knowing 2

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The next day was the big day, the preparation of the unknown. No one knew what it was or what was installed for us, for all we were meant to do is follow orders and abide by it's rules and regulations. For we had devoted and dedicated our entire lives for this moment, we all assembled in unity in an upper chamber so wide that it contained each and everyone of us. Numbers were given to us as to know which row we were to seat. Luckily, destiny had put Sophia Peters and I together. Mine was 99 and she was 66, numbers weren't arranged in numerical order. As we all located our various seat to sit, been trapped in our seats, we were unable to move and just then, an image popped up from a monitor. It was the chancellor who gave instructions on what we are about to face ahead. She made mention of travelling into the unknown, to seek, find and know. She never spoke much of what we were about to face, as Sophia looked at me in a terrific way. "It's going to be okay as long as we stick together", I said. Given her words of hope and encouragement as she smiled at me. "I believe in you Liah", Sophia said. As we were been injected with a serum, our minds became a wavering sea, our body motionless as our thoughts wandered off. Not knowing how long it took us to regain consciousness or where we were sent to, and in a flash of light we went back and forth in time, Sophia and I traveled to the year 2025, there things were never the same. Our arrival happened in New York city, where almost half the population were scanty cause of the deadly plague that took over causing a global pandemic. Luckily we were unaffected since we were not from the timeline, everyone had a protective suit on, some where with oxygen, some died on the street. "Why were we sent here", Sophia asked. "This is horrible, people are dying here, Liah". "A global pandemic", I said. "It's more deadlier than eloba and any known virus known to humanity". Then Sophia called my attention towards something on a newspaper that led way back to August, 2002. "Biochemical weapon", Sophia said. "But went out of control, Liah this virus isn't just any kind". "It was targeted here for world domination", Sophia said. "The government responsible were unable to control the virus which made the situations worse thus, it evolved". "It's not from china this time", I said. Before Sophia drew my attention pointing at the country responsible for the virus outbreak. No one was accepting cash or credit cards, microchips were implanted on almost everyone in the city. The air is poisonous, and it rained down acidic rain for every two and half hours. Those who were unable to afford the chips were left to scavenge for food and shelter. "At the end of the last century, a great environmental crisis came from above in the form of acid rain", I said. "A 1984 Congressional report estimated that acid rain caused the premature death of about 50,000 people in the United States and Canada". "Look", said Sophia Peters. Pointing towards an opening as we looked around, it covered us like a forcefield that sent us into another timeline. "Where are we", said Sophia Peters with curiosity". "Not where, when", said Liah as she looked around seeing the place deserted. The entire place is covered with darkness blocking out the light. No presence of life was felt except for their crew members of the holy martyrs who were been teleported to where they were one after the other, they all looked confused to where they were, some where in panic as others looked around. "Where the hell are we", said Mark. "Or when the hell are we". "Sophia stay close to me", said Liah in a suspicious tone. "Something isn't right". "What's going on Liah", said Sophia. "What's out there". Just then, something passed swiftly while making horrifying sound. Only few were alert of the horrifying sound they heard as their eyes moved in search for what it was, and before anyone could see what it was an unknown figure took few among them. Screams were heard all over the place, so horrifying that it seems like they were been torn apart by the unknown figure. It began circling them with great speed, causing the fog to blindspot their sight. Meanwhile in the holy martyrs, the chancellor monitors their state of condition and vitals, as her interest was on Liah. The unknown figure began taking them out like flies one after the other, Liah on the other hand stayed calm as she tried to find an escape root. "Behind you Liah", Sophia screamed as Liah was able to blast the creature with immense light that disintegrated it into nothingness. "Light is it weakness", said Sophia Peters as she informed the others. Blasting their way out of the dead zone as they run for escape, Liah and Sophia with some survivals were able to locate an entrance that led to the desert of the realm. For their numbers had reduced drastically to ten in numbers. "This is madness, how does being a guardian of the holy martyrs results to the m******e of our fallen brethren", said one of the survival in an angry state. "They are killing us and it doesn't bothers them that we are dying in numbers, instead of saving humanity". Then a girl who's name was Reher came to me, thanking me for what had happened earlier as she confessed her feelings of survival to me, not wanting to die. "So what now", Reher said as she looked up to me. "Lead us, Liah". "Lead us", said Jax. "Are you mad, all because she saved us doesn't make you our leader". Jax and Reher got into an argument as they watched, but as for me I stared into the desert of the realm, planning what's next ahead. "Then let's split up in groups", I said. "Let those choose to be with you follow you or better go on our separate ways individually". At first it became very quiet for some moment with all processing the thought on which side to follow. Reher and Sophia sided with me but Jax had others who took sides with him, the deed was done as we were separated into two groups. I led my teammates and so did Jaxs', it was evenly split. As we moved into the desert of the realm going our separate ways. We walked for hours into the unknown and never came across any lifeform, and on the other side the other team had also walked for hours without confronting any dangers. While we were on the road to nowhere, the ground beneath us began to tremble, as if it were circling us from the depths of the earth, we all could sense great presence roundabout us as it burst it way out of the depth revealing itself to be a ginormous serpent having the head of a lion having four legs as it roars at us, the serpent began attacking us as it great height gave it an advantage over us. Using our powers were nothing to the great serpent who drew out it tail to cause great havoc. We fought against the beast earnestly with all we had, for it sprung forth fire out of it's mouth, my attention drew it nigh to me even further to tear me apart as I was able to avoided it's every attack while the rest were able to escape except for Sophia Peters who went after me. Together we battled against the serpent and was able to subdue it for the time being and when it resurfaced again, it was beheaded by another presence who appeared to be an handsome young man who stood Infront of us. "Liah!", He said. "It's time for you to wake up and know the truth about existence". He introduced himself to be Nathan and that he's from above and that there are others like him, stating it's not safe within this vicinity as another presence began approaching, only for him to create a portal to as we went in but Sophia wasn't with us for she was unable to get through on time, leaving the portal to cut her in half. Right before my very eyes Sophia Peters died. "It's not real", Nathan said. "What you're experiencing is a mirage and an endless cycle of life and reincarnation". "That's real Nathan", I said angrily. "What's wrong with you, that was my best friend". He then took me to another timeline, telling me we were the only beings who had awoken from above, for he had self actualized himself and he's here to free others. I stood still as he noticed I wasn't moving, he could see the remorse and confusion on my face, as he gets closer to me, he held unto me as I said; "All of this is so confusing to me, my entire life is", Liah said. "What's really going on". "Everything you've been told from the holy martyrs are all lies", Nathan said. "Being the guardian of the holy martyrs, the elite, everything is all a lie". "How did you know about the holy martyrs", I said in disbelief. "C'mon Liah, you said it yourself that this doesn't make sense", said Nathan. "Why haven't all your questions been answered by the chancellor". "You said all this was a mirage right", Liah said. "Like the matrix kind". He looked at me in an awkward manner saying; "Uh! Yeah kind of, if you put it that way", Nathan said. "But it's far more advanced than that". "Liah what am about to tell you would come as a surprise to you", Nathan said. "I'm an elite but before you judge, it's not as you were told about us". "They lied to you, the holy martyrs", said Nathan. "They're not to be trusted". He then opened another portal telling me to come with him as he would like to show me a world that we once knew, that would change everything there's to know. We walked into the portal to a new world but before that, back at the holy martyrs were our bodies lay in the seat, mine was vanished the moment I followed Nathan, and it left the academy worried as they would plan and send their agents after us. It was as if I could feel both my body, soul and spirit connected as one. The feeling and energy within him as I asked Nathan, he said I had been disconnected from their presence to find out my true self. We arrived at Los Angeles California, a busy day to be precise as no one could actually see us for we were abstract beings to them. Nathan told me that everything that I had experience from the beginning until this very moment are real in a way that are not real. As he made mention of the past events that had happened forty-five thousand years ago (45,000). It sounded familiar to me, like I had seen and heard of it before, those words jogged my memories. "After the enlightenment between both worlds and the forces of nature collapsed", Nathan said. "Maybe I should start from the beginning". "That's great", I said with a smile as we kept on walking. "Before everything, there was nothing", Nathan said. "And nothingness had something within and outside of it". Nathan: A perfect mind Liah Natas: A perfect mind They both said as they stared at each other. As he continued; In the beginning, the heavens and the earth were never created Neither was light and darkness, all was a perfect mind in harmony A ying yang, a pure thought of one consciousness creating universal set of dreams individually and collectively One could call it the monad of God "Then what happened", Liah said curiously. "A fraction of that piece became separated from the unity", Nathan replied. "It became corrupt out of it's shadows into the void of existence". "It took the form of matter and gained the secret knowledge of creation", Nathan said. "Taking piece's of the divine light, wiping away their memories and trapping them in the form of matter". "That how it led to the birth of existence", Liah said. "Heaven and earth became separated". "They possess all kinds of form in other to enslave humanity from knowing their true existence", Nathan said. "Cause the more they realize, it's powers would be taken away from them". Meanwhile at the holy martyrs, the chancellor went into the authorities to report matters as it was already stated out that the authorities were aware of the situations as they were frightened at the consequences if things doesn't workout as planned. She stood in the midst of the authorities who were rulers of the holy martyrs. "She's becoming to realize herself with the help of the elite", said the chancellor. "Perhaps it was a mistake to send her into the unknown". "Find her and bring her back", said the authorities in unity. "For none shall escape the torment of illusion of hell". The chancellor went to Mathias corner as he's been assigned to bring back Liah Natas by any means necessary. "What about my previous lives", said Liah. "were they real?". He nodded which responded yes, made me realize that as long as we're on this hellish world everything we see are real to us, as its only a matter of time before we realize it all. As I asked about the heavens he told me it was never the same again as we journey into the world of the spirit. After the heavens had been restored back to it's former glory, the angels and archons had been ruled by the one who sees all but within him lies the consciousness of good and evil, light and dark which became an internal war. The angels could not understand that the powers within him were too great to be contained without the pneuma, which made it scattered into reality. It drove him to madness for he had lost the powers that he gained and vowed to rule the universe in an iron fist. Nathan showed me a world of different wonders, enlightened me the reality of rulers, taught me their secrets and then I asked the unthinkable; "Is God dead?". I asked. He looked at me and never said a word and then I asked again furiously in rage and then he said. "God's not dead Liah", Nathan replied. "You're looking at him". "What do you mean by that", I asked in shock. "What do you mean Nathan". He sighed and said to me, we're Gods and the mindset of God, when we split out of our consciousness we became separated from unity and the dark rulers became so powerful that they made themselves as Gods over us. "You see, God isn't a person but an idea Liah", Nathan said. "Which is why we need to save as many as we can in other to restore balance to all". "I need to show you something Liah", Nathan said as we walked through a portal. Then I noticed something familiar, something strange. "This is heaven", I said. "But why are we here". "This was the day your father's brother became God", Nathan said. "After the war between the false gods were in collaboration, but things were never the same". "Look". Nathan said showing to me what had befallen the heavens and the earth, a great distance that awaken great evil of vengeance and death. On my left a vision was revealed to me, that which had already happened but not fully recorded to mankind. "The great flood", I said. "What about that". Then something got my attention, there we found the rulers who came to assault Norea as they did to Eve without her consent. She'd overcome them with the powers within her from above. The academy had sent Mathias corner and the guardian of the holy martyrs after us. "Liah the visions and lives you've lived are all real to you as long as you're in this world", Nathan said. "There's a way to escape Liah but it takes time". "Not even judgement day could redeem humanity", Nathan said. ", It's all lies and deceit to imprison them in another body". Those that claim to see the wonders are blinded by the word of illusion and false matter The voices heard are deceit that strikes fear into the heart of men Heaven is hell and hell is on earth, those who know the truth will never be touched Faith isn't the key but knowing is The holy martyrs are the agent of the rulers. And they are here to imprison humanity from knowing the truth of their true heritage. But not many will accept the truth since they've been blinded by deceit in the form of truth. Their promise is death, their miracles are sophisticated magic and illusions of life. Since they were drove out of perfection into matter, they imprisoned humanity in matter. From water, earth, fire and wind. And for all eternity the cycle continues but only to be freed with knowing your true self. Mathias and the guardian of the holy martyrs appeared at the desert of the realm. "Where do you think they have gone to now Mathias", said one of the guardian. "Not where, when?". Mathias replied as they kept on tracking our movement. Nathan then took me to a place called the bridge, an unknown destination at the end of time as we were unable to cross through cause no one has, not even the holy martyrs I presume. Then they came after us, Mathias and his gang. "Liah you need to come back with us", Mathias corner said. "You are in grave danger". "Please Liah", Mathias said. "Don't make this any harder". "Did you know about this", Liah asked. "Did you know what the holy martyrs has been up to". "You can't trust the elite Liah", Mathias corner said. "Their first trick is deceit, psychological and mentally". "The holy martyrs will never enslave humanity in this perfect world in other to harness their potentials", Mathias corner said. "I never mentioned any of that to you", Liah replied as she began to suspect their motives. "Am sorry Liah, you leave me no choice", Mathias corner said. "You already know too much".
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