hear 100 leagues away any rustling in his forest! Who would go down into his forest! Enlil assigned him as a terror to human beings, and whoever goes down into his forest paralysis will strike!" Gilgamesh spoke to Enkidu saying: "What you say .. ." [About 42 lines are missing here in the Standard Version; lines 228-249 are taken from the Old Babylonian.] "Who, my Friend, can ascend to the heavens!" (Only) the gods can dwell forever with Shamash. As for human beings, their days are numbered, and whatever they keep trying to achieve is but wind! Now you are afraid of death-- what has become of your bold strength! I will go in front of you, and your mouth can call out: 'Go on closer, do not be afraid!' Should I fall, I will have established my fame. (They will say:) 'It was Gilgamesh who locked in battle with Humbaba the Terrible!' You were born and raised in the wilderness, a lion leaped up on you, so you have experienced it all!' [5 lines are fragmentary] I will undertake it and I will cut down the Cedar. It is I who will establish fame for eternity! Come, my friend, I will go over to the forge and have them cast the weapons in our presence!" Holding each other by the hand they went over to the forge. [The Standard Version resumes at this point.] The craftsmen sat and discussed with one another. "We should fashion the axe... The hatchet should he one talent in weight... Their swords should be one talent... Their armor one talent, their armor... " Gilgamesh said to the men of Uruk: "Listen to me, men... [5 lines are missing here. You, men of Uruk, who know... I want to make myself more mighty, and will go on a distant(!) journey! I will face fighting such as I have never known, I will set out on a road I have never traveled! Give me your blessings!... I will enter the city gate of Uruk... I will devote myself to the New Year's Festival. I will perform the New Year's (ceremonies) in... The New Year's Festival will take place, celebrations ... They will keep shouting 'Hurrah!' in..."" Enkidu spoke to the Elders: "What the men of Uruk... Say to him that he must nor go to the Cedar Forest-- the journey is not to be made! A man who... The Guardian of the Cedar Forest ... The Noble Counselors of Uruk arose and delivered their advice toGilgamesh: "You are young, Gilgamesh, your heart carries you off you do not know what you are talking about! ...gave birth to you. Humbaba's roar is a Flood, his mouth is Fire, his breath Death! He can hear any rustling in his forest 100 leagues away! Who would go down into his forest! Who among (even!) the Igigi gods can confront him? In order to keep the Cedar safe, Enlil assigned him as a terror to human beings." Gilgamesh listened to the statement of his Noble Counselors. [About 5 lines are missing to the end of Tablet II.] The Elders spoke to Gilgamesh, saying: "Gilgamesh, do not put your trust in (just) your vast strength, but keep a sharp eye out, make each blow strike in mark! 'The one who goes on ahead saves the comrade." 'The one who knows the route protects his friend.' Let Enkidu go ahead of you; he knows the road to the Cedar Forest, he has seen fighting, has experienced battle. Enkidu will protect the friend, will keep the comrade safe. Let his body urge him back to the wives. "in our Assembly we have entrusted the King to you (Enkidu), and on your return you must entrust the King back to us!" Gilgamesh spoke to Enkidu, saying: "Come on, my friend, let us go to the Egalmah Temple, to Ninsun, the Great Queen; Ninsun is wise, all-knowing. She will put the advisable path at our feet." Taking each other by the hand, Gilgamesh and Enkidu walked to the Egalmah ("Great Palace"), to Ninsun, the Great Queen. Gilgamesh arose and went to her. "Ninsun, (even though) I am extraordinarily strong... I must now travel a long way to where Humbaba is, I must face fighting such as I have not known, and I must travel on a road that I do not know! Until the time that I go and return, until I reach the Cedar Forest, until I kill Humbaba the Terrible, and eradicate from the land something baneful that Shamash hates, intercede with Shamash on my behalf' If I kill Humbaba and cut his Cedar let there be rejoicing all over the land , and I will erect a monument of the victory before you!" The... words of Gilgamesh, her son, grieving, Queen Ninsun heard over and over. Ninsun went into her living quarters. She washed herself with the purity plant, she donned a robe worthy of her body, she donned jewels worthy of her chest, she donned her sash, and put on her crown. She sprinkled water from a bowl onto the ground. She... and went up to the roof. She went up to the roof and set incense in front of Shamash, I she offered fragrant cuttings, and raised her arms to Shamash. "Why have you imposed--nay, inflicted!--a restless heart on my son, Gilgamesh! Now you have touched him so that he wants to travel a long way to where Humbaba is! He will face fighting such as he has not known, and will travel on a road that he does not know! Until he goes away and returns, until he reaches the Cedar Forest, until he kills Humbaba the Terrible, and eradicates from the land something baneful that you hate, on the day that you see him on the road may Aja, the Bride, without fear remind you, and command also the Watchmen of the Night, the stars, and at night your father, Sin." She banked up the incense and uttered the ritual words.' She called to Enkidu and would give him instructions: "Enkidu the Mighty, you are not of my womb, but now I speak to you along with the sacred votaries of Gilgamesh, the high priestesses, the holy women, the temple servers." She laid a pendant on Enkidu's neck, the high-priestesses took... and the "daughters-of-the-gods"... "I have taken... Enkidu... Enkidu to... Gilgamesh I have taken." "Until he goes and returns, until he reaches the Cedar Forest, be it a month... be it a year.." [About 11 lines are missing here, and the placement of the following fragment is uncertain]... the gate of cedar... Enkidu... in the Temple of Shamash, (and) Gilgamesh in the Egalmah. He made an offering of cuttings... the sons of the king... [Perhaps some 60 lines are missing here] "Enkidu will protect the friend, will keep the comrade safe, Let his body urge him back to the wives. In our Assembly we have entrusted the King to you, and on your return you must entrust the King back to us!" Enkidu spoke to Gilgamesh saying: "My Friend, turn back!... The road..." [The last lines are missing.] At twenty leagues they broke for some food, at thirty leagues they stopped for the night, walking Fifty leagues in a whole day, a walk of a month and a half. On the third day they drew near to the Lebanon. They dug a well facing Shamash (the setting sun), Gilgamesh climbed up a mountain peak, made a libation of flour, and said: "Mountain, bring me a dream, a favorable message from Shamash." Enkidu prepared a sleeping place for him for the night; a violent wind passed through so he attached a covering. He made him lie down, and... in a circle. they... like grain from the mountain... While Gilgamesh rested his chin on his knees, sleep that pours over mankind overtook him. in the middle of the night his sleep came to an end, so he got up and said to his friend: "My friend, did you not call out to me? Why did I wake up? Did you not touch me? Why am I so disturbed? Did a god pass by? Why are my muscles trembling? Enkidu, my friend, I have had a dream-- and the dream I had was deeply disturbing(?) in the mountain gorges... the mountain fell down on me (us?) ... Wet(?)... like flies(?)... He who was born in the wilderness, Enkidu, interpreted the dream for his friend: "My friend, your dream is favorable. The dream is extremely important. My friend, the mountain which you saw in the dream is Humbaba. "It means we will capture Humbaba, and kill him and throw his corpse into the wasteland. In the morning there will be a favorable message from Shamash. At twenty leagues they broke for some food, at thirty leagues they stopped for the night, walking fifty leagues in a whole day, a walk of a month and a half. They dug a well facing Shamash Gilgamesh climbed up a mountain peak, made a libation of flour, and said, "Mountain, bring me a dream, a favorable message from Shamash." Enkidu prepared a sleeping place for him for the night; a violent wind passed through so he attached a covering. He made him lie down, and... in a circle. They ... like grain from the mountain... While Gilgamesh rested his chin on his knees, sleep that pours over mankind overtook him. ,, in the middle of the night his sleep came to an end, so he got up and said to his friend: My friend, did you not call out to me? Why did I wake up? Did you not touch me? Why am I so disturbed? Did a god pass by? Why are my muscles trembling? Enkidu, my friend, I have had a dream, besides my first dream, a second. And the dream I had--so striking, so...,so disturbing!' I was grappling with a wild bull of the wilderness, with his bellow he split the ground, a cloud of the sky. I sank to my knees in front of him. He holds... that encircled(?) my arm. (My?) tongue(?) hung out(?) ... My temples throbbed(?) ... He gave me water to drink from his waterskin." "My friend, the god to whom we go is not the wild bull? He is totally different? The wild bull that you saw is Shamash, the protector, in difficulties he holds our hand. The one who gave you water to drink from his waterskin is your personal) god, who brings honor to you, Lugalbanda. We should join together and do one thing, a deed such as has never (before) been done in the land." At twenty leagues they broke for some food, at thirty leagues they stopped for the night, walking fifty leagues in a whole day, a walk of a month and a half. They dug a well facing Shamash, Gilgamesh climbed up a mountain peak, made a libation of flour, and said: "Mountain, bring me a dream, a favorable message from Shamash." Enkidu prepared a sleeping place for him for the night; a violent wind passed through so he attached a covering. He made him lie down, and... in a circle. They... like grain from the mountain... While Gilgamesh rested his chin on his knees, sleep that pours over mankind overtook him. In the middle of the night his sleep came to an end, so he got up and said to his friend: "My friend, did you nor call out to me? Why did I wake up? Did you not touch me? Why am I so disturbed? Did a god pass by) Why are my muscles trembling? Enkidu, my friend, I have had a third dream, and the dream I had was deeply disturbing. The heavens roared and the earth rumbled; (then) it became deathly still, and darkness loomed. A bolt of lightning cracked and a fire broke out, and where(?) it kept thickening, there rained death. Then the white-hot name dimmed, and the fire went out, and everything that had been falling around turned to ash. Let us go down into the plain so we can talk it over." Enkidu heard the dream that he had presented and said to Gilgamesh (About 40 lines are missing here.) At twenty leagues they broke for some food, at thirty leagues they stopped for the night, walking fifty leagues in a whole day, a walk of a month and a half. They dug a well facing Shamash, Gilgamesh climbed up a mountain peak, made a libation of flour, and said: "Mountain, bring me a dream, a favorable message from Shamash." Enkidu prepared a sleeping place for him for the night; a violent wind passed through so he attached a covering. He made him lie down, and... in a circle. They... like grain from the mountain... While Gilgamesh rested his chin on his knees, sleep that pours over mankind overtook him. in the middle of the night his sleep came to an end, so he got up and said to his friend: "My friend, did you not call out to me? Why did I wake up? Did you nor touch me? Why am I so disturbed? Did a god pass by? Why are my muscles trembling) Enkidu, my friend, I have had a fourth dream, and the dream I had was deeply disturbing. (About 11 lines are missing) "He was... cubits tall... ... Gilgamesh Enkidu listened to his dream "The dream that you had is favorable, it is extremely important? My friend, this... Humbaba Eke... Before it becomes light... We will achieve (victory?) over him, Humbaba, against whom we rage, we will.., and triumph over him. In the morning there will be a favorable message from Shamash. At twenty leagues they broke for some food, at thirty leagues they stopped for the night, walking fifty leagues in a whole day, a walk of a month and a half. They dug a well facing Shamash, Gilgamesh climbed up a mountain peak, made a libation of flour, and said: "Mountain, bring me a dream, a favorable message from Shamash." Enkidu prepared a sleeping place for him for the night; a violent wind passed through so he attached a covering. He made him lie down, and... in a circle. They... like grain from the mountain ... While Gilgamerh rested his chin on his knees, sleep that pours over mankind overtook him. ,, in the middle of the night his sleep came to an end, so he got up and said to his friend: "My friend, did you not call out to me? Why did I wake up? Did you not touch me? Why am I so disturbed? Did a god pass by? Why are my muscles trembling? Enkidu, my friend, I had a fifth(?) dream, and the dream I had was deeply disturbing (?). His tears were running in the presence of Shamash. 'What you said in Uruk..., be mindful of it, stand by me... ?" Gilgamesh, the offspring of Uruk-Haven, Shamash heard what issued from his mouth, and suddenly there resounded a warning sound from the sky. "Hurry, stand by him so that he (Humbaba) does nor enter the forest, and does not go down into the thickets and hide (?) He has not put on his seven coats of armor(?) he is wearing only one, but has taken off six." They(Gilgamesh and Enkidu ')... They lunge at each other like raging wild bulls... One name he bellowed full of... The Guardian of the Forest bellowed ...Humbaha like... "'One alone cannot 'Strangers ... 'A slippery path is not feared by two people who help each other.' 'Twice three times... 'A three-ply rope cannot be cut.' 'The mighty lioness cubs can roll him over."' Enkidu spoke to Gilgamesh, saying: "As soon as we have gone down into the Cedar Forest, let us split open the tree (?) and strip off its branches(?)." Gilgamesh spoke to Enkidu, saying: "Why, my friend, wretchedly (?) We have crossed over all the mountarns together, in front of us, before we have cut down the Cedar. My friend, you who are so experienced in battle, who... fighting, you...' and (need) not fear death. Let your voice bellow forth like the kettledrum, let the stiffness in your arms depart, let the paralysis in your legs go away. Take my hand, my friend, we will go on together. Your heart should burn to do battle --pay no heed to death, do not lose heart! The one who watches from the side is a careful man, but the one who walks in front protects himself and saves his comrade, and through their fighting they establish fame'" As the two of them reached the evergreen forest they cut off their talk, and stood still. They stood at the forest's edge, gazing at the top of the Cedar Tree, gazing at the entrance to the...
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