Chapter 5: Misunderstanding

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It’s true that the people in this world might not like the presence of this girl at all. But for me... I do not see anything wrong with the girl at all. Plus I feel like there’s nothing for me to be afraid of even if it's real, because none of it is going to affect me. I am a bow, not a human... the prophecy foretold that it would destroy the world. I am aware that it kinda sounds like the destruction of the whole planet but that surely is not going to be true. It's just the phrases that people like to say even if it's just actually wanting to conquer the world or something similar to that. Though it does make sense to be honest, because in order to create something new. It’s necessary to destroy the one that already existed. So the prophecy might have some truth in it... but, I doubt that it was something real at all. So that’s why I came up with this answer regarding what the elf girl had told me before... “Um... do you realize that I am a bow right? I can’t go anyway without someone bringing me along, so I basically stuck with you-” I was just about to touch the important part of my sentence but the elf girl cut me off before I could say that. “I know, you’re the same as well...” The elf girl said angrily and threw me to the ground just like that. Of course, she simply ran away from me as she never looked back even once. Even though I had called her to not leave me alone in this place. But seeing that reaction, I somewhat understand that she must be mad at me. Because she doesn’t really want to talk about this topic. Yet I pushed her into doing so, reassuring her that everything would be fine. Though it’s not my fault entirely, the elf girl should have listened until I finished talking to her. As I wanted to say that I will stick by her side... Guess it’s too late for that already, the elf girl already left me. Worse had happened to say at least, because without anyone with me. I can’t even move, I already tried it earlier and nothing happened. So I do not know what I wanted to do from this point onward? Should wait for someone to come and pick me up. Surely that would take quite a long time. Deep down, I kinda hoped that elf girl would return but seeing the tears in her eyes after hearing my halfway sentence. I doubt that she will be returning at all since my words could hurt her pretty badly. I suppose the only thing that I could do now was to figure out about myself. As before, I didn’t have that time to do so since I was pretty occupied by the skeletons. So now that I have the time, it’s best for me to do that. Because at least I might learn or figure something out. . So the first thing I wanted to address was of course... this thing that has been interrupting my vision. Well, not really interrupting since it’s far on the right corner. Though I just do not like it to appear at all. Just so that I could see the whole scene without anything overlapping it. It’s a health bar and a magic bar, like one I have seen in the game that I played before. When I think about it, how the heck was I able to see in the first place? It isn’t like I have an eye or something, because I am a bow after all. Ah! I shouldn’t think about it, it just makes my mind hurt... Because the answer might be magic or something similar to that. Back to the status bar on the top right corner, this one was more similar to the one that was inside of my Mod List. The moment I thought about the Mod List. Something weird appears right in front of me, well not really in the real world of course. It’s more inside of my vision that is... Some sort of menu appears, it has a lot of stuff that I recognize. Because most of the stuff's name was my MOD that I once installed with the game before. But why did it appear here? It’s certainly weird... what weirder was that I could somehow select the mod in this menu. Just using my mind to navigate. Though I am curious what would happen if I decided to pick one of the mods. ‘Hmm, let’s try this. The body mod that I had installed for the NPC in the game because their body texture sucks.’ -Body Gen.2- After selecting that MOD, nothing happened to make me think that it doesn’t work at all. It just simply shows the mod that I had installed. “So it’s useless then, but why-” Before I could say anything, I could feel the tingle in my body... It happened all of a sudden that I was not prepared for it and was totally confused because of. But after it's done, I feel that something is different about me. As I felt a bit chilly and it’s almost like- Eh! I quickly stood up to see whether it was true or not. To my surprise, I managed to stand and that means that I have a body once again. I move my hand and I see it moving... Seeing it, I was so happy that I could cheer out loud inside of this place. But of course, I had to restrain myself since doing so would just attract some unwanted attraction. Though I am happy to finally be able to become a human again. That made me realize that the Mod Menu does work after all... with that in mind, I quickly checked what other mod I could use. Because if I remember correctly, I did install a lot of armor mods and some other pretty cool mods. So if I use it, for sure I would become someone powerful in this world. . My dream to become a powerful person was crushed completely when I saw the notice in the Mod Menu. It said that the Mod Menu could be used once per time, as long as the current one is activated. You couldn’t use the Mod Menu. Thus the option of the Mod Menu has been grayed out... so what the notice said was true. It’s unlucky to know that but at least I could gain a temporary body. The problem with this current body was, that it doesn’t even provide any clothes. The only thing it gives is this piece of while towel wrap on my hip. So I wouldn’t say that I am completely naked at this time but I do feel that way. Probably the best option for me now was to find some clothing first. This was a ruin, so there might be some clothing or armor here that was left. At least something that could cover the bottom part of my body of course... I am fine with that as it wouldn’t be that embarrassing going around without a shirt. But one thing kinda made me hesitant about my choice. It was about the monster in the ruins. I know I haven’t encountered any of them besides the skeletons before. But this was a ruin, surely there was another monster inside of her. I’m not sure whether the monster inside these ruins is strong or not, but from what I experienced playing games before. Ruins like this one are mostly occupied by goblins... There's nothing else but seeing this place. I doubt that the monster here is powerful. As this place isn’t that deep underground at all. ‘I will just go and proceed with the plan if anything bad happens... I just revert back as a bow, because there’s an option for one.’ I said to myself just to toughen up. So with that, I walked back to the path where I came from. I still remember that the elf girl said that her friend has been turned into a skeleton recently. That means that their armor or stuff doesn’t deteriorate that much at all, so I probably could still use it without needing to worry about their quality and that sort of stuff. Because to be honest, I didn't really like the idea of wearing something that had been here for decades or at least quite some time. It’s simply disgusting to me... Not because I am a clean freak or something similar like that. I am simply taking care of my own hygiene because who knows if that thing might have some germ. All of that applied only to the armor, of course. If that thing was a weapon, that would be an entirely different story. As that wouldn’t be something that I will wear on my body, just something I will wield and carry around.
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