Chapter 6: Encounter Monster

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In a few hours of searching for any gear inside of these ruins... I did find a broken straight sword and use it as my main weapon for now. But for the clothing, apparently, I couldn’t find anything at all. There’s something that I could wear but it’s pointless, to be honest on wearing that kind of stuff. The clothing, I found already had some big holes everywhere. Even if I wear it, I would just look the same or might be worse in my opinion. So my search for any clothing continues in these ruins because I can’t get out of here is all naked. That’s something that I wouldn’t do no matter what... maybe if I am a good-looking person, then it would be fine. Because a good-looking man would always make the situation less bad. But because I don't know what I look like at this moment, I wouldn’t want to take that risk of going outside. If I am somewhat ugly, being naked will just cause issues. As I would be labeled as a p*****t by doing so. So- ... I stopped my movement altogether... there’s a movement earlier. I happened to look at the ground when I was walking. I saw that a certain shadow suddenly disappeared the moment I took a step forward. Yet I don't pay much attention to it. If I recall correctly, it wasn't the shape of a man... No, from the shadow it resembles more a- The beast suddenly howled towards me as the sound struck the inside of my ear. It hurt way more than I thought, I clutched my ears trying to reduce the sound but the pain didn’t stop. To think that a Hellhound howl would cause this much pain, I guess the game does make it way easier and less powerful. My knees are shaking at the moment... it’s getting weaker. I realize that I am somewhat afraid of what’s going to happen. But that’s only natural, I have never fought monsters before. Plus all of the things that I thought unreal now are happening to me. I want to run as far as I can, yet that doesn’t make things better. Because I know something about Hellhound in the game before, it will never let you escape. Not until you defeated it, of course, making fighting it was the only option I had. I hold my broken straight sword up, trying to imitate the stance that my character always makes when battling monsters. Though my hand trembled way too much and I couldn’t even hold my sword that perfectly. My heart began to beat faster every second... I was so scared that I couldn’t even breathe properly at the moment. Yet I know that if I falter here, I will be dead. So I need to toughen up for this battle. Believe that I could win even though the odds are kinda against me right now. At least that's what the main character always does in every story that I read. While I am trying to regain my composure, the hellhound began to stare at me and walk in a circle... As if it’s trying to wait for the chance to attack me. I on the other hand just followed the hellhound as I didn’t want to let my guard down even for a second. Because I know as soon as I am distracted, for sure the hellhound would jump towards me and kill me. No way I wanted that to happen so that’s why I was being very cautious about it. There’s one fact I know for sure, that hellhounds are strong. With my current weapon, I doubt that I will be able to kill it with just one swing... maybe even after 10 swings wouldn’t be sufficient enough. The fact that I am level 1 just makes things worse. How do I know that I am level 1? Well, I just guess that since I might be starting at that level. As all of the main characters always started as a level 1 character, it applied to me as well. If things do get bad, I guess the only option I had was to turn myself back into a bow. Because I’m sure that at least when I am in that state, I wouldn’t receive any pain as I am simply an object at that time. Though I am only returning to that form when I see the situation is going bad. But for now, I do hope that I could somewhat win this battle even if the odds are kinda against me. Still, I want to believe that I could survive this. If only I am being smart about what I am going to do now of course... . All of the sudden, the hellhound jumped onto me and tried to bite me. As I already expected that coming out from the hellhound, I somehow managed to dodge the incoming attack and landed some hits upon it. Though just like what I thought earlier, it doesn’t do significant damage at all. The hellhound is still standing there as if my attack earlier doesn’t hurt at all. But of course, I can’t give up now, seeing what has happened... It seems like I still have a chance in this fight despite being matched with a monster that’s far superior to me. With that, I charged toward the hellhound hoping that I could at least stab it to death with my broken straight sword. Because of the previous attempt, I realized that the skin of the hellhound isn’t as thick as I thought it would be. Despite not making any injury on my previous attempt, that’s not my fault of course. It’s due to the weapon that I am currently using... The broken straight sword is just too blunt in order to do any damage... Though I am not saying it’s a useless weapon in this state at all. The only way for me to kill this hellhound was for me to stab as hard as I could using this broken straight sword of mine. Even if it’s blunt, it doesn't mean it can't be used. My goal in this battle isn’t to kill this hellhound, because it’s impossible for me to do so. I am just doing this so that I could have a chance to escape from it. Because I realized it the moment I saw that I was facing a hellhound. That’s if I try to run away from it, for sure I will get caught in a second since hellhound movement speed is much faster than I am. That’s the most important thing I should do was to give this hellhound some massive injury. So that I could gain some time to escape from this beast, that’s what I am hoping to do at this moment. But of course, by escaping, that doesn’t mean I am going out of these ruins. I still need to find better gear inside of these ruins before heading out to the real world. Though I am aware that heading deeper would mean I would be encountering a more dangerous monster or beast that would surely kill me. Yet I feel like there’s a chance that I would find something better if I go inside much deeper. At least that's what I think would happen. Still, I shouldn’t be scared that much if the situation does get worse and I encounter a lot of dangerous monsters. I could just turn back into a bow and nothing will happen. Even if I meet a monster that’s had some degree of intelligence. That wouldn’t be a problem, simply switching forms would be the solution. As that would at least make the monster get caught off guard. So in a lot of ways, I actually have a lot of advantages. But of course, I couldn’t be overconfident that much, since anything could happen. So if the situation does get worse and I didn’t get any loot even after venturing far into the ruins. The only option that I had left was of course to leave this place and just go out there. Because what else I could do to be honest if I didn’t get anything inside of here. Plus being in here would just risk my life even more despite having a lot of advantages even if I encounter a strong monster or beast. ... As I wasn’t focused on the fight right now, the hellhound attacked me while I was charging straight to it. I didn’t notice it since my thoughts were occupied with other stuff. So my attack failed and both of us suffered injuries. To be honest, my body was pretty durable as that bite from that hellhound didn’t do much damage. Instead, the hellhound was in a bad state right now. Because when I was just bitten out by the hellhound it let go of me as soon as I stabbed my broken straight sword into its body.
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