Chapter 4: Red Haired Elf

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After the young elf girl finally calmed down for a bit... “Hey, don’t want to pry into your issue but do you mind telling me why are you crying?” I said that to the elf girl. Of course, I knew that one of the reasons might be because the skeleton was her former friend. But that alone wouldn’t make someone cry like that, at least that is what I believe. The elf didn’t say any word... as she seems to be still sobbing about all of this incident. “No need to tell me then, let’s just get out of this place. As I do not want us to be caught like in the previous situation.” I said. If she still needs the time, I suppose there’s nothing wrong with giving her some more of it. But if the elf girl simply doesn’t want to talk about it, I am fine either way. As long as we’re able to get out of this place, that would be better. Because I feel like this place isn’t an ordinary cave at all, the markings on the wall... Kinda indicating that we’re inside some sort of ruins. If not ruins, it might be a dungeon. But what was important was how I ended up in this situation. I was simply playing games and there’s no way I could be transmigrated into another world just like that. This isn’t like the anime and all of the fantasy books that I read, because I am real and all of those things were just made-up stuff. So it’s hard for me to believe that I am inside of a magical world right now and what's worse is I am not a human nor something that could be called a living thing. As I was a bow... simply a bow. The only way for me to learn what had happened was to ask this elf girl. Yet it wouldn’t be happening if the girl was still depressed about what had happened here. I do hope that she would feel better so that the both of us could have a conversation regarding this issue. .. ... The elf girl does listen to what I had said but she still doesn’t want to speak to me at all. All she did right now was walk away from the previous area. She probably wanted to get out of this place as well, that’s good because at least we wouldn’t be in trouble anymore. She slowly walked away from the previous area... This place was quite dark to be honest, though we could still see because there was still light coming through the c***k. Thus making me realize that we're not deep in the ground because at first, I thought that we were underground. Here I thought that the elf girl wasn’t going to talk at all but after a while of walking, she finally uttered some words. “Sorry for my behavior earlier... it’s not like I did not want to talk or anything like that.” The elf girl then paused for a while, “It's just that if I tell, you would surely act the same as other people will.” The moment I heard that I was super confused about what she meant by acting differently. I couldn’t think what she meant by that at all. There’s some thought though... that this elf girl has done something bad. Like stealing or killing someone... worse maybe had been involved in some adult activity like working in a brothel. Thus making the woman in some certain town hate him or the man acting differently after knowing who she was. Because I would admit it myself, this elf girl is indeed pretty. Her red hair suited her as it brought the best out of her character. Of course, her chest as well. It’s pretty big I would say, but I guess that’s normal for the elf race. All of the fantasy stuff that I watch does portray that the elf kinda has a big chest. If I met her in my human form, for sure I would be flustered just by talking to him. As I lack social interaction, especially with pretty girls. So I suppose there’s some advantage to being a bow after all... though there’s a lot of disadvantage. But back to the topic... “Could you tell me more? I do not know much about this world, well because I have been inside of this ruin so... I lack a lot of info.” I simply said that. For now, there’s no way that I am telling her that I am from another world. One of the reasons was that I did not trust her yet. The other was because it’s not the best time for me to discuss that matter now, it’s best to just keep it hidden after I gain more information. I am afraid that if this world had some custom or some sort of weird ritual that. That’s to sacrifice the other-world people to their god to gain some blessings or something like that. I am well aware that stuff rarely happens in all of the anime I watch. But there’s nothing wrong with me being cautious as who knows what I thought might be the real thing in this world. So that’s why I wouldn’t want to just spill it all. Especially to someone whom I did not know yet and basically a stranger to me. “Promise me that you wouldn’t act differently to me after you learn about it.” The elf girl said that as she seemed scared to admit who she was exactly. “You wouldn’t need to worry about that, I am not even a human you see... so I would say that I am not the person who will treat you differently even after knowing your identity,” I said to reassure her that everything is going to be fine even if she reveals her identity to me. As long it’s not too shocking for me at least. The elf girl then began to explain why people treated her differently in this world. Of course to every detail of it. I didn’t want to miss out on some information because it kinda contains the things that might be important after all. . After listening to it, the things that I thought about her were all wrong. Now I understand why she is afraid that I will act differently toward her if she tells me. Because apparently in this world, the elf race's hair color was always and will forever be golden. All of the elves, male or female will have that hair color. So this girl here, despite being an elf... was different from the rest of his race. What made it worse was the prophecy or the tales that this world had regarding the elf with red blood hair. That tale was about an elf with red hair who was a descendant of the past demon and would soon be a full-fledged demon that would consume this world. To my surprise, the girl did mention that the demon race was eliminated with the last war that happened a thousand years ago. The demons were defeated by a group of heroes and a few mercenaries that band up together to protect humankind from the demon race domination. The hero did manage to defeat their king but before the demon king fell, he laid a curse that one day the demons would return and it all started with a red-haired elf. As that person would appear and continue the ambition of the demon king itself. So until now, the story was heavily believed by the people of the World of Elsia. That’s why this elf girl face with heavy discrimination and was banished by her own race. Worse, no one in the world accepted her... It also connected to why she cried a lot back then because that was the only friend she had but all of them had turned into undead because of her mistake. Making her feel that she’s indeed bringing bad luck and death to people around her, just like what the demon king did in the past. Hearing all of that, I didn’t know what to say to the elf girl at all. Because I did not expect her story to be so tragic like that. But one thing is for sure... I do not think that she’s a bad person at all. It’s true that I have a lot to learn about this elf girl. But from what I see right now, she was forced upon fate to become someone she doesn’t. This elf girl deserves a happy life as other people could... Plus people shouldn’t believe much about the story of the past. At least that is what I think, because who knows the story might be fake and just some baseless rumors that the past people talk about. .. ... The elf girl then looked at me with teary eyes as she said, “Now that you learn about me, you will leave me right?”
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