Chapter 9: Devise A Plan

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Kinda makes me wonder whether I wouldn’t be afflicted to death at all. Since I am not even a human, I am pretty much immune to anything... Well, not all but to some certain degree it is. Though I could still feel the pain, because of the previous fight against the hellhound before. When it bites me, it still hurts a lot. Proving that I am not that invincible after all. It's just that something doesn’t apply to me, as I am different. “Um, so all of this was a trap then? There are no clothes at all right if so I better leave then.” I said that as all of the voices said earlier, it was just a lie. With that, I step out within the shadows as it doesn’t give me what I want. Because why would I still want to be inside of it knowing that I wouldn’t gain anything at all. But of course, as soon as I did that... the voice once again told me to stop and persuade me to walk deeper into the dark depth of the ruin. But I wasn’t that stupid, there’s no way I am going to be fooled twice by the same thing. “You already lied to me once, so do you think I would listen to your words again?” I said that The voice changed his tone all of the sudden, “You better listen! You are already cursed... you aren’t going to survive without my help.” Hearing that, I feel like the voice really wants me to stay within the shadow. Though I still don't understand why? Does he feel bored because he had no one to talk to all of the time... yet that’s not the case here I think? If the voice wanted a friend, there’s no way he would turn people into skeletons. So for sure, the voice has other intentions of doing that, but I wouldn’t want to stick around to find out what. Since I had other stuff to do, a place to explore. “Well I guess I will just live with it then, there’s nothing wrong with that right?” I simply said that to the voice. Why do I say that? Simple because what the voice said earlier was a threat and I know it... The voice said that because it wanted to keep me there, that’s all. I would label myself as dumb if I doesn’t realize it at all. Plus the curiosity that I had earlier seems to have faded away... Because I know now that the voice was a liar and none of the things he said were true anyway. All because the voice was lying to me of course. If he didn’t do that, for sure I would somehow do what it said till now. “Aren’t you scared for a bit! This isn’t something you should just-” Before the voice could say anything else, I cut him off by saying my farewell as I walked away from there. Without even needing to listen to anything the voice wanted to say anymore. When I thought that would be the end of it, suddenly a mysterious figure appeared in front of me. Well, I already know what it was as it’s the shadowy thing before... Does this mean the voice wouldn’t allow me to leave here that easily? The voice is sure to make the situation a hassle. I can just get out of here within a few minutes and here it is, it now becomes like half an hour of work. I really don’t like it but what else could I do in this situation? “Care to just leave me alone?” I said that the shadowy monster. “Turn back now and we won't need to fight. Even if you’re resistant to curse, there’s no way you could win in a fight with that gear of yours.” The shadowy monster said that and it sounded just like the voice that was talking to me. The voice does raise a good point, even if I am cursed with resistance. With my current equipment, my chances of beating a monster that is made out of magic are complete. So I am at a huge disadvantage right now. But that doesn’t mean I am going to just run away like a coward. After putting a tough act towards the voice, no way am I going to act like a weakling. Thus that’s why I will stay here and fight the shadowy monster, besides I don’t think it would be that hard. I already had an idea planned out on how to win this battle, although it’s not like what I said earlier in my own mind. As this just gives me a chance to escape by using some method that would allow the voice to think he had won this battle that will happen soon enough. All I needed to do was to act perfectly, to make the shadowy monster not realize that he was being deceived. “Come on then, prove that you could kill me... as I doubt you could,” I said that trying to taunt the shadowy monster into attacking me first. As it was necessary to execute my well-thought plan of course. The shadowy monster took that bait and lunged toward me without needing to think calmly at all. Due to it being a shadow monster, it could change to any form it wants. Just like what’s happening now, its arm has already turned into a sharp blade. It looked very sharp and could slice me in an instant. Thus I try my best to avoid it as much as possible, because who knows if I could actually die from that since I don't have any pain resistance at all. But seeing how fast the shadowy monster moves, for sure it would hit me sooner or later... Meaning that I need to execute my plan as fast as I could before I could get hurt. I do not wish to feel the pain of being sliced apart... . As the shadowy monster was approaching me, I quickly opened my Mod List and deselected the mod that gave me this human body. So that I could become a bow back. With an inch away from being sliced apart, I somehow made it on time and thus my whole appearance had changed into a bow. I fell to the ground and was lying there motionless since I couldn’t move as I didn’t have any muscle joints if I became a bow. I decided to stay silent as part of my plan was for him to think that I had become a bow, because of it’s curse of the voice mentioned before. At least that is what I’m hoping for the voice to believe after witnessing this happen. The voice then looked at me, well the bow closely. For sure he’s confused about what's happening right now. I do understand that his curse shouldn’t possibly cause this, at least that is what I think was inside of his head right now. “Hahahaha! Serve you right... I already tell you that the curse is real.” The shadowy monster then picked me up and said, “What? I can hear you, well that’s because you are bowing!” He continued laughing. To be honest, I ain’t mad the voice is trash-talking me because in reality. I should be the one laughing right now as the voice believes it without any doubts at all. Saying that his curse had worked but it was actually me that turned myself into a bow, my original form that is. I wonder what will happen if I somewhat revert back into my human form... But of course, I wouldn’t be doing that, since it would just cause a lot of problems as things are good at the moment. ... It took quite a while for the shadowy monster to finally go back within the shadow. He rant about many things and I thought it would take way longer, thank god that it’s just like 15 minutes or so. If not, surely I would just become my human form again and punch him straight away. Though I consider myself to be lucky, at least that is... Because there’s a thought of mine that the voice would be mad at me and seeing what state I am in right now. He would snap me in half but instead of doing so, he simply threw me far away. Making my escape a lot easier. So as soon as I reached the ground, I reverted back into my human form and got out of this ruin. I know I am still shirtless but it’s better to just look for it outside. As there might be a place for me to obtain clothing. But one thing is for sure, I would return back to this ruin to settle my score with that voice. Because I feel like I owe a fight to him. Silly me right, people shouldn’t care about that much but I do... Though I would return here with the proper equipment and venture further into the dark depths of this ruin.
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