Knowing 3

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Incorruptibility that gave Adam the power of speech. Her beautiful presence, like that of the divine image that appeared in in the waters, arouses the Archons once again. They respond with their second attempt to grasp and defile a manifestation of the female Spirit from above. Then the Authorities came up to their Adam. And when they saw his counterpart (f.) speaking with him, they became disturbed in a great disturbance; and they became enamored of her. They said to one another, “Come, let us sow our seed in her,” and they pursued her. And she laughed at them for their senselessness and their blindness. And in their clutches, she became a tree, and she left her shadow resembling herself before them; and they defiled (ⲁⲩϫⲟϩⲙ[ⲉⲥ]) [it] foully. And they defiled (ⲁⲩϫⲱϩⲙ) the impression of her voice, so that they made themselves liable to condemnation by their modeled form and [their] image. In this second attempt to defile a female manifestation of the Spirit, the Rulers try to “sow their seed” (sperma) in her. But the Spiritual Woman they desire leaves the carnal or fleshly shadow resembling herself behind and enters a tree. The Rulers, mistaking the carnal shadow for the Spiritual Woman herself, succeed in defiling only the carnal woman and the impression of her voice. In this act of rape, the Rulers and the carnal woman would appear to conceive Cain. Upon leaving the woman, Pneumatike, the Spiritual Woman, enters the serpent and instructs the man and woman to eat from the tree of recognizing evil and good, against the Rulers’ command. This act of spiritual instruction is simultaneously an act of insubordination against the Rulers. The Spiritual Instructor, in the form of the serpent, thus informs the man and woman that the Rulers commanded them not to eat of the tree of knowing evil and good out of jealousy. With this spiritual instruction, the human beings of flesh and soul learn that by eating, “your eyes shall open and you shall become like gods, knowing evil and good.” After the woman “took from the tree and ate,” and “gave to her husband and herself,” they learn that they are “naked of the Spiritual” element, and in shame, they bind fig leaves to cover their loins. Upon questioning Adam, the Rulers learn that the woman gave to him from the tree and the arrogant Ruler curses her. She in turn informs them that the snake led her astray. The Rulers then curse the snake, cast Adam and the woman out of the Garden, and put them under the curse. Thus here, as in Genesis 3, the human beings’ act of defiance leads to their being cursed, expelled from the Garden, and thrown into a life of distraction and pain. This distraction takes the form of becoming occupied with earthly things and thus unable to be “devoted to the Holy Spirit.” It is within this setting outside the Garden that Eve gives birth first to her first child, Cain: “Now after these things, she (the woman) bore Cain, their son; and Cain cultivated the land”. While the text is somewhat ambiguous about Cain’s paternity, the reference to “their son,” together with the murderous behavior of Cain, suggest that Cain is the product of the Rulers’ rape of the carnal woman. The narrative, however, goes on to clarify that Eve’s second child, Abel, is begotten through intercourse with Adam: “Thereupon he (Adam) knew his wife; again becoming pregnant, she bore Abel; and Abel was a herdsman of sheep.” The account of the births of Cain and Abel, their respective votive offerings of crops and lambs, and the fleshly Cain’s pursuit of Abel completes this portion of the narrative and forms the transition to the Norea narratives. "Their stories are written within the earth yet lost to those who walk it", Liah said. "if knowledge is power then what are we waiting for". "Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing", Nathan said. "why the universe exists, why we exist". "It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going." Nathan said. "Something isn't right", Liah said. "about so many things even from the holy book". "Why bring me here again, I've seen it all, including her", Liah replied. "But not all of it Liah", Nathan said. "There's more to what was hidden from the universe". "Do you really think there is redemption in the holy paradise", Nathan asked. "Those who worship the false god and do according to his biddings were promised eternal life with him in his paradise". "But only to be imprisoned by reincarnation", Liah said. "That's right", Nathan replied. "They show you things that they want you to see and not things that you want to be enlightened of". "But there's more Liah", Nathan said. "The world is covered in darkness in disguise as the light". Meanwhile Mathias corner had informed the chancellor about Liah Natas and her accomplice, this made the authorities mad, giving the orders to go extreme miles from preventing the truth to be revealed. Nathan then took Liah to Egypt were they blended in as they became visible to the human eyes. "What are we doing in Egypt", Liah asked. "The secret scrolls which will be hidden from humanity is at the heart of Egypt", Nathan replied. "But many will doubt it Liah and more likely to edit it's contents and replace it with subtle words". We went to Cairo and discovered the ancient knowledge of old as time wasn't on our side. Although we'd make some progress as the authorities were on our trail. "Liah, you need to see this", Nathan said. As we walk into the light. "Where are we", Liah said. "Neoplatonism", Nathan replied. "I've heard of it", Liah said. "Founded by Plotinus and father of neoplatonism, a Roman philosopher". "Although not all came to the understanding of accepting the truth", Nathan said. "Even the Islamic religion had a secret affair with the gnostics". Then it suddenly hit me with the doubt of disbelief of what religion would become, the dispair of righteousness and being godless. "Where the Muslims right about their religion", Liah asked. "Not all", Nathan replied. "Their doctrine were heresy, some knew the truth and backed down from it, others not so much and those who knew still remain in their ignorance challenged the truths that were to be revealed or has been revealed". "Liah, all religions are great, all societies are unique", Nathan said. "But, there's a bigger but there, that they tend to oppose one another in their respective believes, seeing who's right or wrong". "Not knowing they're both wrong", Liah whispered slightly. "Cause they serve a blind god who uses them for their pleasure". "Enoch saw this coming as a revelation to him about the impious", Nathan said "Their souls shall not be annihilated in the day of judgment, neither shall they arise from their resting place". "They are meant for those who know the truth and are set free", Nathan said. "To be one with the eternal perfect mind of God". We walked down to a secret chamber were we weren't disturbed, Nathan and I held hands together in a quiet moment, he had fortified the surroundings within and outside as he showed me the visions I had and my past lives. "Try to remember where you were at first Liah", Nathan said. "Clear your mind, find inner peace". I closed my eyes for some moment not being able to see and feel my thoughts, until some few seconds I began feeling deep connection within me, a spark, Nathan could feel it too. "You getting there Liah", Nathan said telepathically. "Maintain the connection". Then the words and every thought across the universe began flashing in my subconscious mind. I could hear limitless voices and souls calling out for desperate need, I could feel the connection of living organisms, lifeform and spirituality all around me, as if I were lost in my own thoughts but all seemed real, that is, being in each and everyone's shoes. All my life I've had a separate life or reincarnation, a life of mystery. With the help of Nathan we travel in astra form into reality and it wonders to uncover it's mystery. And as we went further, it all started to make sense, the gasp of my breathtaking could be felt all around me. "As the world was made in six days, so its history would be accomplished in 6,000 years (or 6,000,000 years)", Nathan said. "and this would be followed by 1,000 years of rest (possibly when the balance of conflicting moral forces has been struck and human life has reached the ideal state). At its close would begin the 8th Eternal Day, when time should be no more". And there I looked, and again I looked higher, and saw the ether, and he placed me on the first heaven and showed me a very great Sea, greater than the earthly sea, the Angels ruling the stars. They brought before my face the elders and rulers of the stellar orders, and showed me two hundred angels, who rule the stars and their services to the heavens, and fly with their wings and come round all those who sail. "There is a lot you don't know about the heavens Liah", Nathan said as he looked me in the eyes. "The past wars over six thousand years ago and now are a never ending loop of continuity". "The first heavenly realm", I said. "I was told tales about it and how my dad's sibling rule over it". "Indeed it is, but much as changed", Nathan replied. How the Angels keep the store-houses of the snow. And here I looked down and saw the treasure-houses of the snow, and the angels who keep their terrible store-houses, and the clouds whence they come out and into which they go. The dew and of the olive-oil, and various flowers. They showed me the treasure-house of the dew, like oil of the olive, and the appearance of its form, as of all the flowers of the earth; further many angels guarding the treasure-houses of these things, and how they are made to shut and open. And he took me and led me up on to the second heaven, and showed me darkness, greater than earthly darkness, and there I saw prisoners hanging, watched, awaiting the great and boundless judgement, and these angels were dark-looking, more than earthly darkness, and incessantly making weeping through all hours. And I said to him who was with me: 'Why are these incessantly tortured?' he answered me: 'These are God's apostates, who obeyed not God's commands, but took counsel with their own will, and turned away with their prince, who also is fastened on the fifth heaven'. And I felt great pity for them, and they saluted me, and said to me: 'Daughter of light, redeem us from the captives of the rulers'; and I answered to them: 'Who am I, that I should seek for angels? who know not where I go, or what will befall me? or who will redeem me?' Nathan took me thence, and led me up on to the third heaven, and placed me there; and I looked downwards, and san the produce of these places, such as has never been known for goodness. And I saw all the sweet-flowering trees and beheld their fruits, which were sweet-smelling, and all the foods borne by them bubbling with fragrant exhalation and in the midst of the trees that of life, in that place whereon the God rests, when he goes up into paradise; and this tree is of ineffable goodness and fragrance, and adorned more than every existing thing; and on all sides it is in form gold-looking and vermilion and fire-like and covers all, and it has produce from all fruits. Its root is in the garden at the earth's end and paradise is between corruptibility and incorruptibility, two springs come out which send forth honey and milk, and their springs send forth oil and wine, and they separate into four parts, and go round with quiet course, and go down into the PARADISE OF EDEN, between corruptibility and in corruptibility and thence they go forth along the earth, and have a revolution to their circle even as other elements. And here there is no unfruitful tree, and every place is blessed and there are three hundred angels very bright, who keep the garden, and with incessant sweet singing and never-silent voices serve their God throughout all days and hours. And I said: 'How very sweet is this place,' and he said to me: This place, Liah, is prepared for the righteous, who endure all manner of offence from those that exasperate their souls, who avert their eyes from iniquity, and make righteous judgement, and give bread to the hungering, and cover the naked with clothing, and raise up the fallen, and help injured orphans, and who walk without fault before the face of their God, and serve him alone, and for them is prepared this place for eternal inheritance. And he led me upon to the Northern side, and showed me there a very terrible place, and there were all manner of tortures in that place: cruel darkness and unillumined gloom, and there is no light there, but murky fire constantly flameth aloft, and there is a fiery river coming forth, and that whole place is everywhere fire, and everywhere there is frost and ice, thirst and shivering, while the bonds are very cruel, and the angels fearful and merciless, bearing angry weapons, merciless torture, and I said: 'Woe, woe, how very terrible is this place' And he said to me: This place is prepared for those who dishonour God, who on earth practise sin against nature, which is child-corruption after the sodomitic fashion, magic-making, enchantments and devilish witchcrafts, and who boast of their wicked deeds, stealing, lies, calumnies, envy, rancour, fornication, murder, and who, accursed, steal the souls of men, who, seeing the poor take away their goods and themselves wax rich, injuring them for other men's goods; who being able to satisfy the empty, made the hungering to die; being able to clothe, stripped the naked; and who knew not their creator, and bowed down to soulless (lifeless) Gods, who cannot see nor hear, vain gods, who also built hewn images and bow down to unclean handiwork, for all these is prepared this place amongst these, for eternal inheritance. Here they took me up on to the fourth heaven where is the course of sun and moon. He took me, and led me up on to the fourth heaven, and showed me all the successive goings, and all the rays of the light of sun and moon and I measured their goings and compared their light, and saw that the sun's light is greater than the moon's. Its circle and the wheels on which it goes always, like a wind going past with very marvellous speed, and day and night it has no rest [note: Cf "Rapid Transit"]. Its passage and return are accompanied by four great stars, and each star has under it a thousand stars, to the right of the sun's wheel, and by four to the left, each having under it a thousand stars, altogether eight thousand, issuing with the sun continually and by day fifteen myriads of angels attend it, and by night a thousand and six-winged ones issue with the angels before the sun's wheel into the fiery flames, and a hundred angels k****e the sun and set it alight. Of the very marvellous elements of the sun. And I looked and saw other flying elements of the sun, whose names are Phoenixes and Chalkydri, marvellous and wonderful, with feet and tails in the form of a lion, and a crocodile's head, their appearance is empurpled, like the rainbow; their size is nine hundred measures, their wings are like those of angels, each has twelve, and they attend and accompany the sun, bearing heat and dew, as it is ordered them from God; Thus the sun revolves and goes, and rises under the heaven, and its course goes under the earth with the light of its rays incessantly. He took me and placed me in the east at the sun's gates. He bore me away to the east, and placed me at the sun's gates, where the sun goes forth according to the regulation of the seasons and the circuit of the months of the whole year, and the number of the hours day and night, and I saw six gates open, each gate having sixty-one stadia and a quarter of one stadium, and I measured them truly, and understood their size to be so much, through which the sun goes forth, and goes to the west, and is made even, and rises throughout all the months, and turns back again from the six gates according to the succession of the seasons; thus the period of the whole year is finished after the returns of the four seasons, he took me to the West and again he led me away to the western parts, and showed me six great gates open corresponding to the Eastern gates, opposite to where the sun sets, according to the number of the days three hundred and sixty-five and a quarter. Thus again it goes down to the western gates, and draws away its light, the greatness of its brightness, under the earth; for since the crown of its shining is in heaven with God, and guarded [by four hundred angels, while the sun goes round on wheel under the earth, and stands seven great hours in night, and spends half its course under the earth, when it comes to the eastern approach in the eighth hour of the night, it brings its lights, and the crown of shining, and the sun flames forth more than fire. The elements of the sun, the Phoenixes and Chalkydri broke into song. Then the elements of the sun, called Phoenixes and Chalkydri break into song, there fore every bird flutters with its wings, rejoicing at the giver of light, and they broke into song at the command of theit God, the giver of light comes to give brightness to the whole world, and the morning guard takes shape, which is the rays of the sun, and the sun of the earth goes out, and receives its brightness to light up the whole face of the earth, and they showed me this calculation of the sun's going and the gates which it enters, these are the great gates of the computation of the hours of the year; for this reason the sun is a great creation, whose circuit lasts twenty-eight years, and begins again from the beginning.
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