Chapter 10: Trails

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The blue sky, the sound of the bird chirping around... Just like what I expected from a fantasy-type world. This is so relaxing and calming compared to the bustling sound of the city. I like it very much, though I realize that this is a forest area. So there might not be much of a difference if I somehow was in a town or a kingdom. As there would surely be a lot of people just like the city in my old world, that’s for sure. But of course, that will only happen if I manage to get out of this forest first. Because from what I could see, this forest is just too dense. This means that navigating through this part would be extra hard as well. Though there’s a way for me to be able to get out of here. Without needing to get lost or familiarize me with the layout of this area. That’s to follow the track that the elf girl had made when she fled the place and leave me all behind the inside of that ruin. As I’m sure that the elf girl has left some track or something like that behind. So if I follow the trail that she leaves, I know I can find the nearest town in this area or at least a way out of this forest. So with that, I began to look on the ground to see whether there was any footprint left behind. Soon enough, I found it but it seems a little bit weird. Not that it’s not a human footprint, but the footprint that I found seems to be a little bit bigger than I expected. If I remember correctly, the elf girl's feet were smaller. Because I saw it when I was on the ground as the elf girl was running away from me. So seeing this type of footprint, makes me wonder who the track was... There’s a thought that it might be the footprints of the elf friends but I quickly dismissed that thought since it wouldn’t make sense. Because clearly, this footprint is one that leaves the area, not comes inside this ruin. It’s certainly weird but I feel like there’s something I missed out here. I don’t know what but- Suddenly I became aware of something and it might help me explain who the footprints are. The elf girl does say that society hated her since she’s one that was foretold by the prophecy to be the destroyer of the world. Thus that would mean that there will be people out there that will want the elf girl to be dead in order to preserve the peace that they had right now. Preserving the peace was to kill the prophecy to happen, that’s by eliminating the elf girl. I am aware that I shouldn’t jump to conclusions like that, but I do feel like this is the case here. I guess the only way for me to find out was to follow these footprints then. ... The more I follow the trail, at one point. The footprints added up in some places, meaning that there are other people here as well. I’m not sure whether it’s the elf girl footprint or not but what I’m sure of was there are certainly other people here. I also notice that the footprints began to walk as a group together. So they probably know each other very well from walking together. While I am still following the footprints, I began to feel guilty about what I had said to the elf girl before. I know it’s not entirely my fault, to begin with. But I never thought that her situation was this serious, she must have felt lonely all of the time. The fact that she’s an elf makes it even harder, as an elf does have a long life span. No wonder she hated that fate of hers and wanted to live like normal. I guess if I found her after this, I would apologize to her and tell her honestly what I am going to say. If possible, I would like to be her friend as well. Because I know that she needed that the most at this time. Though I’m not sure the elf girl is going to trust me after what happened. ... After a while, the footprints lead me to a place... where there’s a camp around here. Still, I didn’t walk into that place as I was still watching it from afar. Because who knows that the people there might be hostile towards me. Because who wouldn’t be cautious against a mysterious man. What's worse is that I have no clothing at all so for sure they would think of me as a suspicious person. So there’s no way I am going near the place before knowing what kind of people I am dealing with. Meaning that I need to scout the area first and listen to their conversation. Of course, the most important thing was to find out whether the elf girl was here or not. Because my intuition tells me that the chances of her being in this area are quite high. I sneak around the bushes, trying to make myself not be seen by them under any circumstances. Though I couldn’t get that far as there was no vegetation around to cover me anymore. So the closest I got was with this range only... There’s still a chance, that’s to sneak inside the place undetected. But I feel like that’s going to be hard... because when I move around, I notice that there’s a lot of people in light armor around the camp. Around 20 people or so, thus sneaking in wouldn’t be an easy job for me. Unless there’s a way for me to- Wait a minute, that might be the only method I had to get into the camp. I suddenly realized that if I somewhat turned into a bow and just waited for one of them to spot me out. For sure one of the people would bring me inside of the camp. Because who will resist a free weapon like that out in the open. Though I am going to wait for a lot longer if I wanted to get noticed, this is the only choice that I had at this moment. Still, if I managed to get inside and didn't find the elf girl... I would just tag along with these people as I know for sure they would be heading back to their town. It would be my free ride of course getting out of here without much of a problem. Despite wanting to know whether the elf girl was okay or not. It wouldn’t be my concern if I couldn’t find her here, as I am sure she would be fine and already headed back to the town or somewhere she lives. But if I did find her here, I just hope that she would be alright. It would sadden me to find her but she’s already left this world. If that ever happens, I do not know what to say... only to offer condolences to her and pray that the elf girl would be happy in the afterlife. Of course, I wouldn’t exact my revenge on the people here, because I fully understand why they are doing that. It’s for the sake of protecting their world from crumbling down. That doesn’t mean I am not going to resent them, as they have killed someone who is innocent in my eyes. At least, in my opinion, people should at least find the truth of the prophecy and probably find a way of seeking another alternative besides killing the elf girl. I know it’s hard but at least give it a try first... but well, I do know about it that much as I am just an outsider. Plus if this ever happens in my old world, for sure I would do the same as the people here did. All because they had an attachment or someone they love in the world. I looked closely and realized that they had a patrol system... so making use of that knowledge. I then used that route and turned myself into a bow. In hope that the patrol would notice me lying on the ground and take him back to the camp. So that I would be able to do the things that I wanted inside. .. . After a few hours of waiting, the patrol finally came in my direction. Just like what I had anticipated, one of the patrols noticed me... “Hey? Is that a bow lying on the ground?” He said that to his friend beside him. “Really? There’s no bow when we passed-” The man stopped as he soon began to notice me as well, “Well you’re right! There’s a bow there.” One of them hurriedly went into the spot I am right now to pick me up. With a huge smile on his face, “Finder keeper they say since I am the one that saw this first... So this means it belongs to me.”
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