Chapter 11

1405 Words

“Kay, are you sure you are okay?” “Yes mom, I’m fine” “You know you can talk to us about anything right” “Of course, haven’t I always?” “Yes, but lately you’ve been shut off and not speaking much.” “It’s nothing ma. Think it’s just this recovery. You know?” “Do you want to talk about it? If not with us, then a professional?” “No, ma.” “You only call me ma, when you're upset. So what's bothering you?" I shook my head. She was asking the wrong question. What wasn't bothering me but even if she did ask that I still wouldn't have answered. All these questions from them and myself were annoying. The truth was I had no answers because I was mentally and emotionally all over the place, yet I managed to hide it well and that itself was draining. " know your dad is implementing a new gri

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