Chapter 8: Tricked

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“Are you seriously saying that I could gain tremendous power and that’s my biggest wish?” I said that as I know for a fact that what the voice said is clearly wrong. “You’re joking, all of the adventurers that came here are seeking power.” The voice then paused for a bit, “There’s no way you come here for nothing...” The voice said that. Hearing the voice answer, all of the thought I had in my mind was given the answer needed. All of this was just a lie and none of it exists. The voice simply told me that just to lure me into that dark depth of the ruin. Though I have no idea what I will get when I do that... for sure it isn’t something nice. “Well, I did have something in mind when I started wandering around this ruin. But of course, my goal wasn’t for power, I simply came here looking for a piece of clothing... that’s all I want.” I said that to the voice. Upon hearing my answer, the voice began to laugh frantically. As if what I said was something really funny, but I guess for the voice... he finds it pretty amusing. I do not expect the voice to understand what I feel because the voice was probably coming from a monster. For a human-like me, clothing is quite necessary whether you’re in your own home or going outside. “Cut that laughter off or I will just go...” I said that to the voice since it took way much time that I expected the voice to stop laughing. “Sorry about that! I just didn’t expect that coming, as I said before. All of the adventurers that come here seek power, none of them with something like you did.” The voice paused for a while as its tone of talking suddenly changed, becoming much more serious. “Though I would say that if you wish that, I could grant you that stuff as well...” “So you could give me clothing.” I paused. I know that this wouldn’t be free at all, there must be a cost. “Tell me then, what do you want in exchange for that clothes then?” I ask the voice that question. “Exchange?” The voice chuckled for a bit as it continued, “Nothing, what was necessary for you to do was to walk into the shadows... that’s all you need to do to gain that clothing you wanted.” The voice said that to me. I feel like there’s more to it than simply just doing that, as that would be way easier. My guts tell me that it’s a trap and of course, I am also aware of that fact. I guess I still need a few more confirmations before stepping into the shadows. “Answer me this, if you give me an answer that satisfies you... I will do as you are told.” I then uttered the question, “You said that many adventurers came here to wish for power, what had happened to them?” I said that to the voice. That’s one I wanted to know the most and one that could make me decide either to trust the voice or not. Of course, the voice might be lying just to get me into that shadow. But still, at least I will have a hint or something like that to know whether the voice is trustworthy or not. “I can’t tell much but most of the heroes of the past and present were created by me, so you can believe me.” The voice said that to me. That answer... to be honest, I found it too good to be true. That voice raised a generation of heroes, that’s unbelievable. Because that somehow makes the voice extremely powerful, as if it was a god itself to be able to grant tremendous amounts of power to people just like that. And if this thing is that powerful, wouldn’t people already know about the stuff. Surely there are a lot of people that would want to get here and gain power, for their personal gain of course. Unless those people that had been granted the power keep their mouth shut as they don't want anyone to become a hero just like them. So that they could take all of the fame and money of becoming a hero in this world. At least that’s the theory that I had regarding why this place doesn't have a lot of people in this ruin. But I would say that I am somehow tempted to step inside of the dark depth of the ruin, just to see what will happen. Even though the chances of it were going to be a trap, I had to know... it’s all for the sake of my curiosity alone. “So how about that? You believe me or not, though I highly advised you to believe me.” The voice said that to me in order to convince me. It’s funny how the voice said that it's only advice as the way the voice said is like forcing me. But even without the voice saying that stuff, I would do it anyway. As I am at the peak of my curiosity and I need to learn what happens if I do it. I guess you could say this is a bad habit of mine... If I had gotten curious about something, I would surely do anything in order to make that curiosity go away. So that I could feel my heart being fulfilled as I had accomplished something. The same thing happened just now, like when I decided to stay and explore this ruin. I know that the reason was to find clothing but at the same time, I also wanted to learn more about this place as I had gotten curious about it. “Okay, you got me there. I will test it out but just remember, if this was just a trick of yours... Know that it won't end well on your side.” I said that as I wanted to threaten the voice a bit. Just to let the voice know that I am not someone that it should be messing with. I am aware that compared to the voice, I might not be that powerful but who knows by saying that kind of stuff might save my life? . With that, I toughen myself and step into the shadows just like what the voice wanted. Upon doing that, I could feel that there was something entering my body... Though I am not sure what. “So what next after that?” I said that as if nothing appeared, because I thought the moment I entered. I would be getting the clothing. Was it a trap all along? I began to think that the voice doesn’t speak to me at all. But of course, a few seconds later, the voice began to laugh. “How foolish you are? Didn't you hear the story that the people had told you... never trust the voice that inhabits this ruin?” The voice said that as it was still laughing. Hearing that, I was still calm as if nothing had happened to me. Because I kinda expected this to happen already. One other reason was that my curiosity hasn’t been filled up yet, making me focus on that rather on the situation that’s happening now. “Oh, so what’s the trap then... because I feel like there’s no dangerous stuff coming at me,” I said that since I was expecting something to come at me. “Trying to act like that, certainly you’re different from the rest of the adventurers. But one thing is for sure, you would be dying any moment now as you would become a skeleton, the minion of the dead.” The voice said that. .. After a few minutes later, nothing happened to me as I still feel me. My flesh is still stuck onto my body as I haven’t turned into a skeleton yet. Does the voice really mean what it said just now? I began to wonder about that. “Um? I didn’t think that I was turning into a skeleton at all...” I said that towards the voice. The voice then said something to me, “What are you! This shouldn’t be happening... you should already be a skeleton as soon as you touch the shadow. How can you still be alive?” It seems like even the voice doesn’t know what is happening right now. Meaning that this is the first time this is happening towards it. But if what the voice said was true, it’s quite intriguing stuff happening now. Though I feel like I already figured out why I couldn’t become a skeleton. Because I am neither alive nor dead to be honest... as I am simply an object with a soul, a bow. Meaning that I am different, totally different from all of the people that voice had met before and tricked. The only reason why I had a human form was because of the Mod List power... Meaning that this is just a temporary body of mine.
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