Chapter 6

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It’s been a week since I’ve seen those eyes and strangely that’s all I can think of. Even in my dreams, that man’s eyes are the highlights. I can’t shake the feeling that I’ve seen them before but where? It doesn't even matter. The man obviously has a wife and that's one territory I will never cross. However, I can admire those gorgeous eyes. The rain forest green with a hint of grey. If it's not obvious, I'll tell you. I have a thing for eyes. Most people first look at someone's face as a whole, their completion or smile but for me, it's always the eyes. It's the one thing on a person that can't lie. Anyone can fake a sincere smile or frown to deceive you but no matter what, even with contact lenses, your eyes always tell the truth. And a man with sincere eyes always gets me riled up. I’m starting to think that it’s due to a dry spell. Seems like sobriety also came with celibacy. Can't say I'm a fan but I can't get entangled with anyone. My mental state right now can't handle any attachments, no matter how fleeting they may be. The fleeting part was my wish and doing but no one seems to want to accept that. They always try to come back and try to remain permanent. Why? that's a question I would love to know the answer to because with all honesty and self-awareness, I'm terrible. I have to put some of the blame on dad for how I treated men. Since I was ten he kept telling me that no man was worth keeping around. So I kept none around, other than him of course. Couldn't get rid of him no matter how hard I tried. “Kaylene bring your a*s down here right now” Lord, what now? We’ve already done our morning drills and I’m off from the shelter today. What could it be now dad? Taking the steps, I try to rack my brain around what I could possibly have done this time around. I know based on the name and tone that I’m in trouble, but what have I done? What could I have possibly done when I’ve been monitored twenty-four-seven for the last three and a half months? I don’t have a car, phone, laptop, tablet, not even a typewriter. If I’m not at the shelter, I’m home. I haven’t even smoked a cigarette since I’ve been here. My thoughts led me nowhere, however, my legs led me to a pissed-off father and a distraught mother. Great! Let the sh*tshow begin. “Kaylene, what have you done?” “Nothing that I am aware of” “Watch your tone, young lady” “Dad, can you please tell me what I did other than exactly what you have asked me to do for the past three and a half months.” “What you did was get married behind our backs and lied with the pathetic excuse that you have no memory of what the f*ck you were doing those five days you were with him” “Come again” By this time, mom was hysterically crying. Mumbling nonsense about missing her daughter’s birthday wedding and not getting to plan and all a whole other s**t that completely went over my head. Cause ain't no way she was crying about not getting to plan a wedding at a time like this. Who does that? The look on dad's face tells me he’s serious, but once again I have no idea what he’s talking about. Studying me, he knows I’m clueless and that makes him even more upset. Which doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I can understand why he would be upset if I did it on purpose like everything else and lied but I didn't marry anyone, at least not on purpose. After all, I was sprung out of my mind and reality. “I’m confused. I didn’t lie about anything; I might be a lot of things but a liar I am not. I don’t know about any marriage or wedding. I seriously don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Here” Handing his phone to me, I see the headline and almost pass out. There's no way in hell this can be real. [“Daughter of retired All-American quarterback of Michigan Warriors and CEO of Linesman Corp has married the Competition.”] [“Daughter of retired football star and CEO of Lineman Corp. has secretly married the new CEO of Goliath’s Inc.”] [Mystery daughter of Michigan Warriors former cheerleader and star quarterback Kelly & Collin Smith tied the knot with Former CEO Wesley Snyder’s son. Is this the end to the long family feud?] Looking at the headlines was comical but seeing the same picture of me wrapped in a man’s arm while hiding my face in his chest made me nauseous. Even if my face is hidden, there’s no mistake it’s me. The dragon entwined with a cobra tattoo that travels from my left hand all the way to my forearm is obvious. My red pixie Halle Berry cut is another indicator, not to mention one of the surgery scars that I turned into a shooting star of butterflies on the left side of my neck. Even though everyone was aware that the Smiths had two daughters, I always refused to be in the media and my parents had reluctantly agreed. I never wanted to be in the spotlight, regular life as their adopted daughter was scrutinizing enough. Now I was everywhere. Many may not know what I looked like and couldn’t put a face to the headlines, but it wouldn’t take a genius to figure it out. Putting my thumb and index finger between my eyes, trying to ease the stampede of a migraine heading my way. I was at a loss for words and eventually for breaths. I couldn’t tell you when I landed on the floor, nor could I tell you when my mom had the chance to get a wet cloth and a water bottle to help ease the panic attack I was currently having. Yet she did and I was thankful. Staying seated on the floor, I looked up at my parents’ disapproving gazes and my heart broke. Just when I thought I was getting better and trying my best to make them proud, I still f*cked up. My past always seems to not only haunt me but them and now my present has become a constant turmoil. They were better off leaving me in the hospital, better off in the car so I could have died with my birth parents. “Kay baby, do you really not remember anything, anything at all?” “No, I told you, the last thing I remembered was leaving the party and then waking up at SandDust.” “Where there any clues there, you could think off?” I tried to think, and nothing came up. Nothing until I looked at the picture on the phone that dropped with me. “The ring, I woke up with the ring.” “Where is it and why didn’t you say anything before?” “I didn’t think about it. When I woke up and saw it on, I assumed it was one of my many fake proposals after a wild night. So, I left it on the bedside table like every other time.” “What do you mean like every other time?” “Sweetheart please calm down, you know men fancy Kay. Our daughter is gorgeous, so why wouldn’t she have pursuers?” Thank God for mom. She always coming for the defense. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it. If you weren’t so encouraging of her promiscuous ways and stopped acting like her friend and have been a mother, she wouldn’t be this f*cked up.” “F*ck off Collin, if you have ever decided to be honest others and yourself and weren’t such….” “STOP IT, BOTH OF YOU. JUST STOP!” “….” They both stared at me in complete shock but I was over it. I was already going through it and now this charade. I might be married to some guy I don't even know, yet they decided now was the best time to argue with each other. Yell at me, I'll understand even if don't like it but at each other because of me, had me aggravated beyond measure. “Both of you have been the ideal parents anyone could have asked for. Unfortunately, I didn’t ask for either of you. I appreciate you both, but I should have been left in that car to die with my birth parents. It’s no one’s fault I’m this f*cked up, it’s mine and mine alone. Sorry to be such a disappointment, I never meant to not only f*ck up my life but yours too”
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