Lost in time (A call from the future past)

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After the great war fought between the humans and deities which paved way of enlightenment for the future generations. Stories were told from generation to generations about the legends of old and their testaments. I for one have wondered where it all began, why must the human race suffer for their ignorance and atrocities. My name is Liah Natas, I'm over six hundred and sixty six thousand years old, and how do I know that... Well I just know. I was born just before the great war was about to end, an era were our forefathers once saw God most especially God's, they at a time fought side by side and against humans and demons, so I was told. I mean for whole world to come to an end, hell yes, the universe itself to end, my dad, the king, who is an heavenly host or at least was an heavenly host saved the entire human race and not just the human race alone, he saved the entire creation. Am talking about eternity, infinity and beyond. They said his bravery brought balance between the two realms (physical and spiritual realm). Which makes me a royal blood and not just a royal blood, I also have a place in the divine realm and below, which am not kind of a cut out of the realm below. You see my mother the queen brought balance between kingdoms of the world, am pretty sure she learnt that from granny, of which she's late (sadly speaking), I never got to see her but did hear of her awesomeness which inspired me. The world was devastated and under attack by demons and compromising angels who sided with demons and other entities just to become superior over the other. Did you know that there were many God's? And I still believe that they're even up to this very moment that we're, believe it or not, but what we believe can actually create the non-existence of life. My past lives during the medieval era (so did the modernized/civilized people call it) was pretty remarkable, I had so many friends, close friends, a guardian angel, a demon assistant, a family and a happy life; but all that changed when my stepmother wanted me to rule the world below, and oh my did I hate it, am talking about hell, perdition, the Abyss, the pit, (not purgatory... Cause I would love that) think of the names you would call it, like it's literally the worst place to be, and not only did I have to rule over it, but someday take my dad's place. "I love you dad, but am so not interested". Neither will I love to rule the heavens, it may sound stupid of me to reject my positions in both realms but am used to living the life of an earthly being. Until one faithful day, an outbreak occurred in both worlds am talking trinity, funny enough am not talking about the trinity you're familiar with, or what other trinity you know of... Am referring to this trinity I call... The heavens and the earth and hell. That's what I call it, but don't worry I'll come you with a better name later. (Chuckles). And there was war between these realms. A prophecy was foretold during an era of our time that a child would be born to saved mankind, not the Jesus type sweetheart, am talking about the one they called HOPE. She took a deep breath as she continues typing... The child would become the hope and enlightenment to humanity, and this is not just some fairy tales or adventures or sci-fi movies you've watched or novel you've read about, let alone a romantic moment that entails love. Love isn't what is going to change the world. Love is what we get when we change the world. A steadfast determination and an iron will guided by reason is what will allow us to actualize ourselves and remake the world. Don't look to a saviour, we're our own saviour, don't look to a God, we're God's, don't look to the universe, we're the universe. That's what my father was all about, trying to make humanity a better inhabitant to dwell. And from that very moment I was born, my life changed, and am not just making things up caused it literally changed the whole event of my existence, which is why I was able to escape my imprisonment into reality to help you become self actualized. During my existence on earth, during my era and now till am no more, I've lived so many lives, trying to fit in, to give humanity a fighting chance before they take me away, lock me up, never again to see the light. For over six hundred and sixty six thousand years, I've had been reborn, reincarnated into all sort of living creatures and beings as a punishment for not fulfilling their desires. So what did they do to me, they cursed me to forever live on till I learn my lesson for not refusing to accept what I am. But in every curses there are opportunities and blessings in disguise waiting to be unfolded. This is my story, my legacy been revealed to the world, the dangers I encountered, the journey to success all begins with a single step to enlightenment. Darkness... So it was, and now it is. You can't escape it, it's always out there, waiting, watching, to consume all who stood in it's path. (Thunder sound). I remembered it just like yesterday. (Bird's sound) (Raining)... Everything i thought i knew, everything I'd believe, it feels like it's calling me to the unknown. (Flashback)... Two fist clashing together creating a massive shockwave... Kaboom!!!... Glitches...Zzz....A face, blur, couldn't see... Wait! Red eyes, four horns, four wings... Is that an angel, no! it can't be. Maybe, just maybe, it's a demon. (LOUD THUNDER SOUND) KRAKKK KABOOOOM!!!... It draws closer to me, no stop, just then.... Natas(whispers)... Closer and closer. Eyes explodes wide open, jumps up from the bed. It's daytime. (Radio station playing)... Good morning!!!... New York city, it's a wonderful day like no other, a day where you get to be updated about life entire. (Female host in radio station): Yes! Jeremy, you know what they say in new York! it's a place of excitement that gets you trilling. (Faded radio station playing background)... Making a toast from the machine as she eats. Liah Natas: Uh! Tired as usual. Liah then goes into her bathroom to take a shower. Cleans herself up, dressed in her red clothe and blue Jean as she goes to work. Maya: Nightmare! Oh Natas. This is getting out of control, you keep getting these nightmares without no cause, what does it mean. Liah: I don't know, but this time, i was in a place like a war zone, like i went back in time in my own dream. Maya: You don't say. Liah: I'm serious. Maya. Maya: Alright! alright. Just then, a group of coworkers from "Historical Museum" brought ancient artifacts in for safe keep. Maya: Whoa! Liah come check this out. This is one of the most priceless possession in the entire world. Have you ever read They both said it together. Maya: The history of zhou to Jin kingdom Liah: The history of zhou to Jin kingdom Maya: Whoa! miss brainy, someone's been secretly doing their research. she said giving Liah an eye wink. Coworker 1: Legend has it that it could grant anyone mystical powers beyond their imagination. he said sarcastically. coworker 2: C'mon man! the legends are real. Maya: Are you guys gonna argue about this or what. you don't want to piss off Ms. Regina. The coworkers departed from their presence as they carried the artifacts to safety. Just then, in Ms. Regina's office, the artifacts were brought to her office as she was on call. Ms. Regina: Alright. I'll let you know when it arrives. Bye for now. Ms. Regina turned towards the artifacts, as the coworkers left it to her. She placed her hand on the artifacts. Ms. Regina: At last, the lost treasure found. All six of the dragon crystals. And yet, it seems to be in contact after so many year, so many years of search and here it is, right in front of me. Let's rewrite history. Meanwhile, the girls continue their discussions. Liah: Do you know why the ancient artifacts was brought here, i mean what the heck does Ms. Regina wants it for? Maya: Durrh! Probably selling it to the highest bidder or so, but what i do know is that the ancient artifacts has some hidden secrets that are yet to be revealed. On the other hand, in Ms. Regina's office, she held one of the dragon crystal in her hands while sitting on her chair, the crystal started glowing in bright light that illuminated her surroundings. She began having memories of the past six thousand years ago (6,000), the dragon crystals were formed by Azriel that drove the demons into the shadows and with the power of the dragon crystals combined, they were shared amongst the four pillars of the kingdom for safe keeping. With the dragon crystals being scattered they hold the key of free the demons from perdition into our world. When all crystals combined together they grant the users wish and many more. Meanwhile, In Pytronx Corporation. Mr. Lyrecius the C.E.O of Pytronx corp is also in search of dragon crystals and other ancient artifacts. He sits in his office alone making research about the artifacts. Lyrecius: My theories were correct, there are other lost ancient artifacts of the zhou to Jin kingdom that's now known to be lost city of Babylon in the world and wherever there are, they'll be mine. At 20:00pm They retired for the day, after work hour. Liah and Maya both walked home, they live next door, taking their usual route in the alley, they were encountered by six armed robbers. Robber 1: Hold it right there b*ches and nobody gets hurt Robber 2: Yeah! do what he says. Liah: Maya, stay behind me. Robber 1: Now gimme all your money The robbers got closer to them as one of them grabbed Maya by the hand, just then. A white bright light illuminate the corner from Liah blinding the criminals as they made their exist successfully. The next day at work Maya couldn't believe what she witnessed the other day, she secretly looked at Liah and then looked away from her. "I can't bare this any longer", Maya said. "Do you mind telling me what that was yesterday, I mean you were like some enchantress without a witch hat and a flying broomstick". Without any doubt, Liah stared at her with a smile on her face saying; "do you believe me now, my whole life I've been trying to find out what or who I am, understanding myself and some how am unable to fathom all this". "It must be really hard for you", Maya said. "that's why am here to help you out as bff's would do, you're like a sister to me Liah and together we'll get answers to all of this". As they hugged each other, just then, without their notice. "Aww...", James said emotionally. "That's so sweet, I knew you guys would finally make a great perfect couple". They both looked at James and burst into laughter. Alright, James here is a bisexual/pansexual, he's really into... You know. And he's always had an eye for Maya even in his love life and relationship status, James never stops until he's achieved his aim. "Don't you have any business to do Mr. James", Maya said. "I see the way you look at her, she's way over you". Liah chuckles at their discussion, and for a few moment there she began hearing their thoughts, she did described it as pitch sounds echoing all around her inform of frequency, like she could hear and feel it. I grunt a little trying to hide the pains and the thoughts I was hearing, they became louder and louder, spreading like wildfires, suddenly everyone in the city I could hear their thoughts most especially James' thoughts which was pretty odd and remarkably interesting at a time. (James'Soliloquy) If Maya would fully accept me to be her companion To truly be happy with her Love her like no other I'd give up my old life to build a new one with her There is something unique about her, she's full of hopes and love I know I had flopped in a way but Maya is just too perfect to be alone How can I ever show her that I'm worthy of her affection. Liah! Are you okay, she called out to me as I regain consciousness, Ms. Regina would love to see you in her office, at a moment there I was stunned, not knowing what to do as she awaits my arrival. I headed straight into her office, she seems calm and relaxed as she's the boss of me, I said to myself. "You called for me ma", Liah said. "how may I be of service to you". It sounded pretty odd coming out from me right, yeah! I know. She gave us the order to act and refer her to that. "I know what you are up to Liah", Ms. Regina said. "why must run from your destiny, it's already predestinated and must be fulfilled". "You thought you could escape from it, thinking I won't find you, no matter how many times you reincarnate or what form you took", Ms. Regina said. "It's time you come home child, leave this world behind and embrace your destiny". With all what she had said to me, made me began to wonder if she's was my stepmother as she stood up drawing closer to me as she assembled the dragon crystals into one, I began feeling dizzy, my head's spinning, the environment began shrinking, the rooms drew closer and closer like it's about to collide, her eyes turned red as she said to me in a raging voice "there is no escape". And just then a voice called out to me. Liah! Liah!!!... As I opened my eyes, trying to regain my sight from the bright light, my surroundings were totally different from my place of work. "Where am I?", Liah said. You're at the hospital, you had a slight concoction, the doctor said you'll be fine. I was speechless at the moment, trying to wrap things up, and how I got here. "Is everything alright Liah", Maya said. As James stood by her side. "You collapsed why we were shopping at the mall Liah". Mall! I said to myself, for all I could remember was I was at work when my boss called for me, now at the hospital when I collapsed at the mall. Then things became more interestingly odd, she was with child and had a wedding ring on her. She noticed I was staring at ring as she gladly showed it to me that she had been married to James for five years now and are blessed with three kids. How did I not know of this, why is everything upside down. I got out of the bed in an instant, they looked at me strangely as I walked towards the hall way and made my way to the receptionist, staring at the calendar it was the year 20/5/2066. Things became more awkward, caused I had remembered waking up this morning to be July 5th, in the year 2022. It's forty-four (44) years in the future, how is that possible, then I escaped out of the hospital before they could get me back to it. Pushing the door of the hospital with extreme force I began to see the unexpected, strange and odd paradox. This must be a dream, it's not real. As I walked round the cities in circles seeing a strange presence watching me, like it's been monitoring my movement, it draws closer to me calling out my name, in shock I could no longer bear it's presence I ran out into the unknown, finding myself to the waterfall, how fast did I get here, it's like been driven by the wind and tossed. Then it suddenly hit me as I stared at my reflection below the waterfall, it's different, not my reflection, not the person am familiar with. Our movement followed accordingly and all of a sudden she smiled at me as she pulled me quickly into the water. I struggled out as I was pulled back into the water continuously until I saw the light when I had given up hope, a voice called out to me as I could feel the presence of the unknown pulls me towards the light. Mother can you please tell me a story. She asked. Alright, but just this once sweetheart then you go to bed. Mother said. As I stood watching my younger self I had no memory of, trying to fathom the situation at hand. Just then, I felt that same presence from earlier as it revealed itself to me and spoke to me saying; I've watched over you all the days of your youth as an infant till this very moment you've grown up to be Your whole life you have always wondered trying to fit in where you don't belong you have a lot at hand Liah you and you alone is the key to enlightenment your past lives are connected throughout history every step you take, every move you make changes the very course of history the human race isn't yours to save alone enlighten others and create a new world of era an era of peace, where pleroma is found An just then, as it hands laid on my shoulders, I saw myself in a place so comfortable, it was all about me this very moment, seeing a peaceful life that I could never achieve, a family of my own, that's not the kind of life I had access to, and in this life, I had everything I ever wanted, a home, a beautiful relationship, a family and perfect kids, my life was glorious, it was heaven on earth. As my husband walked up to me, he gave me a kiss as he was about leaving for work and all of a sudden my kids ran up to me, embracing me in warmth and joy, but something isn't right, wait! The entire place began to crumble, my kids face turned decayed and started to attack like zombies and just as they were about to go in for the kill I saw myself in another location and this time I could feel that the people here are hopeless, waiting for a messiah from above.
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