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I walked across towns miles away, a young boy who came to me asking to spare a quarter as soon as I gave it to him I could see myself during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, I'd thought it was a fan-fiction told to kids to believe in deities. Throughout my entire life of reincarnation figuring out who I am, what I am, and as soon as I turned my head the opposite direction, I found myself in Zhou Babylon formally known as the Zhou to Jin kingdom now called the city of Babylon an in an instant I could see every possibilities and events that had occurred, and where I stood was the exact same spot God fought with my father the king, why me? I said to myself, why these visions or trans, is it real or a figment of imaginations, am I in a comatose state. I slapped myself several times just to know if I could get consciousness into the real world. Is the universe trying to communicate with me. I took a route that led to the twelve tribes of Judah. Seeing a still water on the ground, it looks strange as I said to myself, about touching it I could see myself on the ocean, standing on top of it, is this real, someone should please wake me up from this nightmares. A voice called out, I could recognize that voice, it's Maya's and it seems to be emitting out of everywhere I stood, I struggled for a while until I was able to break free like a glass like object which held records of every event. It shattered like steel glass, finding myself in a courtroom. I was being judged for some sort of crime I'd not commit. A lawyer came to me, he said my name correctly and asked why? In confusion I wondered why?... And he said why proclaim yourself as the Messiah, going about preaching false accusation about the creator God. There was slight murmurs around the courtroom and behind me were groups of followers of which I had no idea about, defending me in whatsoever way they can as they said; She's a woman of salvation, righteous and holy She's Christ the Messiah whom the world expects to bring the good news She's heaven sent, a redeemer There is no crime in preaching the word of his supreme Majesty. The entire courtroom was filled at this moment and broadcasted internationally, everyone was watching globally. Accusations were made concerning the miracles I performed on the sick, and paralyzed ones and on the dead. Most states government had interfered within my matters to ensure that I get fair trials as well as taking good care of. All testimonies about me and my performance were accounted for, be it done or denied of, all were taken note of my whereabouts. Suddenly, a stop in motion, everyone was motionless from the biggest to the smallest living organism as I was pushed back by a strong force which dragged me back in time again to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ only then this time it wasn't he it was me on the cross, myself could noticed me watching her as she laid there on the cross. I walked towards her as I was been pulled down to the earth by another force, and this time I was in hell barely visible to the eyes of every demons. Nothing about all this made no sense to me, why me, and why now. Just then I was been noticed by another entity who seemed to be drawing nigh to me, this aura, it's strange, as it reaches out to me, placing both hands on the side of my face and on my shoulders, it began to hurt like hell, my eyes turned dark, showing me endless possibilities that are yet to come. His hands began burning in flames as it tortured my soul and in a miraculous act I was pulled back by an anonymous being into a secret chamber who then talked to me about the challenges am going through. I carefully poked him to see if he was real, he laughed as he introduced his name to me as Mathias Corner. A fair tall handsome good-looking guy. How were you able to find me I asked, looking straight into his beautiful blue eyes as he replied saying, he's one of the chosen, a descendant from a royal bloodline and there are others like him as well, he went on further explaining how long it took him to locate me and also informed me about the dangers ahead, saying to me "God is dead", and the realms are at war. He held my hand as we both vanished and reappeared in their secret location hidden by magic far away from the human world. "Welcome to Holy Martyrs" said Roxanne a member of the holy martyrs. "I know you've a lot of questions that needs answers to". For where I was, was bigger than an entire city filled with all kinds of species both big and small. It's was a place we're magic is combined with science, metaphysics to say. We walked as we talked before arriving at the chancellor's office, while on our way we came across the coucillor a leader of the student council in general who's name is council Silvester. I chuckled silently while I heard him introduce himself to me, funny enough to say, he does really suit him being in the position of his assigned name. We arrived at the chancellor's office, Mathias Corner who introduced me to the chancellor as a newly recruited member left as his work was done. Leaving me alone to discuss with the chancellor. She looked at me strangely as she could sense immense potential from me. Although she never got to introduce herself to me, telling me that she'd keep an eye on me personally, that the physical realm is in chaos after the war of the elite, as she described them to be ferocious entity who are formless and with their powers were able to conquer the spiritual realm. She'd described all these in a spellbinder revealing every event across time and space. She'd tell me of my ancestors, describing the unique potentials we had as if she was familiar with my past lives. "I'd love to ask a few questions of which I'd love an answer to", I said. Believing that I could give me the answers I was hoping for when she replied saying. "The past is the past, never look towards it but only learn from it", she replied. Not so helpful as we ended our discussion on that, leaving her office I stumbled upon Sophia Peters who has always been a member in holy martyrs, she showed me around the hall of martyrs as we even discussed. "Isn't the name holy martyrs odd to be given to an organization with high standards of great principles and morals", I said. "The name was introduced by Morgan and Chris Hempleton", Sophia Peters said. "The outworld saw them as tyrant but soon realized that they were the saviors and last hope of humanity, they established this organization in the year 999 BC, although most of it parts and secret still remained history since 3,000 AD". "Legend has it that the Hempleton discovered a way to travel back in time via imaginations", Sophia Peters said. "Unlocking the secret of the human potentials hidden within". "So they accepted all religious and non religious beliefs", I said. "Creating a new era for the overman". "Impressive...", Sophia Peters replied. "You're getting the idea". As we arrived at our dorm, then I asked Sophia if she could tell me about the visions I had been experiencing lately if they're real or not, although she never came up with solidified prove as she's not fully capable of providing a convincing evidence to my situation. "We'll figure it out together, I promise", she said. The days I spent in the holy martyrs varies from the outside world, time works differently here, every second I spent there are days, an hour weeks, months turns years and years, well you get the idea, do the math. Although we were protected under the construct of the higher authorities who trained us to prepare for the unknown, we never aged a day and so on, lifespan ceased as we were also trained in so many different arts and religion, most times we go out on missions back in time to learn, observe, acquire and obtain knowledge and power, but to me, it's more like survival of the fittest, a prison of eternal suffering without any cause nor remorse. We became savages, as time passed by we were forced to face off against each other, Mathias Corner who had brought me in here became a different person entirely from whom I once knew. As I never lost hope maintaining my sanity as well as encouraging my roommate Sophia Peters to do the same. It was hell driven by madness, sometimes we'd war against our mindset until a faithful day we were sent to different timelines, luckily enough I was with Sophia Peters whom we were like sisters, we were sent to bring back reports on what we discovered, sending us to the future past. The chancellor's last words were; "What you're about to witness will change you entirely, some of you may survive, some of you may not, you'll become reanimated, an external being born of existence without limits, it'll be your curse and blessing in disguise". And then we all departed to our various timelines. Our first arrival was the moment God confessed about Abraham's madness a voice of unseen presence was heard from above saying: It was not I who moved Abraham to twice lie and sell his sister-wife, Sarah’s favors to wealthy men for profit and then teach their son, Isaac to do the same. Nor I who caused him to cast his slave-wife, Hagar and son, Ishmael out into the desert wilderness to die. It was not My voice which led him to deceive Sarah and plot to betray her only child to death. Abraham was unable to identify that voice he heard, for he knew Me not. Deafened by madness, he does not heed My entreaty to stop and do no harm. When she discovered her only child was taken to be slaughtered and burned, Sarah expired; her heart overwhelmed by panic and a mother’s grief. Isaac, bound upon the pyre; his trust shattered, laughter gone, struggles as his father, reason overthrown, stalks forth. Abraham raises the dark glass blade of slaughter; given to him for this very purpose. Malign chanting fills Abraham’s head with confusion. No test was this. What need could I have to test Abraham, whom I formed in perfect knowledge? "Wow I never read this part of the bible", Sophia said. "do you think it was edited out by the author's, who knew that God would repent of his word". I smiled and said. Truly Abraham was misguided by a lesser God whom he thought to be the one true God. Oh! By the way Sophia; God always repent from his word. "The information here isn't sufficient enough, there is more to it". So I said. As we moved to another timeline during the creation and construction of humanity. The seven Powers began to work: Goodness made a psyche of bone Providence made a psyche of sinew Divinity made a psyche of flesh Lordship made a psyche of marrow Kingdom made a psyche of blood Zeal made a psyche of skin Understanding made a psyche of hair. The host of demons took these substances from the powers to create the limbs and the body itself. They put the parts together and coordinated them. The first ones began by making the head: Abron created his head; Meniggesstroeth created the brain; Asterechme, the right eye; Thaspomocha, the left eye; Ieronumos, the right ear; Bissoum, the left ear; Akioreim, the nose; Banenrphroum, the lips; Amen, the front teeth; Ibikan, the molars; Basiliademe, the tonsils; tonsils; Achcha, the uvula; Adaban, the neck; Chaaman, the neckbones; Dearcho, the throat; Tebar, the shoulder; Mniarcon, the elbow; Abitrion, the right arm; Evanthen, the left arm; Krys, the right hand; Beluai, the left hand; Treneu, the fingers of the right hand; Balbel, the fingers of the left hand; Kriman, fingernails; Astrops, the right breast; Barroph, the left breast; Baoum, the right shoulder joint; Ararim, the left shoulder joint; Areche, the belly; Phthave, the navel; Senaphim, the abdomen; Arachethopi, the right ribs; Zabedo, the left ribs; Barias, the right hip; Phnouth the left hip; Abenlenarchei, the marrow; Chnoumeninorin, the skeleton; Gesole, the stomach; Agromauna, the heart; Bano, the lungs; Sostrapal, the liver; Anesimalar, the spleen; Thopithro, the intestines; Biblo, the kidneys; Roeror, the sinews; Taphreo, the spine; Ipouspoboba, the veins; Bineborin, the arteries; Atoimenpsephei, respiration; Entholleia, the flesh; Bedouk, the right buttock; Arabeei, the p***s; Eilo, the testicles; Sorma, the genitals; Gormakaiochlabar, the right thigh; Nebrith, the left thigh; Pserem, the kidneys of the right leg; Asaklas, the left kidney; Ormaoth, the right leg; Emenun, the left leg; Knyx, the right shin; Tupelon, the left shin; Achiel, the right knee; Phnene, the left knee; Phiouthrom, the right foot; Boabel, its toes; Trachoun, the left foot; Phikna, its toes; Miamai, the toenails. And those who were appointed over all of these are: Zathoth, Armas, Kalila, Iabel, Sabaoth, Cain, Abel. The energizing powers in the limbs were divided among: the head made by Diolimodraza; the neck by Yammeax; the right shoulder, Yakouib; the left shoulder, Verton; the right hand, Oudidi; the left, Arbao; the fingers of the right hand, Lampno; the fingers of the left hand, Leekaphar; the right breast, Barbar; the left breast, Imae; the chest, Pisandriaptes; the right shoulder joint, Koade; the left shoulder joint, Odeor; the right ribs, Asphixix; the left ribs, Synogchouta; the abdomen, Arouph; the womb, Sabalo; the right thigh, Charcharb; the left thigh, Chthaon; the genitals, Bathinoth; the right leg, Choux; the left leg, Charcha; the right shin, Aroer; the left shin, Toechtha; the right knee, Aol; the left knee, Charaner; the right foot, Bastan; its toes, Archentechtha; the left foot, Marephnounth; its toes, Abrana. Seven govern the whole body: Michael, Ouriel, Asmenedas, Saphasatoel, Aarmouriam, Richram, Amiorps. The one who governs perceptions: Archendekta The one who governs reception: Deitharbathas The one who governs imagination: Oummaa The one who governs integration: Aachiaram The one who governs impulse: Riaramnacho. There are fourfold sources of the bodily demons: hot, cold, dry, wet. [Matter is the mother of them all.] Ruler of hot: Phloxopha Ruler of cold: Oroorrothos Ruler of dry: Erimacho Ruler of wet: Athuro. Their mother stands among them: Onorthochrasaei She is unlimited She mixes with all of them. She is matter and they are nourished by her. The four chief demons are Ephememphi, associated with pleasure, Yoko, associated with desire, Nenentophni, associated with distress, Blaomen, associated with fear. Their mother is Esthesis-Zouch-Epi-Ptoe. Out from these four demons come passions: From distress arise Envy, jealousy, grief, vexation, discord, cruelty, worry, mourning. From pleasure come much evil And unmerited pride, And so forth. From desire come Anger, fury, bitterness, outrage, dissatisfaction, And so forth. From fear emerge Horror, flattery, suffering, and shame. [Their thought and truth is Anayo, the ruler of the material soul. It belongs with the seven senses, Esthesis-Zouch-Epi-Ptoe.] This is the total number of the demons: 365. They worked together to complete, part by part, the psychic and the material body. There are even more of them in charge of other passions That I didn’t tell you about. If you want to know about them You will find the information in the Book of Zoroaster. All of Yaldabaoth’s servants and his demons Worked to finish the psychic body. For a very long time it lay inanimate; It did not move. Yaldabaoth’s mother wanted to take back the power She had turned over to the chief ruler. She earnestly asked the most merciful, The Mother-Father of everything, For help. "What do you think happened to the God's who made us", Sophia Peters asked. "Where the aeons defeated by the creator God along with the other aeons". "Most religious beliefs had no idea about what's coming", I said. As unknown portal began opening we could see we were been called back to the academy for reports". When we arrived, most people who were sent to different timelines were unable to make it back alive, I could recall vividly we were hundreds in first batch that went on a mission and only twenty five made it back successfully. "Welcome my successful student", the chancellor said as she stood above us. "I believe you all experienced a wonderful adventure of the unknown". "Yes!, Wondering where are the others", the chancellor said. "Not all will make it alive if you truly want to become a guardian of the holy martyrs. Rest well and prepare for tomorrow's course". We all headed back to our dorms without a word of encouragement as we never heard of the missing who never returned to us. Sophia and I got to our dorm as we could hear whispers of complains from the other as they walked with their partners. I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling when it suddenly hit me with an idea. "Do you think the chancellor is hiding something from us all", Liah said. "She never introduced herself to any of us". "No one knows her by name except the authorities", Sophia Peters said. "They are the overseers and final say of every activities". "Have you heard about the elites?", Liah asked; it drew the attention of Sophia towards her which made her sit on her bed facing me. "Everyone knows about the elite", Sophia Peters replied. "They are savage entities without forms, Tyler was the only guardian of the holy martyrs to battle against the elite, his fellow guardians said his bravery saved the academy but all good deeds came at a cost". "What do you mean by that", I said. "Knowing what the cost was". "He became possessed by the elite, no one knew how?", Sophia Peters said. "But was put down by the chancellor and her followers".
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