Chapter 3: Hesitant

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If she is afraid that she would miss her shot, she shouldn’t be worried about it as I think I could conjure a lot more arrows.  But when I think about it, the conjurations of the arrow require mana but I have no idea how much my mana capacity is. So there might be a chance that my mana run-outs if I conjure a lot of arrows.  Still, I shouldn’t worry about that... What’s important now was to give the girl some motivation, because if she still refused to shoot at the skeletons. We would be doomed… well technically only she would be killed but not me.  Still, I would feel bad if the girl was killed. Plus there’s no way I want to lay down with a corpse next to me. It would be a horrifying experience as I would see her corpse decay over time since I couldn’t move at all.  .  “Hey! Don’t worry, I could conjure a lot more arrows… so just shoot it!” I said that.  The girl still doesn’t want to shoot at all… A few seconds later, she started to cry as that made me a bit surprised as I didn't know what had to happen there.  “What’s the matter!? Are you too afraid that you are going to mess it up… Like I said-”  “No!” The girl suddenly said that... “I can’t shoot on my friends at all.”  What’s she talking about here? Friends… clearly in front of us were just a bunch of skeletons. There’s no way that it was her friends at all. As they’re monsters, not even a human at all.  “Are you sure you are okay? That’s just a skeleton… there’s no-”  Before I could say anything further, the girl interrupted me as she said. “They’re my friends! I can’t kill my friends!…”  This girl got on my nerves as she kept saying that the skeletons are his friends. It’s not his friends at all and what causes her to believe that. She certainly is crazy but again there might be something that I didn’t know here.  “I don’t know what is happening here but if you’re not going to shoot… Know that you will die here by the skeletons.” I said that as the girl needed to realize that fact.  “But-”  Hearing that she’s going to make another excuse, I quickly interrupt as if she is going to keep being like this…There’s no way both of us will get out of this mess at all.  “Listen! Do you want to survive this or not!? If you want to die, then just throw me far away from you as I don’t want your corpse next to me… But if you want to get out of here, just use me and kill the skeletons!”  That’s the only thing I could say to her at the moment… if she refuses to kill her friends then I guess this is where I will say goodbye to her. I will remember this girl as the dumbest girl that I ever met in this new world.  .  The girl lifts me and begins to aim towards the skeleton.  Does the girl make up her mind already and decide to defeat the skeletons? If that is her decision, then it’s good as that means she’s going to survive this.  For me? Of course, I was finally able to get out in this strange place or would I say a dungeon. As it seems to look like a dungeon…  I could sense that the girl’s hand was trembling as I could tell that she’s somewhat hesitant about it. Is she having a second thought? This isn’t good… I need to convince her or else she would be killed.  As I was just about to do so…  The girl pulled the released arrow and it hit one of the skeletons that were close to her. It hit right on the skeleton skull and somehow it exploded… which I didn’t expect would happen at all.  Also, the way it exploded is quite magnificent as it then turned into a beam of light. But maybe this is because of my other skill… the Divinity Tribute. I’m not sure if that skill was related to this but it does make sense to me.  But what’s more surprising was the girl shooting the arrow. I thought she would just throw me away since she hesitating about shooting these skeletons whom she called friends.  Still, I’m glad she made that decision though… As if she chooses the second option, it would be foolish of her.  “Just four more! Just keep on shooting!” I said that as I conjure up more arrows for the girl to use.  The girl didn't reply as she simply shot all of the remaining skeletons that were coming close to her. Of course, while doing those, I notice that tears begin to fall on her face… I still don’t understand why she’s crying but I feel like there must be a reason for it.  .  After a few minutes… all of the skeletons were eliminated successfully. Meaning that the girl survives.  But as soon as the skeletons were no more, she suddenly sat down and hugged her knee, crying. She started to cry real hard which kinda annoyed me at some point.  I dislike people crying… But I know I couldn’t just say that right in front of her face, because that would be too inconsiderate for me to do that. To be honest, the reason I thought that was because I was concerned whether she would throw me away if I somehow offended her or hurt his feelings.  So I just have to wait for her to dry up all of her tears. Even though her crying annoys me a lot… This is going to be long but it’s not like I can go anywhere as I am stuck with her.  I guess I could use this time to think about what’s happening towards me and how I ended up getting reincarnated in this world. 
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