
Billionaire's Spoiled Contract Wife

second chance

As the adopted daughter of the famous All American Smith family, Life held many twists and turns. Throwing curveballs at every corner, even though most were due to my lifestyle and zero f***s given attitude. My new family was godsent, I was the problem. Probably worse than the storm that day my birth parents died.

I cause havoc wherever I went and destroyed anything good I come across.

When a night of partying turned into five days' disappearance with no recollection, I went from the “You Only Live Once” motto to I need to do everything in my power to survive. Survive my addictions, my demons, and the secrets that haunt and control me.

One would think I had enough problems, yeah, I did too. However, soon after I’m forced to finally accept that I need to get my s**t together, more problems developed.

Starting with a man claiming to be my husband.

A man who will do everything in his power to keep it that way, even if it means destroying my family in the process.

While new obstacles arise, and secrets are revealed, I'm left with no other option but to trust the only man left in my corner.

My husband

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Chapter 1
I was the embodiment of the motto “You Only Live Once”. So, I guess it’s no surprise that I woke up with a piercing headache in a strange room alone with a rock on my ring finger and no memory of how I even got here. From the surrounding, I can assume that I hook up with some well-off a-hole and things got carried away. Being that this is not my first rodeo, I know I’m at SandDust. Whose Condo, I couldn’t tell you and I didn't want to find out either. Looking around for my phone and clothes, I see the bottle of water and aspirin on the bedside table. Guess, he’s not such an a** after all. Dressed and now hydrated, I left the enormous princess-cut ruby ring next to the aspirin bottle and made my way out of the condo through the back exit. Luckily for me just as I made it to the front of SandTrix restaurant, the car service I ordered had arrived. Finishing the last drop of water left in the bottle, my phone begins vibrating in my purse. Fumbling to get the damn thing, I missed the call. In no time did it start all over again. “Hello” “Kaylene Anita Smith, get your ass home now” Oh sh.t, I'm in trouble. “Yes sir” “Excuse me?” “Yes, dad” Dropping my head back in the seat, the headache that was just disappearing came back with a vengeance. It takes a lot for my adopted father Collin to snap at me, and the fact that he’s calling and not my adopted mother Kelly; I know it’s bad. It’s even worse than bad if he’s using the full government name. I couldn’t tell you what I did, I’ve done a lot. Going through my phone I noticed the twenty missed calls, voicemails, and double the number of text messages from mom, my adopted sister Carrie-Ann, and best friend Nathan. Everyone seems to be worried about my whereabouts and sounds frantic without saying much of anything. Since I already talked to dad, I’m sure they’ll get the message that I’m alive and about to get a mouthful from the old man. Looking through my purse I found my baby, my engraved 24k diamond-encrusted flask my adopted mom Kelly gave me on my twenty-first birthday. Taking a few gulps of what was left, and a few hits of the pen I got from Nathan to ease the tension of the headache and my nerves. Plus, you know what they say; the best way to get over a hangover, drink more. The driver threw a few glances my way but made no comment. I appreciate that. Running scenarios in my head of what I could have done out of the norm to cause this much attention. To none avail. It’s not the first time I stayed out all night or not returned their calls. Since I moved out three years ago, I can’t remember the last time I stayed the night at the main house. My family and friends got used to my wild child ways. They always said it was just a long faze that I would eventually outgrow. Sorry to disappoint cause at twenty-four I got worse. The parties and everything that came with it went from bad to extreme over the years. You know what Biggie says, more money, more problems. And like every spoiled rich girl cliche, mine was full of it. Even though I told myself that I would get my sh*t together at thirty. The truth is, I don’t see myself living that long. People always say I’m cynical. I believe I’m a realist. After what happened to my birth parents, I have accepted that life is a fickle thing, just like people; It can't be trusted. At any moment it can get taken from you and with that in mind I live every day like it’s my last. The drive that was supposed to be at least an hour seemed to happen exponentially. Looking at the three-story house slightly hidden behind the landscape of trees that has been referred to as the mansion ever since I could remember made me queasy. There was this daunting feeling about being here at this moment. Couldn’t tell you why but right now the urge to run in the opposite direction is stronger than ever before. Taking deep calculated breaths, I pushed in the code for the gate and made the long walk to the house. I could have had the driver drive up to the house, but I needed the walk. I needed the time to get myself prepared for what was about to come. Everything in me told me to run, turn off my phone and disappear for a while. My parents would calm down eventually. However, I know my parents enough to know that if I prolong this demand for my return, they will eventually find me and physically bring me back. One could never really disappear from the Smith family. Carrie-Ann and I have tried multiple times over the years, to only be bombarded with guards and dad following swiftly behind. Before I can even get up the last step to the front door, it flings open baring a very pissed-off Collin Smith. Standing at his full 6’6, two hundred and thirty pounds mainly of muscles, the retired quarterback turned business mogul shouldn’t look this menacing. But he did and he was looking like he was out for blood. Mine. Fully aware that in some way I f.cked up more than the usual, I turned my gaze to the ground and tried my best effort to make myself as small as possible, sweetening my voice, and attempting to hide the quiver that attempted to escape. “Hi, daddy” “Don’t you dare daddy me. Get your ass in here.” “Yes, sir” The growl that came out from the man was not human. My whole body shook. I pride myself on being fearless, and a kick*ss heroine that takes no sh.t kind of gal but when it comes to my adopted father, fear was inevitable. Not because he ever hurt me in any way or because of his imposing stature, but simply because something about the man was truly terrifying. I’ve heard stories, even though none of them could be proven and I’ve caught glimpses of the brewing temper that he tries to hide from us. Now seeing that temper creeping to the surface and directed at none other than me has me shaking.

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