Chapter 24

1657 Words

Kaylene  I can’t believe I allowed Chase to talk me into this, but then again, Yes, I could. Especially how he was deep in my guts thrusting forcefully demanding I agreed to be his VP. How could I not agree when every thrust brought me closer to heaven? He claimed that I was being punished for not telling him that my memories were coming back and for making him wait this long to give in to him. If this is my punishment, can’t wait for the reward. “Anita, did you hear me?” “Sorry Nana, what did you say?” I caught her looking at me with eyes full of concern and every dirty thought of her son went out the window. The last thing I want to be the cause of is her bawling her eyes out and going through one of her episodes. Even though I’ve only recently remembered her and pops, I loved the

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