Chapter 31

2507 Words

Kaylene As I watched the live interview with Chase, this rage took over. How do you get in front of the world talking about loving me and I should have been yours years earlier but hide sh.t from me? I get how it’s easy to pretend in front of others but to pretend in front of the one you claimed you’ve always loved and searched years for just doesn’t sit right. I shouldn’t even be upset; I should be used to people lying and betraying me by now but sake I was pissed. There will never be any wedding and this charade of a contract can burn. I’m done. saving face, my parents, and most of all Chase. I don’t need any of them and if Joseph still finds himself wanting to kill me and by all mean he can. I’m over it. “Kay, don't do this. At least wait for him to get home and

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